What are the benefits of the wall Trump wishes to build?

The savings on illegal tax refund fraud alone will pay for the wall.


That's very creative but it's utter nonsense because it's a number that can't be known.

Fact is, undocumented pay the same taxes that citizens do but get none of it back.

Yeah, I know the RWs love to say illegals don't pay taxes but, of course they do.

Think it through. Let's say your SocSec card is used by an illegal working at a slaughterhouse. That employer withholds the usual taxes but the worker can't file with the IRS or collect SocSec so his earnings are credited to you.

If he buys a car, pays cash and the used car dealer charges him the usual sales tax. They never buy houses but if they did, same thing. (Big employers, like slaughterhouses, often house them and take them to and from work in vans. They also advertise in Mexico and transport them. Watch the documentary, Food Inc for more on how they deal with ICE, etc.)

Drug runners don't "steal" SocSec or other ID. Cartels have lots of money. When a runner is caught and deported, they just issue new ID and send them out again. That why 1070, as written, could not work. It's also why it would be smart of us to control IDs and driver's licenses.

Thanks to the US, there's no other way for them to earn enough to support their families. It's not what we set out to do, but it is the result of the actions I described above.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

What are you smoking lib, illegal tax refund fraud is over $5 billion a year, widely reported, the problem debated in congress. $5 billion a year in FRAUD. Go lick your wounds.
Then the bill goes into a mexican waste basket, and we learn that Trump lied again.
There is a million ways to make Mexico pay for the wall since they make much more on our relationship than we do.

Do you have how much money is wired to Mexico every year? $25 billion.

Guess how much is wired home to various places in Latin America? $69 billion.

A 15% tax on that money alone will pay for the wall, about $4 billion and $10 billion respectively.
Did you know, nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics?

Mexico is our third largest trading partner.

Yet, the right wing only complains "when the poor expatriate money."

Global Super-Rich Stashing Up To $32 Trillion Offshore, Masking True Scale Of Inequality: Study | HuffPost
The savings on illegal tax refund fraud alone will pay for the wall.
I'd like to see the numbers on that one. Also, like Liberal sin taxes, what happens when the illegals are gone? Who pays for staffing and maintenance of the world's greatest White Elephant? The Middle Class....again?

Lets say, using the lower estimate from the article below, that the yearly fraud is $5.9 billion. that's about $24 billion in 4 years. The estimated cost of the wall is $23 billion

Groups want Trump to close loophole allowing illegal immigrants to abuse tax credits

Illegal immigrants need only one number to access billions of dollars in free taxpayer cash.

The Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) unlocks an exclusive gateway for non-citizens to receive monies meant for working, low-income Americans. The nine-digit code was created by bureaucrats in 1996 for foreigners who had to deal with the IRS. It allows people without a Social Security number, including those in the country illegally, to file taxes.

“It’s just a farce to say it was created to collect taxes,” Robert Rector, senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, told Fox News. “It’s nothing but a welfare program designed for illegal immigrants. ITINS are for tourists or illegals. No ITIN filer is eligible to work in the United States.”

The problem with ITIN, critics say, is gives non-citizens access to federal cash that they should not be entitled to receive. Once illegal immigrants file ITIN tax returns, they can apply for a Child Tax Credit – which entitles them to $1,000 per child. Unlike the Earned Income Tax Credit, which requires a Social Security Number to qualify, the Child Tax Credit is a cash program that does not.

Critics say that makes it ripe for abuse.

Numerous investigations by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration have chronicled not only improper Child Tax Credit fraud and error payments ranging from $5.9 billion to $7.1 billion, but schemes such as nearly 24,000 ITIN payments going to the same address. The audit reports also found IRS management was “not concerned with addressing questionable applications” but “interested only in the volume of applications that can be processed, regardless of whether they are fraudulent.”

Another audit report examining ITIN usage found Child Tax Credit claims more than quadrupled in five years, from $924 million in 2005 to $4.2 billion in 2010.

An agency spokesman said the IRS recently paid $5.7 billion to ITIN for those claiming child tax credit and in 2015 it paid $3.4 billion.

