What are the democrats going to do now?

The Trumptards cannot identify EOs that have specifically helped the economy.

They can't quantify their statements. Fact.
i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?

The Russian Collusion angle is dead, the Obstruction angle is all but dead, the sexual harassment plan to paint themselves as good and virtuous has been dealt a mortal blow......now what?

Are they going to try the “He’s insane” ploy? Are they going to try to paint him as unhealthy and near death?

Reality just can’t seem to square with the left’s made up world can it?

Nothing right wing and biddable fools like you have posted will derail the investigation and the volume of evidence already collected by Mr. Mueller and his team.

Your opinions are at best ridiculous and wishful thinking. If you could think, it would be fun to debate you, sadly I'd be engaged in a battle of wits with an unarmed fool.
Charwin95 was only lying. The American military thinks Trump is the greatest Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces we've ever had. That along with General Mattis, and we're the greatest military power in the world.

Sure dude, they LOVE his pathetic ass thumping war drums on Lil Kim, Iran, and everyone else in the universe and the thought of more war and more death.


Semper Fi? Trump's Support Drops in Military Communities
i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?

The Russian Collusion angle is dead, the Obstruction angle is all but dead, the sexual harassment plan to paint themselves as good and virtuous has been dealt a mortal blow......now what?

Are they going to try the “He’s insane” ploy? Are they going to try to paint him as unhealthy and near death?

Reality just can’t seem to square with the left’s made up world can it?

Nothing right wing and biddable fools like you have posted will derail the investigation and the volume of evidence already collected by Mr. Mueller and his team.

Your opinions are at best ridiculous and wishful thinking. If you could think, it would be fun to debate you, sadly I'd be engaged in a battle of wits with an unarmed fool.
There is nothing the Fake Alt Right Media and the Trumptards can do to influence the investigation.

It will roll forward until Mueller reveals all.
Charwin95 was only lying. The American military thinks Trump is the greatest Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces we've ever had. That along with General Mattis, and we're the greatest military power in the world.

Sure dude, they LOVE his pathetic ass thumping war drums on Lil Kim, Iran, and everyone else in the universe and the thought of more war and more death.


Semper Fi? Trump's Support Drops in Military Communities
JGalt lies. The officers and enlisted increasingly despise the President.
Name one significant regulation that was repealed.

Here, let me help you-)

Trump Has Repealed Hundreds Of Obama-Era Regulations

Share one significant one from that. I'll be waiting.

They are ALL SIGNIFICANT Boseaphus; why in the hell do you think Trump rescinded them!

They weren't significant........you say?!?!?!?!?!

Then why in the hell did Obysmal put them in, lololololol!
So share one specific significant regulation that was repealed.
E.P.A. Announces Repeal of Major Obama-Era Carbon Emissions Rule

Sounds like that does a lot to promote pollution. What does it do for the economy?
You guys are so cute. You are certain he has done something, but none of you have a clue of just what that is.

Let me help.
Trump could be on track to triple Obama's time on the golf course - CNNPolitics

Really? Then why rescind EOs that do nothing?

Your a phony, or an uneducated troll. We posted what he rescinded, it was all good, and if they didn't mean anything of importance, why did Obysmal put them in? For kicks!

Trump has done it, proved all the crap your hero put forth about......do you remember.....if not.....let me refresh your memory........... "This is the NEW NORM!" Remember THAT statement?

Well, hows that working out for ya, after Trump got in and rescinded his EOs strangling investment-)
To dope fools like you into believing he has done anything.
Sure. The trend is clear. Because sluggish is the same as robust.

Trump is Making America Great Again. This is a good thing!

Sorry Meathead. Trump has not Make America Great. He made America sick.
Right now we are the laughingstock of the world. Because Trump promotes hatred, bigotry, unethical, abusive, racism, ignorance, a groper, promotes child molester. That is how majority of Americans think of this president.


Unfortunately for you leftists, Trump has made American great again. It's only the America-hating leftists who Trump has made "sick", and I say "good for the shitheads."

