What Are These People Thinking?

Silly school board. Only progressive manipulation of a curriculum is allowed.

I know! And these conservatards think they can waltz on in just because they were elected by popular vote and undo decades worth of lybyryl progress? Absurd.

This country isn't going back to the Stone Age, no matter how much conservatards want it to. Deal with it.
Why get so upset about that? Doesn't seem so awful. Quit yer bitchin and get back to class. And shame on the asshole parents who allowed their brats to behave like assholes. This is a good example of why it would be best to choose Private or Home Schooling for your child. The Public School System is a mess. I would avoid it if at all possible.

I wonder why this does not surprise me?

Nothing to get so upset about. The Parents are shameful assholes. It's Assholes raising little Assholes. A tragic epidemic in this country.
every lie Obama has told

Name ONE.

Protip, unintentionally making statements that later turned out to be false, unknown to the statement-maker, is not lying. Lying includes intent. Unless you can prove both that President Obama has ever uttered a single falsehood in his entire life, AND that he did so with the intent to deceive, then our legal lord and secular savior Benevolent-President-for-Life Barack "America's Last Hope" Obama is not guilty of lying.

Sources for the definition of a "lie":

Lie - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
: to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive

Lie Define Lie at Dictionary.com
a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.

lie - Wiktionary
Why get so upset about that? Doesn't seem so awful. Quit yer bitchin and get back to class. And shame on the asshole parents who allowed their brats to behave like assholes. This is a good example of why it would be best to choose Private or Home Schooling for your child. The Public School System is a mess. I would avoid it if at all possible.

I wonder why this does not surprise me?

Nothing to get so upset about. The Parents are shameful assholes. It's Assholes raising little Assholes. A tragic epidemic in this country.


Are Ron and Rand Paul assholes, too? How about the entire Tea Party movement--are they assholes?
Why get so upset about that? Doesn't seem so awful. Quit yer bitchin and get back to class. And shame on the asshole parents who allowed their brats to behave like assholes. This is a good example of why it would be best to choose Private or Home Schooling for your child. The Public School System is a mess. I would avoid it if at all possible.

I wonder why this does not surprise me?

Nothing to get so upset about. The Parents are shameful assholes. It's Assholes raising little Assholes. A tragic epidemic in this country.


Are Ron and Rand Paul assholes, too? How about the entire Tea Party movement--are they assholes?

Silly faux outrage theatre. The parents who organized this should be ashamed of themselves. Especially considering most are probably Communists/Progressives who have no problem Propagandizing children in public schools. They're just using children again. Shame on em. But like i said, Assholes raising little Assholes is a tragic epidemic in this country.
Silly school board. Only progressive manipulation of a curriculum is allowed.
I remember when the Vista, CA school board tried to eliminate evolution and add creationism to the science curriculum in the early 90s....they became the laughingstock of CA and were quickly voted out of office.
Why get so upset about that? Doesn't seem so awful. Quit yer bitchin and get back to class. And shame on the asshole parents who allowed their brats to behave like assholes. This is a good example of why it would be best to choose Private or Home Schooling for your child. The Public School System is a mess. I would avoid it if at all possible.

I wonder why this does not surprise me?

Nothing to get so upset about. The Parents are shameful assholes. It's Assholes raising little Assholes. A tragic epidemic in this country.


Are Ron and Rand Paul assholes, too? How about the entire Tea Party movement--are they assholes?

Silly faux outrage theatre. The parents who organized this should be ashamed of themselves. Especially considering most are probably Communists/Progressives who have no problem Propagandizing children in public schools. They're just using children again. Shame on em. But like i said, Assholes raising little Assholes is a tragic epidemic in this country.

How can you seem so smart on some issues - and so retarded on others? You seem to be mimicking the Paul boys.
The agenda I read in this new indoctrination of "teaching" history, includes teaching students the glory of the free market. Wait till students find out that there is no free market other than that most of the wealth produced in this country goes to the top one percent. Retirements, steady employment, decent work hours, no premium overtime - all are at risk of being offshored, outsourced, H1-b visa'd, etc. in this so called right wing "free market." (A Vietnamese neighbor who came to this country in the 70's, was complaining to me recently, that his employer, Toyota, was using these visa people to keep wages down and put a scare in permanent employees.
Protesting is also dangerous. It's much easier to be arrested now, and with that on your record, employment is harder to get. Another reason we won't see too many occupy movements in the future.
Why get so upset about that? Doesn't seem so awful. Quit yer bitchin and get back to class. And shame on the asshole parents who allowed their brats to behave like assholes. This is a good example of why it would be best to choose Private or Home Schooling for your child. The Public School System is a mess. I would avoid it if at all possible.

