What are the chances of the Senate flipping in 2016?

What are the chances of the Senate flipping in 2016?

That depends on how many normal Americans are pleased with what the liberals have done over the last several years, and decide they want to elect more of them.

In other words, no way in Hell.
The "problem" is not necessarily elected democrats, but the blatant, abject hatred that right wingers have had toward Obama.....No other president in modern history has had to endure the constant opposition by elected right wingers...From days after Obama took office, the plan was (and still is) for republicans to obstruct, undermine and reject virtually everything that this administration proposed.

With Obama gone in another 1.5 years or so, the burden of governing will fall on heavily on republican hands, and unless the GOP rids itself of crazed ultra-conservatives and clueless tea partiers, the hrand old party will suffer quite a bit....especially since they've managed to piss off all minorities, progressive women who don;t want grouchy old white men dictating what their values should be, and the rising gay/lesbian movements.
Oh please. Bush faced far worse opposition from Dems. He got things passed only because he knew how to negotiate with people opposed to him. Obama doesnt.

What did he get passed that was such a great accomplishment? His budget busting tax cuts? His unfunded Medicare expansion?
No child left behind, authored by Ted Kennedy
Tax cuts that saved us from another Depression at the start of his term
A war in Iraq that succeeded by every measure.
A medicaid expansion that has come in under expected budget.

Are you fucking INSANE???? A war in Iraq that killed 4000 Americans cost an estimated $3 TRILLION and has emboldened Iran????
Go soak your head......you're nuts !!!
What are the chances of the Senate flipping in 2016?

That depends on how many normal Americans are pleased with what the liberals have done over the last several years, and decide they want to elect more of them.

In other words, no way in Hell.

You know, stupidity should not go unchallenged....otherwise it festers..

EXACTLY what have "liberals done".....
If you're in the stock market should you be bitching?
If you were uninsured for health care, should you be bitching?
If you were unemployed and now found some work, should you be bitching?
If you were a woman who got paid less for the same wotk as a man, should you be bitching?
If you were making $7 an hour and now you're making $10, should you be bitching?

If you were some Army volunteer and now you don't have to spill you're blood and limbs in some hell hole in the ME, should you be bitching?

Idiots like you just throw out what you heard on FOX without a single stitch of facts to back you up.....

....and don't get me started as to which party controlled most of congress during these past 6 plus yars.
The "problem" is not necessarily elected democrats, but the blatant, abject hatred that right wingers have had toward Obama.....No other president in modern history has had to endure the constant opposition by elected right wingers...From days after Obama took office, the plan was (and still is) for republicans to obstruct, undermine and reject virtually everything that this administration proposed.

With Obama gone in another 1.5 years or so, the burden of governing will fall on heavily on republican hands, and unless the GOP rids itself of crazed ultra-conservatives and clueless tea partiers, the hrand old party will suffer quite a bit....especially since they've managed to piss off all minorities, progressive women who don;t want grouchy old white men dictating what their values should be, and the rising gay/lesbian movements.
Oh please. Bush faced far worse opposition from Dems. He got things passed only because he knew how to negotiate with people opposed to him. Obama doesnt.

What did he get passed that was such a great accomplishment? His budget busting tax cuts? His unfunded Medicare expansion?
No child left behind, authored by Ted Kennedy
Tax cuts that saved us from another Depression at the start of his term
A war in Iraq that succeeded by every measure.
A medicaid expansion that has come in under expected budget.

Are you fucking INSANE???? A war in Iraq that killed 4000 Americans cost an estimated $3 TRILLION and has emboldened Iran????
Go soak your head......you're nuts !!!

And that's not all ....
Affordable Care Act and drug savings The Ridgefield Press
Seriously, it's way too early for prognostications. I saw a new poll showing natl security tied with the economy as the no 1 issue. I'm certainly not a fan of Obama, and I realize he went where BushII feared to go after Osama, but I agree with Scarborough that we're suffering from 7 years of his for policy inexperience, and it's really ironic that the gop has taken a public opinion lead on this .... after BushII so badly screwed the pooch on Iraq, and Obama was one of the few to call him out for it when he was doing it.
Seriously, it's way too early for prognostications. I saw a new poll showing natl security tied with the economy as the no 1 issue. I'm certainly not a fan of Obama, and I realize he went where BushII feared to go after Osama, but I agree with Scarborough that we're suffering from 7 years of his for policy inexperience, and it's really ironic that the gop has taken a public opinion lead on this .... after BushII so badly screwed the pooch on Iraq, and Obama was one of the few to call him out for it when he was doing it.