A Social Security number is required to qualify for any federal public benefit. Green card holders, refugees and those granted asylum receive Social Security Numbers. But workers without a Social Security Number can still file taxes – and apply for certain tax credits – with an ITIN number.
Let's close tax loopholes for the rich, while they are at it.
The savings on illegal tax refund fraud alone will pay for the wall.
I'd like to see the numbers on that one. Also, like Liberal sin taxes, what happens when the illegals are gone? Who pays for staffing and maintenance of the world's greatest White Elephant? The Middle Class....again?

Lets say, using the lower estimate from the article below, that the yearly fraud is $5.9 billion. that's about $24 billion in 4 years. The estimated cost of the wall is $23 billion

Groups want Trump to close loophole allowing illegal immigrants to abuse tax credits

Illegal immigrants need only one number to access billions of dollars in free taxpayer cash.

The Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) unlocks an exclusive gateway for non-citizens to receive monies meant for working, low-income Americans. The nine-digit code was created by bureaucrats in 1996 for foreigners who had to deal with the IRS. It allows people without a Social Security number, including those in the country illegally, to file taxes.

“It’s just a farce to say it was created to collect taxes,” Robert Rector, senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, told Fox News. “It’s nothing but a welfare program designed for illegal immigrants. ITINS are for tourists or illegals. No ITIN filer is eligible to work in the United States.”

The problem with ITIN, critics say, is gives non-citizens access to federal cash that they should not be entitled to receive. Once illegal immigrants file ITIN tax returns, they can apply for a Child Tax Credit – which entitles them to $1,000 per child. Unlike the Earned Income Tax Credit, which requires a Social Security Number to qualify, the Child Tax Credit is a cash program that does not.

Critics say that makes it ripe for abuse.

Numerous investigations by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration have chronicled not only improper Child Tax Credit fraud and error payments ranging from $5.9 billion to $7.1 billion, but schemes such as nearly 24,000 ITIN payments going to the same address. The audit reports also found IRS management was “not concerned with addressing questionable applications” but “interested only in the volume of applications that can be processed, regardless of whether they are fraudulent.”

Another audit report examining ITIN usage found Child Tax Credit claims more than quadrupled in five years, from $924 million in 2005 to $4.2 billion in 2010.

An agency spokesman said the IRS recently paid $5.7 billion to ITIN for those claiming child tax credit and in 2015 it paid $3.4 billion.

A Social Security number is required to qualify for any federal public benefit. Green card holders, refugees and those granted asylum receive Social Security Numbers. But workers without a Social Security Number can still file taxes – and apply for certain tax credits – with an ITIN number.
Isn't the estimated $23B cost just to build it? How much to staff and maintain it? The guards alone would number over 11,000. There's also the admin people, management, maintenance, etc, etc. They'd be much like TSA in numbers and pay: What Do TSA Officers Make?

The annual TSA budget is $7.6B per year. TSA’s 2017 Budget – A Commitment to Security (Part I)

I want to see our borders secure, illegal immigration minimized if not stopped and the Federal deficit reduced. I fail to see how spending tens of billions on a White Elephant fixes these problems. A single line of defense along the 1,954 miles of Mexican border is a fraction of the United State's thousands of miles of total border length: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RS21729.pdf

We need something better for the taxpayer's Billions of dollars.

What utter horseshit. Everyone who opposes the wall is an open-borders douche bag. There is simply no doubt about the fact that the wall will do the job far more effectively than border gaurds alone. The current staff of the border patrol will man it. Their numbers are more than sufficient.

The proof that your a lying douche bag? Your premise that our coasts and our border with Canada are a bigger problem than our border with Mexico. You have to be brain damaged to believe that.
A market friendly visa will work even better and generate revenue. the right wing doesn't like it, because the poor may benefit.
Some posters above are Making me angry. Warning#1 is issued.

Many USMB threads have shown the COST of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION to be massive. The wall is paid for quickly. And Mexico will pay in many ways. They know it. They are probably starting to negotiate. Much of wall may end up being built by them on their side in the end.

Obama stopped nothing. He forced the Border Patrol off of Federal lands in TX which opened floodgates. 30K-50K Children per month on a train is "net zero" immigration? funny.

