What about the right to be intolerant of intolerance?

What about the right to be intolerant of intolerance?
Intolerance to what? Yes, we have the right to disagree with and to not accept certain things. Everyone has an intolerance for something, everyone. Yes, it is a right. What are you trying to get at here? The point?
Some people think its hypocritical to be intolerant of intolerance. I think thats what he is getting at.
that is a part of it. People are on all sides of this question. I guess most here have no idea it is an age old argument. Silly me for assuming intelligence and wonder exists @ usmb
What about the right to be intolerant of intolerance?
Lets try this first.

Define 'Intolerant" and "Intolerance". I find that most people don't even know or understand the word(s)
Definition: ( Dictionary.com ) ----
1. not tolerating or respecting beliefs, opinions, usages, manners, etc., different from one's own, as in political or religious matters; bigoted.
2. unable or unwilling to tolerate or endure
Does not denote understanding of the concept, but yeah..that is the definition.

So, when we say we tolerate something ......does that mean we agree with it?
edited post:
What about the right to be intolerant of intolerance?

First published Fri Feb 23, 2007; substantive revision Fri May 4, 2012
The term “toleration”—from the Latin tolerare: to put up with, countenance or suffer—generally refers to the conditional acceptance of or non-interference with beliefs, actions or practices that one considers to be wrong but still “tolerable,” such that they should not be prohibited or constrained. There are many contexts in which we speak of a person or an institution as being tolerant: parents tolerate certain behavior of their children, a friend tolerates the weaknesses of another, a monarch tolerates dissent, a church tolerates homosexuality, a state tolerates a minority religion, a society tolerates deviant behavior. Thus for any analysis of the motives and reasons for toleration, the relevant contexts need to be taken into account.

Good, now we have something to work with;
" First, it is essential for the concept of toleration that the tolerated beliefs or practices are considered to be objectionable and in an important sense wrong or bad. If this objection component (cf. King 1976, 44–54 on the components of toleration) is missing, we do not speak of “toleration” but of “indifference” or “affirmation.” Second, the objection component needs to be balanced by an acceptance component, which does not remove the negative judgment but gives certain positive reasons that trump the negative ones in the relevant context."

In other words, a person can only tolerate something that is objectionable.
"In other words, a person can only tolerate something that is objectionable" -- not 'in other words' -- you could have said this without attempting to look smaht.


question: "What about the right to be intolerant of intolerance?"

answer: "a person can only tolerate something that is objectionable"

so easy and without your fluff
Of course, yet you have failed to understand the question or you avoid it because...?

The question is vague as it isn't directed toward any particular issue.

I can only assume this is about to become another petty loaded jaded thread about how atheists are smarter than everyone else.
actually it isn't vague at all.

You are guilty of making an argument out of thin air. Look up 'vague'
What about the right to be intolerant of intolerance?
Intolerance to what? Yes, we have the right to disagree with and to not accept certain things. Everyone has an intolerance for something, everyone. Yes, it is a right. What are you trying to get at here? The point?
yet another one who is so used to turning an argument into an ideological shit-fest cannot grasp what an argument, a question, or a statement are all about?

not everyone in everything they say is trying to play a stupid friggin ideological gocha game.

Simple :
What about the right to be intolerant of intolerance?
What about it?
What about the right to be intolerant of intolerance?
Lets try this first.

Define 'Intolerant" and "Intolerance". I find that most people don't even know or understand the word(s)
Definition: ( Dictionary.com ) ----
1. not tolerating or respecting beliefs, opinions, usages, manners, etc., different from one's own, as in political or religious matters; bigoted.
2. unable or unwilling to tolerate or endure
Does not denote understanding of the concept, but yeah..that is the definition.

So, when we say we tolerate something thing.........does that mean we agree with it?
That is a whole 'nother question. People can debate tolerating intolerance without your fluff. but go ahead, hijack
What about the right to be intolerant of intolerance?
Lets try this first.

Define 'Intolerant" and "Intolerance". I find that most people don't even know or understand the word(s)
Definition: ( Dictionary.com ) ----
1. not tolerating or respecting beliefs, opinions, usages, manners, etc., different from one's own, as in political or religious matters; bigoted.
2. unable or unwilling to tolerate or endure
Does not denote understanding of the concept, but yeah..that is the definition.

So, when we say we tolerate something thing.........does that mean we agree with it?
No, it sure doesn't. We can tolerate something without agreeing with it or liking it.
Of course, yet you have failed to understand the question or you avoid it because...?

The question is vague as it isn't directed toward any particular issue.

I can only assume this is about to become another petty loaded jaded thread about how atheists are smarter than everyone else.
actually it isn't vague at all.

You are guilty of making an argument out of thin air. Look up 'vague'
What about the right to be intolerant of intolerance?
Intolerance to what? Yes, we have the right to disagree with and to not accept certain things. Everyone has an intolerance for something, everyone. Yes, it is a right. What are you trying to get at here? The point?
yet another one who is so used to turning an argument into an ideological shit-fest cannot grasp what an argument, a question, or a statement are all about?

not everyone in everything they say is trying to play a stupid friggin ideological gocha game.

Simple :
What about the right to be intolerant of intolerance?
What about it?
Do you even think there is that right and if so why and if not why not?
What about the right to be intolerant of intolerance?
Lets try this first.

Define 'Intolerant" and "Intolerance". I find that most people don't even know or understand the word(s)
Definition: ( Dictionary.com ) ----
1. not tolerating or respecting beliefs, opinions, usages, manners, etc., different from one's own, as in political or religious matters; bigoted.
2. unable or unwilling to tolerate or endure
Does not denote understanding of the concept, but yeah..that is the definition.

