What are the worst religions

Dr Grump

Platinum Member
Apr 4, 2006
1) Islam (all forms)
2) Catholicism
3) Scientology (I sorta put this in here, even though I honestly don't think it is a religion)
Ha! Well, some people do worship at the foot of Capital Hill....
How about those Aztec religions that sacrificed people to the Gods? Even the Norse sacrificed people to the Gods.

Any religion can be bastardized by the zealots, so the religion itself cannot be condemed because of their actions. If this was so we can be condemed for the acts our government did through the ages like the Native American massacres.
All of them.

Or are you asking for the worst of the worst of the worst?

I disagree. Buddhism seems a pretty harmless religion...Don't get many protesting Shinto worshipers either or Taoists for that matter. Don't get me wrong, I've seen incidents where Buddhist monks have gone batshit, but generally they seem pretty mellow.

But I did mean the worst of the worst. Looking at mainstream generally - not your David Koresh or Jim Jones cult of personalities...
I disagree. Buddhism seems a pretty harmless religion...Don't get many protesting Shinto worshipers either or Taoists for that matter. Don't get me wrong, I've seen incidents where Buddhist monks have gone batshit, but generally they seem pretty mellow.
The Japanese during WWII were Buddhists; mainly Shinto.
All of them.


As someone who was raised in a devoutly Conservative Protestant family for the entirety of my youth, and who has now in the last decade moved away from not only the Lutheran Church, but ALL FORMS OF ORGANIZED RELIGION, I truly believe that all organized religion is really the problem.

My insight into this topic was brought about by the death of the most truly Good and Faithful person I've ever known in my life.... my father, on his 54th birthday back in August of 2001. That singular even was the moment when my Faith in Christianity and the Christian God ended. Aferwards I undertook a nearly two year "survey" of pretty much every significant organized religious group I could find, looking for someone who could answer one very simple question..... "Why?" I checked out probably almost two dozen different Protestant denominations, the RCC and several of its off-shoots, the Jewish faith, the Islamic faiths, and a number of other more "out there" religious movements. Not a single one of them could come up with what I considered a reasonable answer based on their faith. Some didn't even bother to try.

What I learned out of this whole endeavour was that Spirituality more than Religion is the important thing. I gained a whole new perspective on religion, spirituality, theology, and the whole idea of "God" in general. What I also found was that no significant organized religion out there can actually claim to have "clean hands". Not a one.
1) Islam (all forms)
2) Catholicism
3) Scientology (I sorta put this in here, even though I honestly don't think it is a religion)

I thought you were asking about religions. What you have listed are cults.
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How many brain bugs do somebody has to have to ask a nerdy question like this?

I come with oddball. Grumpism must be the most insane religion of all.


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Religion has done more to harm spirituality than any other thing I can think of. I am sorry about your dad. Mine died when he was 44, I have never understood why but I do have faith that there was a reason. Religion has always been about control and power. Which religion is the worst is a matter of private opinion
1) Islam (all forms)
2) Catholicism
3) Scientology (I sorta put this in here, even though I honestly don't think it is a religion)

I thought you were asking about religions. What you have listed are cults.

Cult, religion.

What's the difference?

Only difference is in number of followers.
All religions started as cults.

Jesus was a cult leader had 12 main followers.
The religion loosely based on him did not start till after his death.
I disagree. Buddhism seems a pretty harmless religion...Don't get many protesting Shinto worshipers either or Taoists for that matter. Don't get me wrong, I've seen incidents where Buddhist monks have gone batshit, but generally they seem pretty mellow.
The Japanese during WWII were Buddhists; mainly Shinto.

I do not believe Shinto = Buddhist
I disagree. Buddhism seems a pretty harmless religion...Don't get many protesting Shinto worshipers either or Taoists for that matter. Don't get me wrong, I've seen incidents where Buddhist monks have gone batshit, but generally they seem pretty mellow.
The Japanese during WWII were Buddhists; mainly Shinto.

I do not believe Shinto = Buddhist

Shinto-ism is not Buddhism. They are two seperate belief systems. Shitonism is animistic while Buddhism is non-theistic. However, many Japanese were (are?) both Shinto and Buddhist
History makes it clear that Xtianity is the most vile religion. No other religion has killed and raped as much as the xtians have

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