What age do you let your kids date? How do you chaperone?


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
I am running into problems with this. My kid is not allowed to date until the age of 16 and that is a maybe.

There are two kids that are really sweet kids. One is 13 and one is 14 and I have known them for a several years and they are both BFF with my kid. Initially, I was unwilling to play chaperon because I was not going to be involved in these kids sneaking around. Then, I learned that their parents have no problem with them dating. The kids are often driven to a meet up place by one or the other parent like.......the park. My kid has been asked to go with and the girl brings along a girlfriend.

I shut that down with my kid only--because it's my kid and I can do that and we are not getting roped into that kind of drama if one or both parents come to the conclusion that they take it to far- and there is some question on myself as a parent allowing it. But it gets worse.

My kids grandmother thinks the group thing is okie dokie. I have flat out told her I am not even going to go there.

I think there might be a misconception that if they are going out in a group then nothing is going to happen. They may actually be ok with whatever may happen. I don't know. I don't want to disrespect them with their parenting. It's not my place.

So, here is the problem. Yesterday my son wanted to put together a little shindig for Halloween. So, we went to the store and grabbed some snacks and stuff. At this time there was one boy that was coming to hang out and pass out candy. Said grandmother has decided to make sure that nothing goes awry because I have to work. Within 10 minutes both sweet kids plus one other girl are on their way over by invitation approved by and with said grandmother. She was kind of rude about it like this is her decision to make because she will be chaperoning. I am not a happy woman but I have to go.

Where is the grandmother? In another room watching tv. Where are the kids? Watching a "scary movie" and the two really sweet kids are on the couch sucking face. So, after bringing this to the attention of said grandmother I tell her that this is not cool and this is why I don't allow this to even go there and especially if I am not there.

I'm not pissed at the kids. I'm a little pissed at the adults and furious with myself.

I'm thinking........chaperoning is not just being present. It's being in the mix. The more present you are the less likely that a kid "experimenting" is going to be opening up the bottle of vodka that he or she stole from the parent or uncle or whatever. Secondly, if it's ok for your kids to date at that level then we got to set some ground rules like.......there is a time and a place for everything and that time and place is not ok in someone's house.

On top of this, there have been 13 year old girls texting my kid about wanting to have sex with him. So, perhaps this has become acceptable and if that is someone's parenting style that's fine. It's fine providing they are texting some other parent's kid. What age are you guys allowing your kids to date?
Dating needs to be defined and the parents must to be involved. My father loomed large in my life and he drove us everywhere. His presence was felt in everything I did so if evenif I wanted to do anything I believed he would find out. That is not to say over the years of human nature and biology took over but I was older and then a young adult.

For my part I had been involved with a woman who had a teenage daughter as there was no father in the picture(deceased) I would make a turkey dinner and invite the would be "suitor" over for a dinner then show him my tools in the garage and "talk" I made sure the boy would know I am around and very interested in the well-being of the girl.

An age is not set IMO, no earlier than a heavily supervised 14 years old for starters.
Dating needs to be defined and the parents must to be involved. My father loomed large in my life and he drove us everywhere. His presence was felt in everything I did so if evenif I wanted to do anything I believed he would find out. That is not to say over the years of human nature and biology took over but I was older and then a young adult.

For my part I had been involved with a woman who had a teenage daughter as there was no father in the picture(deceased) I would make a turkey dinner and invite the would be "suitor" over for a dinner then show him my tools in the garage and "talk" I made sure the boy would know I am around and very interested in the well-being of the girl.

An age is not set IMO, no earlier than a heavily supervised 14 years old for starters.

That makes sense.
Our daughter never was really interested in "dating" per se until her senior year in HS...all good. Tho we did kid her about having her date have to leave a $100 deposit to make sure he was polite and got her home on time.

What does that have to do with the price of rice in China?

well you say that now...

The big bear club over the world rice market now is India, not Thailand. Of that, I have no doubt. But will this painful pricing fact continue?

Two things I hope you take away from this article:

Rice is not corn or beans, heavily impacted by the price of energy.The main driver of all grain markets will be the reliability of supply, a country’s ability to get its grain past its politicians to the world market, not just its availability.

As the United States becomes more and more self-sufficient in key resources such as naval power, water, navigable waterways, energy and cheaper labor than parts of Asia, commercial trade will undergo a tidal change. The United States is not a has-been economy; it is an ‘accidental superpower’ of the Twenty-first Century.

