What are the democrats going to do now?

For someone who considers themselves a "progressive", you just can't seem to progress much, can you?

Approval ratings mean nothing any more. You're still basing your entire political fantasies on polls like the ones that stated "Trump will never win", and "There no real clear way to 270 electoral votes."

Sincerely now, I may be a Republican but that doesn't mean I'm an uncaring and unfeeling person. So let me give you some advice: You Dems really need to re-evaluate your political strategies, your platform, and your stated goals. If you ever plan on winning another election in this country, you might want to take a long look at yourselves in the mirror and ask yourselves "Why did I fail?"

I'm just saying this because I'm concerned and caring person. You're welcome.
After you ask yourself how you voted for Donald Trump. He has no moral values. He is a terrible business person. He is ignorant & grossly uninformed on world issues. He is a liar. And he leads your party.

Congratulation. You've finally crossed the line from "living the dream" to having a full-blown psychosis. No moral values? A "terrible business person"? "Ignorant and grossly uninformed on world issues"?

You've gone from "special" to "fully retarded." :happy-1:


Business cheat
Business Fraud
Women groper
Accused child rapist
Cheated on each of his first two wives with his furture wives plus others
Accused Spouse rapist
Lies all the time

...and your President, whether you like it or not. Are you going to change that? I sincerely doubt you have the power to change anything.

I vote.
I can work on campaigns
I will work to vote out every single Republican in the House & work to help all Democrats get re-elected.

Take over the House & the orange asshole can get impeached.

Knock yourself out, mang. Get yourself a little sign on a stick and walk around in circles screaming at the sky if you'd like.

But like I said, you're time has come and gone. You can't change a thing.
Congratulation. You've finally crossed the line from "living the dream" to having a full-blown psychosis. No moral values? A "terrible business person"? "Ignorant and grossly uninformed on world issues"?

You've gone from "special" to "fully retarded." :happy-1:


Business cheat
Business Fraud
Women groper
Accused child rapist
Cheated on each of his first two wives with his furture wives plus others
Accused Spouse rapist
Lies all the time

Republicans this these are moral values.

Good to know

That shit only exists in your “mind”. It’s the lies you have to tell yourself daily, just to keep from having to grow up and admit you were wrong and had been played for a fool.
All proven.

Trump cheated sub contractors on his building projects. Well reported including interviews with contractors he cheated.

Trump was accused of fraud with Trump U & had to pay out money.

Trump admitted to groping women on tape & many women have come forward to verify.

Reporting on his heating on his wives is well known & not disputed by Trump.

His first wife accused Trump of Spousal rape as he violently attacked her.

And I guess you think Trump knew more about ISIS than the generals & No one from his campaign were in contract with the Russians.

Again, no proof at all. You are simply a proven liar. No one cares what liars have to say.
Go fuck yourself. The proof in in the news & you are too God Damn stupid to know it.

You certainly are the typical Trump voter - dumber than shit.

LOL, you have been hoodwinked, and when you discover what I am saying is true, I hope you have enough conscience to be embarrassed!
Name one significant regulation that was repealed.

Here, let me help you-)

Trump Has Repealed Hundreds Of Obama-Era Regulations

Share one significant one from that. I'll be waiting.

They are ALL SIGNIFICANT Boseaphus; why in the hell do you think Trump rescinded them!

They weren't significant........you say?!?!?!?!?!

Then why in the hell did Obysmal put them in, lololololol!

Man! This thread of mind has exposed so many left wing liars, makes me quite proud.

The Dems are in DEEP trouble, trust me.......and they know it. All these lefty posters are trying semantics to get around it, but it isn't working. Oh, they will still carry their states, but it isn't enough! They are ALL IN A FEW PLACES, and that is NOT enough to regain anything.

Our job is to PRIMARY establishment rino's, and get the want to be Democrats out ASAP!

The best the left will be able to accomplish will be to not lose more seats. Even that hope is on thinner and thinner ice.
Congratulation. You've finally crossed the line from "living the dream" to having a full-blown psychosis. No moral values? A "terrible business person"? "Ignorant and grossly uninformed on world issues"?

