What are the benefits of the wall Trump wishes to build?

The savings on illegal tax refund fraud alone will pay for the wall.
I'd like to see the numbers on that one. Also, like Liberal sin taxes, what happens when the illegals are gone? Who pays for staffing and maintenance of the world's greatest White Elephant? The Middle Class....again?

Lets say, using the lower estimate from the article below, that the yearly fraud is $5.9 billion. that's about $24 billion in 4 years. The estimated cost of the wall is $23 billion

Groups want Trump to close loophole allowing illegal immigrants to abuse tax credits

Illegal immigrants need only one number to access billions of dollars in free taxpayer cash.

The Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) unlocks an exclusive gateway for non-citizens to receive monies meant for working, low-income Americans. The nine-digit code was created by bureaucrats in 1996 for foreigners who had to deal with the IRS. It allows people without a Social Security number, including those in the country illegally, to file taxes.

“It’s just a farce to say it was created to collect taxes,” Robert Rector, senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, told Fox News. “It’s nothing but a welfare program designed for illegal immigrants. ITINS are for tourists or illegals. No ITIN filer is eligible to work in the United States.”

The problem with ITIN, critics say, is gives non-citizens access to federal cash that they should not be entitled to receive. Once illegal immigrants file ITIN tax returns, they can apply for a Child Tax Credit – which entitles them to $1,000 per child. Unlike the Earned Income Tax Credit, which requires a Social Security Number to qualify, the Child Tax Credit is a cash program that does not.

Critics say that makes it ripe for abuse.

Numerous investigations by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration have chronicled not only improper Child Tax Credit fraud and error payments ranging from $5.9 billion to $7.1 billion, but schemes such as nearly 24,000 ITIN payments going to the same address. The audit reports also found IRS management was “not concerned with addressing questionable applications” but “interested only in the volume of applications that can be processed, regardless of whether they are fraudulent.”

Another audit report examining ITIN usage found Child Tax Credit claims more than quadrupled in five years, from $924 million in 2005 to $4.2 billion in 2010.

An agency spokesman said the IRS recently paid $5.7 billion to ITIN for those claiming child tax credit and in 2015 it paid $3.4 billion.

A Social Security number is required to qualify for any federal public benefit. Green card holders, refugees and those granted asylum receive Social Security Numbers. But workers without a Social Security Number can still file taxes – and apply for certain tax credits – with an ITIN number.
Isn't the estimated $23B cost just to build it? How much to staff and maintain it? The guards alone would number over 11,000. There's also the admin people, management, maintenance, etc, etc. They'd be much like TSA in numbers and pay: What Do TSA Officers Make?

The annual TSA budget is $7.6B per year. TSA’s 2017 Budget – A Commitment to Security (Part I)

I want to see our borders secure, illegal immigration minimized if not stopped and the Federal deficit reduced. I fail to see how spending tens of billions on a White Elephant fixes these problems. A single line of defense along the 1,954 miles of Mexican border is a fraction of the United State's thousands of miles of total border length: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RS21729.pdf

We need something better for the taxpayer's Billions of dollars.

What utter horseshit. Everyone who opposes the wall is an open-borders douche bag. There is simply no doubt about the fact that the wall will do the job far more effectively than border gaurds alone. The current staff of the border patrol will man it. Their numbers are more than sufficient.

The proof that your a lying douche bag? Your premise that our coasts and our border with Canada are a bigger problem than our border with Mexico. You have to be brain damaged to believe that.
What utter horseshit. Everyone who opposes the wall is an open-borders douche bag....The proof that your a lying douche bag? Your premise that our coasts and our border with Canada are a bigger problem than our border with Mexico. You have to be brain damaged to believe that.

Your rant proves you've run out of intellectual ammunition. The fact you are now lying proves you are a scumbag. I never made this claim: "Your premise that our coasts and our border with Canada are a bigger problem than our border with Mexico"

You're jumping up and down about spending BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars like a fucking Liberal and you are too deluded and/or stupid to think the Mexicans (and anyone else) never discovered maritime technology AKA Boats.

