What are the democrats going to do now?

there is the mere fact that after one year there is nothing on trump and that was their golden ticket. so misleading the public may back fire.

It is backfiring on them now. Just like a cheap dime store loaded cigar. everything the left has tried against Trump, is blowing up in their own faces.


I’m sure republics can win any election which becomes a referendum on trump.

Just look at the 32% approval rating during good economic times.

For someone who considers themselves a "progressive", you just can't seem to progress much, can you?

Approval ratings mean nothing any more. You're still basing your entire political fantasies on polls like the ones that stated "Trump will never win", and "There no real clear way to 270 electoral votes."

Sincerely now, I may be a Republican but that doesn't mean I'm an uncaring and unfeeling person. So let me give you some advice: You Dems really need to re-evaluate your political strategies, your platform, and your stated goals. If you ever plan on winning another election in this country, you might want to take a long look at yourselves in the mirror and ask yourselves "Why did I fail?"

I'm just saying this because I'm concerned and caring person. You're welcome.
After you ask yourself how you voted for Donald Trump. He has no moral values. He is a terrible business person. He is ignorant & grossly uninformed on world issues. He is a liar. And he leads your party.

Congratulation. You've finally crossed the line from "living the dream" to having a full-blown psychosis. No moral values? A "terrible business person"? "Ignorant and grossly uninformed on world issues"?

You've gone from "special" to "fully retarded." :happy-1:


Business cheat
Business Fraud
Women groper
Accused child rapist
Cheated on each of his first two wives with his furture wives plus others
Accused Spouse rapist
Lies all the time

Republicans this these are moral values.

Good to know
i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?

The Russian Collusion angle is dead, the Obstruction angle is all but dead, the sexual harassment plan to paint themselves as good and virtuous has been dealt a mortal blow......now what?

Are they going to try the “He’s insane” ploy? Are they going to try to paint him as unhealthy and near death?

Reality just can’t seem to square with the left’s made up world can it?

All they can do now is alternate between the "He's not fit" narrative and the "He grabbed a pussy" tactic.

The latter is the main reason the Democrats are having a circular firing squad over the "sexual harassment" issue. Like I said, their entire playbook comes from Saul Alinsky's rules, number 4 being "Make the enemy live up to it's own book of rules."

Alinsky's rules have been the strategy used for ever major Democrat campaign for the last 50 years. That's all they have to go on and by shoving some of their own off the cliff, they think Trump will respond by jumping too.

But he won't. Trump is much smarter than they are: The left has tried everything imaginable and nothing seems to stick. That is also the reason they lost the election: The left keeps trying to use the same old routines they've used against Republican politicians. But they can't seem to understand that Trump is not a politician and the same rules of engagement simply don't work against him.

It's really pretty damned hilarious when you stand back and watch the Democrat's shit show, their posturing, and the cheesy Kabuki theater they're putting on. What's even funnier, is that they'll most likely try to emulate Trump by running some rich white guy in 2020. Or they'll just triple down on their stupidity, and continue pandering to the fringe element of society, like they usually do. We'll see.

In real America, being a child molester would exclude a candidate from being elected. Same with a woman groper, accused child rapist. Same with a record of being a business cheat & fraud.

But not with today's Republican Party.

That is NOT funny. That is a chunk of Americas being so fucking stupid to elect a person like Donald Trump & then turn around & support a bigoted, accused child molester Roy Moore.

You & your ilk have no place calling anyone stupid.

You're fake concern for children is sickatating. In real America, we don't murder our unborn children through abortion. Isn't that what today's Democrat Party want to do?

If you were really concerned about the young 'uns, you wouldn't be such a hypocrite and would join those who believe that murdering the unborn, is the ultimate form of child abuse.

They are fetuses not children. Not everyone believes life begins at conception.

Women have the right to choose up to a certain time frame.

You assholes want to stop abortions but you are so stupid that you want to cut access to birth control. And after they are born, your party hastes children. Not only do you fight programs to help them like food stamps, you cut education & sentence them to a more difficult life because you are sofa king stupid you think global warming is a hoax.
Not everyone believes life begins at conception.

Then what begins?
A growth.

The Bible says it is the breathe of life.
i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?