You've gone from "special" to "fully retarded." :happy-1:


Business cheat
Business Fraud
Women groper
Accused child rapist
Cheated on each of his first two wives with his furture wives plus others
Accused Spouse rapist
Lies all the time

...and your President, whether you like it or not. Are you going to change that? I sincerely doubt you have the power to change anything.

I vote.
I can work on campaigns
I will work to vote out every single Republican in the House & work to help all Democrats get re-elected.

Take over the House & the orange asshole can get impeached.

As long as you idiots keep lying, your “work” will be as successful as the last time.

Trump is the liar. You are an idiot.
He may have lied about somethings or was mistaken. So what?
Congratulation. You've finally crossed the line from "living the dream" to having a full-blown psychosis. No moral values? A "terrible business person"? "Ignorant and grossly uninformed on world issues"?

You've gone from "special" to "fully retarded." :happy-1:


Business cheat
Business Fraud
Women groper
Accused child rapist
Cheated on each of his first two wives with his furture wives plus others
Accused Spouse rapist
Lies all the time

Republicans this these are moral values.

Good to know

That shit only exists in your “mind”. It’s the lies you have to tell yourself daily, just to keep from having to grow up and admit you were wrong and had been played for a fool.
All proven.

Trump cheated sub contractors on his building projects. Well reported including interviews with contractors he cheated.

Trump was accused of fraud with Trump U & had to pay out money.

Trump admitted to groping women on tape & many women have come forward to verify.

Reporting on his heating on his wives is well known & not disputed by Trump.

His first wife accused Trump of Spousal rape as he violently attacked her.

And I guess you think Trump knew more about ISIS than the generals & No one from his campaign were in contract with the Russians.

Again, no proof at all. You are simply a proven liar. No one cares what liars have to say.
Go fuck yourself. The proof in in the news & you are too God Damn stupid to know it.

You certainly are the typical Trump voter - dumber than shit.

Excuse me, but the only ones who are "dumber than shit" are those who let they lying-ass leftist media feed them a pile of it every night.

Do you not have a clue? They are lying to you. Wake the fuck up already. They told you that "Trump would never win", remember?

They lied, and you are "dumber than shit" if you continue to believe them.

Business cheat
Business Fraud
Women groper
Accused child rapist
Cheated on each of his first two wives with his furture wives plus others
Accused Spouse rapist
Lies all the time

Republicans this these are moral values.

Good to know

That shit only exists in your “mind”. It’s the lies you have to tell yourself daily, just to keep from having to grow up and admit you were wrong and had been played for a fool.
All proven.

Trump cheated sub contractors on his building projects. Well reported including interviews with contractors he cheated.

Trump was accused of fraud with Trump U & had to pay out money.

Trump admitted to groping women on tape & many women have come forward to verify.

Reporting on his heating on his wives is well known & not disputed by Trump.

His first wife accused Trump of Spousal rape as he violently attacked her.

And I guess you think Trump knew more about ISIS than the generals & No one from his campaign were in contract with the Russians.

Again, no proof at all. You are simply a proven liar. No one cares what liars have to say.
Go fuck yourself. The proof in in the news & you are too God Damn stupid to know it.

You certainly are the typical Trump voter - dumber than shit.

LOL, you have been hoodwinked, and when you discover what I am saying is true, I hope you have enough conscience to be embarrassed!

He won’t. It’s not in them. Lying is all they know.

Share one significant one from that. I'll be waiting.

They are ALL SIGNIFICANT Boseaphus; why in the hell do you think Trump rescinded them!

They weren't significant........you say?!?!?!?!?!

Then why in the hell did Obysmal put them in, lololololol!

Man! This thread of mind has exposed so many left wing liars, makes me quite proud.

The Dems are in DEEP trouble, trust me.......and they know it. All these lefty posters are trying semantics to get around it, but it isn't working. Oh, they will still carry their states, but it isn't enough! They are ALL IN A FEW PLACES, and that is NOT enough to regain anything.

Our job is to PRIMARY establishment rino's, and get the want to be Democrats out ASAP!

