What are Trumps specific plans/ideas?

His illegal immigration position is obvious but where does he stand on the issues a 2016 president would face? As fun as it is to hear him talk shit on current issues we need to hear him talk specifics about the issues that he would face were he elected. Verbal jousting only goes so far and given the fact that he has changed positions many times over the past couple decades I'd like to know where he stands now.
Taunting our enemies with a verbal sling is not a foreign policy.
Claiming everyone loves him is not how you get bipartisan support in Congress if you're president.

Better yet is he in this to win or just feed his ego?
He wants to try something new. Obviously, the old song and dance hasn't worked in over a half century. And, he can't be any worse that what we've had for the past 50 plus years. I'm willing to give him a shot at it. What do we have to lose? We're already near rock bottom.
We tried that with Obama. Fuck that

And we have plenty to lose
What did we try with Obama? And, what do we have to lose?
Something new
His illegal immigration position is obvious but where does he stand on the issues a 2016 president would face? As fun as it is to hear him talk shit on current issues we need to hear him talk specifics about the issues that he would face were he elected. Verbal jousting only goes so far and given the fact that he has changed positions many times over the past couple decades I'd like to know where he stands now.
Taunting our enemies with a verbal sling is not a foreign policy.
Claiming everyone loves him is not how you get bipartisan support in Congress if you're president.

Better yet is he in this to win or just feed his ego?
He wants to try something new. Obviously, the old song and dance hasn't worked in over a half century. And, he can't be any worse that what we've had for the past 50 plus years. I'm willing to give him a shot at it. What do we have to lose? We're already near rock bottom.
We tried that with Obama. Fuck that

And we have plenty to lose
What did we try with Obama? And, what do we have to lose?
Something new
Nope. Obama was just another professional politician that intended to play "politics as usual", and he lived up to it. He's done absolutely nothing except further destroy this once great nation. And, again, what do we have to lose? How can it be any worse than what we see on Main Street America, all across this nation? Please explain. Thanks.
His illegal immigration position is obvious but where does he stand on the issues a 2016 president would face? As fun as it is to hear him talk shit on current issues we need to hear him talk specifics about the issues that he would face were he elected. Verbal jousting only goes so far and given the fact that he has changed positions many times over the past couple decades I'd like to know where he stands now.
Taunting our enemies with a verbal sling is not a foreign policy.
Claiming everyone loves him is not how you get bipartisan support in Congress if you're president.

Better yet is he in this to win or just feed his ego?
He wants to try something new. Obviously, the old song and dance hasn't worked in over a half century. And, he can't be any worse that what we've had for the past 50 plus years. I'm willing to give him a shot at it. What do we have to lose? We're already near rock bottom.
We tried that with Obama. Fuck that

And we have plenty to lose
What did we try with Obama? And, what do we have to lose?
Something new
Nope. Obama was just another professional politician that intended to play "politics as usual", and he lived up to it. He's done absolutely nothing except further destroy this once great nation. And, again, what do we have to lose? How can it be any worse than what we see on Main Street America, all across this nation? Please explain. Thanks.

"He's done absolutely nothing except further destroy this once great nation"

That's pretty lofty rhetoric there, chief. You going to stand by that once you've thought about it for a minute?
He wants to try something new. Obviously, the old song and dance hasn't worked in over a half century. And, he can't be any worse that what we've had for the past 50 plus years. I'm willing to give him a shot at it. What do we have to lose? We're already near rock bottom.
We tried that with Obama. Fuck that

And we have plenty to lose
What did we try with Obama? And, what do we have to lose?
Something new
Nope. Obama was just another professional politician that intended to play "politics as usual", and he lived up to it. He's done absolutely nothing except further destroy this once great nation. And, again, what do we have to lose? How can it be any worse than what we see on Main Street America, all across this nation? Please explain. Thanks.

"He's done absolutely nothing except further destroy this once great nation"

That's pretty lofty rhetoric there, chief. You going to stand by that once you've thought about it for a minute?
Yes, I stand by it. ....... I can give you a list if you want. I'm sure that you already know what will be on my list, so do I really take the time to type all of the damage?
(1) The astronomical and rising national debt
(2) Less home ownership
(3) Increased poverty and dependency on government assistance programs
(4) Cities going bankrupt
(5) The ACA disaster
(6) Illegal immigration
(7) Increased part-time, low-wage, and temporary employment
(8) Troubled pension funds
(9) The further deterioration of our right to privacy
(10) Damage to our relationships with foreign countries
(11) 50% of our children living at or below the poverty line
(12) Our deteriorating infrastructure
In order to be a leader, especially a political leader, you need to have a vision for the future. St Reagan with his morning in America, JFK with a man on the moon, that kind of thing.

Trump doesn't have a vision.

Next leaders need to be able to communicate their vision. Trump doesn't communicate, he just yells at people.

Having communicated their vision leaders need to inspire and motivate others to achieve their vision. Trump believes that firing people motivates others. All that does is turn people into sycophants if they want to keep their jobs.

So on the 3 most critical aspects of being a leader Trump comes up short on all of them.

As for the rest of his policies that is irrelevant if he cannot lead. Then he just becomes a puppet and he does what others tell him to do as we saw with Bush jr.

This nation deserves better IMO.
thank you...you outlined exactly why we cannot abide Obama...
His illegal immigration position is obvious but where does he stand on the issues a 2016 president would face? As fun as it is to hear him talk shit on current issues we need to hear him talk specifics about the issues that he would face were he elected. Verbal jousting only goes so far and given the fact that he has changed positions many times over the past couple decades I'd like to know where he stands now.
Taunting our enemies with a verbal sling is not a foreign policy.
Claiming everyone loves him is not how you get bipartisan support in Congress if you're president.

Better yet is he in this to win or just feed his ego?

Continue saying things others never would to remain in every news segment and political discussion and be the only candidate by election day anyone knows anything about and win.

Doesn't need anything else.
His illegal immigration position is obvious but where does he stand on the issues a 2016 president would face? As fun as it is to hear him talk shit on current issues we need to hear him talk specifics about the issues that he would face were he elected. Verbal jousting only goes so far and given the fact that he has changed positions many times over the past couple decades I'd like to know where he stands now.
Taunting our enemies with a verbal sling is not a foreign policy.
Claiming everyone loves him is not how you get bipartisan support in Congress if you're president.

Better yet is he in this to win or just feed his ego?
To feed his ego that seems obvious at least to me anyway.

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