I wonder why this does not surprise me?

Nothing to get so upset about. The Parents are shameful assholes. It's Assholes raising little Assholes. A tragic epidemic in this country.


Are Ron and Rand Paul assholes, too? How about the entire Tea Party movement--are they assholes?

Silly faux outrage theatre. The parents who organized this should be ashamed of themselves. Especially considering most are probably Communists/Progressives who have no problem Propagandizing children in public schools. They're just using children again. Shame on em. But like i said, Assholes raising little Assholes is a tragic epidemic in this country.

Are Ron and Rand Paul assholes, too? How about the entire Tea Party movement--are they assholes?

Your almost topical response seems to imply that you believe that the Tea Party movement is not full of assholes as their parents didn't organize it, but Ron and Rand Paul are, because they are family. Is this the case? Why do you hate the Paul family so much?
Why get so upset about that? Doesn't seem so awful. Quit yer bitchin and get back to class. And shame on the asshole parents who allowed their brats to behave like assholes. This is a good example of why it would be best to choose Private or Home Schooling for your child. The Public School System is a mess. I would avoid it if at all possible.

I wonder why this does not surprise me?

Nothing to get so upset about. The Parents are shameful assholes. It's Assholes raising little Assholes. A tragic epidemic in this country.


Are Ron and Rand Paul assholes, too? How about the entire Tea Party movement--are they assholes?

Silly faux outrage theatre. The parents who organized this should be ashamed of themselves. Especially considering most are probably Communists/Progressives who have no problem Propagandizing children in public schools. They're just using children again. Shame on em. But like i said, Assholes raising little Assholes is a tragic epidemic in this country.

How can you seem so smart on some issues - and so retarded on others? You seem to be mimicking the Paul boys.

Because this is silly faux outrage theatre. The Parents are Assholes for organizing it. Absolutely nothing to be so upset about. It's absurd. It's why our Public Schools are such a mess. I would advise all Americans to try Private or Home Schooling if at all possible. Sending your child into the Public School System is a risky proposition for sure.
the committee would make sure that U.S. history materials "promote citizenship, patriotism, essentials and benefits of the free enterprise system, respect for authority and respect for individual rights. Materials should not encourage or condone civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law. Instructional materials should present positive aspects of the United States and its heritage. Content pertaining to political and social movements in U.S. history should present balanced and factual treatments of the positions."

Sounds like things I'd expect to hear in a fascist nation, not a free one. Authority should always be questioned and unjust laws should not be obeyed.

Its blowback from progressives trying to turn history lessons into political indoctrination. Its heavy handed and misguided, but its not unexpected.

You're about the 4th person to say this and what you all have in common is no proof. Lol

See the OP provided a link to actual happenings, you provide comments backed with nothing burger
A Vietnamese neighbor who came to this country in the 70's, was complaining to me recently, that his employer, Toyota, was using these visa people to keep wages down and put a scare in permanent employees.

Why is his ethnicity and/or country of origin in any way important, you enormous bigot? Can't you see things without your imaginary social construct of "race" getting in the way of every single point you make?
Why get so upset about that? Doesn't seem so awful. Quit yer bitchin and get back to class. And shame on the asshole parents who allowed their brats to behave like assholes. This is a good example of why it would be best to choose Private or Home Schooling for your child. The Public School System is a mess. I would avoid it if at all possible.

I wonder why this does not surprise me?

Nothing to get so upset about. The Parents are shameful assholes. It's Assholes raising little Assholes. A tragic epidemic in this country.


Are Ron and Rand Paul assholes, too? How about the entire Tea Party movement--are they assholes?

Silly faux outrage theatre. The parents who organized this should be ashamed of themselves. Especially considering most are probably Communists/Progressives who have no problem Propagandizing children in public schools. They're just using children again. Shame on em. But like i said, Assholes raising little Assholes is a tragic epidemic in this country.

Are Ron and Rand Paul assholes, too? How about the entire Tea Party movement--are they assholes?

Your almost topical response seems to imply that you believe that the Tea Party movement is not full of assholes as their parents didn't organize it, but Ron and Rand Paul are, because they are family. Is this the case? Why do you hate the Paul family so much?

