What Are These People Thinking?


ARVADA, Colo. (AP) — Hundreds of students walked out of classrooms around suburban Denver on Tuesday in protest over a conservative-led school board proposal to focus history education on topics that promote citizenship, patriotism and respect for authority, in a show of civil disobedience that the new standards would aim to downplay.

The youth protest involving six high schools in the state's second-largest school district follows a sick-out from teachers that shut down two high schools in the politically and economically diverse area that has become a key political battleground.

Student participants said their demonstration was organized by word of mouth and social media. Many waved American flags and carried signs, including messages that read "There is nothing more patriotic than protest."

"I don't think my education should be censored. We should be able to know what happened in our past," said Tori Leu, a 17-year-old student who protested at Ralston Valley High School in Arvada.

The school board proposal that triggered the walkouts in Jefferson County calls for instructional materials that present positive aspects of the nation and its heritage. It would establish a committee to regularly review texts and course plans, starting with Advanced Placement history, to make sure materials "promote citizenship, patriotism, essentials and benefits of the free-market system, respect for authority and respect for individual rights" and don't "encourage or condone civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law."

The proposal from Julie Williams, part of the board's conservative majority, has not been voted on and was put on hold last week. She didn't return a call from The Associated Press seeking comment Tuesday, but previously told Chalkbeat Colorado, a school news website, that she recognizes there are negative events that are part of U.S. history that need to be taught.

"There are things we may not be proud of as Americans," she said. "But we shouldn't be encouraging our kids to think that America is a bad place."

A student demonstrator, Tyrone G. Parks, a senior at Arvada High School, said Tuesday that the nation's foundation was built on civil protests, "and everything that we've done is what allowed us to be at this point today. And if you take that from us, you take away everything that America was built off of."

More: Denver Area Students Walk Out Of School In Protest

Why do Conservatives keep trying to whitewash history? Are they ashamed of it? They should be...

Trouble with history is no version is fair, impartial, accurate, etc. Only by comparing as many versions as you can stand consulting will you ever get a reasonable idea of what happened. No one in their right mind will take a single eye-witnesses' testimony as conclusive evidence. So why let that standard pervade history classes?
Nothing to get so upset about. The Parents are shameful assholes. It's Assholes raising little Assholes. A tragic epidemic in this country.


Are Ron and Rand Paul assholes, too? How about the entire Tea Party movement--are they assholes?

Silly faux outrage theatre. The parents who organized this should be ashamed of themselves. Especially considering most are probably Communists/Progressives who have no problem Propagandizing children in public schools. They're just using children again. Shame on em. But like i said, Assholes raising little Assholes is a tragic epidemic in this country.

Are Ron and Rand Paul assholes, too? How about the entire Tea Party movement--are they assholes?

Your almost topical response seems to imply that you believe that the Tea Party movement is not full of assholes as their parents didn't organize it, but Ron and Rand Paul are, because they are family. Is this the case? Why do you hate the Paul family so much?

Faux outrage nonsense. The parents who forced their children to take part in this, should be publicly flogged. They're despicable cretins. Stop exploiting the children.

Why do you think that Ron Paul should be publicly flogged? Or does he get a free pass because the child he exploited has now grown into an adult, despite the fact that Rand is exhibiting clear signs of an ideological Stockholm Syndrome?

Dr. Paul promotes Home-Schooling. And he's Spot-On. The Parents who forced their children to take part in this sham, are despicable assholes. To hell with em.
Nothing to get so upset about. The Parents are shameful assholes. It's Assholes raising little Assholes. A tragic epidemic in this country.


Are Ron and Rand Paul assholes, too? How about the entire Tea Party movement--are they assholes?

Silly faux outrage theatre. The parents who organized this should be ashamed of themselves. Especially considering most are probably Communists/Progressives who have no problem Propagandizing children in public schools. They're just using children again. Shame on em. But like i said, Assholes raising little Assholes is a tragic epidemic in this country.

Are Ron and Rand Paul assholes, too? How about the entire Tea Party movement--are they assholes?

Your almost topical response seems to imply that you believe that the Tea Party movement is not full of assholes as their parents didn't organize it, but Ron and Rand Paul are, because they are family. Is this the case? Why do you hate the Paul family so much?

Faux outrage nonsense. The parents who forced their children to take part in this, should be publicly flogged. They're despicable cretins. Stop exploiting the children.

Can you tell us more about how you hate liberal intolerance and love freedom?

Just exploiting children again. This was nothing to get so upset about. The Parents are shallow cretins.

Are Ron and Rand Paul assholes, too? How about the entire Tea Party movement--are they assholes?

