What Are These People Thinking?

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You assholes NEVER come out in the open and say what you are doing. you wrap your indoctrination in things like "fairness" and "balance."

Sooooooo, how do you know about it then?

Its called "reading." Try it some time.

Is that reading available anywhere online?


Frederick shouldn t use slanted 3rd-grade textbook even if it leans same way I do - The Washington Post

She was absolutely right. The 165-page book — “Social Studies Alive! Our Community and Beyond” — is unmistakably slanted to the left in numerous places.

It pushes pro-environmental views — by devoting four pages to the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska, for example. It suggests that health care and child care should be free community services, without noting that the public must pay taxes to support those benefits.

“Child care is important, but it is not free for most people in the United States. Families have to pay for child care. It can be very expensive,” says Page 104. “In some countries, child care is a public service. For example, in Denmark and Vietnam, child care is free or costs very little. This makes it easier for parents to work. Do you think child care should be a public service in your community?”

and before you go off that this is some Tea Party Nutter:

This controversy puts me in an awkward place, because I applaud the goals that the book promotes. Save the planet? Sign me up. Improve public services? I’m for it. Study foreign success stories? Point me to them.However, in previous columns, I beat up on Virginia elementary schools for using an error-riddled textbook that included a Civil War falsehood promoted by some conservatives. It claimed mistakenly that African Americans in large numbers carried arms for the pro-slavery Confederacy.

So, fair-mindedness prompts me to give equal time to the other side. And there’s no doubt that if I were a conservative, this book would enrage me just as much as it does Rose.
Sure, pride, patriotism, and citizenship are bad things. their scroungy little fuck parents have taught them this in Obamaland. the school board wants to teach real history, not liberal revisionist history.
Sure, pride, patriotism, and citizenship are bad things. their scroungy little fuck parents have taught them this in Obamaland. the school board wants to teach real history, not liberal revisionist history.

Do you honestly believe that Texass wants to teach "real" history?
This is a great display of kids pushing to be educated and not indoctrinated. Conservatives call colleges liberal training grounds, but back this idea of a sanitized history class? What is wrong with teaching the kids what actually happened?

Instructional time is finite. From this it follows that priorities must be set. Knowledge is not hidden, it's there for all of us to access, and students who have a desire to intimately know American history have a lifetime available to them in which they can drink deep. This though doesn't describe most students. Most students are no social activists, most students simply want to be citizens and they love their country. We want to serve these students by informing them of the history which makes us all proud.

This notion of total transparency in everything is bogus. Do parents reveal to their children the entirely of their sexual history, a play by play of every person they had sex with and all the other warts in their life? There's no need for parents to do that. Similarly there is no need to devote finite precious class time to liberal-inspired hate-fests of where America went wrong, or more precisely, where America-hating liberals believe America went wrong for this entails an opportunity cost of skipping instruction in knowledge that has more utility. The America-hating liberal agitprop is freely available everywhere in society, especially on college campuses. Nothing is being suppressed or hidden, it's just not being celebrated.

One of the primary purposes of public schooling is to impart cultural unity into the student body, a shared understanding of American history, knowledge which will make students patriotic and committed to the nation and fellow Americans. Teaching students to hate America doesn't serve a purpose, public schools don't exist for that purpose, that's why liberals exist, to take over where public schools leave off.
Liberals lie and lie. They just want to teach the kids to America by teaching them all the bad things
They're kids. Most will grow up and lose the juvenile liberal point of view. Until then, they'll do many stupid things.
Full libtard combined with youthful self-centeredness is a toxic brew.

Protesting against conservative positions is a sign of enlightenment. Details don't matter. Liberals are enlightened, conservatives are monsters. Protesting is to liberals like preening is to peacocks. Add youth to that brew and this is the outcome.

Time to end public schools. Liberals can send their kids to indoctrination factories and normal parents can send their kids to normal schools.

Did you attend a 'normal' school?

No. My education was very unique.

Home schooling is always "unique" and lacking in the basics such as the fact that this nation was founded upon a protest against taxes imposed by a conservative government headed by a monarch.

Why are you talking to me about home schooling?
So Frank thinks the ideological agenda with which he disagrees is communistic?

To teach American history openly and honestly is communistic?

Do you condone the teaching of Religious Creationism in schools? That view has historical roots too, it is also a vibrant dynamic in society at present, it makes the news all the time and has many subscribers.

Do you really want to go the open and honest route?
the committee would make sure that U.S. history materials "promote citizenship, patriotism, essentials and benefits of the free enterprise system, respect for authority and respect for individual rights. Materials should not encourage or condone civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law. Instructional materials should present positive aspects of the United States and its heritage. Content pertaining to political and social movements in U.S. history should present balanced and factual treatments of the positions."

Sounds like things I'd expect to hear in a fascist nation, not a free one. Authority should always be questioned and unjust laws should not be obeyed.
Not in a school. Only in your home would be a better place to try that experiment. Unleash your own kids from parental discipline and guidance.
Full libtard combined with youthful self-centeredness is a toxic brew.

Protesting against conservative positions is a sign of enlightenment. Details don't matter. Liberals are enlightened, conservatives are monsters. Protesting is to liberals like preening is to peacocks. Add youth to that brew and this is the outcome.

Time to end public schools. Liberals can send their kids to indoctrination factories and normal parents can send their kids to normal schools.

Did you attend a 'normal' school?

No. My education was very unique.

Home schooling is always "unique" and lacking in the basics such as the fact that this nation was founded upon a protest against taxes imposed by a conservative government headed by a monarch.

Why are you talking to me about home schooling?

Because you bear the classical ignorance/arrogance stigmata of the home schooled.
The kids won? Really? No, who won was the adults that instigated it. The kids lost, not being taught a proper way in which to handle the situation. You can't tell me these kids even truly knew what it was all about, to begin with, other than the lines fed them by disgruntled adults. And let's say on the off chance they did, then all of them showing up at board meeting would have hqd just as much of an impact, and would have been the proper route to go. Do remember the press does attend school board meetings. The story now is more about these kids leaving school, rather than any real concrete grievances, other than their teachers don't care for the prospect of a new textbook and told them let's go against the school rules and leave to protest.

People complain of a lack of respect for others and rules with kids today. I wonder where some of it is stemming from?

So, your premise is that the students were too stupid to know what the issues were. And that they didn't go about it by "the proper route." And that teachers orchestrated it.

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