Contrary to popular opinion on this forum, I am NOT a big fan of many of Obama's policies...and certainly the animosity shown to him by elected right wingers has worsened the once rational thoughts that Obama had expressed when campaigning.
Seriously, it's way too early for prognostications. I saw a new poll showing natl security tied with the economy as the no 1 issue. I'm certainly not a fan of Obama, and I realize he went where BushII feared to go after Osama, but I agree with Scarborough that we're suffering from 7 years of his for policy inexperience, and it's really ironic that the gop has taken a public opinion lead on this .... after BushII so badly screwed the pooch on Iraq, and Obama was one of the few to call him out for it when he was doing it.

Contrary to popular opinion on this forum, I am NOT a big fan of many of Obama's policies...and certainly the animosity shown to him by elected right wingers has worsened the once rational thoughts that Obama had expressed when campaigning.
I don't think that many here are huge fans of his job performance.
Seriously, it's way too early for prognostications. I saw a new poll showing natl security tied with the economy as the no 1 issue. I'm certainly not a fan of Obama, and I realize he went where BushII feared to go after Osama, but I agree with Scarborough that we're suffering from 7 years of his for policy inexperience, and it's really ironic that the gop has taken a public opinion lead on this .... after BushII so badly screwed the pooch on Iraq, and Obama was one of the few to call him out for it when he was doing it.

Contrary to popular opinion on this forum, I am NOT a big fan of many of Obama's policies...
Ah, we were fooled by the old you agree with him on every issue so we assumed you liked his policies ploy, were we?

and certainly the animosity shown to him by elected right wingers has worsened the once rational thoughts that Obama had expressed when campaigning.

Yet again, after eight years of unfettered leftist vitriolic hatred of W by the left, you are just a joke
Right wingers have very short and selective memories......Bush was strongly criticized mostly because of the wars he started and the horrible waste of lives and treasure......Whereas Obama is criticized because, "well, lets get a true American in the WH..." He was not born in the US"....He is a Kenyan communicst,"...."Obama is a Muslim"..."Obama wants to take away your guns..." etc.

If you cannot see the DIFFERENCE, then you are a true right winger.

Anyone who agrees with your crap is a true left winger
The "problem" is not necessarily elected democrats, but the blatant, abject hatred that right wingers have had toward Obama.....No other president in modern history has had to endure the constant opposition by elected right wingers...From days after Obama took office, the plan was (and still is) for republicans to obstruct, undermine and reject virtually everything that this administration proposed.

With Obama gone in another 1.5 years or so, the burden of governing will fall on heavily on republican hands, and unless the GOP rids itself of crazed ultra-conservatives and clueless tea partiers, the hrand old party will suffer quite a bit....especially since they've managed to piss off all minorities, progressive women who don;t want grouchy old white men dictating what their values should be, and the rising gay/lesbian movements.
Oh please. Bush faced far worse opposition from Dems. He got things passed only because he knew how to negotiate with people opposed to him. Obama doesnt.

What did he get passed that was such a great accomplishment? His budget busting tax cuts? His unfunded Medicare expansion?
No child left behind, authored by Ted Kennedy
Tax cuts that saved us from another Depression at the start of his term
A war in Iraq that succeeded by every measure.
A medicaid expansion that has come in under expected budget.

Are you fucking INSANE???? A war in Iraq that killed 4000 Americans cost an estimated $3 TRILLION and has emboldened Iran????
Go soak your head......you're nuts !!!