The Russian Collusion angle is dead, the Obstruction angle is all but dead, the sexual harassment plan to paint themselves as good and virtuous has been dealt a mortal blow......now what?

Are they going to try the “He’s insane” ploy? Are they going to try to paint him as unhealthy and near death?

Reality just can’t seem to square with the left’s made up world can it?

All they can do now is alternate between the "He's not fit" narrative and the "He grabbed a pussy" tactic.

The latter is the main reason the Democrats are having a circular firing squad over the "sexual harassment" issue. Like I said, their entire playbook comes from Saul Alinsky's rules, number 4 being "Make the enemy live up to it's own book of rules."

Alinsky's rules have been the strategy used for ever major Democrat campaign for the last 50 years. That's all they have to go on and by shoving some of their own off the cliff, they think Trump will respond by jumping too.

But he won't. Trump is much smarter than they are: The left has tried everything imaginable and nothing seems to stick. That is also the reason they lost the election: The left keeps trying to use the same old routines they've used against Republican politicians. But they can't seem to understand that Trump is not a politician and the same rules of engagement simply don't work against him.

It's really pretty damned hilarious when you stand back and watch the Democrat's shit show, their posturing, and the cheesy Kabuki theater they're putting on. What's even funnier, is that they'll most likely try to emulate Trump by running some rich white guy in 2020. Or they'll just triple down on their stupidity, and continue pandering to the fringe element of society, like they usually do. We'll see.

In real America, being a child molester would exclude a candidate from being elected. Same with a woman groper, accused child rapist. Same with a record of being a business cheat & fraud.

But not with today's Republican Party.

That is NOT funny. That is a chunk of Americas being so fucking stupid to elect a person like Donald Trump & then turn around & support a bigoted, accused child molester Roy Moore.

You & your ilk have no place calling anyone stupid.

You're fake concern for children is sickatating. In real America, we don't murder our unborn children through abortion. Isn't that what today's Democrat Party want to do?

If you were really concerned about the young 'uns, you wouldn't be such a hypocrite and would join those who believe that murdering the unborn, is the ultimate form of child abuse.

They are fetuses not children. Not everyone believes life begins at conception.

So what happens if you murder a pregnant woman? You get tried not only for her murder, but the murder of the unborn child too.

Are you really as stupid as you keep trying to act?
i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?

The Russian Collusion angle is dead, the Obstruction angle is all but dead, the sexual harassment plan to paint themselves as good and virtuous has been dealt a mortal blow......now what?

Are they going to try the “He’s insane” ploy? Are they going to try to paint him as unhealthy and near death?

Reality just can’t seem to square with the left’s made up world can it?

Hopefully a mass stroke or heart attack to remove the ones that aren’t caught showing their dicks to interns. Hopefully more unfixable brain tumors too. Hoping this Christmas the reaper visits congress.
Name one substantial regulation that was repealed.

Do not hold your breath waiting for an answer on that one, I have asked about 100 times on this board and still have not gotten an answer

You don't know the difference between a regulation and legislation. :itsok:

Name one significant regulation that was repealed.

Here, let me help you-)

Trump Has Repealed Hundreds Of Obama-Era Regulations
Name one substantial regulation that was repealed.

Do not hold your breath waiting for an answer on that one, I have asked about 100 times on this board and still have not gotten an answer

You don't know the difference between a regulation and legislation. :itsok:

Yes, actually I do. Let's see if you can break the streak of non-answer. Give us a list of regulations that are gone that are helping the economy. Should be easy if there are so many of them

I’ve asked the same question over and over but none of these snowflakes can give me answer. NOT A SINGLE ONE.
The economy is excellent and it’s booming and stil booming.
If you look at this dodo POTUS popularity its way way down. Normally it should smell like a rose and should be way way up there.
It is backfiring on them now. Just like a cheap dime store loaded cigar. everything the left has tried against Trump, is blowing up in their own faces.


I’m sure republics can win any election which becomes a referendum on trump.

Just look at the 32% approval rating during good economic times.

For someone who considers themselves a "progressive", you just can't seem to progress much, can you?

Approval ratings mean nothing any more. You're still basing your entire political fantasies on polls like the ones that stated "Trump will never win", and "There no real clear way to 270 electoral votes."

