What are the benefits of the wall Trump wishes to build?

I wish to know all the possible benefits of the wall.

Hmmmmm...are you having trouble with thinking today? You need us to do it for you?

Well, ok, I have a couple of minutes.

1. Reduced illegal immigration.
2. obstructing the drug lords and some of their traffic lanes
3. Giving jobs to people
4. Stimulating the economies of the states and cities involved.

there are probably more.
The savings on illegal tax refund fraud alone will pay for the wall.


That's very creative but it's utter nonsense because it's a number that can't be known.

Fact is, undocumented pay the same taxes that citizens do but get none of it back.

Yeah, I know the RWs love to say illegals don't pay taxes but, of course they do.

Think it through. Let's say your SocSec card is used by an illegal working at a slaughterhouse. That employer withholds the usual taxes but the worker can't file with the IRS or collect SocSec so his earnings are credited to you.

If he buys a car, pays cash and the used car dealer charges him the usual sales tax. They never buy houses but if they did, same thing. (Big employers, like slaughterhouses, often house them and take them to and from work in vans. They also advertise in Mexico and transport them. Watch the documentary, Food Inc for more on how they deal with ICE, etc.)

Drug runners don't "steal" SocSec or other ID. Cartels have lots of money. When a runner is caught and deported, they just issue new ID and send them out again. That why 1070, as written, could not work. It's also why it would be smart of us to control IDs and driver's licenses.

Thanks to the US, there's no other way for them to earn enough to support their families. It's not what we set out to do, but it is the result of the actions I described above.

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The wall in Israel works.

By the time someone setups up their 30 foot ladder on the wall, the border guards will be on him. Furthermore, who is going to jump down from the top of a 30 foot wall?
The same people stupid enough to bring only one ladder.

This is so funny. I can't stop laughing.

Actually I think they will leave the ladder on south side so others can use it. Then use a rope to climb down.
Since BP cannot see the other side of wall all they have to do is hide then wait till it's clear.

All your schemes require the wall to be totally unmanned. Do you really imagine the border patrol is that stupid? Do you imagine they would leave ladders left by illegals up against the wall?

You are just too stupid for words to describe. Your schemes require the government to be as stupid as you are.

You are right BP they are not that stupid and they are very good in keeping the borders secure.

Since you cannot see the other side of the wall --------- Can you see a ladder leaning against the south side of the wall? Why would stupid Mexicans even leave the ladder there in a first place?

Guards sitting in towers built into the wall can see both sides of it, moron.

As for the ladders, that's a good question: Why would stupid Mexicans leave a ladder there when the border patrol is going to confiscate it?

You really are some special kind of stupid.

Look little urchin. You just made the wall more expensive. Did Trump ever mentioned any tower? Did you have an advance copy of the wall?
If you put a tower means you have to have a housing for BP, water, electricity, wifi, flat screen etc etc etc.

Actually Trump no longer wants a wall but a fence, no longer 2,000 miles wall but 700 to 900 miles fence.

No need for a full border wall, Trump says

President Trump, who made the building of a wall along the border with Mexico a central promise of his campaign, significantly scaled back the pledge Thursday.

"You don't need 2,000 miles of wall because you have a lot of natural barriers," Trump said to reporters on Air Force One during his flight to Paris.

"You have mountains. You have some rivers that are violent and vicious. You have some areas that are so far away that you don't really have people crossing. So you don't need that."

"You'll need anywhere from 700 to 900 miles," he said.
If trump wants to build a wall and cover it with solar panels, they will have to be on the South side facing Mexico. That being the case, i suspect that Mexicans will be making as sport of of breaking the glass panels with rocks.

Trump is so smart that he will use a solar panels as a wall but thy are laid out horizontal ---------- NOT vertical.
Why didn't I thought of that?
This is so funny. I can't stop laughing.

Actually I think they will leave the ladder on south side so others can use it. Then use a rope to climb down.
Since BP cannot see the other side of wall all they have to do is hide then wait till it's clear.

All your schemes require the wall to be totally unmanned. Do you really imagine the border patrol is that stupid? Do you imagine they would leave ladders left by illegals up against the wall?

You are just too stupid for words to describe. Your schemes require the government to be as stupid as you are.
Ladders can be moved, genius. Tunnels can and will be built. Over 40% of all people here illegally do not come through the southern border.
And border guards can arrest people using ladders, and sensors can detect tunnels being dug.

Only a true dumbshit imagines stopping 60% of the problem isn't worth the effort.