You refuse to even consider better technology to cover all of our borders in your focus to build a monument to stupidity. One that will become mostly obsolete the day it is finished, but will continue to bleed American taxpayers dry for decades to come. Tax and spend assholes make me sick.
What utter horseshit. Everyone who opposes the wall is an open-borders douche bag....The proof that your a lying douche bag? Your premise that our coasts and our border with Canada are a bigger problem than our border with Mexico. You have to be brain damaged to believe that.

Your rant proves you've run out of intellectual ammunition. The fact you are now lying proves you are a scumbag. I never made this claim: "Your premise that our coasts and our border with Canada are a bigger problem than our border with Mexico"

Yes, you did say that, you lying scumbag:

A single line of defense along the 1,954 miles of Mexican border is a fraction of the United State's thousands of miles of total border length: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RS21729.pdf

That is effectively what that means.

You're jumping up and down about spending BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars like a fucking Liberal and you are too deluded and/or stupid to think the Mexicans (and anyone else) never discovered maritime technology AKA Boats.

Yeah, because Mexican peasants can afford to buy boats capable of long sea voyages. Don't claim they only need to go a couple of miles. How stupid to you think the coast guard would have to be to watch only the first few miles near Mexico?

You refuse to even consider better technology to cover all of our borders in your focus to build a monument to stupidity. One that will become mostly obsolete the day it is finished, but will continue to bleed American taxpayers dry for decades to come. Tax and spend assholes make me sick.

There is no technology that works better than a wall because none of it physically stops an illegal from entering the country. Furthermore, some sleazy open-borders douche bag could get elected and make it disappear with the stroke of a pen. That's why turds like you hate the wall. You know that once it's built it will be there for at least 50 years and you can't do a thing about it.
Yes, you did say that, you lying scumbag:

A single line of defense along the 1,954 miles of Mexican border is a fraction of the United State's thousands of miles of total border length: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RS21729.pdf

That is effectively what that means.....
No, it does not, but since you've already reached the limits of your intellectual capacity, there's little reason to explain the obvious to you.

For others, what the "Build the Wall! Build the Wall" mob doesn't get is that it only slows down illegal immigration. It'll drive up the price for illegals to use boats, but it won't stop them.

Consider that the US maritime territorial limit is 12NM and our contiguous zone is out to 24NM.

A freighter traveling from South or Central America (or anywhere else) can steam up along the coast outside the 12NM limit and, if no one is looking, launch a few inflatable boats under the cover of darkness to a relatively uninhabited part of the US coast carrying up to 30% over their rated capacity (especially if women and/or children) are included. At a couple thousand bucks per passenger, the boats would pay for themselves in the very first run. Making a couple runs per night will become very profitable....and unhindered since the US has chosen to focus all of their attention on "the Wall". It's the same thing drug runners and terrorists have done for years.

Home - Zodiac Nautic - Inflatable and Rigid Inflatable Boats

Military Boats
Yes, you did say that, you lying scumbag:

A single line of defense along the 1,954 miles of Mexican border is a fraction of the United State's thousands of miles of total border length: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RS21729.pdf

That is effectively what that means.....
No, it does not, but since you've already reached the limits of your intellectual capacity, there's little reason to explain the obvious to you.

For others, what the "Build the Wall! Build the Wall" mob doesn't get is that it only slows down illegal immigration. It'll drive up the price for illegals to use boats, but it won't stop them.

Consider that the US maritime territorial limit is 12NM and our contiguous zone is out to 24NM.

A freighter traveling from South or Central America (or anywhere else) can steam up along the coast outside the 12NM limit and, if no one is looking, launch a few inflatable boats under the cover of darkness to a relatively uninhabited part of the US coast carrying up to 30% over their rated capacity (especially if women and/or children) are included. At a couple thousand bucks per passenger, the boats would pay for themselves in the very first run. Making a couple runs per night will become very profitable....and unhindered since the US has chosen to focus all of their attention on "the Wall". It's the same thing drug runners and terrorists have done for years.