Many Wall Proposals are in. I would bet many sections will end up being different. Many sections need nothing at all. Border Enforcement are the experts. They are being consulted. Fence, Wall, Barbed-Wire, Windows? Ditches? Poles? Electric? Waves? Sound? Human body Sensors? Automatic? Gates? whatever. American technology is quite creative. If there is a buck to made........

Stop what you can now. Wall off the bad spots first. Make it difficult to get in. Why is anyone against that?

Worry about Visa overtay(s) also. Find them, Fine them. They will start to leave on cheap red-eye flights to avoid payment or maybe jail time. It is not rocket science. This is 2017 (computer databases) not 1948 (paper)

The snowflakes are against it because they want an open border. They want to flood this country with ignorant peasants from Mexico who will come here and immediately get on welfare and become loyal Democrats.
Just typical, right wing "hate on the poor". Mexico is our third largest trading partner.

Why not tax the rich and raise benefits for the poor?

If You Want To Crack Down on $32 Trillion in Offshore Tax Havens, Lower Taxes For the Ultra-Rich
The savings on illegal tax refund fraud alone will pay for the wall.


That's very creative but it's utter nonsense because it's a number that can't be known.

Fact is, undocumented pay the same taxes that citizens do but get none of it back.

Yeah, I know the RWs love to say illegals don't pay taxes but, of course they do.

Think it through. Let's say your SocSec card is used by an illegal working at a slaughterhouse. That employer withholds the usual taxes but the worker can't file with the IRS or collect SocSec so his earnings are credited to you.

If he buys a car, pays cash and the used car dealer charges him the usual sales tax. They never buy houses but if they did, same thing. (Big employers, like slaughterhouses, often house them and take them to and from work in vans. They also advertise in Mexico and transport them. Watch the documentary, Food Inc for more on how they deal with ICE, etc.)

Drug runners don't "steal" SocSec or other ID. Cartels have lots of money. When a runner is caught and deported, they just issue new ID and send them out again. That why 1070, as written, could not work. It's also why it would be smart of us to control IDs and driver's licenses.

Thanks to the US, there's no other way for them to earn enough to support their families. It's not what we set out to do, but it is the result of the actions I described above.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

What are you smoking lib, illegal tax refund fraud is over $5 billion a year, widely reported, the problem debated in congress. $5 billion a year in FRAUD. Go lick your wounds.
Illegal tax refund fraud is a $21 billion industry, Einstein
Why aren't these wonderful sensors stopping the tunnels being dug at the border as we speak?
So the US border guards can arrest people on the Mexican side of the wall who are carrying ladders? WOW
Sure. Do you imagine the wall is going to be built exactly on the border? No, it will be set back a certain distance, probably enough to put a road on the Mexican side of the wall precisely so boarder patrol can drive up to anyone trying to use a ladder to cross over and arrest them.

Once again you only prove how stupid you are.

Look little urchin. You are making the wall more and more expensive.
So you are going to make a concrete road on both sides of the wall.
Did Trump told you that?
Who said it would be concrete? A gravel road would be more than adequate. Only dumbasses like you thought the wall wouldn't have guard towers or roads. How else could your imbecile claims that it won't work be true?

So how are you going to deliver heavy machinery and equipments, supplies and man power that will take several years to build?
You did not answer any of my questions. So let me repeat it for you stupid shit.
Did Trump show you his fence plan? Did he say any towers and roads on both side of the wall?
How about the purchase of private lands need to build the fence. Many property owners will refuse to sell their land to Trump
There's a clause in the Constitution called "eminent domain."
Sure. Do you imagine the wall is going to be built exactly on the border? No, it will be set back a certain distance, probably enough to put a road on the Mexican side of the wall precisely so boarder patrol can drive up to anyone trying to use a ladder to cross over and arrest them.

Once again you only prove how stupid you are.

Look little urchin. You are making the wall more and more expensive.
So you are going to make a concrete road on both sides of the wall.
Did Trump told you that?
Who said it would be concrete? A gravel road would be more than adequate. Only dumbasses like you thought the wall wouldn't have guard towers or roads. How else could your imbecile claims that it won't work be true?