Sincerely now, I may be a Republican but that doesn't mean I'm an uncaring and unfeeling person. So let me give you some advice: You Dems really need to re-evaluate your political strategies, your platform, and your stated goals. If you ever plan on winning another election in this country, you might want to take a long look at yourselves in the mirror and ask yourselves "Why did I fail?"

I'm just saying this because I'm concerned and caring person. You're welcome.
After you ask yourself how you voted for Donald Trump. He has no moral values. He is a terrible business person. He is ignorant & grossly uninformed on world issues. He is a liar. And he leads your party.

Congratulation. You've finally crossed the line from "living the dream" to having a full-blown psychosis. No moral values? A "terrible business person"? "Ignorant and grossly uninformed on world issues"?

You've gone from "special" to "fully retarded." :happy-1:


Business cheat
Business Fraud
Women groper
Accused child rapist
Cheated on each of his first two wives with his furture wives plus others
Accused Spouse rapist
Lies all the time

Republicans this these are moral values.

Good to know

That shit only exists in your “mind”. It’s the lies you have to tell yourself daily, just to keep from having to grow up and admit you were wrong and had been played for a fool.
I wish the democrats would refocus on the economy and the worker! That is the winning recipe!

Stop blaming half of the fucking country as sexual monsters or get ready to lose next year.
YES lets focus on the fiscally correct repubs adding trillions to our deficit
and zero in on how many billions trumps family saves with this great tax lol lol reform bill
You can't give even one since it does not exist.
see...laughing, I tell you it wasn't just one and you still ask for one.

What difference is it going to make? is trump doing nothing and the economy is soaring or is trump doing something you don't like and it's soaring? name one.

Economy is trending the same as obama.
no, it's actually improving. and you're saying it's improving with Trump doing nothing. fk man, that's genius.
Yes it is. The same recovery trend as with obama.
prove it. show me obummer's trend. so you're saying it took obummer leaving office for the fking country to take off. Well I fking agree with you.

Get off your fat ass & look it up. No wonder your posts are so stupid. You don;t know shit.
It is backfiring on them now. Just like a cheap dime store loaded cigar. everything the left has tried against Trump, is blowing up in their own faces.


I’m sure republics can win any election which becomes a referendum on trump.

Just look at the 32% approval rating during good economic times.

For someone who considers themselves a "progressive", you just can't seem to progress much, can you?

Approval ratings mean nothing any more. You're still basing your entire political fantasies on polls like the ones that stated "Trump will never win", and "There no real clear way to 270 electoral votes."

Sincerely now, I may be a Republican but that doesn't mean I'm an uncaring and unfeeling person. So let me give you some advice: You Dems really need to re-evaluate your political strategies, your platform, and your stated goals. If you ever plan on winning another election in this country, you might want to take a long look at yourselves in the mirror and ask yourselves "Why did I fail?"

I'm just saying this because I'm concerned and caring person. You're welcome.
After you ask yourself how you voted for Donald Trump. He has no moral values. He is a terrible business person. He is ignorant & grossly uninformed on world issues. He is a liar. And he leads your party.

Congratulation. You've finally crossed the line from "living the dream" to having a full-blown psychosis. No moral values? A "terrible business person"? "Ignorant and grossly uninformed on world issues"?

You've gone from "special" to "fully retarded." :happy-1:


Business cheat
Business Fraud
Women groper
Accused child rapist
Cheated on each of his first two wives with his furture wives plus others
Accused Spouse rapist
Lies all the time

Republicans this these are moral values.

Good to know
You left out racist
Name one substantial regulation that was repealed.

Do not hold your breath waiting for an answer on that one, I have asked about 100 times on this board and still have not gotten an answer

You don't know the difference between a regulation and legislation. :itsok:

Name one significant regulation that was repealed.

Here, let me help you-)

Trump Has Repealed Hundreds Of Obama-Era Regulations

Share one significant one from that. I'll be waiting.
It is backfiring on them now. Just like a cheap dime store loaded cigar. everything the left has tried against Trump, is blowing up in their own faces.


I’m sure republics can win any election which becomes a referendum on trump.