Home - Zodiac Nautic - Inflatable and Rigid Inflatable Boats

Military Boats
Drug dealers have already tried that, and the coast guard has shut them down. I metal ship on the ocean is a great big radar target that's impossible to hide. Nothing could be more conspicuous on radar than a ship steaming up and down the coastline. That's why drug smugglers have resorted to using home built submarines. Your scheme doesn't work.
Drug dealers have already tried that, and the coast guard has shut them down. I metal ship on the ocean is a great big radar target that's impossible to hide. Nothing could be more conspicuous on radar than a ship steaming up and down the coastline. That's why drug smugglers have resorted to using home built submarines. Your scheme doesn't work.
That explains why coke and heroin are so cheap. ;)

A big metal ship in international waters is fine. Hence why the plastic boats are sent in. The only thing radar will see is the motor and that's pretty low to the water.

The point being that we need to secure all of our borders, tighten up the net, not just build a White Elephant along 1900 of our thousands of miles of borders.
Drug dealers have already tried that, and the coast guard has shut them down. I metal ship on the ocean is a great big radar target that's impossible to hide. Nothing could be more conspicuous on radar than a ship steaming up and down the coastline. That's why drug smugglers have resorted to using home built submarines. Your scheme doesn't work.
That explains why coke and heroin are so cheap. ;)

A big metal ship in international waters is fine. Hence why the plastic boats are sent in. The only thing radar will see is the motor and that's pretty low to the water.

The point being that we need to secure all of our borders, tighten up the net, not just build a White Elephant along 1900 of our thousands of miles of borders.
Even you are not so stupid that you don't understand that the border with Mexico is 90% of the problem with illegal border crossings. We don't need to beef up any part of our border except the one with Mexico. And your "a big metal ship in international waters is fine" idiocy indicates that you don't understand that the coast guard tracks any such vessel and immediately interdicts any boats leaving it for the coast. An outboard motor has more than enough of a radar signature for the coast guard to track it.

As I already explained, and you ignored, drug smugglers have resorted to using submarines to avoid the coast guard. Do you actually believe illegal aliens are going to get their hands on a submarine? If so, you're dumber than I thought.

You're obviously just another open borders douche bag who wants the flood gates to illegal aliens to remain open. You aren't fooling anyone.
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Since the Trumptards can't stop crowing about how much illegal immigration is DOWN this year,

seems to me that's the best argument not to waste hundreds of billions on this pork project.
Build the wall and bring that number to zero. We want the wall there in case another democrat gets voted in. There's no chance the dems will ever vote against funding the wall once their new voter base is eliminated.

Every year there are about 500,000 over stay visa and large numbers are coming from Canada and overseas. Are you going to build a net?
Nobody really gives two shits about semi legit illegals from Canada with an iQ and a moral compass. It's the baby factories, the filthy human cockroaches we're concerned with.
Since all the 9/11 terrorists got here by plane, I figure that the wall needs to be about 45,000 feet high to be effective.
We've got that problem solved...now we're on to hammering down on the real terrorists...illegall wetbacks!
Since the Trumptards can't stop crowing about how much illegal immigration is DOWN this year,

seems to me that's the best argument not to waste hundreds of billions on this pork project.
Build the wall and bring that number to zero. We want the wall there in case another democrat gets voted in. There's no chance the dems will ever vote against funding the wall once their new voter base is eliminated.

Every year there are about 500,000 over stay visa and large numbers are coming from Canada and overseas. Are you going to build a net?
Nobody really gives two shits about semi legit illegals from Canada with an iQ and a moral compass. It's the baby factories, the filthy human cockroaches we're concerned with.
Since all the 9/11 terrorists got here by plane, I figure that the wall needs to be about 45,000 feet high to be effective.
We've got that problem solved...now we're on to hammering down on the real terrorists...illegall wetbacks!

Welcome to my ignore list Loser. There are a lot a racists on it. I'm sure you will feel at home!
What utter horseshit. Everyone who opposes the wall is an open-borders douche bag....The proof that your a lying douche bag? Your premise that our coasts and our border with Canada are a bigger problem than our border with Mexico. You have to be brain damaged to believe that.

