What apocalyptic events have occurred since Trump took office like the left claimed?

Claim from the left: He is a Nazi.
Results: No Trump brand death camps. He is not committing genocide and rounding up Jews and Gays for extermination.

Claim from the left: The economy will crash.
Result: The economy is doing fine.

Claim from the left: He is a Russian Spy
Result: No evidence that Trump and Putin colluded to rig the election

Claim from the left: He will start a nuclear war.
Result: We haven’t melt yet.

Claim from the left: He won’t respect the election results
Result: Dems are the ones who don’t respect the election results

Claim from the left: He is a fascist.
Result: Obama weaponized America’s Intel apparatus to spy on the Trump campaign

Claim from the left: He will be impeached by the end of the summer, 2017.
Result: He is still in office...now over 500 days.

Dems need to run a better candidate and run on issues, not on “the other guy is a racist!”

That shit is old.
You're damn right it's old. Most of your post is a series of ridiculous straw men that you kids need to stop repeating. Many bad things have happened since the *took office*. Crucuial regulation protecting our air and water has been circumvented, fascist dictators have been legitimized, top secret information has been leaked to enemies of the state, trade has been disrupted, Iran now actually has a path to nuclear weapons and a reason to pursue it, and many more.

not his doing--------he inherited lots of shit

Like what did he inherit?

the Iranian deal and "the arab spring" Trade with china was ALREADY
a problem because of lousy steel and formalin exuding flooring (for me it was the gross and disgusting use of DEAD BODIES EMBEDDED IN PLASTIC AS AN ENTERTAINMENT)

Do you know that everyone and Iran is honoring the deal except Trump, trade with China are the wealthy corps doing and so Trump gave them a huge tax cut, arab spring was inherited from Bush, and Bernard Levy, a French jew. Perhaps you live in Trump tower which he built using Chinese steel and he probably full of asbestos.
Claim from the left: He is a Nazi.
Results: No Trump brand death camps. He is not committing genocide and rounding up Jews and Gays for extermination.

Claim from the left: The economy will crash.
Result: The economy is doing fine.

Claim from the left: He is a Russian Spy
Result: No evidence that Trump and Putin colluded to rig the election

Claim from the left: He will start a nuclear war.
Result: We haven’t melt yet.

Claim from the left: He won’t respect the election results
Result: Dems are the ones who don’t respect the election results

Claim from the left: He is a fascist.
Result: Obama weaponized America’s Intel apparatus to spy on the Trump campaign

Claim from the left: He will be impeached by the end of the summer, 2017.
Result: He is still in office...now over 500 days.

Dems need to run a better candidate and run on issues, not on “the other guy is a racist!”

That shit is old.
You're damn right it's old. Most of your post is a series of ridiculous straw men that you kids need to stop repeating. Many bad things have happened since the *took office*. Crucuial regulation protecting our air and water has been circumvented, fascist dictators have been legitimized, top secret information has been leaked to enemies of the state, trade has been disrupted, Iran now actually has a path to nuclear weapons and a reason to pursue it, and many more.

not his doing--------he inherited lots of shit
Yeah...... NOPE. This areThose are all problems od his making and it's far from a complete list.

Trump faces an ECONOMY DILEMMA------not his making-----and a TERRORISM DILEMMA ---not his making. He is making compromises in order to PRIORITIZE the many complex problems. It is not clear to me that air quality has suffered YET as a result of Trump
Yeah.... NOPE.

Economic dilemma %100 of his own making. Things were moving along pretty good until he started tearing up trade agreements and throwing around tariffs.

Terrorism "dilemma" largely made up and also %100 of his own making.
Claim from the left: He is a Nazi.
Results: No Trump brand death camps. He is not committing genocide and rounding up Jews and Gays for extermination.

Claim from the left: The economy will crash.
Result: The economy is doing fine.

Claim from the left: He is a Russian Spy
Result: No evidence that Trump and Putin colluded to rig the election

Claim from the left: He will start a nuclear war.
Result: We haven’t melt yet.

Claim from the left: He won’t respect the election results
Result: Dems are the ones who don’t respect the election results

Claim from the left: He is a fascist.
Result: Obama weaponized America’s Intel apparatus to spy on the Trump campaign

Claim from the left: He will be impeached by the end of the summer, 2017.
Result: He is still in office...now over 500 days.

Dems need to run a better candidate and run on issues, not on “the other guy is a racist!”