So how are you going to deliver heavy machinery and equipments, supplies and man power that will take several years to build?
You did not answer any of my questions. So let me repeat it for you stupid shit.
Did Trump show you his fence plan? Did he say any towers and roads on both side of the wall?
How about the purchase of private lands need to build the fence. Many property owners will refuse to sell their land to Trump
There's a clause in the Constitution called "eminent domain."
Yes, and just a couple of cases during the Bush administration took over 10 years to resolve through the courts
The savings on illegal tax refund fraud alone will pay for the wall.


That's very creative but it's utter nonsense because it's a number that can't be known.

Fact is, undocumented pay the same taxes that citizens do but get none of it back.

Yeah, I know the RWs love to say illegals don't pay taxes but, of course they do.

Think it through. Let's say your SocSec card is used by an illegal working at a slaughterhouse. That employer withholds the usual taxes but the worker can't file with the IRS or collect SocSec so his earnings are credited to you.

If he buys a car, pays cash and the used car dealer charges him the usual sales tax. They never buy houses but if they did, same thing. (Big employers, like slaughterhouses, often house them and take them to and from work in vans. They also advertise in Mexico and transport them. Watch the documentary, Food Inc for more on how they deal with ICE, etc.)

Drug runners don't "steal" SocSec or other ID. Cartels have lots of money. When a runner is caught and deported, they just issue new ID and send them out again. That why 1070, as written, could not work. It's also why it would be smart of us to control IDs and driver's licenses.

Thanks to the US, there's no other way for them to earn enough to support their families. It's not what we set out to do, but it is the result of the actions I described above.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

What are you smoking lib, illegal tax refund fraud is over $5 billion a year, widely reported, the problem debated in congress. $5 billion a year in FRAUD. Go lick your wounds.
Illegal tax refund fraud is a $21 billion industry, Einstein
It is worse when the rich do it, since they may offshore most of it; Labor usually spends most of their income, wherever they are.
Sure. Do you imagine the wall is going to be built exactly on the border? No, it will be set back a certain distance, probably enough to put a road on the Mexican side of the wall precisely so boarder patrol can drive up to anyone trying to use a ladder to cross over and arrest them.

Once again you only prove how stupid you are.

Look little urchin. You are making the wall more and more expensive.
So you are going to make a concrete road on both sides of the wall.
Did Trump told you that?
Who said it would be concrete? A gravel road would be more than adequate. Only dumbasses like you thought the wall wouldn't have guard towers or roads. How else could your imbecile claims that it won't work be true?

So how are you going to deliver heavy machinery and equipments, supplies and man power that will take several years to build?
You did not answer any of my questions. So let me repeat it for you stupid shit.
Did Trump show you his fence plan? Did he say any towers and roads on both side of the wall?
How about the purchase of private lands need to build the fence. Many property owners will refuse to sell their land to Trump
There's a clause in the Constitution called "eminent domain."
The application of which has both evolved over time and remains controversial.

Yes, "eminent domain" is popular among authoritarians, pro-Federalists and those against State's rights.
The savings on illegal tax refund fraud alone will pay for the wall.


That's very creative but it's utter nonsense because it's a number that can't be known.

Fact is, undocumented pay the same taxes that citizens do but get none of it back.

Yeah, I know the RWs love to say illegals don't pay taxes but, of course they do.

Think it through. Let's say your SocSec card is used by an illegal working at a slaughterhouse. That employer withholds the usual taxes but the worker can't file with the IRS or collect SocSec so his earnings are credited to you.

If he buys a car, pays cash and the used car dealer charges him the usual sales tax. They never buy houses but if they did, same thing. (Big employers, like slaughterhouses, often house them and take them to and from work in vans. They also advertise in Mexico and transport them. Watch the documentary, Food Inc for more on how they deal with ICE, etc.)

Drug runners don't "steal" SocSec or other ID. Cartels have lots of money. When a runner is caught and deported, they just issue new ID and send them out again. That why 1070, as written, could not work. It's also why it would be smart of us to control IDs and driver's licenses.