The Democrat Party is truly the laughingstock of the world, because of their impotence. For decades they've been pushing their Marxist agenda of hatred, bigotry, unethical and criminal behavior, sexual abuse, thinly-veiled racism, ignorance, perversion, and child-molestation.

Sincerely, you don't speak for the majority of Americans. The majority of Americans disagree with you, and that's why we elected President Donald trump. Either grow and adapt to the changes which this country has gone through, or get the hell out of the way. Because you will be steamrolled if you don't.

Trump has not Make America Great but he made us stinks here and all over the world. That’s a fact.
Remember anemically he only garnered 63+ millions votes from 212 millions registered voters. That 63+ millions are dwindling fast. With all the chaos that is going on and on that he keeps creating like a little stupid kid. You do not expect that number will grow.

Someone mentioned here military love Trump. That is a lie. I deal with active military personnel and veterans regularly. They hate this asshole.
If you ask the intelligence agencies. They hate him more. These are facts.
Trump is total disgrace to America. He is becoming the most hated POTUS of America now he is becoming the most hated POTUS in this planet.

Check out his popularity the lowest and most disgusting ever. I AM SPEAKING FOR MAJORITY OF AMERICANS.

It sure looks like the military loves Trump.

Trump, Mattis turn military loose on ISIS, leaving terror caliphate in tatters

They are certainly pleased that obama isn't murdering them anymore.

Charwin95 was only lying. The American military thinks Trump is the greatest Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces we've ever had. That along with General Mattis, and we're the greatest military power in the world.

Unfortunately you love Trump so much that no matter what he does its all acceptable to all of you snowflakes. Like promoting anti Muslim, a groper endorsing a child molester, Puppet, siding with Putin against his own intelligence agencies, banning gay and lesbian entering military, hypocrite, a liar etc etc etc etc.

Trump the greatest commander in chief. That is a whole load of bull crap. He had not done anything to the military. The whole world is pushing for diplomatic solution in NK but this imbecile is pushing for nuclear war.

To help you out read these links what military think of this dumb ignorant president. Remember this is only on the outside what came out from the press. Just imagine what are these people are thinking of this little boy president
They hate this moron especially in the intelligence agencies.

Donald Trump's generals are speaking up

Trump's generals condemn Charlottesville racism — while trying not to offend the president

Retired Military Leaders Sign Letter Opposing Transgender Troop Ban
JGalt lies. The officers and enlisted increasingly despise the President.

Galt is a racist AND an idiot - there are at least a dozen polls showing such, but you know the response:

AWWWWK .. those polls were SO accurate on the last election!!

2018 is going to be a referendum on Dotard, who cannot win with numbers like these ..

Pew Research 11/29 - 12/4 RV 34 62 -28

JGalt lies. The officers and enlisted increasingly despise the President.

Galt is a racist AND an idiot - there are at least a dozen polls showing such, but you know the response:

AWWWWK .. those polls were SO accurate on the last election!!

2018 is going to be a referendum on Dotard, who cannot win with numbers like these ..

Pew Research 11/29 - 12/4 RV 34 62 -28


We’ll give him a chance to prove his manhood. I’m waiting for his rebuttal.
He is
JGalt lies. The officers and enlisted increasingly despise the President.

Galt is a racist AND an idiot - there are at least a dozen polls showing such, but you know the response:

AWWWWK .. those polls were SO accurate on the last election!!

2018 is going to be a referendum on Dotard, who cannot win with numbers like these ..

Pew Research 11/29 - 12/4 RV 34 62 -28


We’ll give him a chance to prove his manhood. I’m waiting for his rebuttal.
He is running and won't be back.
They spent the first part of the year repealing regulations Obama slapped on at the end that hurt businesses

The tax cuts will benefit businesses.

The end of the Obamacare mandate, if it remains in the tax bill will help too.

The economy hasn't gotten your analysis.

Name one substantial regulation that was repealed.