So, when we say we tolerate something thing.........does that mean we agree with it?
No, it sure doesn't. We can tolerate something without agreeing with it or liking it.
We can tolerate things and either agree in part, agree in full or disagree in part or disagree in full or not give two friggin' shits about the agreement. See?
So, when we say we tolerate something thing.........does that mean we agree with it?

No, it means you find it objectionable. For example, I could be riding on a train and some kids are using offensive language in the seat behind me. I don't get up and say or do anything about it. I tolerated it.

When the objection to the action or behavior is missing, that would be indifference.
What about the right to be intolerant of intolerance?
Lets try this first.

Define 'Intolerant" and "Intolerance". I find that most people don't even know or understand the word(s)
Definition: ( Dictionary.com ) ----
1. not tolerating or respecting beliefs, opinions, usages, manners, etc., different from one's own, as in political or religious matters; bigoted.
2. unable or unwilling to tolerate or endure
Does not denote understanding of the concept, but yeah..that is the definition.

So, when we say we tolerate something thing.........does that mean we agree with it?
No, it sure doesn't. We can tolerate something without agreeing with it or liking it.
And that is often what screws people up. They say, "You are intolerant, meaning that you don't tolerate X, whatever X is....

But to tolerate something does not mean I agree with it. So if I am intolerant, does that mean I won't tolerate it, and if so, what does not tolerating it entail? Rights violations? Violence? Murder?

If I am intolerant of intolerance, am I then actually in agreement with the specific issue? After all, we're talking about a double negative...
What about the right to be intolerant of intolerance?
Lets try this first.

Define 'Intolerant" and "Intolerance". I find that most people don't even know or understand the word(s)
Definition: ( Dictionary.com ) ----
1. not tolerating or respecting beliefs, opinions, usages, manners, etc., different from one's own, as in political or religious matters; bigoted.
2. unable or unwilling to tolerate or endure
Does not denote understanding of the concept, but yeah..that is the definition.

So, when we say we tolerate something thing.........does that mean we agree with it?
No, it sure doesn't. We can tolerate something without agreeing with it or liking it.
We can tolerate things and either agree in part, agree in full or disagree in part or disagree in full or not give two friggin' shits about the agreement. See?
But the key to being tolerant is that I disagree or not, but it means that I WILL NOT DO ANYTHING TO CHANGE WHAT I TOLERATE......

Anyone get that yet?
I'm very intolerant of people like Darkwind because I think they drag our species back into the mud from which we crawled out of. Maybe it's a regressive gene thing this Darkwind possesses? who knows?
You can't be intolerant of Me, because you lack the ability to alter Me....or even defeat Me...So you just have to tolerate Me.
So, when we say we tolerate something thing.........does that mean we agree with it?

No, it means you find it objectionable. For example, I could be riding on a train and some kids are using offensive language in the seat behind me. I don't get up and say or do anything about it. I tolerated it.

When the objection to the action or behavior is missing, that would be indifference.
Exactly right. It means we accept that it isn't so important that I would resort to doing something about it.
I'm very intolerant of people like Darkwind because I think they drag our species back into the mud from which we crawled out of. Maybe it's a regressive gene thing this Darkwind possesses? who knows?
You can't be intolerant of Me, because you lack the ability to alter Me....or even defeat Me...So you just have to tolerate Me.
Some people scratch their arse when they are bored, others pick their nose, I deign to acknowledge your existence when I'm bored. tolerance has nothing to do with it. :D
And that is often what screws people up. They say, "You are intolerant, meaning that you don't tolerate X, whatever X is....

But to tolerate something does not mean I agree with it. So if I am intolerant, does that mean I won't tolerate it, and if so, what does not tolerating it entail? Rights violations? Violence? Murder?

If I am intolerant of intolerance, am I then actually in agreement with the specific issue? After all, we're talking about a double negative...

I'm with you, bro.

The right to be intolerant of intolerance is a non-sense statement. First of all, how is it a right?
Second of all, from a logical standpoint it's self-negating.
And that is often what screws people up. They say, "You are intolerant, meaning that you don't tolerate X, whatever X is....

But to tolerate something does not mean I agree with it. So if I am intolerant, does that mean I won't tolerate it, and if so, what does not tolerating it entail? Rights violations? Violence? Murder?

If I am intolerant of intolerance, am I then actually in agreement with the specific issue? After all, we're talking about a double negative...

I'm with you, bro.

The right to be intolerant of intolerance is a non-sense statement. First of all, how is it a right?
Second of all, from a logical standpoint it's self-negating.
"Finally, one can only speak of toleration where it is practiced voluntarily and is not compelled, for otherwise it would be a case of simply “suffering” or “enduring” certain things that one rejects but against which one is powerless. It is, however, wrong to conclude from this that the tolerant need to be in a position to effectively prohibit or interfere with the tolerated practices, for a minority that does not have this power may very well be tolerant in holding the view that if it had such power, it would not use it to suppress other parties (cf. Williams 1996)." -​
Toleration Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
I'm very intolerant of people like Darkwind because I think they drag our species back into the mud from which we crawled out of. Maybe it's a regressive gene thing this Darkwind possesses? who knows?
You can't be intolerant of Me, because you lack the ability to alter Me....or even defeat Me...So you just have to tolerate Me.
Some people scratch their arse when they are bored, others pick their nose, I deign to acknowledge your existence when I'm bored. tolerance has nothing to do with it. :D
LOL.....You have no choice.....I'm not the shadows on the cave wall....unless you want to go sit down again....

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