Just look at the 32% approval rating during good economic times.

For someone who considers themselves a "progressive", you just can't seem to progress much, can you?

Approval ratings mean nothing any more. You're still basing your entire political fantasies on polls like the ones that stated "Trump will never win", and "There no real clear way to 270 electoral votes."

Sincerely now, I may be a Republican but that doesn't mean I'm an uncaring and unfeeling person. So let me give you some advice: You Dems really need to re-evaluate your political strategies, your platform, and your stated goals. If you ever plan on winning another election in this country, you might want to take a long look at yourselves in the mirror and ask yourselves "Why did I fail?"

I'm just saying this because I'm concerned and caring person. You're welcome.
After you ask yourself how you voted for Donald Trump. He has no moral values. He is a terrible business person. He is ignorant & grossly uninformed on world issues. He is a liar. And he leads your party.

Congratulation. You've finally crossed the line from "living the dream" to having a full-blown psychosis. No moral values? A "terrible business person"? "Ignorant and grossly uninformed on world issues"?

You've gone from "special" to "fully retarded." :happy-1:


Business cheat
Business Fraud
Women groper
Accused child rapist
Cheated on each of his first two wives with his furture wives plus others
Accused Spouse rapist
Lies all the time

Republicans this these are moral values.

Good to know
so curious, did you march around in army boots yelling sieg-heil when you posted this?
The economy under Obama was stagnated. There wasn't any serious growth in 8 years. Trump takes over and the economy explodes. We are supposed to believe this is a coincidence?

And there doesn't have to be a major regulation repealed. Thousands of minor ones slowing business growth being repealed will let businesses act
Economy is trending the same as obama.

So you can't name even one. Shocking.
We all know how the game is played:

1. Ask for examples or proof of a post that has upset you
2. When examples or proof are provided, deny that they're good enough
3. Demand explanation of the proof, knowing that you'll once again deny that it's good enough
4. When the person who provided the proof refuses to play along, claim some kind of victory, like you're in grade school.

son, we've been through this over the course of most of this thread. you don't like the answers you get. We know, why provide you anymore? hence, I now hear blah, blah, blah

So you can't give even one example.
sure I can, but as experience has taught me....why waste my time. I just posted why we won't. It isn't useful to anything. we know the facts, you wish to stay uninformed is your choice.

Yet you keep wasting your time responding with nothing. You have nothing.

What we have is a booming economy under Trump, and when Obama was in, he blamed President Bush for everything, lol. So I guess, if you clowns can blame Bush 7 years in for Obysmal's terrible performance, you can straight faced claim that Trump's stellar performance 7 years in is because of Obama, lololololol. Phony-baloney!
All they can do now is alternate between the "He's not fit" narrative and the "He grabbed a pussy" tactic.

The latter is the main reason the Democrats are having a circular firing squad over the "sexual harassment" issue. Like I said, their entire playbook comes from Saul Alinsky's rules, number 4 being "Make the enemy live up to it's own book of rules."

Alinsky's rules have been the strategy used for ever major Democrat campaign for the last 50 years. That's all they have to go on and by shoving some of their own off the cliff, they think Trump will respond by jumping too.

But he won't. Trump is much smarter than they are: The left has tried everything imaginable and nothing seems to stick. That is also the reason they lost the election: The left keeps trying to use the same old routines they've used against Republican politicians. But they can't seem to understand that Trump is not a politician and the same rules of engagement simply don't work against him.

It's really pretty damned hilarious when you stand back and watch the Democrat's shit show, their posturing, and the cheesy Kabuki theater they're putting on. What's even funnier, is that they'll most likely try to emulate Trump by running some rich white guy in 2020. Or they'll just triple down on their stupidity, and continue pandering to the fringe element of society, like they usually do. We'll see.

In real America, being a child molester would exclude a candidate from being elected. Same with a woman groper, accused child rapist. Same with a record of being a business cheat & fraud.

But not with today's Republican Party.

That is NOT funny. That is a chunk of Americas being so fucking stupid to elect a person like Donald Trump & then turn around & support a bigoted, accused child molester Roy Moore.

You & your ilk have no place calling anyone stupid.