And that's not all ....
Affordable Care Act and drug savings The Ridgefield Press
I find this so peculiar. Last year my co-pay was one dollar to five dollars. Under the new guidelines, three of my prescriptions aren't covered at all and one has a $45.00 co pay. I see where the insurance company is getting a huge savings. I'm not. Is this what obamacare means by huge savings.
The "problem" is not necessarily elected democrats, but the blatant, abject hatred that right wingers have had toward Obama.....No other president in modern history has had to endure the constant opposition by elected right wingers...From days after Obama took office, the plan was (and still is) for republicans to obstruct, undermine and reject virtually everything that this administration proposed.

With Obama gone in another 1.5 years or so, the burden of governing will fall on heavily on republican hands, and unless the GOP rids itself of crazed ultra-conservatives and clueless tea partiers, the hrand old party will suffer quite a bit....especially since they've managed to piss off all minorities, progressive women who don;t want grouchy old white men dictating what their values should be, and the rising gay/lesbian movements.
Oh please. Bush faced far worse opposition from Dems. He got things passed only because he knew how to negotiate with people opposed to him. Obama doesnt.

What did he get passed that was such a great accomplishment? His budget busting tax cuts? His unfunded Medicare expansion?

Budget busting tax cuts, LOL. Once again a liberal who knows more about economics than economists do. You see, you take money out of a pool, dump a bunch on the ground and put what's left back in, and that increases the water in the pool. On the other hand, leaving water in the pool actually shrinks the volume water in the pool. Comprendo?

Yet again, after eight years of unfettered leftist vitriolic hatred of W by the left, you are just a joke

Since you're really too much of an imbecille to seriously discuss issues with......One last attempt at logic and sanity......

I (and many, many others) bashed Bush because of the bloody, useless and extremely expensive (and unfunded0 WARS, the body bags and the maimed Americans coming home with PTSD....

Your ilk bashes Obama because....well, lets see what your complaints are..."He's not a real American...."....."Obama is a Kenyan communist and sometime Muslim..." ..."Obama is going to take our guns away..."

Follow me on the freaking DIFFERENCES????
I find this so peculiar. Last year my co-pay was one dollar to five dollars. Under the new guidelines, three of my prescriptions aren't covered at all and one has a $45.00 co pay. I see where the insurance company is getting a huge savings. I'm not. Is this what obamacare means by huge savings.

NO, that's your insurance company royally screwing you.....Would you like to have the federal government regulate insurance companies?

Yes or No???
Budget busting tax cuts, LOL. Once again a liberal who knows more about economics than economists do. You see, you take money out of a pool, dump a bunch on the ground and put what's left back in, and that increases the water in the pool. On the other hand, leaving water in the pool actually shrinks the volume water in the pool. Comprendo?

While most people try to hide their stupidity, you actually flaunt it.

Should you give tax cuts (less money coming in the treasury) while you're fighting TWO expensive wars with a credit card issued by China???

BTW, have you gotten "trickled down" yet?
The "problem" is not necessarily elected democrats, but the blatant, abject hatred that right wingers have had toward Obama.....No other president in modern history has had to endure the constant opposition by elected right wingers...From days after Obama took office, the plan was (and still is) for republicans to obstruct, undermine and reject virtually everything that this administration proposed.

With Obama gone in another 1.5 years or so, the burden of governing will fall on heavily on republican hands, and unless the GOP rids itself of crazed ultra-conservatives and clueless tea partiers, the hrand old party will suffer quite a bit....especially since they've managed to piss off all minorities, progressive women who don;t want grouchy old white men dictating what their values should be, and the rising gay/lesbian movements.
Oh please. Bush faced far worse opposition from Dems. He got things passed only because he knew how to negotiate with people opposed to him. Obama doesnt.

What did he get passed that was such a great accomplishment? His budget busting tax cuts? His unfunded Medicare expansion?
No child left behind, authored by Ted Kennedy
Tax cuts that saved us from another Depression at the start of his term
A war in Iraq that succeeded by every measure.
A medicaid expansion that has come in under expected budget.

Are you fucking INSANE???? A war in Iraq that killed 4000 Americans cost an estimated $3 TRILLION and has emboldened Iran????
Go soak your head......you're nuts !!!
4000 Americans died in an afternoon at D-Day.
The war achieved every objective that was set. I can't help it that Obama fucked things up once he took office.
4000 Americans died in an afternoon at D-Day.
The war achieved every objective that was set. I can't help it that Obama fucked things up once he took office.