Your rant proves you've run out of intellectual ammunition. The fact you are now lying proves you are a scumbag. I never made this claim: "Your premise that our coasts and our border with Canada are a bigger problem than our border with Mexico"

You're jumping up and down about spending BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars like a fucking Liberal and you are too deluded and/or stupid to think the Mexicans (and anyone else) never discovered maritime technology AKA Boats.

You refuse to even consider better technology to cover all of our borders in your focus to build a monument to stupidity. One that will become mostly obsolete the day it is finished, but willcontinue to bleed American taxpayers yeadry for decades to come. Tax and spend assholes make me sick.

You really hate symbolic walls don't you? What are you afraid of coward?

That it might upset some Mexicans or Muslims?

Get your European elite ass and move there
What are the benefits of the wall Trump wishes to build?

It prevents 95% of the illegal aliens who would have walked across the border, from doing so.

Thus leaving the entire Border Patrol free to concentrate on the other 5%.

You didn't know this? :confused-84:
What utter horseshit. Everyone who opposes the wall is an open-borders douche bag....The proof that your a lying douche bag? Your premise that our coasts and our border with Canada are a bigger problem than our border with Mexico. You have to be brain damaged to believe that.

Your rant proves you've run out of intellectual ammunition. The fact you are now lying proves you are a scumbag. I never made this claim: "Your premise that our coasts and our border with Canada are a bigger problem than our border with Mexico"

You're jumping up and down about spending BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars like a fucking Liberal and you are too deluded and/or stupid to think the Mexicans (and anyone else) never discovered maritime technology AKA Boats.

You refuse to even consider better technology to cover all of our borders in your focus to build a monument to stupidity. One that will become mostly obsolete the day it is finished, but willcontinue to bleed American taxpayers yeadry for decades to come. Tax and spend assholes make me sick.

You really hate symbolic walls don't you? What are you afraid of coward?

That it might upset some Mexicans or Muslims?

Get your European elite ass and move there
The snowflakes are afraid of the fact that the wall will actually work and prevent them from flooding this country with Democrat parasites.

They are also ashamed because the wall is an open admission that Americans insist on enforcing their borders, and that is despicable in their eyes. We can't have Americans acting like they are concerned about their own welfare. Why, that's selfish!
Even you are not so stupid that you don't understand that the border with Mexico is 90% of the problem with illegal border crossings.....
I'll give you credit that you have actual evidence to back up your "90%" and that you are not a lying scumbag, didn't pull the number out of your ass and didn't just hear it on your favorite news source.

That said, I disagree. Illegal immigrants, being illegal, are difficult to survey, but even DHS admits that upwards of 40% are "overstays", not "illegal border crossings", which conflicts directly with your "90%" number.

Border Metrics: How to Effectively Measure Border Security and Immigration Control

Visa overstays now biggest problem in illegal immigration
The nexus of illegal immigration into the U.S. has shifted away from the southwest border and into the country’s air and sea ports, where more than 54 million visitors checked in last year — and nearly 630,000 of them didn’t go home, according to new numbers released Monday.

Known as visa overstays, the visitors present a different challenge than the border crossers, and one that Homeland Security officials are still trying to figure out how to handle.

Ramos: 40% of undocumented immigrants come by air
Robert Warren -- who helped with that work at the INS and now is a senior fellow at the Center for Migration Studies, a research group founded by Catholic missionaries -- told PunditFact that not only does the balance between the two still hold, it has likely tilted toward the overstays.

"Since 2000, arrivals from Mexico, who are about 85-90 percent 'entries without inspection,' have plummeted, while overstays have increased, or stayed at about their historical levels," Warren said.

Warren said the shift likely stems from U.S. efforts that have made it harder to enter by land.

He sent us this graph from his latest research at the center.

What utter horseshit. Everyone who opposes the wall is an open-borders douche bag....The proof that your a lying douche bag? Your premise that our coasts and our border with Canada are a bigger problem than our border with Mexico. You have to be brain damaged to believe that.

Your rant proves you've run out of intellectual ammunition. The fact you are now lying proves you are a scumbag. I never made this claim: "Your premise that our coasts and our border with Canada are a bigger problem than our border with Mexico"

You're jumping up and down about spending BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars like a fucking Liberal and you are too deluded and/or stupid to think the Mexicans (and anyone else) never discovered maritime technology AKA Boats.