So, the fate of your local rice price in Arkansas will be driven by the price of rice in India and in China. My bet is that China will become more of a rice importer than India a rice exporter in the next few years, which is good news for the rest of the rice world.

At my company we measure world rough rice prices, which are harder to collect, as well as milled rice prices. The Indian long grain rough price right now is about $9.15 per cwt. The Chinese price is at $19.79 per cwt. and the North Arkansas bid is around $9.55 per cwt., as I write this. By the way, the price of rice in Brazil is about $12.65 per cwt. and $12.75 in Thailand. Other than India, the United States has the lowest priced long grain rough rice in the world right now.

So I ask, what is the trend in the rice price? In Chicago it has been down. Other than India, the U.S. rough rice price is now lower than China, Vietnam, Thailand or Brazil. And that is with a collapse in the crude oil price and a U.S. dollar stronger than a scalded dog.

First, over the next half decade, price will measure not just availability of the supply of a commodity, which is relatively objective, but also the reliability of its stocks. This is a subjective measure that fluctuates with political conditions.

Second, rice is not now and never will be a bio-fuel. So the reduction or elimination of the ethanol mandate means little to the price of rice, much less the price of energy. It is a big deal to corn and soybeans, however.

Rice is not corn or soybeans. Rather, it is an aquatic crop, a water and labor hog, demanding twice as much labor and water as any other row crop in Asia. In China alone, rice consumes about 70 percent of the nation’s irrigated water.

Labor costs are escalating in China and, also, to some degree in India. There are regional shortages of labor in both these rice giants. Labor costs in China are nearly 30 percent higher than in Mexico for example. If you adhere to a one child per family policy, eventually there will be more old people around and your labor costs will escalate. Within the very near future the average age of a Chinese citizen will be higher than the average in the United States. Who would have thought this would happen 25 years ago? The Depends-to-diaper ratio is shifting in China.

One further note, China is now importing rice from the United States, Japan, Nepal, Pakistan, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Vietnam, Thailand and perhaps soon India. Officially it imports less than four million MT. Unofficially, it is more like six million MT and rising. China views much of this area, outside of India, as its “New China.” It calls Tibet, the source of many of Asia’s rivers, its “Western Treasure House.”

Two oceans protect the United States from the Old World powerhouses. A business cannot thrive without a moat around it and the United States has two: the Atlantic and Pacific. No wonder Warren Buffet puts so many of his eggs in an American basket.

What does that have to do with the price of rice in China?

well you say that now...

The big bear club over the world rice market now is India, not Thailand. Of that, I have no doubt. But will this painful pricing fact continue?

Two things I hope you take away from this article:

Rice is not corn or beans, heavily impacted by the price of energy.The main driver of all grain markets will be the reliability of supply, a country’s ability to get its grain past its politicians to the world market, not just its availability.

As the United States becomes more and more self-sufficient in key resources such as naval power, water, navigable waterways, energy and cheaper labor than parts of Asia, commercial trade will undergo a tidal change. The United States is not a has-been economy; it is an ‘accidental superpower’ of the Twenty-first Century.

So, the fate of your local rice price in Arkansas will be driven by the price of rice in India and in China. My bet is that China will become more of a rice importer than India a rice exporter in the next few years, which is good news for the rest of the rice world.

At my company we measure world rough rice prices, which are harder to collect, as well as milled rice prices. The Indian long grain rough price right now is about $9.15 per cwt. The Chinese price is at $19.79 per cwt. and the North Arkansas bid is around $9.55 per cwt., as I write this. By the way, the price of rice in Brazil is about $12.65 per cwt. and $12.75 in Thailand. Other than India, the United States has the lowest priced long grain rough rice in the world right now.

So I ask, what is the trend in the rice price? In Chicago it has been down. Other than India, the U.S. rough rice price is now lower than China, Vietnam, Thailand or Brazil. And that is with a collapse in the crude oil price and a U.S. dollar stronger than a scalded dog.

First, over the next half decade, price will measure not just availability of the supply of a commodity, which is relatively objective, but also the reliability of its stocks. This is a subjective measure that fluctuates with political conditions.

Second, rice is not now and never will be a bio-fuel. So the reduction or elimination of the ethanol mandate means little to the price of rice, much less the price of energy. It is a big deal to corn and soybeans, however.