No matter how you look at it, you're a moron. There's a simple solution to every scheme you mention.
Why aren't these wonderful sensors stopping the tunnels being dug at the border as we speak?
So the US border guards can arrest people on the Mexican side of the wall who are carrying ladders? WOW
Sure. Do you imagine the wall is going to be built exactly on the border? No, it will be set back a certain distance, probably enough to put a road on the Mexican side of the wall precisely so boarder patrol can drive up to anyone trying to use a ladder to cross over and arrest them.

Once again you only prove how stupid you are.

Look little urchin. You are making the wall more and more expensive.
So you are going to make a concrete road on both sides of the wall.
Did Trump told you that?
This is so funny. I can't stop laughing.

Actually I think they will leave the ladder on south side so others can use it. Then use a rope to climb down.
Since BP cannot see the other side of wall all they have to do is hide then wait till it's clear.

All your schemes require the wall to be totally unmanned. Do you really imagine the border patrol is that stupid? Do you imagine they would leave ladders left by illegals up against the wall?

You are just too stupid for words to describe. Your schemes require the government to be as stupid as you are.

You are right BP they are not that stupid and they are very good in keeping the borders secure.

Since you cannot see the other side of the wall --------- Can you see a ladder leaning against the south side of the wall? Why would stupid Mexicans even leave the ladder there in a first place?

Guards sitting in towers built into the wall can see both sides of it, moron.

As for the ladders, that's a good question: Why would stupid Mexicans leave a ladder there when the border patrol is going to confiscate it?

You really are some special kind of stupid.
So we will now have 24 hour, guards every few hundred feet, manning the wall. Lets see thats another 30-40,000 border guards

A guard tower with two people every mile should be sufficient. Say, we already have enough people to man the wall.

That is 2,000 miles. Put the bong down Bri.
Why aren't these wonderful sensors stopping the tunnels being dug at the border as we speak?
So the US border guards can arrest people on the Mexican side of the wall who are carrying ladders? WOW
Because they h ave not been put in place due to lack of funding, idjit?

This just show you don't know shit. There are thousands of sensors already in placed but it's not working that well. See links.

Homeland Security’s Border Sensors Are a $700-Million Boondoggle

Homeland Security Delays Plan to Place Sensors on U.S.-Mexico Border
Then the bill goes into a mexican waste basket, and we learn that Trump lied again.
There is a million ways to make Mexico pay for the wall since they make much more on our relationship than we do.

Do you have how much money is wired to Mexico every year? $25 billion.

Guess how much is wired home to various places in Latin America? $69 billion.

A 15% tax on that money alone will pay for the wall, about $4 billion and $10 billion respectively.

If they can go around and deliver $64 billions worth of drugs here in US. How difficult it is to deliver cash anywhere to Mexico or anywhere around the world that accept $.

If you did that. You will help the drug cartel money laundering a lot easier.
Example------ Let say you want to send $10,000 to your relatives in Russia. It's not that difficult to find a money exchange on the black market in Russia or any foreign countries willing to exchange 59,0550 Russian ruble to your relatives----- Then pay the connections $10,000 here. This has been going on since the beginning of dawn.

As always you think watching too much movies makes you smart. You don't know shit.
Some posters above are Making me angry. Warning#1 is issued.

Many USMB threads have shown the COST of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION to be massive. The wall is paid for quickly. And Mexico will pay in many ways. They know it. They are probably starting to negotiate. Much of wall may end up being built by them on their side in the end.

Obama stopped nothing. He forced the Border Patrol off of Federal lands in TX which opened floodgates. 30K-50K Children per month on a train is "net zero" immigration? funny.

Many Wall Proposals are in. I would bet many sections will end up being different. Many sections need nothing at all. Border Enforcement are the experts. They are being consulted. Fence, Wall, Barbed-Wire, Windows? Ditches? Poles? Electric? Waves? Sound? Human body Sensors? Automatic? Gates? whatever. American technology is quite creative. If there is a buck to made........

Stop what you can now. Wall off the bad spots first. Make it difficult to get in. Why is anyone against that?

Worry about Visa overtay(s) also. Find them, Fine them. They will start to leave on cheap red-eye flights to avoid payment or maybe jail time. It is not rocket science. This is 2017 (computer databases) not 1948 (paper)
I wish to know all the possible benefits of the wall.

Well, it will stop the flow of illegal drugs into this country. Which there will be more and more parents that will be using their income on their household rather than on that stuff. Lots of children will not have to worry about being teased at school, because their parents did not buy them any clothes or shoes. And which a lot of children will now be able to focus on their studies, instead of looking down at the ground because their parents is not taking care of them.
All your schemes require the wall to be totally unmanned. Do you really imagine the border patrol is that stupid? Do you imagine they would leave ladders left by illegals up against the wall?