The economy is trending the same as it was with Obama.

The economy under Obama was stagnated. There wasn't any serious growth in 8 years. Trump takes over and the economy explodes. We are supposed to believe this is a coincidence?

And there doesn't have to be a major regulation repealed. Thousands of minor ones slowing business growth being repealed will let businesses act
Economy is trending the same as obama.

So you can't name even one. Shocking.
Sure. The trend is clear. Because sluggish is the same as robust.

Trump is Making America Great Again. This is a good thing!

Sorry Meathead. Trump has not Make America Great. He made America sick.
Right now we are the laughingstock of the world. Because Trump promotes hatred, bigotry, unethical, abusive, racism, ignorance, a groper, promotes child molester. That is how majority of Americans think of this president.


None of that is real. It's the lie you tell yourself rather than face the truth.
They spent the first part of the year repealing regulations Obama slapped on at the end that hurt businesses

The tax cuts will benefit businesses.

The end of the Obamacare mandate, if it remains in the tax bill will help too.

The economy hasn't gotten your analysis.

Name one substantial regulation that was repealed.

The economy is trending the same as it was with Obama.

Hundreds of regulations have been repealed.

Trump administration cancels hundreds of Obama-era regulations
The list, issued as part of a semiannual report on the entire government’s regulatory agenda, shows the extent to which this administration is determined to erase many of the Obama administration’s policy priorities. In several instances, the administration is dropping rules aimed at tightening worker safety standards or omitting species the government had pledged to protect under the Endangered Species Act. In other cases, it is proposing new regulations that provide employers with more leeway in how they run their businesses or report their activities to federal officials.

The Trump administration said it was pulling or suspending 860 pending regulations. Of those, 469 were being completely withdrawn. Another 391 were being set aside or reevaluated. These proposed regulations could be revisited at some point or dropped altogether.

52 Environmental regulations
52 Environmental Rules on the Way Out Under Trump

Carbon Emissions rules repealed
E.P.A. Announces Repeal of Major Obama-Era Carbon Emissions Rule

Climate regulations
Trump EPA to propose repealing Obama's climate regulation: document

Take your pick of which repeal is the most substantial and beneficial.

Did you read your links or you just look at it? It may sound big 52 wow. BFD. In reality this is only one for EPA regulations and part of that is to save the coal industry. Some of those are not going to happen till next year. No matter what this lousy POTUS or anyone here like it or not the coal industry will die sooner or later.
That’s a fact.

Coal CEO: Senate tax plan 'wipes us out'

Lame. Even if what you say is true, “eventually” isn’t now. The claim was made that Trump did nothing to affect the economy, and it’s been proven to be a lie. Be an adult, admit it and move in.

I am telling the truth. I know truth hurts. The link posted by tipsy has not done anything to improve the economy.

Figured you wouldn't be an adult.
You don't know the difference between a regulation and legislation. :itsok:

Name one significant regulation that was repealed.

Here, let me help you-)

Trump Has Repealed Hundreds Of Obama-Era Regulations

Share one significant one from that. I'll be waiting.

Moving the goalposts now idiot? You asked, he proved you wrong. Suck it up! Be an adult for once.

He made a claim there are hundreds, yet nobody can specifically mention one.

He gave you a whole list idiot. You are just another liar.
Name one significant regulation that was repealed.

Here, let me help you-)

Trump Has Repealed Hundreds Of Obama-Era Regulations

Share one significant one from that. I'll be waiting.

Moving the goalposts now idiot? You asked, he proved you wrong. Suck it up! Be an adult for once.

He made a claim there are hundreds, yet nobody can specifically mention one.

He gave you a whole list idiot. You are just another liar.

Ok then specifically share one.
Dude you are behind the times. Didn’t you get the memo? They have abandoned the Collusion scam for the Obstruction scam. Even if they hadn’t abandoned that scam too you are at least one scam behind the rest of your butthurt party.

Dude, you are in for a very hard fall ...