You're fake concern for children is sickatating. In real America, we don't murder our unborn children through abortion. Isn't that what today's Democrat Party want to do?

If you were really concerned about the young 'uns, you wouldn't be such a hypocrite and would join those who believe that murdering the unborn, is the ultimate form of child abuse.

They are fetuses not children. Not everyone believes life begins at conception.

Women have the right to choose up to a certain time frame.

You assholes want to stop abortions but you are so stupid that you want to cut access to birth control. And after they are born, your party hastes children. Not only do you fight programs to help them like food stamps, you cut education & sentence them to a more difficult life because you are sofa king stupid you think global warming is a hoax.
Not everyone believes life begins at conception.

Then what begins?
A growth.

The Bible says it is the breathe of life.
how does it do that if it isn't alive? I mean dead trees don't grow. so, curious what it is.
I wish the democrats would refocus on the economy and the worker! That is the winning recipe!

Stop blaming half of the fucking country as sexual monsters or get ready to lose next year.

The Democrat Party has lost touch with the economy and the American worker. They're no longer the party of the middle-class or the workers, they're the party of the fringe element of American society: The shiftless, lazy, unemployable, the illegals, the criminals, anarchists, felons, perverts, child-molesters, and welfare leeches.

In no way do the represent those who work for a living, or have a mortgage, a family, or want to better themselves.
Name one substantial regulation that was repealed.

Do not hold your breath waiting for an answer on that one, I have asked about 100 times on this board and still have not gotten an answer

You don't know the difference between a regulation and legislation. :itsok:

Yes, actually I do. Let's see if you can break the streak of non-answer. Give us a list of regulations that are gone that are helping the economy. Should be easy if there are so many of them

I’ve asked the same question over and over but none of these snowflakes can give me answer. NOT A SINGLE ONE.
The economy is excellent and it’s booming and stil booming.
If you look at this dodo POTUS popularity its way way down. Normally it should smell like a rose and should be way way up there.

Hey moron! Here’s a clue for you. You are believing POLLS and you know what happens when you believe the polls right? You should. Reality smacked your ass in November of 2016 even though the polls were telling you the opposite.

You want an answer to your post, there it is. I’ll bet you won’t learn the lesson, you liberals never learn.
see...laughing, I tell you it wasn't just one and you still ask for one.

What difference is it going to make? is trump doing nothing and the economy is soaring or is trump doing something you don't like and it's soaring? name one.

Economy is trending the same as obama.
no, it's actually improving. and you're saying it's improving with Trump doing nothing. fk man, that's genius.
Yes it is. The same recovery trend as with obama.
prove it. show me obummer's trend. so you're saying it took obummer leaving office for the fking country to take off. Well I fking agree with you.

Get off your fat ass & look it up. No wonder your posts are so stupid. You don;t know shit.
why? you won't believe anything I post up. so you just post up what it is you think was trending like this past quarter. please, humor us.
The problem with the he isn't fit argument is the past year shows otherwise. He is accomplishing quite a bit of his agenda. Is he perfect? No but clearly knows what he is doing and can do it.

It's pretty obvious that Trump does know what he's doing. The jobs report came out today:

+228,000 NOVEMBER
2.2 Million New Jobs Since Election...
Record low unemployment rate for manufacturing...
Hispanic unemployment rate drops to 4.7% - LOWEST in history of USA

Of course, some Obama-lover will be along to give the Purple-lipped Messiah all the credit in 3...2...1...

Republicans haven't passed anything to change the economy...

They spent the first part of the year repealing regulations Obama slapped on at the end that hurt businesses

The tax cuts will benefit businesses.

The end of the Obamacare mandate, if it remains in the tax bill will help too.

The economy hasn't gotten your analysis.

Name one substantial regulation that was repealed.

The economy is trending the same as it was with Obama.

The economy under Obama was stagnated. There wasn't any serious growth in 8 years. Trump takes over and the economy explodes. We are supposed to believe this is a coincidence?

And there doesn't have to be a major regulation repealed. Thousands of minor ones slowing business growth being repealed will let businesses act

You are lying dude. You ignored the facts that we just came out from recession due to the collapse of real state enterprise that crippled just about every one in US. The economy was booming in 2015 and 2016 ——- then spilled to 2017 and so on.......... This has nothing to do with this lousy POTUS.