The best the left will be able to accomplish will be to not lose more seats. Even that hope is on thinner and thinner ice.

Wait awhile, have patience. It is going to get WORSE for them, much worse! Americans from both party's, despise what they did. All that has to be proven is that THEY ACTUALLY DID IT! They did, we know it, and it is going to be proven rather quickly...........but NOT to quickly, because just like the crooked Democrats, we want to make sure it has the BIGGEST effect upon the midterms as possible-)
The problem with the he isn't fit argument is the past year shows otherwise. He is accomplishing quite a bit of his agenda. Is he perfect? No but clearly knows what he is doing and can do it.

It's pretty obvious that Trump does know what he's doing. The jobs report came out today:

+228,000 NOVEMBER
2.2 Million New Jobs Since Election...
Record low unemployment rate for manufacturing...
Hispanic unemployment rate drops to 4.7% - LOWEST in history of USA

Of course, some Obama-lover will be along to give the Purple-lipped Messiah all the credit in 3...2...1...

Republicans haven't passed anything to change the economy...

They spent the first part of the year repealing regulations Obama slapped on at the end that hurt businesses

The tax cuts will benefit businesses.

The end of the Obamacare mandate, if it remains in the tax bill will help too.

The economy hasn't gotten your analysis.

Name one substantial regulation that was repealed.

The economy is trending the same as it was with Obama.

Hundreds of regulations have been repealed.

Trump administration cancels hundreds of Obama-era regulations
The list, issued as part of a semiannual report on the entire government’s regulatory agenda, shows the extent to which this administration is determined to erase many of the Obama administration’s policy priorities. In several instances, the administration is dropping rules aimed at tightening worker safety standards or omitting species the government had pledged to protect under the Endangered Species Act. In other cases, it is proposing new regulations that provide employers with more leeway in how they run their businesses or report their activities to federal officials.

The Trump administration said it was pulling or suspending 860 pending regulations. Of those, 469 were being completely withdrawn. Another 391 were being set aside or reevaluated. These proposed regulations could be revisited at some point or dropped altogether.

52 Environmental regulations
52 Environmental Rules on the Way Out Under Trump

Carbon Emissions rules repealed
E.P.A. Announces Repeal of Major Obama-Era Carbon Emissions Rule

Climate regulations
Trump EPA to propose repealing Obama's climate regulation: document

Take your pick of which repeal is the most substantial and beneficial.

Did you read your links or you just look at it? It may sound big 52 wow. BFD. In reality this is only one for EPA regulations and part of that is to save the coal industry. Some of those are not going to happen till next year. No matter what this lousy POTUS or anyone here like it or not the coal industry will die sooner or later.
That’s a fact.

Coal CEO: Senate tax plan 'wipes us out'

Business cheat
Business Fraud
Women groper
Accused child rapist
Cheated on each of his first two wives with his furture wives plus others
Accused Spouse rapist
Lies all the time

Republicans this these are moral values.

Good to know

That shit only exists in your “mind”. It’s the lies you have to tell yourself daily, just to keep from having to grow up and admit you were wrong and had been played for a fool.
All proven.

Trump cheated sub contractors on his building projects. Well reported including interviews with contractors he cheated.

Trump was accused of fraud with Trump U & had to pay out money.

Trump admitted to groping women on tape & many women have come forward to verify.

Reporting on his heating on his wives is well known & not disputed by Trump.

His first wife accused Trump of Spousal rape as he violently attacked her.

And I guess you think Trump knew more about ISIS than the generals & No one from his campaign were in contract with the Russians.

Again, no proof at all. You are simply a proven liar. No one cares what liars have to say.
Go fuck yourself. The proof in in the news & you are too God Damn stupid to know it.

You certainly are the typical Trump voter - dumber than shit.

Excuse me, but the only ones who are "dumber than shit" are those who let they lying-ass leftist media feed them a pile of it every night.

Do you not have a clue? They are lying to you. Wake the fuck up already. They told you that "Trump would never win", remember?

They lied, and you are "dumber than shit" if you continue to believe them.