You refuse to even consider better technology to cover all of our borders in your focus to build a monument to stupidity. One that will become mostly obsolete the day it is finished, but willcontinue to bleed American taxpayers yeadry for decades to come. Tax and spend assholes make me sick.

You really hate symbolic walls don't you? What are you afraid of coward?

That it might upset some Mexicans or Muslims?

Get your European elite ass and move there
None of the above. Interesting that you have to lie in order to make a political point.

Why are you so anxious to spend billions of taxpayer dollars every year to build and maintain a single line of defense rather than build a better defense in depth for far cheaper?
Even you are not so stupid that you don't understand that the border with Mexico is 90% of the problem with illegal border crossings.....
I'll give you credit that you have actual evidence to back up your "90%" and that you are not a lying scumbag, didn't pull the number out of your ass and didn't just hear it on your favorite news source.

That said, I disagree. Illegal immigrants, being illegal, are difficult to survey, but even DHS admits that upwards of 40% are "overstays", not "illegal border crossings", which conflicts directly with your "90%" number.

Border Metrics: How to Effectively Measure Border Security and Immigration Control

Visa overstays now biggest problem in illegal immigration
The nexus of illegal immigration into the U.S. has shifted away from the southwest border and into the country’s air and sea ports, where more than 54 million visitors checked in last year — and nearly 630,000 of them didn’t go home, according to new numbers released Monday.

Known as visa overstays, the visitors present a different challenge than the border crossers, and one that Homeland Security officials are still trying to figure out how to handle.

Ramos: 40% of undocumented immigrants come by air
Robert Warren -- who helped with that work at the INS and now is a senior fellow at the Center for Migration Studies, a research group founded by Catholic missionaries -- told PunditFact that not only does the balance between the two still hold, it has likely tilted toward the overstays.

"Since 2000, arrivals from Mexico, who are about 85-90 percent 'entries without inspection,' have plummeted, while overstays have increased, or stayed at about their historical levels," Warren said.

Warren said the shift likely stems from U.S. efforts that have made it harder to enter by land.

He sent us this graph from his latest research at the center.

Note: I said "the problem with illegal border crossings," not the problem with illegal immigration, so you're entire post is a wasted effort. You didn't address the point I made. You addressed a straw man.
What utter horseshit. Everyone who opposes the wall is an open-borders douche bag....The proof that your a lying douche bag? Your premise that our coasts and our border with Canada are a bigger problem than our border with Mexico. You have to be brain damaged to believe that.

Your rant proves you've run out of intellectual ammunition. The fact you are now lying proves you are a scumbag. I never made this claim: "Your premise that our coasts and our border with Canada are a bigger problem than our border with Mexico"

You're jumping up and down about spending BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars like a fucking Liberal and you are too deluded and/or stupid to think the Mexicans (and anyone else) never discovered maritime technology AKA Boats.

You refuse to even consider better technology to cover all of our borders in your focus to build a monument to stupidity. One that will become mostly obsolete the day it is finished, but willcontinue to bleed American taxpayers yeadry for decades to come. Tax and spend assholes make me sick.

You really hate symbolic walls don't you? What are you afraid of coward?

That it might upset some Mexicans or Muslims?

Get your European elite ass and move there
None of the above. Interesting that you have to lie in order to make a political point.

Why are you so anxious to spend billions of taxpayer dollars every year to build and maintain a single line of defense rather than build a better defense in depth for far cheaper?
Your ideas wouldn't be better and they wouldn't be cheaper. Your ideas are actually just an excuse for doing nothing.
What are the benefits of the wall Trump wishes to build?

It prevents 95% of the illegal aliens who would have walked across the border, from doing so.

Thus leaving the entire Border Patrol free to concentrate on the other 5%.

You didn't know this? :confused-84:


You pulled those numbers out of you-know-where.

Since traffic across the southern border and is now at net zero, made up numbers mean less than nothing.

(Thank you, President Obama)

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