That shit is old.
You're damn right it's old. Most of your post is a series of ridiculous straw men that you kids need to stop repeating. Many bad things have happened since the *took office*. Crucuial regulation protecting our air and water has been circumvented, fascist dictators have been legitimized, top secret information has been leaked to enemies of the state, trade has been disrupted, Iran now actually has a path to nuclear weapons and a reason to pursue it, and many more.

not his doing--------he inherited lots of shit

Like what did he inherit?
The economy that the democrats caused?

Here are some questions that none of you ever answer.

What did the economy do after the demorats took control of congress (House and Senate) from 2007 to 2010? Not a factor in your left wing American female world?

Who signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act? Do you know that exempted default swaps from regulation? Let us know how that impacted the economic crisis of 2008. Well, go ahead.

Who rewrote the Community Reinvestment Act? Do you know how much pressure that put on banks to lend to low income neighborhoods? Well, tell us.

Why did the democrats deliberately ignore all of the warnings about the bubble in 2008? Well, they did. White House offical archives confirm this. 2008 was a big election year? Did they rely on their pets in the media to push the fault on republicans? Nooooo?

What impact did Fannie and Freddie debacle have on the bubble? Did Frank the fag and Dodd head that up? Nooooo?

Penelope, with all due disrespect, you are a stooge. Then again you are an American left wing white female. So, therefore, I expect nothing else.

Don't you hate my poignant rhetorical questions? Time for you to giggle uncomfortably about your own ignorance. Also, time for you to run to a safe space (liberal echo chamber) to tell them how a mean racist right winger was to you.
Last edited:
Claim from the left: He is a Nazi.
Results: No Trump brand death camps. He is not committing genocide and rounding up Jews and Gays for extermination.

Claim from the left: The economy will crash.
Result: The economy is doing fine.

Claim from the left: He is a Russian Spy
Result: No evidence that Trump and Putin colluded to rig the election

Claim from the left: He will start a nuclear war.
Result: We haven’t melt yet.

Claim from the left: He won’t respect the election results
Result: Dems are the ones who don’t respect the election results

Claim from the left: He is a fascist.
Result: Obama weaponized America’s Intel apparatus to spy on the Trump campaign

Claim from the left: He will be impeached by the end of the summer, 2017.
Result: He is still in office...now over 500 days.

Dems need to run a better candidate and run on issues, not on “the other guy is a racist!”

That shit is old.
I know for a fact that the Earth has tilted on its axis at least 4 times.
Claim from the left: He is a Nazi.
Results: No Trump brand death camps. He is not committing genocide and rounding up Jews and Gays for extermination.

Claim from the left: The economy will crash.
Result: The economy is doing fine.

Claim from the left: He is a Russian Spy
Result: No evidence that Trump and Putin colluded to rig the election

Claim from the left: He will start a nuclear war.
Result: We haven’t melt yet.

Claim from the left: He won’t respect the election results
Result: Dems are the ones who don’t respect the election results

Claim from the left: He is a fascist.
Result: Obama weaponized America’s Intel apparatus to spy on the Trump campaign

Claim from the left: He will be impeached by the end of the summer, 2017.
Result: He is still in office...now over 500 days.

Dems need to run a better candidate and run on issues, not on “the other guy is a racist!”

That shit is old.
You're damn right it's old. Most of your post is a series of ridiculous straw men that you kids need to stop repeating. Many bad things have happened since the *took office*. Crucuial regulation protecting our air and water has been circumvented, fascist dictators have been legitimized, top secret information has been leaked to enemies of the state, trade has been disrupted, Iran now actually has a path to nuclear weapons and a reason to pursue it, and many more.

not his doing--------he inherited lots of shit

Like what did he inherit?

the Iranian deal and "the arab spring" Trade with china was ALREADY
a problem because of lousy steel and formalin exuding flooring (for me it was the gross and disgusting use of DEAD BODIES EMBEDDED IN PLASTIC AS AN ENTERTAINMENT)

Do you know that everyone and Iran is honoring the deal except Trump, trade with China are the wealthy corps doing and so Trump gave them a huge tax cut, arab spring was inherited from Bush, and Bernard Levy, a French jew. Perhaps you live in Trump tower which he built using Chinese steel and he probably full of asbestos.

So? We've had 50 years of bad trade deals too? Negotiated by political hacks instead of successful businessman or CFO.
Claim from the left: He is a Nazi.
Results: No Trump brand death camps. He is not committing genocide and rounding up Jews and Gays for extermination.

Claim from the left: The economy will crash.
Result: The economy is doing fine.

Claim from the left: He is a Russian Spy
Result: No evidence that Trump and Putin colluded to rig the election

Claim from the left: He will start a nuclear war.
Result: We haven’t melt yet.