He is like everyone else on the left. They HAVE to believe it. It says what they NEED to hear. If they didn’t hear the lies, they would have to realize that their whole belief system has been a lie. They would realize how they have been brainwashed and it would mean that they were wrong all this time and we were right. Reality fucks them up the ass almost daily so they need these lies to be able to survive. There’s no hope for them I’m afraid.
It's pretty obvious that Trump does know what he's doing. The jobs report came out today:

+228,000 NOVEMBER
2.2 Million New Jobs Since Election...
Record low unemployment rate for manufacturing...
Hispanic unemployment rate drops to 4.7% - LOWEST in history of USA

Of course, some Obama-lover will be along to give the Purple-lipped Messiah all the credit in 3...2...1...

Republicans haven't passed anything to change the economy...

They spent the first part of the year repealing regulations Obama slapped on at the end that hurt businesses

The tax cuts will benefit businesses.

The end of the Obamacare mandate, if it remains in the tax bill will help too.

The economy hasn't gotten your analysis.

Name one substantial regulation that was repealed.

The economy is trending the same as it was with Obama.

Hundreds of regulations have been repealed.

Trump administration cancels hundreds of Obama-era regulations
The list, issued as part of a semiannual report on the entire government’s regulatory agenda, shows the extent to which this administration is determined to erase many of the Obama administration’s policy priorities. In several instances, the administration is dropping rules aimed at tightening worker safety standards or omitting species the government had pledged to protect under the Endangered Species Act. In other cases, it is proposing new regulations that provide employers with more leeway in how they run their businesses or report their activities to federal officials.

The Trump administration said it was pulling or suspending 860 pending regulations. Of those, 469 were being completely withdrawn. Another 391 were being set aside or reevaluated. These proposed regulations could be revisited at some point or dropped altogether.

52 Environmental regulations
52 Environmental Rules on the Way Out Under Trump

Carbon Emissions rules repealed
E.P.A. Announces Repeal of Major Obama-Era Carbon Emissions Rule

Climate regulations
Trump EPA to propose repealing Obama's climate regulation: document

Take your pick of which repeal is the most substantial and beneficial.

Did you read your links or you just look at it? It may sound big 52 wow. BFD. In reality this is only one for EPA regulations and part of that is to save the coal industry. Some of those are not going to happen till next year. No matter what this lousy POTUS or anyone here like it or not the coal industry will die sooner or later.
That’s a fact.

Coal CEO: Senate tax plan 'wipes us out'

Lame. Even if what you say is true, “eventually” isn’t now. The claim was made that Trump did nothing to affect the economy, and it’s been proven to be a lie. Be an adult, admit it and move in.
That shit only exists in your “mind”. It’s the lies you have to tell yourself daily, just to keep from having to grow up and admit you were wrong and had been played for a fool.
All proven.

Trump cheated sub contractors on his building projects. Well reported including interviews with contractors he cheated.

Trump was accused of fraud with Trump U & had to pay out money.

Trump admitted to groping women on tape & many women have come forward to verify.

Reporting on his heating on his wives is well known & not disputed by Trump.

His first wife accused Trump of Spousal rape as he violently attacked her.

And I guess you think Trump knew more about ISIS than the generals & No one from his campaign were in contract with the Russians.

Again, no proof at all. You are simply a proven liar. No one cares what liars have to say.
Go fuck yourself. The proof in in the news & you are too God Damn stupid to know it.

You certainly are the typical Trump voter - dumber than shit.

Excuse me, but the only ones who are "dumber than shit" are those who let they lying-ass leftist media feed them a pile of it every night.

Do you not have a clue? They are lying to you. Wake the fuck up already. They told you that "Trump would never win", remember?

They lied, and you are "dumber than shit" if you continue to believe them.

He is like everyone else on the left. They HAVE to believe it. It says what they NEED to hear. If they didn’t hear the lies, they would have to realize that their whole belief system has been a lie. They would realize how they have been brainwashed and it would mean that they were wrong all this time and we were right. Reality fucks them up the ass almost daily so they need these lies to be able to survive. There’s no hope for them I’m afraid.