You are just too stupid for words to describe. Your schemes require the government to be as stupid as you are.
Ladders can be moved, genius. Tunnels can and will be built. Over 40% of all people here illegally do not come through the southern border.
And border guards can arrest people using ladders, and sensors can detect tunnels being dug.

Only a true dumbshit imagines stopping 60% of the problem isn't worth the effort.

No matter how you look at it, you're a moron. There's a simple solution to every scheme you mention.
Why aren't these wonderful sensors stopping the tunnels being dug at the border as we speak?
So the US border guards can arrest people on the Mexican side of the wall who are carrying ladders? WOW
Sure. Do you imagine the wall is going to be built exactly on the border? No, it will be set back a certain distance, probably enough to put a road on the Mexican side of the wall precisely so boarder patrol can drive up to anyone trying to use a ladder to cross over and arrest them.

Once again you only prove how stupid you are.

Look little urchin. You are making the wall more and more expensive.
So you are going to make a concrete road on both sides of the wall.
Did Trump told you that?
Who said it would be concrete? A gravel road would be more than adequate. Only dumbasses like you thought the wall wouldn't have guard towers or roads. How else could your imbecile claims that it won't work be true?
Some posters above are Making me angry. Warning#1 is issued.

Many USMB threads have shown the COST of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION to be massive. The wall is paid for quickly. And Mexico will pay in many ways. They know it. They are probably starting to negotiate. Much of wall may end up being built by them on their side in the end.

Obama stopped nothing. He forced the Border Patrol off of Federal lands in TX which opened floodgates. 30K-50K Children per month on a train is "net zero" immigration? funny.

Many Wall Proposals are in. I would bet many sections will end up being different. Many sections need nothing at all. Border Enforcement are the experts. They are being consulted. Fence, Wall, Barbed-Wire, Windows? Ditches? Poles? Electric? Waves? Sound? Human body Sensors? Automatic? Gates? whatever. American technology is quite creative. If there is a buck to made........

Stop what you can now. Wall off the bad spots first. Make it difficult to get in. Why is anyone against that?

Worry about Visa overtay(s) also. Find them, Fine them. They will start to leave on cheap red-eye flights to avoid payment or maybe jail time. It is not rocket science. This is 2017 (computer databases) not 1948 (paper)

The snowflakes are against it because they want an open border. They want to flood this country with ignorant peasants from Mexico who will come here and immediately get on welfare and become loyal Democrats.
Pass an unfakable SS ID card or this will never end, dupes...Hillary was talking about TRADE DUUHHHHHH.
1. Some posters above are Making me angry. Warning#1 is issued.

2. Many USMB threads have shown the COST of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION to be massive. The wall is paid for quickly. And Mexico will pay in many ways. They know it. They are probably starting to negotiate. Much of wall may end up being built by them on their side in the end.

3. Obama stopped nothing. He forced the Border Patrol off of Federal lands in TX which opened floodgates. 30K-50K Children per month on a train is "net zero" immigration? funny.

4. Many Wall Proposals are in. I would bet many sections will end up being different. Many sections need nothing at all. Border Enforcement are the experts. They are being consulted. Fence, Wall, Barbed-Wire, Windows? Ditches? Poles? Electric? Waves? Sound? Human body Sensors? Automatic? Gates? whatever. American technology is quite creative. If there is a buck to made........

Stop what you can now. Wall off the bad spots first. Make it difficult to get in. Why is anyone against that?

5. Worry about Visa overtay(s) also. Find them, Fine them. They will start to leave on cheap red-eye flights to avoid payment or maybe jail time. It is not rocket science. This is 2017 (computer databases) not 1948 (paper)

1. Ask me if we care. You can hear bri screaming his lungs------ does it matter?

2. This post probably one of the most stupidest next to Bri I ever read about the wall and illegals.
Cost of illegals immigration ------- that you are talking about are the illegals that are already living inside the US. So how is the fence going to change that cost Nimrod?
3. Wrong. I need you to read the WILBERFORCE ACT 2008 signed by George Bush jr. Why we have so much influx of unaccompanied children coming from south and Central America. THIS IS ALSO PART OF THE IMMIGRATION REFORM THAT OBAMA WANTS TO ABOLISH but GOPs decided not to anything about immigration reform.

Did Trump able stop the flow of un accompanied children? In February 17 alone 18,762 cross that same border in Texas.

Inside Trump’s Border Crackdown on Women and Kids – Mother Jones

4. Wall is just a waste of tax payers money. You are right Border Enforcement are the experts that is why they prefer drones and sensors. Now Trump want fence----- see video how easy it is to scale a fence.

