What are they protesting about?

Most of them have no idea why they are protesting, but there are a fair number of people who backed neither candidate who believe their interests were ignored by both parties.

I don't know, I kinda think that's why Trump was elected. I know we've felt that way in our party for the last several years.
Most of them have no idea why they are protesting, but there are a fair number of people who backed neither candidate who believe their interests were ignored by both parties.

I don't know, I kinda think that's why Trump was elected. I know we've felt that way in our party for the last several years.
And on the other side many Sanders supporters feel the same way.
Stop the violence, liberals. Obstruction and destruction are not free speech. You people always warn that it is the right wing extremists that are dangerous. Compare their levels of distruction and obstruction when Obama won vs. what the left wing "peaceful" protests are yielding in the face of Trump winning. And for God's sakes, stop saying the evil white male win this election. More Blacks and Latinos voted for Trump than they did for McCain and Romney.
Stop the violence, liberals. Obstruction and destruction are not free speech. You people always warn that it is the right wing extremists that are dangerous. Compare their levels of distruction and obstruction when Obama won vs. what the left wing "peaceful" protests are yielding in the face of Trump winning. And for God's sakes, stop saying the evil white male win this election. More Blacks and Latinos voted for Trump than they did for McCain and Romney.

It's okay if Hispanics vote Democrat for their own interests. It's okay if gays vote Democrat for their own interests. It's okay if blacks vote Democrat for their own interests. But when whites (supposedly) vote for their own self interests, it's racist.
Well its gonna be time that businesses now pay up. No illegals means businesses forced to pay citizens aloit more for the same work illegals did. Workers will now actually be paid for their work. Fruit piuckers making 15 bucks per hour.

Hiring Americans would be cheaper in the long run. Lots of hidden costs with illegals. Such as eminent domaining houses to build schools for the children of illegals. Both the illegal children as well as the American born children of illegals. This happens big time in certain areas of the country, and California for sure. We've been colonized by mexico. They also have huge participation in our welfare system and safety nets. It's like you pay now, or pay later. Nothing for free. Trump understands this. I don't think bernie sanders does, and I don't think obama cares one way or the other.l

Don't forget those medical costs on top of it. How do you think hospitals recover those losses when illegals get service and hand them a phony name and address? We end up paying for it through our health insurance which goes up every single year.
Thanks. Medical costs for sure. I've taken people to Kaiser e.r. over the years, and plenty of illegals filled up the waiting room. Many were on medi-cal and don't even need to pay co pay. I don't know what co pay for the e.r. is now but it was $75 about 10-12 years ago. I know talk like this is hated by some who have listened to obama say "this is not who we are as a nation". They get filled with pride at how wonderful we are as a nation, forgetting who is really paying for all this. Even obama is clueless. He's had an easy ride his whole life, never even having a real job like most of us. My answer is that America has become a life boat for everybody. There comes a time when you have to refuse letting anymore survivors aboard, or the life boat will sink. Glad we'll have a new sheriff in town soon - Trump.
Thanks. Medical costs for sure. I've taken people to Kaiser e.r. over the years, and plenty of illegals filled up the waiting room. Many were on medi-cal and don't even need to pay co pay. I don't know what co pay for the e.r. is now but it was $75 about 10-12 years ago. I know talk like this is hated by some who have listened to obama say "this is not who we are as a nation". They get filled with pride at how wonderful we are as a nation, forgetting who is really paying for all this. Even obama is clueless. He's had an easy ride his whole life, never even having a real job like most of us. My answer is that America has become a life boat for everybody. There comes a time when you have to refuse letting anymore survivors aboard, or the life boat will sink. Glad we'll have a new sheriff in town soon - Trump.

DumBama knew exactly what he was doing.

Both parties would love to expand their base. The two largest bases for Democrats are government dependents and victims; everybody is a victim.