It must really suck when the leftards figure out everything they've ever believed in, has been a lie. Wow. I almost feel empathetic.

But Trump!! Woo Hoo!!
Republicans haven't passed anything to change the economy...

They spent the first part of the year repealing regulations Obama slapped on at the end that hurt businesses

The tax cuts will benefit businesses.

The end of the Obamacare mandate, if it remains in the tax bill will help too.

The economy hasn't gotten your analysis.

Name one substantial regulation that was repealed.

The economy is trending the same as it was with Obama.

The economy under Obama was stagnated. There wasn't any serious growth in 8 years. Trump takes over and the economy explodes. We are supposed to believe this is a coincidence?

And there doesn't have to be a major regulation repealed. Thousands of minor ones slowing business growth being repealed will let businesses act
Economy is trending the same as obama.

So you can't name even one. Shocking.
Sure. The trend is clear. Because sluggish is the same as robust.

Trump is Making America Great Again. This is a good thing!

Sorry Meathead. Trump has not Make America Great. He made America sick.
Right now we are the laughingstock of the world. Because Trump promotes hatred, bigotry, unethical, abusive, racism, ignorance, a groper, promotes child molester. That is how majority of Americans think of this president.

All proven.

Trump cheated sub contractors on his building projects. Well reported including interviews with contractors he cheated.

Trump was accused of fraud with Trump U & had to pay out money.

Trump admitted to groping women on tape & many women have come forward to verify.

Reporting on his heating on his wives is well known & not disputed by Trump.

His first wife accused Trump of Spousal rape as he violently attacked her.

And I guess you think Trump knew more about ISIS than the generals & No one from his campaign were in contract with the Russians.

Again, no proof at all. You are simply a proven liar. No one cares what liars have to say.
Go fuck yourself. The proof in in the news & you are too God Damn stupid to know it.

You certainly are the typical Trump voter - dumber than shit.

Excuse me, but the only ones who are "dumber than shit" are those who let they lying-ass leftist media feed them a pile of it every night.

Do you not have a clue? They are lying to you. Wake the fuck up already. They told you that "Trump would never win", remember?

They lied, and you are "dumber than shit" if you continue to believe them.

He is like everyone else on the left. They HAVE to believe it. It says what they NEED to hear. If they didn’t hear the lies, they would have to realize that their whole belief system has been a lie. They would realize how they have been brainwashed and it would mean that they were wrong all this time and we were right. Reality fucks them up the ass almost daily so they need these lies to be able to survive. There’s no hope for them I’m afraid.

It must really suck when the leftards figure out everything they've ever believed in, has been a lie. Wow. I almost feel empathetic.

But Trump!! Woo Hoo!!

But they won’t, that’s my point. The only way they will be put in the predicament that will bring the truth to them is if the MSM suddenly becomes responsible and non-partisan. That isn’t going to happen. Meanwhile reality will continue to disagree with them and they will continue to wonder wtf happened.
It's pretty obvious that Trump does know what he's doing. The jobs report came out today:

+228,000 NOVEMBER
2.2 Million New Jobs Since Election...
Record low unemployment rate for manufacturing...
Hispanic unemployment rate drops to 4.7% - LOWEST in history of USA

Of course, some Obama-lover will be along to give the Purple-lipped Messiah all the credit in 3...2...1...

Republicans haven't passed anything to change the economy...

They spent the first part of the year repealing regulations Obama slapped on at the end that hurt businesses

The tax cuts will benefit businesses.

The end of the Obamacare mandate, if it remains in the tax bill will help too.

The economy hasn't gotten your analysis.

Name one substantial regulation that was repealed.

The economy is trending the same as it was with Obama.

Hundreds of regulations have been repealed.

Trump administration cancels hundreds of Obama-era regulations
The list, issued as part of a semiannual report on the entire government’s regulatory agenda, shows the extent to which this administration is determined to erase many of the Obama administration’s policy priorities. In several instances, the administration is dropping rules aimed at tightening worker safety standards or omitting species the government had pledged to protect under the Endangered Species Act. In other cases, it is proposing new regulations that provide employers with more leeway in how they run their businesses or report their activities to federal officials.

