What about the right to be intolerant of intolerance?

My point is that to characterize atheists as an organized group hostile to religion is misleading and dishonest. Atheists are generally NOT an organized group.


Many Christians are not organized in ways often portrayed, but no one characterized Atheists as all organized into a group.

fact: there are more than a few Atheist Societies.

fact: there are conferences, meet ups, meetings and debating groups of organized Atheists

stop mis-characterizing and stop being defensive. It is embarrassing to observe
While it may not have been your intent, your post read to me as though you believed that atheists as a whole are an organized group hostile to religion. Most atheists are not organized or in a group, and most are not hostile to religion itself, though a significant number are hostile to religious people who seek supremacy for religion.

You read the post that way. It is your perception. I'm usually more amused than hostile to religion. I never identified as an Atheist, because wtf would want to be linked to most of those who do? Many are agnostics looking to rebel or are just plain confused. They are prime candidates for conversion
Organized religion needs to defend itself.

defend itself against what? Intolerance?
against accusations and evidence of intolerance that seeks to quell science, truth, and more?

I push back against unbalanced accusations of intolerance in organized religion. For example, many atheists like to say such and such a religion is racially intolerant. Yet, if you go to a Catholic Mass, or go on the Hajj, or even go to a mega-church in the South you find some of the greatest examples of social mixing between races.
The fails as a confusion of correlation and causation fallacy, just because you witness isolated incidents of racial tolerance in a given religious venue doesn't mean that particular religion as a whole is racially tolerant, or that the dogma of that religion advocates racial tolerance.

It's likely intolerant to not be tolerant of faulty reasoning.
The fails as a confusion of correlation and causation fallacy, just because you witness isolated incidents of racial tolerance in a given religious venue doesn't mean that particular religion as a whole is racially tolerant, or that the dogma of that religion advocates racial tolerance.

It's likely intolerant to not be tolerant of faulty reasoning.

Isolated incidences of racial tolerance? Have you ever been to a Catholic Mass? The Church membership is diverse, and there are Catholic churches in every nation which will allow them. Has it completely escaped you that the underlying meaning behind the Hajj is that all men are equal? What Protestant megachurch is racially exclusive?

It's likely intolerant to not be tolerant of faulty reasoning.

What does that even mean?

You lack any sort of reality-based discernment.

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