Thanks to the US, there's no other way for them to earn enough to support their families. It's not what we set out to do, but it is the result of the actions I described above.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

What are you smoking lib, illegal tax refund fraud is over $5 billion a year, widely reported, the problem debated in congress. $5 billion a year in FRAUD. Go lick your wounds.
Illegal tax refund fraud is a $21 billion industry, Einstein

Illegals scamming the child tax credit get bigger refunds than you stupid.
The savings on illegal tax refund fraud alone will pay for the wall.


That's very creative but it's utter nonsense because it's a number that can't be known.

Fact is, undocumented pay the same taxes that citizens do but get none of it back.

Yeah, I know the RWs love to say illegals don't pay taxes but, of course they do.

Think it through. Let's say your SocSec card is used by an illegal working at a slaughterhouse. That employer withholds the usual taxes but the worker can't file with the IRS or collect SocSec so his earnings are credited to you.

If he buys a car, pays cash and the used car dealer charges him the usual sales tax. They never buy houses but if they did, same thing. (Big employers, like slaughterhouses, often house them and take them to and from work in vans. They also advertise in Mexico and transport them. Watch the documentary, Food Inc for more on how they deal with ICE, etc.)

Drug runners don't "steal" SocSec or other ID. Cartels have lots of money. When a runner is caught and deported, they just issue new ID and send them out again. That why 1070, as written, could not work. It's also why it would be smart of us to control IDs and driver's licenses.

Thanks to the US, there's no other way for them to earn enough to support their families. It's not what we set out to do, but it is the result of the actions I described above.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

What are you smoking lib, illegal tax refund fraud is over $5 billion a year, widely reported, the problem debated in congress. $5 billion a year in FRAUD. Go lick your wounds.
Illegal tax refund fraud is a $21 billion industry, Einstein

Illegals scamming the child tax credit get bigger refunds than you stupid.
Why illegals, honey bunch. Its seems that lots get involved in it
The savings on illegal tax refund fraud alone will pay for the wall.


That's very creative but it's utter nonsense because it's a number that can't be known.

Fact is, undocumented pay the same taxes that citizens do but get none of it back.

Yeah, I know the RWs love to say illegals don't pay taxes but, of course they do.

Think it through. Let's say your SocSec card is used by an illegal working at a slaughterhouse. That employer withholds the usual taxes but the worker can't file with the IRS or collect SocSec so his earnings are credited to you.

If he buys a car, pays cash and the used car dealer charges him the usual sales tax. They never buy houses but if they did, same thing. (Big employers, like slaughterhouses, often house them and take them to and from work in vans. They also advertise in Mexico and transport them. Watch the documentary, Food Inc for more on how they deal with ICE, etc.)

Drug runners don't "steal" SocSec or other ID. Cartels have lots of money. When a runner is caught and deported, they just issue new ID and send them out again. That why 1070, as written, could not work. It's also why it would be smart of us to control IDs and driver's licenses.

Thanks to the US, there's no other way for them to earn enough to support their families. It's not what we set out to do, but it is the result of the actions I described above.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

What are you smoking lib, illegal tax refund fraud is over $5 billion a year, widely reported, the problem debated in congress. $5 billion a year in FRAUD. Go lick your wounds.
Illegal tax refund fraud is a $21 billion industry, Einstein

Illegals scamming the child tax credit get bigger refunds than you stupid.
Why illegals, honey bunch. Its seems that lots get involved in it

Your ignorance of the law and illegal issues is astounding, illegals are not entitled to a child tax credit BY LAW let alone 10 child tax credits for kids who are not even their kids, who have never even set foot in the USA. Avoid voting and operating machinery you are a danger to the country.
Stem the flow of meth and heroin trafficking into our country, build the wall! These illegals are not friends of the USA.
You need to differentiate between people who come here for a better life, and drug cartels.

You need to watch the National Geographic documentaries on illegals and their drug trafficking, by their entire families wives kids and all. ON SNAP!
Stem the flow of meth and heroin trafficking into our country, build the wall! These illegals are not friends of the USA.
You need to differentiate between people who come here for a better life, and drug cartels.

You need to watch the National Geographic documentaries on illegals and their drug trafficking, by their entire families wives kids and all. ON SNAP!
I am sure every illegal entering this country is also a drug trafficker. It fits with your "logic"

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