What are the benefits of the wall Trump wishes to build?

The wall in Israel works.

By the time someone setups up their 30 foot ladder on the wall, the border guards will be on him. Furthermore, who is going to jump down from the top of a 30 foot wall?
The same people stupid enough to bring only one ladder.

This is so funny. I can't stop laughing.

Actually I think they will leave the ladder on south side so others can use it. Then use a rope to climb down.
Since BP cannot see the other side of wall all they have to do is hide then wait till it's clear.

All your schemes require the wall to be totally unmanned. Do you really imagine the border patrol is that stupid? Do you imagine they would leave ladders left by illegals up against the wall?

You are just too stupid for words to describe. Your schemes require the government to be as stupid as you are.

You are right BP they are not that stupid and they are very good in keeping the borders secure.

Since you cannot see the other side of the wall --------- Can you see a ladder leaning against the south side of the wall? Why would stupid Mexicans even leave the ladder there in a first place?

Guards sitting in towers built into the wall can see both sides of it, moron.

As for the ladders, that's a good question: Why would stupid Mexicans leave a ladder there when the border patrol is going to confiscate it?

You really are some special kind of stupid.
Charwin is kind of soft....in the head.
Why aren't these wonderful sensors stopping the tunnels being dug at the border as we speak?
So the US border guards can arrest people on the Mexican side of the wall who are carrying ladders? WOW
Because they h ave not been put in place due to lack of funding, idjit?
Then the bill goes into a mexican waste basket, and we learn that Trump lied again.
There is a million ways to make Mexico pay for the wall since they make much more on our relationship than we do.

Do you have how much money is wired to Mexico every year? $25 billion.

Guess how much is wired home to various places in Latin America? $69 billion.

A 15% tax on that money alone will pay for the wall, about $4 billion and $10 billion respectively.
Then the bill goes into a mexican waste basket, and we learn that Trump lied again.
There is a million ways to make Mexico pay for the wall since they make much more on our relationship than we do.

Do you have how much money is wired to Mexico every year? $25 billion.

Guess how much is wired home to various places in Latin America? $69 billion.

A 15% tax on that money alone will pay for the wall, about $4 billion and $10 billion respectively.

There is a million ways to make Mexico pay for the wall since they make much more on our relationship than we do.

Do you have how much money is wired to Mexico every year? $25 billion.

Guess how much is wired home to various places in Latin America? $69 billion.

A 15% tax on that money alone will pay for the wall, about $4 billion and $10 billion respectively.

Fence em' off, cut em off' head em' off, move em' out......Raw-Hide (experts say :badgrin:)

U.S. provides aid worth $320 million a year to Mexico; experts say yanking it could hurt
Iet keeps Wetbacks and other disease ridden third world people out of the country. It provides safety for law abiding citizens of the United States. It creates jobs too.
It only slows them down. It doesn't do anything to stop those overstaying their visas nor those being smuggled in by boat. More will come by boat, tunnels or breaches.

What we need is a defense in depth beginning what a virtual wall around the entire United States.

Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States

Has anyone told us just how Mexico will pay for this wall? Sorry for the minor details
It appears the American taxpayer, mostly the Middle Class, will pay for the wall then Trump will send a bill to Mexico.
That's quite alright with me. We must do what we can to keep Wetbacks out of this country.
I would prefer to keep scum like you and your kind out of this country.
If the Zombie Apocalypse came, who here would shoot Nazis along with Zombies? If you shoot them in the chest, let them turn, then shoot them again, does this mimic the Doublemint gum commercial "Double the pleasure, double the fun"?

Then the bill goes into a mexican waste basket, and we learn that Trump lied again.
There is a million ways to make Mexico pay for the wall since they make much more on our relationship than we do.

Do you have how much money is wired to Mexico every year? $25 billion.

Guess how much is wired home to various places in Latin America? $69 billion.

A 15% tax on that money alone will pay for the wall, about $4 billion and $10 billion respectively.
Laws about wiring money illegally out of the country are a good solution. This still doesn't answer the question of funding a White Elephant on one border of our nation.
The savings on illegal tax refund fraud alone will pay for the wall.
I'd like to see the numbers on that one. Also, like Liberal sin taxes, what happens when the illegals are gone? Who pays for staffing and maintenance of the world's greatest White Elephant? The Middle Class....again?

All your schemes require the wall to be totally unmanned. Do you really imagine the border patrol is that stupid? Do you imagine they would leave ladders left by illegals up against the wall?

You are just too stupid for words to describe. Your schemes require the government to be as stupid as you are.

And you're in full on loon mode my little bald chubby friend. The wall will do little or nothing. Initially it might, but then you'll just get tunnels. The Israelis can't stop tunnels on its relatively small border with Gaza. You think the Mexicans will have issues on 2000+ mile border?? Don't think so.