Silly faux outrage theatre. The parents who organized this should be ashamed of themselves. Especially considering most are probably Communists/Progressives who have no problem Propagandizing children in public schools. They're just using children again. Shame on em. But like i said, Assholes raising little Assholes is a tragic epidemic in this country.

Are Ron and Rand Paul assholes, too? How about the entire Tea Party movement--are they assholes?

Your almost topical response seems to imply that you believe that the Tea Party movement is not full of assholes as their parents didn't organize it, but Ron and Rand Paul are, because they are family. Is this the case? Why do you hate the Paul family so much?

Faux outrage nonsense. The parents who forced their children to take part in this, should be publicly flogged. They're despicable cretins. Stop exploiting the children.

Can you tell us more about how you hate liberal intolerance and love freedom?

Just exploiting children again. This was nothing to get so upset about. The Parents are shallow cretins.

No seriously, Go ahead and tell me how you love freedom and hate intolerance after asking for the parents to be publicly flogged. That is the essence of America dont cha know

Are Ron and Rand Paul assholes, too? How about the entire Tea Party movement--are they assholes?

Silly faux outrage theatre. The parents who organized this should be ashamed of themselves. Especially considering most are probably Communists/Progressives who have no problem Propagandizing children in public schools. They're just using children again. Shame on em. But like i said, Assholes raising little Assholes is a tragic epidemic in this country.

Are Ron and Rand Paul assholes, too? How about the entire Tea Party movement--are they assholes?

Your almost topical response seems to imply that you believe that the Tea Party movement is not full of assholes as their parents didn't organize it, but Ron and Rand Paul are, because they are family. Is this the case? Why do you hate the Paul family so much?

Faux outrage nonsense. The parents who forced their children to take part in this, should be publicly flogged. They're despicable cretins. Stop exploiting the children.

Why do you think that Ron Paul should be publicly flogged? Or does he get a free pass because the child he exploited has now grown into an adult, despite the fact that Rand is exhibiting clear signs of an ideological Stockholm Syndrome?

Dr. Paul promotes Home-Schooling. And he's Spot-On. The Parents who forced their children to take part in this sham, are despicable assholes. To hell with em.

Ron Paul exploited his son Rand into publicly shilling for libertardianism, participating in politics even more than these poor, innocent young chyldryn in the OP's story. Paul even got Rand to run for Senate. Now that we have Senator Rand "I was abused by a libertarian father as a chyld and I still am today" Paul in office, there can be no doubt that Ron Paul exploited his son for the advancement of his warped, backwards ideology.

Why are you promoting such heinous crimes?
Silly faux outrage theatre. The parents who organized this should be ashamed of themselves. Especially considering most are probably Communists/Progressives who have no problem Propagandizing children in public schools. They're just using children again. Shame on em. But like i said, Assholes raising little Assholes is a tragic epidemic in this country.

Are Ron and Rand Paul assholes, too? How about the entire Tea Party movement--are they assholes?

Your almost topical response seems to imply that you believe that the Tea Party movement is not full of assholes as their parents didn't organize it, but Ron and Rand Paul are, because they are family. Is this the case? Why do you hate the Paul family so much?

Faux outrage nonsense. The parents who forced their children to take part in this, should be publicly flogged. They're despicable cretins. Stop exploiting the children.

Can you tell us more about how you hate liberal intolerance and love freedom?

Just exploiting children again. This was nothing to get so upset about. The Parents are shallow cretins.

No seriously, Go ahead and tell me how you love freedom and hate intolerance after asking for the parents to be publicly flogged. That is the essence of America dont cha know

To hell with em. They're just exploiting children again. Time to take Dr. Paul's advice...Home-School your children if at all possible. Don't risk it with the crumbling Public School System.
Personally, those that encouraged this behavior should be sought out. If they want to teach them about civil disobedience do it off school time.

Right, because protesting outside school hours will get so much attention.

Maybe they can have a civil disobedience sleepover in a remote campsite. :clap2:
Either they (those encouraging the behavior) get it approved or they attend school board meetings to present their views. We are not talking about college students here.

Protest must be "approved"?

This made people talk about this school board. A kid standing up at a school board meeting wasn't going to make national news.

Kids won, just by bringing the issue into a big, bright spotlight.
The kids won? Really? No, who won was the adults that instigated it. The kids lost, not being taught a proper way in which to handle the situation. You can't tell me these kids even truly knew what it was all about, to begin with, other than the lines fed them by disgruntled adults. And let's say on the off chance they did, then all of them showing up at board meeting would have hqd just as much of an impact, and would have been the proper route to go. Do remember the press does attend school board meetings. The story now is more about these kids leaving school, rather than any real concrete grievances, other than their teachers don't care for the prospect of a new textbook and told them let's go against the school rules and leave to protest.