Rice is not corn or soybeans. Rather, it is an aquatic crop, a water and labor hog, demanding twice as much labor and water as any other row crop in Asia. In China alone, rice consumes about 70 percent of the nation’s irrigated water.

Labor costs are escalating in China and, also, to some degree in India. There are regional shortages of labor in both these rice giants. Labor costs in China are nearly 30 percent higher than in Mexico for example. If you adhere to a one child per family policy, eventually there will be more old people around and your labor costs will escalate. Within the very near future the average age of a Chinese citizen will be higher than the average in the United States. Who would have thought this would happen 25 years ago? The Depends-to-diaper ratio is shifting in China.

One further note, China is now importing rice from the United States, Japan, Nepal, Pakistan, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Vietnam, Thailand and perhaps soon India. Officially it imports less than four million MT. Unofficially, it is more like six million MT and rising. China views much of this area, outside of India, as its “New China.” It calls Tibet, the source of many of Asia’s rivers, its “Western Treasure House.”

Two oceans protect the United States from the Old World powerhouses. A business cannot thrive without a moat around it and the United States has two: the Atlantic and Pacific. No wonder Warren Buffet puts so many of his eggs in an American basket.

Pssstt.........normal people don't steal other people's writing as if it was their own.

India, China drive price of rice
Dating needs to be defined and the parents must to be involved. My father loomed large in my life and he drove us everywhere. His presence was felt in everything I did so if evenif I wanted to do anything I believed he would find out. That is not to say over the years of human nature and biology took over but I was older and then a young adult.

For my part I had been involved with a woman who had a teenage daughter as there was no father in the picture(deceased) I would make a turkey dinner and invite the would be "suitor" over for a dinner then show him my tools in the garage and "talk" I made sure the boy would know I am around and very interested in the well-being of the girl.

An age is not set IMO, no earlier than a heavily supervised 14 years old for starters.

That makes sense.
We need to serve as models for our children or someone we may not want to will.
I am running into problems with this. My kid is not allowed to date until the age of 16 and that is a maybe.

There are two kids that are really sweet kids. One is 13 and one is 14 and I have known them for a several years and they are both BFF with my kid. Initially, I was unwilling to play chaperon because I was not going to be involved in these kids sneaking around. Then, I learned that their parents have no problem with them dating. The kids are often driven to a meet up place by one or the other parent like.......the park. My kid has been asked to go with and the girl brings along a girlfriend.

I shut that down with my kid only--because it's my kid and I can do that and we are not getting roped into that kind of drama if one or both parents come to the conclusion that they take it to far- and there is some question on myself as a parent allowing it. But it gets worse.

My kids grandmother thinks the group thing is okie dokie. I have flat out told her I am not even going to go there.

I think there might be a misconception that if they are going out in a group then nothing is going to happen. They may actually be ok with whatever may happen. I don't know. I don't want to disrespect them with their parenting. It's not my place.

So, here is the problem. Yesterday my son wanted to put together a little shindig for Halloween. So, we went to the store and grabbed some snacks and stuff. At this time there was one boy that was coming to hang out and pass out candy. Said grandmother has decided to make sure that nothing goes awry because I have to work. Within 10 minutes both sweet kids plus one other girl are on their way over by invitation approved by and with said grandmother. She was kind of rude about it like this is her decision to make because she will be chaperoning. I am not a happy woman but I have to go.

Where is the grandmother? In another room watching tv. Where are the kids? Watching a "scary movie" and the two really sweet kids are on the couch sucking face. So, after bringing this to the attention of said grandmother I tell her that this is not cool and this is why I don't allow this to even go there and especially if I am not there.

I'm not pissed at the kids. I'm a little pissed at the adults and furious with myself.

I'm thinking........chaperoning is not just being present. It's being in the mix. The more present you are the less likely that a kid "experimenting" is going to be opening up the bottle of vodka that he or she stole from the parent or uncle or whatever. Secondly, if it's ok for your kids to date at that level then we got to set some ground rules like.......there is a time and a place for everything and that time and place is not ok in someone's house.