All your schemes require the wall to be totally unmanned. Do you really imagine the border patrol is that stupid? Do you imagine they would leave ladders left by illegals up against the wall?

You are just too stupid for words to describe. Your schemes require the government to be as stupid as you are.

And you're in full on loon mode my little bald chubby friend. The wall will do little or nothing. Initially it might, but then you'll just get tunnels. The Israelis can't stop tunnels on its relatively small border with Gaza. You think the Mexicans will have issues on 2000+ mile border?? Don't think so.
Once again, the snowflake proves he's an ignoramus. The Israelis can do something about tunneling. They have completely stopped it. Tunneling is easy to stop because tunnels are easy to find. There are virtually no incursions into Israel across any border with a wall. You don't know that because you're an idiot believes what he's told to believe.

All your schemes require the wall to be totally unmanned. Do you really imagine the border patrol is that stupid? Do you imagine they would leave ladders left by illegals up against the wall?

You are just too stupid for words to describe. Your schemes require the government to be as stupid as you are.

And you're in full on loon mode my little bald chubby friend. The wall will do little or nothing. Initially it might, but then you'll just get tunnels. The Israelis can't stop tunnels on its relatively small border with Gaza. You think the Mexicans will have issues on 2000+ mile border?? Don't think so.
Once again, the snowflake proves he's an ignoramus. The Israelis can do something about tunneling. They have completely stopped it. Tunneling is easy to stop because tunnels are easy to find. There are virtually no incursions into Israel across any border with a wall. You don't know that because you're an idiot believes what he's told to believe.
Show us where tunneling has been completely stopped, genius. Either on the israeli or Mexican border. You don't know shit about anything
The savings on illegal tax refund fraud alone will pay for the wall.
I'd like to see the numbers on that one. Also, like Liberal sin taxes, what happens when the illegals are gone? Who pays for staffing and maintenance of the world's greatest White Elephant? The Middle Class....again?

Lets say, using the lower estimate from the article below, that the yearly fraud is $5.9 billion. that's about $24 billion in 4 years. The estimated cost of the wall is $23 billion

Groups want Trump to close loophole allowing illegal immigrants to abuse tax credits

Illegal immigrants need only one number to access billions of dollars in free taxpayer cash.

The Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) unlocks an exclusive gateway for non-citizens to receive monies meant for working, low-income Americans. The nine-digit code was created by bureaucrats in 1996 for foreigners who had to deal with the IRS. It allows people without a Social Security number, including those in the country illegally, to file taxes.

“It’s just a farce to say it was created to collect taxes,” Robert Rector, senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, told Fox News. “It’s nothing but a welfare program designed for illegal immigrants. ITINS are for tourists or illegals. No ITIN filer is eligible to work in the United States.”

The problem with ITIN, critics say, is gives non-citizens access to federal cash that they should not be entitled to receive. Once illegal immigrants file ITIN tax returns, they can apply for a Child Tax Credit – which entitles them to $1,000 per child. Unlike the Earned Income Tax Credit, which requires a Social Security Number to qualify, the Child Tax Credit is a cash program that does not.

Critics say that makes it ripe for abuse.

Numerous investigations by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration have chronicled not only improper Child Tax Credit fraud and error payments ranging from $5.9 billion to $7.1 billion, but schemes such as nearly 24,000 ITIN payments going to the same address. The audit reports also found IRS management was “not concerned with addressing questionable applications” but “interested only in the volume of applications that can be processed, regardless of whether they are fraudulent.”

Another audit report examining ITIN usage found Child Tax Credit claims more than quadrupled in five years, from $924 million in 2005 to $4.2 billion in 2010.

An agency spokesman said the IRS recently paid $5.7 billion to ITIN for those claiming child tax credit and in 2015 it paid $3.4 billion.

A Social Security number is required to qualify for any federal public benefit. Green card holders, refugees and those granted asylum receive Social Security Numbers. But workers without a Social Security Number can still file taxes – and apply for certain tax credits – with an ITIN number.

All your schemes require the wall to be totally unmanned. Do you really imagine the border patrol is that stupid? Do you imagine they would leave ladders left by illegals up against the wall?

You are just too stupid for words to describe. Your schemes require the government to be as stupid as you are.

And you're in full on loon mode my little bald chubby friend. The wall will do little or nothing. Initially it might, but then you'll just get tunnels. The Israelis can't stop tunnels on its relatively small border with Gaza. You think the Mexicans will have issues on 2000+ mile border?? Don't think so.
Once again, the snowflake proves he's an ignoramus. The Israelis can do something about tunneling. They have completely stopped it. Tunneling is easy to stop because tunnels are easy to find. There are virtually no incursions into Israel across any border with a wall. You don't know that because you're an idiot believes what he's told to believe.
Show us where tunneling has been completely stopped, genius. Either on the israeli or Mexican border. You don't know shit about anything
There is a difference between guarding 37 miles of wall along inhabited territory and guarding almost 2000 miles of wall much in uninhabited territory.
Then the bill goes into a mexican waste basket, and we learn that Trump lied again.
There is a million ways to make Mexico pay for the wall since they make much more on our relationship than we do.