It makes sense for DumBama to expand government dependents. HIs first was to double the food stamp role which he did, and continues today in spite of all this so-called great economic news. His next in line was Commie Care. Even by the White Houses own admission, they created over 18 million new government dependents, and more on the way unless Trump gets rid of Commie Care.

So even with the Hillary loss, they made some great strides with all these new government dependents. It was their gaol all along. Anybody that thinks a politician could give a shit whether they have healthcare or not is not in tune with what's really happening in the DNC.
Most of them have no idea why they are protesting, but there are a fair number of people who backed neither candidate who believe their interests were ignored by both parties.

I don't know, I kinda think that's why Trump was elected. I know we've felt that way in our party for the last several years.
And on the other side many Sanders supporters feel the same way.
Then they should have dealt with that when crooked Hillary cheated him and his supporters. That is nobody's fault but their own.
It wouldn't surprise me if Hillary's ilk would just like to use a byzantine set of international rules, documents, codes, court rulings, and treaties instead. I think they believe the constitution and the philosophy it is based on is outdated.

Only when they lose.

Nah, I'm pretty sure Hillary was thinking up ways to make it very difficult for the everyday American to own any sort of gun. Whether it be via new SCOTUS rulings, gun manufacturer regulations and insurance requirements, or unreasonable taxation on ammunition and guns, I am pretty sure her agenda included the usurpation of the 2nd amendment before she left office.

If you read the UN declaration on human rights (International Covenant on Political and Civil Rights), which was partially based on the US bill of rights, nowhere does it mention that the right to self defense or the right to bear arms is a natural right. Being an internationalist, I am sure the political globalists in our nation wish to make the "rights" (read privileges) available to US citizens more in line with the rest of the world.

And, you will notice the really infuriating thing, is these stupid foreign posters that come on this forum, are always butting their noses in b/c they are jealous of our Constitutional protections. . . they want us to become more like them and lose our freedom. Nations that are less freed are less creative, less competitive, less prosperous... IOW, their hatred and shaming is rooted in their jealousy.

Yeah, those rascally world socialist elites. . . they knew what they hell they were doing when they created that world government.
It wouldn't surprise me if Hillary's ilk would just like to use a byzantine set of international rules, documents, codes, court rulings, and treaties instead. I think they believe the constitution and the philosophy it is based on is outdated.

Only when they lose.

Nah, I'm pretty sure Hillary was thinking up ways to make it very difficult for the everyday American to own any sort of gun. Whether it be via new SCOTUS rulings, gun manufacturer regulations and insurance requirements, or unreasonable taxation on ammunition and guns, I am pretty sure her agenda included the usurpation of the 2nd amendment before she left office.

If you read the UN declaration on human rights (International Covenant on Political and Civil Rights), which was partially based on the US bill of rights, nowhere does it mention that the right to self defense or the right to bear arms is a natural right. Being an internationalist, I am sure the political globalists in our nation wish to make the "rights" (read privileges) available to US citizens more in line with the rest of the world.

And, you will notice the really infuriating thing, is these stupid foreign posters that come on this forum, are always butting their noses in b/c they are jealous of our Constitutional protections. . . they want us to become more like them and lose our freedom. Nations that are less freed are less creative, less competitive, less prosperous... IOW, their hatred and shaming is rooted in their jealousy.

Yeah, those rascally world socialist elites. . . they knew what they hell they were doing when they created that world government.

Gun elimination in the US is a liberal thing, not a global thing.

Truth be known, liberals don't care if you have a gun or not, liberals care if you can protect yourself or not.

Liberals love victims and victims love liberals, so liberals do what they can to make as many victims as possible: victims of big oil, victims of big pharma, victims of employers, victims of guns, victims of tobacco, victims of men, war on women........

If they were able to take away our guns, criminals would celebrate coast to coast because then we would all be victims. And how would victims combat big crime? The same way we combat all Big things--bigger government.

More crime means more prisons, more courts, more police, more lawyers, more Democrat voters in the future.
No, world wide government control is an elitist thing. Doing this means eliminating guns.

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