On top of this, there have been 13 year old girls texting my kid about wanting to have sex with him. So, perhaps this has become acceptable and if that is someone's parenting style that's fine. It's fine providing they are texting some other parent's kid. What age are you guys allowing your kids to date?

my son dated the same girl in high school for 2 years and 10 months. her parents didn't let her have a boyfriend until she was 16 also. so she waited until her sweet 16 to announce that he was her boyfriend. he was 15 at the time.

i don't believe in forbidding kids from doing things like dating. i feel like it creates forbidden fruit. she lied to her parents for months. my son always told me the truth. who do you think was more in touch with what their kids were doing? btw, they weren't allowed to be alone in either her house or ours. beyond that, i'm not sure there's much to do.
I'd never leave the kids alone with granny again, and nobody would be coming over for shindigs.
11 - 13. As soon as they get interested in the opposite sex.
I am running into problems with this. My kid is not allowed to date until the age of 16 and that is a maybe.

There are two kids that are really sweet kids. One is 13 and one is 14 and I have known them for a several years and they are both BFF with my kid. Initially, I was unwilling to play chaperon because I was not going to be involved in these kids sneaking around. Then, I learned that their parents have no problem with them dating. The kids are often driven to a meet up place by one or the other parent like.......the park. My kid has been asked to go with and the girl brings along a girlfriend.

I shut that down with my kid only--because it's my kid and I can do that and we are not getting roped into that kind of drama if one or both parents come to the conclusion that they take it to far- and there is some question on myself as a parent allowing it. But it gets worse.

My kids grandmother thinks the group thing is okie dokie. I have flat out told her I am not even going to go there.

I think there might be a misconception that if they are going out in a group then nothing is going to happen. They may actually be ok with whatever may happen. I don't know. I don't want to disrespect them with their parenting. It's not my place.

So, here is the problem. Yesterday my son wanted to put together a little shindig for Halloween. So, we went to the store and grabbed some snacks and stuff. At this time there was one boy that was coming to hang out and pass out candy. Said grandmother has decided to make sure that nothing goes awry because I have to work. Within 10 minutes both sweet kids plus one other girl are on their way over by invitation approved by and with said grandmother. She was kind of rude about it like this is her decision to make because she will be chaperoning. I am not a happy woman but I have to go.

Where is the grandmother? In another room watching tv. Where are the kids? Watching a "scary movie" and the two really sweet kids are on the couch sucking face. So, after bringing this to the attention of said grandmother I tell her that this is not cool and this is why I don't allow this to even go there and especially if I am not there.

I'm not pissed at the kids. I'm a little pissed at the adults and furious with myself.

I'm thinking........chaperoning is not just being present. It's being in the mix. The more present you are the less likely that a kid "experimenting" is going to be opening up the bottle of vodka that he or she stole from the parent or uncle or whatever. Secondly, if it's ok for your kids to date at that level then we got to set some ground rules like.......there is a time and a place for everything and that time and place is not ok in someone's house.

On top of this, there have been 13 year old girls texting my kid about wanting to have sex with him. So, perhaps this has become acceptable and if that is someone's parenting style that's fine. It's fine providing they are texting some other parent's kid. What age are you guys allowing your kids to date?

As with legal bans on things all that's achieved is making the thing go underground. Still gonna happen, only now you have no control at all over it.

If I had kids (don't,) and they expressed interest in dating (however that'd be defined) I hav basicly identical policy as I had growing up: can do whatever you want long as you do it at home. Not so naive and foolish to think forbidding kids things actually results in they're not doing them but would like to have some ability to control what goes on. Wanna smoke, have a drink, try pot, or sex, fine. Just humour your old man and do it at home where it's a helluva lot safer than out n about.

Was having sex at 10. Or as it happened, trying. No idea what to do or what went where like but knew being naked with her felt good. And did have my first-ever climax with another person at that time. And this wasn't because of internet porn or the like (didn't exist yet.) Nor had I ever seen a porno magazine. This was pure natural desire starting with the onset of puberty.

If forcing your kdis to wait until some magic number age of 16, you're basicly just forcing them to keep critical info from you for some years.
Depends on the kid. It's all a crap shoot.

I was allowed to date when I was 14. I never lost my virginity though until I was 20.
I was not, however, allowed to go to parties.

I think also, people treat boys different from girls. I never had any girls, but, I would probably not let them date alone until 16 - but it's hard to say .... it's a scary thing to think about. I'm glad I had 2 boys and neither of them got into any trouble... I was very lucky.
There's a lot of sick fucks making it easy for kids to have sex here. And Deltas' policy is interesting...you do what you want as long as I can watch....nice.

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