The Trump administration said it was pulling or suspending 860 pending regulations. Of those, 469 were being completely withdrawn. Another 391 were being set aside or reevaluated. These proposed regulations could be revisited at some point or dropped altogether.

52 Environmental regulations
52 Environmental Rules on the Way Out Under Trump

Carbon Emissions rules repealed
E.P.A. Announces Repeal of Major Obama-Era Carbon Emissions Rule

Climate regulations
Trump EPA to propose repealing Obama's climate regulation: document

Take your pick of which repeal is the most substantial and beneficial.

Did you read your links or you just look at it? It may sound big 52 wow. BFD. In reality this is only one for EPA regulations and part of that is to save the coal industry. Some of those are not going to happen till next year. No matter what this lousy POTUS or anyone here like it or not the coal industry will die sooner or later.
That’s a fact.

Coal CEO: Senate tax plan 'wipes us out'

You better hope the coal industry doesn't "die sooner or later". You're going to look pretty silly sitting in a cold, dark house with no electricity to post your diatribes against Donald Trump.
i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?

The Russian Collusion angle is dead, the Obstruction angle is all but dead, the sexual harassment plan to paint themselves as good and virtuous has been dealt a mortal blow......now what?

Are they going to try the “He’s insane” ploy? Are they going to try to paint him as unhealthy and near death?

Reality just can’t seem to square with the left’s made up world can it?

We are going to continue to point out the obvious, that trump is the worst president ever and work to build on the Virginia election results.

i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?

The Russian Collusion angle is dead, the Obstruction angle is all but dead, the sexual harassment plan to paint themselves as good and virtuous has been dealt a mortal blow......now what?

Are they going to try the “He’s insane” ploy? Are they going to try to paint him as unhealthy and near death?

Reality just can’t seem to square with the left’s made up world can it?

All they can do now is alternate between the "He's not fit" narrative and the "He grabbed a pussy" tactic.

The latter is the main reason the Democrats are having a circular firing squad over the "sexual harassment" issue. Like I said, their entire playbook comes from Saul Alinsky's rules, number 4 being "Make the enemy live up to it's own book of rules."

Alinsky's rules have been the strategy used for ever major Democrat campaign for the last 50 years. That's all they have to go on and by shoving some of their own off the cliff, they think Trump will respond by jumping too.

But he won't. Trump is much smarter than they are: The left has tried everything imaginable and nothing seems to stick. That is also the reason they lost the election: The left keeps trying to use the same old routines they've used against Republican politicians. But they can't seem to understand that Trump is not a politician and the same rules of engagement simply don't work against him.

It's really pretty damned hilarious when you stand back and watch the Democrat's shit show, their posturing, and the cheesy Kabuki theater they're putting on. What's even funnier, is that they'll most likely try to emulate Trump by running some rich white guy in 2020. Or they'll just triple down on their stupidity, and continue pandering to the fringe element of society, like they usually do. We'll see.
It isn't that Trump is smarter, it's that he is amoral and shameless. His cult followers will support him no matter what.

Setting your immature butthurt aside, he’s smarter and more capable that any president in our lifetime.

Leftists have always considered themselves to the the "smart ones". They've always imagined that they are smarter, more intelligent, wittier, better educated, more well-adjusted, more compassionate, and more caring than anyone else in this country.

Yes we are. Truth hurts.
Republican Blake Farenthold: Used $84k of taxpayer money to settle a sexual harassment claim

Republican Trent Franks: Resigned from Congress after being exposed for trying to donate sperm to staffers

Republican Roy Moore: Pedophile, pro-slavery, in love with Putin

“Republican” Donnie Trump: Pussy grabber

Go Republicans! :lol:
how much did conyer's payout? you know that demoloser dude that spent hush money too?

Conyers and Franken are on their way our. Democrats fire sexual harasser.

Republicans hire and promotes a child molester and a president groper.