Faux outrage nonsense. The parents who forced their children to take part in this, should be publicly flogged. They're despicable cretins. Stop exploiting the children.
I wonder why this does not surprise me?

Nothing to get so upset about. The Parents are shameful assholes. It's Assholes raising little Assholes. A tragic epidemic in this country.


Are Ron and Rand Paul assholes, too? How about the entire Tea Party movement--are they assholes?

Silly faux outrage theatre. The parents who organized this should be ashamed of themselves. Especially considering most are probably Communists/Progressives who have no problem Propagandizing children in public schools. They're just using children again. Shame on em. But like i said, Assholes raising little Assholes is a tragic epidemic in this country.

Are Ron and Rand Paul assholes, too? How about the entire Tea Party movement--are they assholes?

Your almost topical response seems to imply that you believe that the Tea Party movement is not full of assholes as their parents didn't organize it, but Ron and Rand Paul are, because they are family. Is this the case? Why do you hate the Paul family so much?

Faux outrage nonsense. The parents who forced their children to take part in this, should be publicly flogged. They're despicable cretins. Stop exploiting the children.

Why do you think that Ron Paul should be publicly flogged? Or does he get a free pass because the child he exploited has now grown into an adult, despite the fact that Rand is exhibiting clear signs of an ideological Stockholm Syndrome?
OP "to focus history education on topics that promote citizenship, patriotism and respect for authority, in a show of civil disobedience that the new standards would aim to downplay."

Wasn't that the whole idea behind "1984"?
I wonder why this does not surprise me?

Nothing to get so upset about. The Parents are shameful assholes. It's Assholes raising little Assholes. A tragic epidemic in this country.


Are Ron and Rand Paul assholes, too? How about the entire Tea Party movement--are they assholes?

Silly faux outrage theatre. The parents who organized this should be ashamed of themselves. Especially considering most are probably Communists/Progressives who have no problem Propagandizing children in public schools. They're just using children again. Shame on em. But like i said, Assholes raising little Assholes is a tragic epidemic in this country.

Are Ron and Rand Paul assholes, too? How about the entire Tea Party movement--are they assholes?

Your almost topical response seems to imply that you believe that the Tea Party movement is not full of assholes as their parents didn't organize it, but Ron and Rand Paul are, because they are family. Is this the case? Why do you hate the Paul family so much?

Faux outrage nonsense. The parents who forced their children to take part in this, should be publicly flogged. They're despicable cretins. Stop exploiting the children.

Can you tell us more about how you hate liberal intolerance and love freedom?

ARVADA, Colo. (AP) — Hundreds of students walked out of classrooms around suburban Denver on Tuesday in protest over a conservative-led school board proposal to focus history education on topics that promote citizenship, patriotism and respect for authority, in a show of civil disobedience that the new standards would aim to downplay.

The youth protest involving six high schools in the state's second-largest school district follows a sick-out from teachers that shut down two high schools in the politically and economically diverse area that has become a key political battleground.

Student participants said their demonstration was organized by word of mouth and social media. Many waved American flags and carried signs, including messages that read "There is nothing more patriotic than protest."

"I don't think my education should be censored. We should be able to know what happened in our past," said Tori Leu, a 17-year-old student who protested at Ralston Valley High School in Arvada.

The school board proposal that triggered the walkouts in Jefferson County calls for instructional materials that present positive aspects of the nation and its heritage. It would establish a committee to regularly review texts and course plans, starting with Advanced Placement history, to make sure materials "promote citizenship, patriotism, essentials and benefits of the free-market system, respect for authority and respect for individual rights" and don't "encourage or condone civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law."

The proposal from Julie Williams, part of the board's conservative majority, has not been voted on and was put on hold last week. She didn't return a call from The Associated Press seeking comment Tuesday, but previously told Chalkbeat Colorado, a school news website, that she recognizes there are negative events that are part of U.S. history that need to be taught.

"There are things we may not be proud of as Americans," she said. "But we shouldn't be encouraging our kids to think that America is a bad place."

A student demonstrator, Tyrone G. Parks, a senior at Arvada High School, said Tuesday that the nation's foundation was built on civil protests, "and everything that we've done is what allowed us to be at this point today. And if you take that from us, you take away everything that America was built off of."

More: Denver Area Students Walk Out Of School In Protest

Why do Conservatives keep trying to whitewash history? Are they ashamed of it? They should be...

The only thing we are ashamed of is not getting your ancestors before you were born.

Perhaps they hid during battle?

Why don't you look into the books and see what was being taught?

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