Claim from the left: He won’t respect the election results
Result: Dems are the ones who don’t respect the election results

Claim from the left: He is a fascist.
Result: Obama weaponized America’s Intel apparatus to spy on the Trump campaign

Claim from the left: He will be impeached by the end of the summer, 2017.
Result: He is still in office...now over 500 days.

Dems need to run a better candidate and run on issues, not on “the other guy is a racist!”

That shit is old.
You're damn right it's old. Most of your post is a series of ridiculous straw men that you kids need to stop repeating. Many bad things have happened since the *took office*. Crucuial regulation protecting our air and water has been circumvented, fascist dictators have been legitimized, top secret information has been leaked to enemies of the state, trade has been disrupted, Iran now actually has a path to nuclear weapons and a reason to pursue it, and many more.

not his doing--------he inherited lots of shit

Like what did he inherit?

the Iranian deal and "the arab spring" Trade with china was ALREADY
a problem because of lousy steel and formalin exuding flooring (for me it was the gross and disgusting use of DEAD BODIES EMBEDDED IN PLASTIC AS AN ENTERTAINMENT)

Do you know that everyone and Iran is honoring the deal except Trump, trade with China are the wealthy corps doing and so Trump gave them a huge tax cut, arab spring was inherited from Bush, and Bernard Levy, a French jew.

did you know that your reading material stinks and your parrotings are silly?
"wealthy corporations" <<<<< LOL so true----the average citizen does
not engage in international trade. ------the mom and pop stores that sell third
rate can openers made of sick steel from china-------do not SHIP THEM IN ON
THEIR OWN. Bernard Levy started the "arab spring" ? I cannot wait for a
link to that bit of Goebbels style sophistry
Claim from the left: He is a Nazi.
Results: No Trump brand death camps. He is not committing genocide and rounding up Jews and Gays for extermination.

Claim from the left: The economy will crash.
Result: The economy is doing fine.

Claim from the left: He is a Russian Spy
Result: No evidence that Trump and Putin colluded to rig the election

Claim from the left: He will start a nuclear war.
Result: We haven’t melt yet.

Claim from the left: He won’t respect the election results
Result: Dems are the ones who don’t respect the election results

Claim from the left: He is a fascist.
Result: Obama weaponized America’s Intel apparatus to spy on the Trump campaign

Claim from the left: He will be impeached by the end of the summer, 2017.
Result: He is still in office...now over 500 days.

Dems need to run a better candidate and run on issues, not on “the other guy is a racist!”

That shit is old.
I know for a fact that the Earth has tilted on its axis at least 4 times.

thank-you------so that was IT !!!!!!!!!
Wholesale stripping of kids from their parents for the purposes of nothing other than being cruel.

Calling the Press the enemy of the people

Claiming we can not trust the CIA or FBI but can trust Russia and the North Korean dictator.

Disgraceful. And we’re not even talking about the whore-mongering, orchestrating payoffs to said whores, conspiring with his sleazy attorney to commit campaign finance fraud.
Wholesale stripping of kids from their parents for the purposes of nothing other than being cruel.

Calling the Press the enemy of the people

Claiming we can not trust the CIA or FBI but can trust Russia and the North Korean dictator.

Disgraceful. And we’re not even talking about the whore-mongering, orchestrating payoffs to said whores, conspiring with his sleazy attorney to commit campaign finance fraud.
lol triggered much, liar? Any moron can see the media is pushing lies and trying to influence the elections. If that ain't an enemy I don't know what is. Also, if you had kids and were arrested for a crime, are you seriously stupid enough to think your kids would be kept with you? :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
cheaper than toilet paper.jpg
Claim from the left: He is a Nazi.
Results: No Trump brand death camps. He is not committing genocide and rounding up Jews and Gays for extermination.

Claim from the left: The economy will crash.
Result: The economy is doing fine.

Claim from the left: He is a Russian Spy
Result: No evidence that Trump and Putin colluded to rig the election

Claim from the left: He will start a nuclear war.
Result: We haven’t melt yet.

Claim from the left: He won’t respect the election results
Result: Dems are the ones who don’t respect the election results

Claim from the left: He is a fascist.
Result: Obama weaponized America’s Intel apparatus to spy on the Trump campaign

Claim from the left: He will be impeached by the end of the summer, 2017.
Result: He is still in office...now over 500 days.

Dems need to run a better candidate and run on issues, not on “the other guy is a racist!”