People complain of a lack of respect for others and rules with kids today. I wonder where some of it is stemming from?

There is no effective, proper way to handle the situation. School boards almost never are accountable or listen, and the kids approach is far better. More power to them.

They would not have been allowed to do anything like this at a school board meeting.
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Inaccuracies of US taught history is best illustrated with how many still believe the Japanese started World War 2 at Pearl Harbor.

US had embargoes Japan's oil import ability, an act of war by even modern standards, and had sided against Japan with China (Flying Tigers et al.) and we actually attacked first sinking a Japanese midget submarine BEFORE the first Japanese naval planes dropped a single bomb.

US actions were responsible for Japan attacking Pearl Harbor. They didn't wake up one day and say "Hey, let's go pick a fight with a country a helluva lot tougher than us just for the hell of it!"
the committee would make sure that U.S. history materials "promote citizenship, patriotism, essentials and benefits of the free enterprise system, respect for authority and respect for individual rights. Materials should not encourage or condone civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law. Instructional materials should present positive aspects of the United States and its heritage. Content pertaining to political and social movements in U.S. history should present balanced and factual treatments of the positions."

Sounds like things I'd expect to hear in a fascist nation, not a free one. Authority should always be questioned and unjust laws should not be obeyed.

Its blowback from progressives trying to turn history lessons into political indoctrination. Its heavy handed and misguided, but its not unexpected.

You're about the 4th person to say this and what you all have in common is no proof. Lol

See the OP provided a link to actual happenings, you provide comments backed with nothing burger

He provided a link to a ruling that was out in the open. progressive prefer to leave little evidence or paperwork. You can't use your sides duplicity and subterfuge as a defense.
This is a great display of kids pushing to be educated and not indoctrinated. Conservatives call colleges liberal training grounds, but back this idea of a sanitized history class? What is wrong with teaching the kids what actually happened?

Instructional time is finite. From this it follows that priorities must be set. Knowledge is not hidden, it's there for all of us to access, and students who have a desire to intimately know American history have a lifetime available to them in which they can drink deep. This though doesn't describe most students. Most students are no social activists, most students simply want to be citizens and they love their country. We want to serve these students by informing them of the history which makes us all proud.

This notion of total transparency in everything is bogus. Do parents reveal to their children the entirely of their sexual history, a play by play of every person they had sex with and all the other warts in their life? There's no need for parents to do that. Similarly there is no need to devote finite precious class time to liberal-inspired hate-fests of where America went wrong, or more precisely, where America-hating liberals believe America went wrong for this entails an opportunity cost of skipping instruction in knowledge that has more utility. The America-hating liberal agitprop is freely available everywhere in society, especially on college campuses. Nothing is being suppressed or hidden, it's just not being celebrated.

One of the primary purposes of public schooling is to impart cultural unity into the student body, a shared understanding of American history, knowledge which will make students patriotic and committed to the nation and fellow Americans. Teaching students to hate America doesn't serve a purpose, public schools don't exist for that purpose, that's why liberals exist, to take over where public schools leave off.

No school teaches students to hate America. That's ridiculous.
the committee would make sure that U.S. history materials "promote citizenship, patriotism, essentials and benefits of the free enterprise system, respect for authority and respect for individual rights. Materials should not encourage or condone civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law. Instructional materials should present positive aspects of the United States and its heritage. Content pertaining to political and social movements in U.S. history should present balanced and factual treatments of the positions."

Sounds like things I'd expect to hear in a fascist nation, not a free one. Authority should always be questioned and unjust laws should not be obeyed.

Its blowback from progressives trying to turn history lessons into political indoctrination. Its heavy handed and misguided, but its not unexpected.

You're about the 4th person to say this and what you all have in common is no proof. Lol

See the OP provided a link to actual happenings, you provide comments backed with nothing burger

He provided a link to a ruling that was out in the open. progressive prefer to leave little evidence or paperwork. You can't use your sides duplicity and subterfuge as a defense.

So no evidence, no links just you saying things is your proof?

Funny how you guys know about these great liberal schemes but when asked where'd you learn it suddenly the info isnt available.
Inaccuracies of US taught history is best illustrated with how many still believe the Japanese started World War 2 at Pearl Harbor.

US had embargoes Japan's oil import ability, an act of war by even modern standards, and had sided against Japan with China (Flying Tigers et al.) and we actually attacked first sinking a Japanese midget submarine BEFORE the first Japanese naval planes dropped a single bomb.