If he did something name one. We are waiting.
It is backfiring on them now. Just like a cheap dime store loaded cigar. everything the left has tried against Trump, is blowing up in their own faces.


I’m sure republics can win any election which becomes a referendum on trump.

Just look at the 32% approval rating during good economic times.

For someone who considers themselves a "progressive", you just can't seem to progress much, can you?

Approval ratings mean nothing any more. You're still basing your entire political fantasies on polls like the ones that stated "Trump will never win", and "There no real clear way to 270 electoral votes."

Sincerely now, I may be a Republican but that doesn't mean I'm an uncaring and unfeeling person. So let me give you some advice: You Dems really need to re-evaluate your political strategies, your platform, and your stated goals. If you ever plan on winning another election in this country, you might want to take a long look at yourselves in the mirror and ask yourselves "Why did I fail?"

I'm just saying this because I'm concerned and caring person. You're welcome.
After you ask yourself how you voted for Donald Trump. He has no moral values. He is a terrible business person. He is ignorant & grossly uninformed on world issues. He is a liar. And he leads your party.

Congratulation. You've finally crossed the line from "living the dream" to having a full-blown psychosis. No moral values? A "terrible business person"? "Ignorant and grossly uninformed on world issues"?

You've gone from "special" to "fully retarded." :happy-1:


Business cheat
Business Fraud
Women groper
Accused child rapist
Cheated on each of his first two wives with his furture wives plus others
Accused Spouse rapist
Lies all the time

...and your President, whether you like it or not. Are you going to change that? I sincerely doubt you have the power to change anything.
I’m sure republics can win any election which becomes a referendum on trump.

Just look at the 32% approval rating during good economic times.

For someone who considers themselves a "progressive", you just can't seem to progress much, can you?

Approval ratings mean nothing any more. You're still basing your entire political fantasies on polls like the ones that stated "Trump will never win", and "There no real clear way to 270 electoral votes."

Sincerely now, I may be a Republican but that doesn't mean I'm an uncaring and unfeeling person. So let me give you some advice: You Dems really need to re-evaluate your political strategies, your platform, and your stated goals. If you ever plan on winning another election in this country, you might want to take a long look at yourselves in the mirror and ask yourselves "Why did I fail?"

I'm just saying this because I'm concerned and caring person. You're welcome.
After you ask yourself how you voted for Donald Trump. He has no moral values. He is a terrible business person. He is ignorant & grossly uninformed on world issues. He is a liar. And he leads your party.

Congratulation. You've finally crossed the line from "living the dream" to having a full-blown psychosis. No moral values? A "terrible business person"? "Ignorant and grossly uninformed on world issues"?

You've gone from "special" to "fully retarded." :happy-1:


Business cheat
Business Fraud
Women groper
Accused child rapist
Cheated on each of his first two wives with his furture wives plus others
Accused Spouse rapist
Lies all the time

Republicans this these are moral values.

Good to know

That shit only exists in your “mind”. It’s the lies you have to tell yourself daily, just to keep from having to grow up and admit you were wrong and had been played for a fool.
All proven.

Trump cheated sub contractors on his building projects. Well reported including interviews with contractors he cheated.

Trump was accused of fraud with Trump U & had to pay out money.

Trump admitted to groping women on tape & many women have come forward to verify.

Reporting on his heating on his wives is well known & not disputed by Trump.

His first wife accused Trump of Spousal rape as he violently attacked her.

And I guess you think Trump knew more about ISIS than the generals & No one from his campaign were in contract with the Russians.
Name one substantial regulation that was repealed.

Do not hold your breath waiting for an answer on that one, I have asked about 100 times on this board and still have not gotten an answer

You don't know the difference between a regulation and legislation. :itsok:

Name one significant regulation that was repealed.

Here, let me help you-)

Trump Has Repealed Hundreds Of Obama-Era Regulations

Share one significant one from that. I'll be waiting.

They are ALL SIGNIFICANT Boseaphus; why in the hell do you think Trump rescinded them!

They weren't significant........you say?!?!?!?!?!

Then why in the hell did Obysmal put them in, lololololol!

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