That shit is old.
You're damn right it's old. Most of your post is a series of ridiculous straw men that you kids need to stop repeating. Many bad things have happened since the *took office*. Crucuial regulation protecting our air and water has been circumvented, fascist dictators have been legitimized, top secret information has been leaked to enemies of the state, trade has been disrupted, Iran now actually has a path to nuclear weapons and a reason to pursue it, and many more.

not his doing--------he inherited lots of shit

Like what did he inherit?

the Iranian deal and "the arab spring" Trade with china was ALREADY
a problem because of lousy steel and formalin exuding flooring (for me it was the gross and disgusting use of DEAD BODIES EMBEDDED IN PLASTIC AS AN ENTERTAINMENT)
Human corpses? How would that be related to the Obama administration in any way shape or form?

It's not-----it's a symbol of OPEN TRADE WITH CHINA------the Chinese embedded humans in varying levels of DISSECTION ----in plastic----
the horrors were proudly displayed in Manhattan NY -----as objects of
"INTEREST"----------I was and remain HORRIFIED
You're damn right it's old. Most of your post is a series of ridiculous straw men that you kids need to stop repeating. Many bad things have happened since the *took office*. Crucuial regulation protecting our air and water has been circumvented, fascist dictators have been legitimized, top secret information has been leaked to enemies of the state, trade has been disrupted, Iran now actually has a path to nuclear weapons and a reason to pursue it, and many more.

not his doing--------he inherited lots of shit

Like what did he inherit?

the Iranian deal and "the arab spring" Trade with china was ALREADY
a problem because of lousy steel and formalin exuding flooring (for me it was the gross and disgusting use of DEAD BODIES EMBEDDED IN PLASTIC AS AN ENTERTAINMENT)
Human corpses? How would that be related to the Obama administration in any way shape or form?

It's not-----it's a symbol of OPEN TRADE WITH CHINA------the Chinese embedded humans in varying levels of DISSECTION ----in plastic----
the horrors were proudly displayed in Manhattan NY -----as objects of
"INTEREST"----------I was and remain HORRIFIED
Again, what does that have to do with anything?
not his doing--------he inherited lots of shit

Like what did he inherit?

the Iranian deal and "the arab spring" Trade with china was ALREADY
a problem because of lousy steel and formalin exuding flooring (for me it was the gross and disgusting use of DEAD BODIES EMBEDDED IN PLASTIC AS AN ENTERTAINMENT)
Human corpses? How would that be related to the Obama administration in any way shape or form?

It's not-----it's a symbol of OPEN TRADE WITH CHINA------the Chinese embedded humans in varying levels of DISSECTION ----in plastic----
the horrors were proudly displayed in Manhattan NY -----as objects of
"INTEREST"----------I was and remain HORRIFIED
Again, what does that have to do with anything?

it was before TRUMP ------and VERY MUCH part of the mad, insane ---
Like what did he inherit?

the Iranian deal and "the arab spring" Trade with china was ALREADY
a problem because of lousy steel and formalin exuding flooring (for me it was the gross and disgusting use of DEAD BODIES EMBEDDED IN PLASTIC AS AN ENTERTAINMENT)
Human corpses? How would that be related to the Obama administration in any way shape or form?

It's not-----it's a symbol of OPEN TRADE WITH CHINA------the Chinese embedded humans in varying levels of DISSECTION ----in plastic----
the horrors were proudly displayed in Manhattan NY -----as objects of
"INTEREST"----------I was and remain HORRIFIED
Again, what does that have to do with anything?

it was before TRUMP ------and VERY MUCH part of the mad, insane ---
Please explain how this admittedly wierd art exhibit has anything to do with President Obama or tade with china.
the Iranian deal and "the arab spring" Trade with china was ALREADY
a problem because of lousy steel and formalin exuding flooring (for me it was the gross and disgusting use of DEAD BODIES EMBEDDED IN PLASTIC AS AN ENTERTAINMENT)
Human corpses? How would that be related to the Obama administration in any way shape or form?

It's not-----it's a symbol of OPEN TRADE WITH CHINA------the Chinese embedded humans in varying levels of DISSECTION ----in plastic----
the horrors were proudly displayed in Manhattan NY -----as objects of
"INTEREST"----------I was and remain HORRIFIED
Again, what does that have to do with anything?

it was before TRUMP ------and VERY MUCH part of the mad, insane ---
Please explain how this admittedly wierd art exhibit has anything to do with President Obama or tade with china.

it was not presented as ART ------it was a display of FINE CHINESE CRAFTSMAN SHIP. along with the formalin exuding furniture and flooring
and lead leaching earrings and toys ----lots and lots of JUNK STUFF TO BUY---
imported from china

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