Do you have how much money is wired to Mexico every year? $25 billion.

Guess how much is wired home to various places in Latin America? $69 billion.

A 15% tax on that money alone will pay for the wall, about $4 billion and $10 billion respectively.
Laws about wiring money illegally out of the country are a good solution. This still doesn't answer the question of funding a White Elephant on one border of our nation.
Calling it a white elephant doesn't make it a white elephant. The wall will server a purpose so long as we have a border with Mexico. Claims that won't work are bullshit.

All your schemes require the wall to be totally unmanned. Do you really imagine the border patrol is that stupid? Do you imagine they would leave ladders left by illegals up against the wall?

You are just too stupid for words to describe. Your schemes require the government to be as stupid as you are.

And you're in full on loon mode my little bald chubby friend. The wall will do little or nothing. Initially it might, but then you'll just get tunnels. The Israelis can't stop tunnels on its relatively small border with Gaza. You think the Mexicans will have issues on 2000+ mile border?? Don't think so.
Once again, the snowflake proves he's an ignoramus. The Israelis can do something about tunneling. They have completely stopped it. Tunneling is easy to stop because tunnels are easy to find. There are virtually no incursions into Israel across any border with a wall. You don't know that because you're an idiot believes what he's told to believe.
Show us where tunneling has been completely stopped, genius. Either on the israeli or Mexican border. You don't know shit about anything
There is a difference between guarding 37 miles of wall along inhabited territory and guarding almost 2000 miles of wall much in uninhabited territory.

A wall in uninhabited territory works better than a wall in an urban area. Furthermore, Israel has 400 miles of wall in total, not 37.
The savings on illegal tax refund fraud alone will pay for the wall.
I'd like to see the numbers on that one. Also, like Liberal sin taxes, what happens when the illegals are gone? Who pays for staffing and maintenance of the world's greatest White Elephant? The Middle Class....again?

Lets say, using the lower estimate from the article below, that the yearly fraud is $5.9 billion. that's about $24 billion in 4 years. The estimated cost of the wall is $23 billion

Groups want Trump to close loophole allowing illegal immigrants to abuse tax credits

Illegal immigrants need only one number to access billions of dollars in free taxpayer cash.

The Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) unlocks an exclusive gateway for non-citizens to receive monies meant for working, low-income Americans. The nine-digit code was created by bureaucrats in 1996 for foreigners who had to deal with the IRS. It allows people without a Social Security number, including those in the country illegally, to file taxes.

“It’s just a farce to say it was created to collect taxes,” Robert Rector, senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, told Fox News. “It’s nothing but a welfare program designed for illegal immigrants. ITINS are for tourists or illegals. No ITIN filer is eligible to work in the United States.”

The problem with ITIN, critics say, is gives non-citizens access to federal cash that they should not be entitled to receive. Once illegal immigrants file ITIN tax returns, they can apply for a Child Tax Credit – which entitles them to $1,000 per child. Unlike the Earned Income Tax Credit, which requires a Social Security Number to qualify, the Child Tax Credit is a cash program that does not.

Critics say that makes it ripe for abuse.

Numerous investigations by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration have chronicled not only improper Child Tax Credit fraud and error payments ranging from $5.9 billion to $7.1 billion, but schemes such as nearly 24,000 ITIN payments going to the same address. The audit reports also found IRS management was “not concerned with addressing questionable applications” but “interested only in the volume of applications that can be processed, regardless of whether they are fraudulent.”

Another audit report examining ITIN usage found Child Tax Credit claims more than quadrupled in five years, from $924 million in 2005 to $4.2 billion in 2010.

An agency spokesman said the IRS recently paid $5.7 billion to ITIN for those claiming child tax credit and in 2015 it paid $3.4 billion.

A Social Security number is required to qualify for any federal public benefit. Green card holders, refugees and those granted asylum receive Social Security Numbers. But workers without a Social Security Number can still file taxes – and apply for certain tax credits – with an ITIN number.
Isn't the estimated $23B cost just to build it? How much to staff and maintain it? The guards alone would number over 11,000. There's also the admin people, management, maintenance, etc, etc. They'd be much like TSA in numbers and pay: What Do TSA Officers Make?

The annual TSA budget is $7.6B per year. TSA’s 2017 Budget – A Commitment to Security (Part I)

I want to see our borders secure, illegal immigration minimized if not stopped and the Federal deficit reduced. I fail to see how spending tens of billions on a White Elephant fixes these problems. A single line of defense along the 1,954 miles of Mexican border is a fraction of the United State's thousands of miles of total border length: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RS21729.pdf

We need something better for the taxpayer's Billions of dollars.

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