That’s the difference.
They spent the first part of the year repealing regulations Obama slapped on at the end that hurt businesses

The tax cuts will benefit businesses.

The end of the Obamacare mandate, if it remains in the tax bill will help too.

The economy hasn't gotten your analysis.

Name one substantial regulation that was repealed.

The economy is trending the same as it was with Obama.

The economy under Obama was stagnated. There wasn't any serious growth in 8 years. Trump takes over and the economy explodes. We are supposed to believe this is a coincidence?

And there doesn't have to be a major regulation repealed. Thousands of minor ones slowing business growth being repealed will let businesses act
Economy is trending the same as obama.

So you can't name even one. Shocking.
Sure. The trend is clear. Because sluggish is the same as robust.

Trump is Making America Great Again. This is a good thing!

Sorry Meathead. Trump has not Make America Great. He made America sick.
Right now we are the laughingstock of the world. Because Trump promotes hatred, bigotry, unethical, abusive, racism, ignorance, a groper, promotes child molester. That is how majority of Americans think of this president.


Unfortunately for you leftists, Trump has made American great again. It's only the America-hating leftists who Trump has made "sick", and I say "good for the shitheads."

The Democrat Party is truly the laughingstock of the world, because of their impotence and losing in 2016. For decades they've been pushing their Marxist agenda of hatred, bigotry, unethical and criminal behavior, sexual abuse, thinly-veiled racism, ignorance, perversion, and child-molestation.

Sincerely, you don't speak for the majority of Americans. The majority of Americans disagree with you, and that's why we elected President Donald trump. Either grow and adapt to the changes which this country has gone through, or get the hell out of the way. Because you will be steamrolled if you don't.
Are you going to kill yourself when Moore wins?

Please don't do that. Contrary to what the leftist media has fooled you into believing, we Republicans aren't really cold-hearted and unfeeling bastards.

Not me .. Either way it's a win/win. :)

You figure on "winning" when a hardcore right-wing SOB takes yet another seat on the Senate?

Name one substantial regulation that was repealed.

The economy is trending the same as it was with Obama.

The economy under Obama was stagnated. There wasn't any serious growth in 8 years. Trump takes over and the economy explodes. We are supposed to believe this is a coincidence?

And there doesn't have to be a major regulation repealed. Thousands of minor ones slowing business growth being repealed will let businesses act
Economy is trending the same as obama.

So you can't name even one. Shocking.
Sure. The trend is clear. Because sluggish is the same as robust.

Trump is Making America Great Again. This is a good thing!

Sorry Meathead. Trump has not Make America Great. He made America sick.
Right now we are the laughingstock of the world. Because Trump promotes hatred, bigotry, unethical, abusive, racism, ignorance, a groper, promotes child molester. That is how majority of Americans think of this president.


Unfortunately for you leftists, Trump has made American great again. It's only the America-hating leftists who Trump has made "sick", and I say "good for the shitheads."

The Democrat Party is truly the laughingstock of the world, because of their impotence. For decades they've been pushing their Marxist agenda of hatred, bigotry, unethical and criminal behavior, sexual abuse, thinly-veiled racism, ignorance, perversion, and child-molestation.

Sincerely, you don't speak for the majority of Americans. The majority of Americans disagree with you, and that's why we elected President Donald trump. Either grow and adapt to the changes which this country has gone through, or get the hell out of the way. Because you will be steamrolled if you don't.

Trump has not Make America Great but he made us stinks here and all over the world. That’s a fact.
Remember anemically he only garnered 63+ millions votes from 212 millions registered voters. That 63+ millions are dwindling fast. With all the chaos that is going on and on that he keeps creating like a little stupid kid. You do not expect that number will grow.

Someone mentioned here military love Trump. That is a lie. I deal with active military personnel and veterans regularly. They hate this asshole.
If you ask the intelligence agencies. They hate him more. These are facts.
Trump is total disgrace to America. He is becoming the most hated POTUS of America now he is becoming the most hated POTUS in this planet.

Check out his popularity the lowest and most disgusting ever. I AM SPEAKING FOR MAJORITY OF AMERICANS.

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