And don't anticipate anyone but a Nazi, Klansman or child molester to catch you.

Enjoy that won't you? :)

Nope, as is always the case, you leftists will get bitch slapped by reality again. It'll be fun to watch.
i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?

The Russian Collusion angle is dead, the Obstruction angle is all but dead, the sexual harassment plan to paint themselves as good and virtuous has been dealt a mortal blow......now what?

Are they going to try the “He’s insane” ploy? Are they going to try to paint him as unhealthy and near death?

Reality just can’t seem to square with the left’s made up world can it?

Nothing right wing and biddable fools like you have posted will derail the investigation and the volume of evidence already collected by Mr. Mueller and his team.

Your opinions are at best ridiculous and wishful thinking. If you could think, it would be fun to debate you, sadly I'd be engaged in a battle of wits with an unarmed fool.

Ha ha! What evidence? Produce it, or shut the fuck up, liar.

Share one significant one from that. I'll be waiting.

Moving the goalposts now idiot? You asked, he proved you wrong. Suck it up! Be an adult for once.

He made a claim there are hundreds, yet nobody can specifically mention one.

He gave you a whole list idiot. You are just another liar.

Ok then specifically share one.

You were give a list and you claim you weren't. Fuck off liar.
Name one substantial regulation that was repealed.

The economy is trending the same as it was with Obama.

The economy under Obama was stagnated. There wasn't any serious growth in 8 years. Trump takes over and the economy explodes. We are supposed to believe this is a coincidence?

And there doesn't have to be a major regulation repealed. Thousands of minor ones slowing business growth being repealed will let businesses act
Economy is trending the same as obama.

So you can't name even one. Shocking.
Sure. The trend is clear. Because sluggish is the same as robust.

Trump is Making America Great Again. This is a good thing!

Sorry Meathead. Trump has not Make America Great. He made America sick.
Right now we are the laughingstock of the world. Because Trump promotes hatred, bigotry, unethical, abusive, racism, ignorance, a groper, promotes child molester. That is how majority of Americans think of this president.


None of that is real. It's the lie you tell yourself rather than face the truth.

Nope it’s the truth Pred. I understand truth hurts.
Name one substantial regulation that was repealed.

The economy is trending the same as it was with Obama.

Hundreds of regulations have been repealed.

Trump administration cancels hundreds of Obama-era regulations
The list, issued as part of a semiannual report on the entire government’s regulatory agenda, shows the extent to which this administration is determined to erase many of the Obama administration’s policy priorities. In several instances, the administration is dropping rules aimed at tightening worker safety standards or omitting species the government had pledged to protect under the Endangered Species Act. In other cases, it is proposing new regulations that provide employers with more leeway in how they run their businesses or report their activities to federal officials.

The Trump administration said it was pulling or suspending 860 pending regulations. Of those, 469 were being completely withdrawn. Another 391 were being set aside or reevaluated. These proposed regulations could be revisited at some point or dropped altogether.

52 Environmental regulations
52 Environmental Rules on the Way Out Under Trump

Carbon Emissions rules repealed
E.P.A. Announces Repeal of Major Obama-Era Carbon Emissions Rule

Climate regulations
Trump EPA to propose repealing Obama's climate regulation: document

Take your pick of which repeal is the most substantial and beneficial.

Did you read your links or you just look at it? It may sound big 52 wow. BFD. In reality this is only one for EPA regulations and part of that is to save the coal industry. Some of those are not going to happen till next year. No matter what this lousy POTUS or anyone here like it or not the coal industry will die sooner or later.
That’s a fact.

Coal CEO: Senate tax plan 'wipes us out'

Lame. Even if what you say is true, “eventually” isn’t now. The claim was made that Trump did nothing to affect the economy, and it’s been proven to be a lie. Be an adult, admit it and move in.

I am telling the truth. I know truth hurts. The link posted by tipsy has not done anything to improve the economy.

Figured you wouldn't be an adult.

Then prove it here where you think this president did anything to the economy be specific.

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