US actions were responsible for Japan attacking Pearl Harbor. They didn't wake up one day and say "Hey, let's go pick a fight with a country a helluva lot tougher than us just for the hell of it!"

They were wrongfully invading China, and we didn't like that, so we embargoed them. The Japanese made the choice to go to war. They could have pulled back in China, but they didn't.

And we sunk their midget as part of their attack plan that was set in motion weeks before the first shot was fired. The first shot in this case is 100% meaningless, because their PLAN was to attack.
Inaccuracies of US taught history is best illustrated with how many still believe the Japanese started World War 2 at Pearl Harbor.

US had embargoes Japan's oil import ability, an act of war by even modern standards, and had sided against Japan with China (Flying Tigers et al.) and we actually attacked first sinking a Japanese midget submarine BEFORE the first Japanese naval planes dropped a single bomb.

US actions were responsible for Japan attacking Pearl Harbor. They didn't wake up one day and say "Hey, let's go pick a fight with a country a helluva lot tougher than us just for the hell of it!"

They were wrongfully invading China, and we didn't like that, so we embargoed them. The Japanese made the choice to go to war. They could have pulled back in China, but they didn't.

And we sunk their midget as part of their attack plan that was set in motion weeks before the first shot was fired. The first shot in this case is 100% meaningless, because their PLAN was to attack.

World disagrees with you. Who shoots first is very much relevant.
Repub: "The Liberals Change it too" (excusing the whitewashing)

When asked when and where you find out the answers are: Sometime and somewhere lol
the committee would make sure that U.S. history materials "promote citizenship, patriotism, essentials and benefits of the free enterprise system, respect for authority and respect for individual rights. Materials should not encourage or condone civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law. Instructional materials should present positive aspects of the United States and its heritage. Content pertaining to political and social movements in U.S. history should present balanced and factual treatments of the positions."

Sounds like things I'd expect to hear in a fascist nation, not a free one. Authority should always be questioned and unjust laws should not be obeyed.

Its blowback from progressives trying to turn history lessons into political indoctrination. Its heavy handed and misguided, but its not unexpected.

You're about the 4th person to say this and what you all have in common is no proof. Lol

See the OP provided a link to actual happenings, you provide comments backed with nothing burger

He provided a link to a ruling that was out in the open. progressive prefer to leave little evidence or paperwork. You can't use your sides duplicity and subterfuge as a defense.

So no evidence, no links just you saying things is your proof?

Funny how you guys know about these great liberal schemes but when asked where'd you learn it suddenly the info isnt available.

You assholes NEVER come out in the open and say what you are doing. you wrap your indoctrination in things like "fairness" and "balance."
Inaccuracies of US taught history is best illustrated with how many still believe the Japanese started World War 2 at Pearl Harbor.

US had embargoes Japan's oil import ability, an act of war by even modern standards, and had sided against Japan with China (Flying Tigers et al.) and we actually attacked first sinking a Japanese midget submarine BEFORE the first Japanese naval planes dropped a single bomb.

US actions were responsible for Japan attacking Pearl Harbor. They didn't wake up one day and say "Hey, let's go pick a fight with a country a helluva lot tougher than us just for the hell of it!"

They were wrongfully invading China, and we didn't like that, so we embargoed them. The Japanese made the choice to go to war. They could have pulled back in China, but they didn't.

And we sunk their midget as part of their attack plan that was set in motion weeks before the first shot was fired. The first shot in this case is 100% meaningless, because their PLAN was to attack.

World disagrees with you. Who shoots first is very much relevant.

So, So wrong.

By that logic police couldn't open fire on a suspect until they perp attacked the police officer first.
Why get so upset about that? Doesn't seem so awful. Quit yer bitchin and get back to class. And shame on the asshole parents who allowed their brats to behave like assholes. This is a good example of why it would be best to choose Private or Home Schooling for your child. The Public School System is a mess. I would avoid it if at all possible.

I wonder why this does not surprise me?

Nothing to get so upset about. The Parents are shameful assholes. It's Assholes raising little Assholes. A tragic epidemic in this country.
So much about Parents having a say in their child's education, eh?
Why get so upset about that? Doesn't seem so awful. Quit yer bitchin and get back to class. And shame on the asshole parents who allowed their brats to behave like assholes. This is a good example of why it would be best to choose Private or Home Schooling for your child. The Public School System is a mess. I would avoid it if at all possible.

I wonder why this does not surprise me?

Nothing to get so upset about. The Parents are shameful assholes. It's Assholes raising little Assholes. A tragic epidemic in this country.
So much about Parents having a say in their child's education, eh?

They used children to push a political agenda. Shame on em. They're real pieces of shite.

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