Border and Custom Officials Prefer Drones and Sensors Instead of the Trump Suggested Wall - Wall Street

5. How? Don't you think they could have done that?
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Ladders can be moved, genius. Tunnels can and will be built. Over 40% of all people here illegally do not come through the southern border.
And border guards can arrest people using ladders, and sensors can detect tunnels being dug.

Only a true dumbshit imagines stopping 60% of the problem isn't worth the effort.

No matter how you look at it, you're a moron. There's a simple solution to every scheme you mention.
Why aren't these wonderful sensors stopping the tunnels being dug at the border as we speak?
So the US border guards can arrest people on the Mexican side of the wall who are carrying ladders? WOW
Sure. Do you imagine the wall is going to be built exactly on the border? No, it will be set back a certain distance, probably enough to put a road on the Mexican side of the wall precisely so boarder patrol can drive up to anyone trying to use a ladder to cross over and arrest them.

Once again you only prove how stupid you are.

Look little urchin. You are making the wall more and more expensive.
So you are going to make a concrete road on both sides of the wall.
Did Trump told you that?
Who said it would be concrete? A gravel road would be more than adequate. Only dumbasses like you thought the wall wouldn't have guard towers or roads. How else could your imbecile claims that it won't work be true?

So how are you going to deliver heavy machinery and equipments, supplies and man power that will take several years to build?
You did not answer any of my questions. So let me repeat it for you stupid shit.
Did Trump show you his fence plan? Did he say any towers and roads on both side of the wall?
There is no technology that works better than a wall ...
Oh, I dont know about that....minefields work pretty well too.

We are not in the business of murdering people.
Glad to hear you do.
Sure we are. Obama droned thousands of people.

Your brain is so fucked up.
Did he used drones to kill innocent civilians intentionally? If I use the same kind of lunatic scenario like yours can I blame Trump killing 3,100 civilians?

Civilian Deaths Spike in U.S Airstrikes on ISIS

Data compiled by Airwars, a nonprofit group that tracks reports of civilian deaths in Iraq and Syria, showed a significant jump in the number of reported deaths in the first three months of 2017.

The military recently confirmed that American-led airstrikes had been responsible for at least 352 civilian deaths since the start of the war against the Islamic State. But Airwars estimated that the total was eight times higher. The group found that at least 3,100 civilians were killed in American-led airstrikes from August 2014 to March 2017.
And border guards can arrest people using ladders, and sensors can detect tunnels being dug.

Only a true dumbshit imagines stopping 60% of the problem isn't worth the effort.

No matter how you look at it, you're a moron. There's a simple solution to every scheme you mention.
Why aren't these wonderful sensors stopping the tunnels being dug at the border as we speak?
So the US border guards can arrest people on the Mexican side of the wall who are carrying ladders? WOW
Sure. Do you imagine the wall is going to be built exactly on the border? No, it will be set back a certain distance, probably enough to put a road on the Mexican side of the wall precisely so boarder patrol can drive up to anyone trying to use a ladder to cross over and arrest them.

Once again you only prove how stupid you are.

Look little urchin. You are making the wall more and more expensive.
So you are going to make a concrete road on both sides of the wall.
Did Trump told you that?
Who said it would be concrete? A gravel road would be more than adequate. Only dumbasses like you thought the wall wouldn't have guard towers or roads. How else could your imbecile claims that it won't work be true?

So how are you going to deliver heavy machinery and equipments, supplies and man power that will take several years to build?
You did not answer any of my questions. So let me repeat it for you stupid shit.
Did Trump show you his fence plan? Did he say any towers and roads on both side of the wall?
How about the purchase of private lands need to build the fence. Many property owners will refuse to sell their land to Trump
Ladders can be moved, genius. Tunnels can and will be built. Over 40% of all people here illegally do not come through the southern border.
And border guards can arrest people using ladders, and sensors can detect tunnels being dug.

Only a true dumbshit imagines stopping 60% of the problem isn't worth the effort.

No matter how you look at it, you're a moron. There's a simple solution to every scheme you mention.
Why aren't these wonderful sensors stopping the tunnels being dug at the border as we speak?
So the US border guards can arrest people on the Mexican side of the wall who are carrying ladders? WOW
Sure. Do you imagine the wall is going to be built exactly on the border? No, it will be set back a certain distance, probably enough to put a road on the Mexican side of the wall precisely so boarder patrol can drive up to anyone trying to use a ladder to cross over and arrest them.

Once again you only prove how stupid you are.
This little biatch is an expert in everything
Look little urchin. You are making the wall more and more expensive.
So you are going to make a concrete road on both sides of the wall.
Did Trump told you that?
Who said it would be concrete? A gravel road would be more than adequate. Only dumbasses like you thought the wall wouldn't have guard towers or roads. How else could your imbecile claims that it won't work be true?

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