Let me point out (even to you) why you're a true idiot...

"The war achieved every objective that was set??????"

You mean like the war would last weeks, a couple of months, tops??

You mean, the war will pay for itself with all that Iraqi oil????

You mean, we'll be greeted with flowers and candy???

DOLT !!!!!
The "problem" is not necessarily elected democrats, but the blatant, abject hatred that right wingers have had toward Obama.....No other president in modern history has had to endure the constant opposition by elected right wingers...From days after Obama took office, the plan was (and still is) for republicans to obstruct, undermine and reject virtually everything that this administration proposed.

With Obama gone in another 1.5 years or so, the burden of governing will fall on heavily on republican hands, and unless the GOP rids itself of crazed ultra-conservatives and clueless tea partiers, the hrand old party will suffer quite a bit....especially since they've managed to piss off all minorities, progressive women who don;t want grouchy old white men dictating what their values should be, and the rising gay/lesbian movements.
Oh please. Bush faced far worse opposition from Dems. He got things passed only because he knew how to negotiate with people opposed to him. Obama doesnt.

What did he get passed that was such a great accomplishment? His budget busting tax cuts? His unfunded Medicare expansion?
No child left behind, authored by Ted Kennedy
Tax cuts that saved us from another Depression at the start of his term
A war in Iraq that succeeded by every measure.
A medicaid expansion that has come in under expected budget.

Are you fucking INSANE???? A war in Iraq that killed 4000 Americans cost an estimated $3 TRILLION and has emboldened Iran????
Go soak your head......you're nuts !!!
4000 Americans died in an afternoon at D-Day.
The war achieved every objective that was set. I can't help it that Obama fucked things up once he took office.

No, the war never found the WMD's we were promised would be found.

The war was unnecessary. Period.
Yet again, after eight years of unfettered leftist vitriolic hatred of W by the left, you are just a joke

Since you're really too much of an imbecille to seriously discuss issues with......One last attempt at logic and sanity......

I (and many, many others) bashed Bush because of the bloody, useless and extremely expensive (and unfunded0 WARS, the body bags and the maimed Americans coming home with PTSD....

Your ilk bashes Obama because....well, lets see what your complaints are..."He's not a real American...."....."Obama is a Kenyan communist and sometime Muslim..." ..."Obama is going to take our guns away..."

Follow me on the freaking DIFFERENCES????
First of all, pussy, I think Obama was born in Hawaii. You are an idiot.

And yes, I see the difference. It's OK for you to have vitriolic hate for W who started the wars hand in hand with the Democrats because the parties are the same and you don't want them to be. So it makes sense you hate W's guts.

On the other hand, a libertarian would have no issue with Obama's Marxism except for where he was born when I think he was born in Hawaii. So it makes no sense I even disagree with him.

As I said, you are an idiot
Budget busting tax cuts, LOL. Once again a liberal who knows more about economics than economists do. You see, you take money out of a pool, dump a bunch on the ground and put what's left back in, and that increases the water in the pool. On the other hand, leaving water in the pool actually shrinks the volume water in the pool. Comprendo?

While most people try to hide their stupidity, you actually flaunt it.

Should you give tax cuts (less money coming in the treasury) while you're fighting TWO expensive wars with a credit card issued by China???

BTW, have you gotten "trickled down" yet?

No, we should cut taxes and not fight wars that we don't belong in. Now that's a win win. We win twice
First of all, pussy, I think Obama was born in Hawaii. You are an idiot.

And yes, I see the difference. It's OK for you to have vitriolic hate for W who started the wars hand in hand with the Democrats because the parties are the same and you don't want them to be. So it makes sense you hate W's guts.

On the other hand, a libertarian would have no issue with Obama's Marxism except for where he was born when I think he was born in Hawaii. So it makes no sense I even disagree with him.

As I said, you are an idiot

Phheeww.....I'm glad you disagree with me.....The alternative would have me going to have me going to a psychiatrist to have my head examined....

I thank you for the clarification.

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