What are we headed for under total Democrat rule?

Harris promises 'Equitable Treatment', NOT 'Equality'.

Judging by what we’ve already seen. Is this what we could expect to be levied on American society?
Less American past / history taught discussed and seen
Increased suppression of Caucasian heritage
Deprivation of the 1st and 2nd Amendments
Less Christian presence
Increased LGBT footprint
Increased illegal alien population
Increased welfare for illegal trespassers
Higher income taxes/penalties for our best citizens
A redesign of the Flag...something more fitting for “New America”?
I’m sure there are a number of things I’m missing...what else can we maybe look forward to?

Democrats will install a fascist state:
  • Stacking the court to insure fascist rubber stamp decisions
  • statehood for DC and puerto rico to gain control of senate
My broker said historically the stock market does better with democratic presidents.

Trump drove up the debt with his tax break And trips to Mara lago and golf. Made fun of Obama for golfing he’s golfed more. Hypocrite.

Trump lies about big and small things.

2019 growth 2.3%. Candidate trump didnt approve when Obama had under 3%.

Obama had low unemployment but trump didn’t believe till he took office.

Trumps fixes to trade deals did nothing for workers. A little help to corporations but not much. Just declared victory.

Too divisiv.

Too much abuse of power.

Your broker wants you to vote for the party that has been doing its very best to eradicate small business in this country?

He sounds retarted. You should look for a smarter one.
Making long term assumptions and extrapolations in a world that is constantly changing only leads to paranoia and poor decision-making habits.

So calm down a bit, maybe.
My broker said historically the stock market does better with democratic presidents.

Trump drove up the debt with his tax break And trips to Mara lago and golf. Made fun of Obama for golfing he’s golfed more. Hypocrite.

Trump lies about big and small things.

2019 growth 2.3%. Candidate trump didnt approve when Obama had under 3%.

Obama had low unemployment but trump didn’t believe till he took office.

Trumps fixes to trade deals did nothing for workers. A little help to corporations but not much. Just declared victory.

Too divisiv.

Too much abuse of power.

Your broker wants you to vote for the party that has been doing its very best to eradicate small business in this country?

He sounds retarted. You should look for a smarter one.
You are an idiot. What would a stock broker care about a small business? What small business trades on th market?

I buy Walmart stock dummy.
What are we headed for under total democrat rule?

This assumes Biden wins, the democrats take the Senate, and keep the House. If that happens then they will very quickly try to abolish the filibuster in the Senate, and that right there is perhaps the most important outcome of the election. Because if Biden wins but the GOP controls the Senate then he and the democrats will not be able to pass their agenda of Far Left policies. But if the Dems do win the Senate then it all starts with the filibuster, killing that means our gov't descends into basically mob rule like the House is today. You can easily see how Nancy Pelosi runs the House with an iron fist; the House repubs have absolutely no power at all, and the democrats basically do whatever they want to. If the Senate turns into the same thing then we essentially become a one-party gov't, the party in the majority will have no checks and balance on whatever they want to do, assuming the president belongs to the same party. And that will continue no matter who the ruling party is, repubs will do exactly the same thing when they get voted in. Subject to the courts that is, which is why the dems are livid that RBG's seat went to ACB and Gorsuch and Kavanaugh got in before her. And why they want to pack the Supreme Court with their judges, so they can do whatever they want with no limits.

I think that if the Senate flips to the Dems that their majority will be quite slim, like 50-50 or 51-49. So, while they might kill the filibuster, packing the court and admitting DC and PR as states might be more problematical. All it takes is one or two bold democrat senators to say no, and those things won't happen. And it may be that even if the democrats pass a bunch of socialist policies that the SCOTUS may shoot some of them down as unconstitutional. Depends on what they try to do and what their basis in law is to take such steps.
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Making long term assumptions and extrapolations in a world that is constantly changing only leads to paranoia and poor decision-making habits.

So calm down a bit, maybe.
Why is ground mail taking two weeks at a time like now? Calm down as you steal an election?

Meanwhile you’re sending guys with Ak47s to watch the polls.
Judging by what we’ve already seen. Is this what we could expect to be levied on American society?
Less American past / history taught discussed and seen
Increased suppression of Caucasian heritage
Deprivation of the 1st and 2nd Amendments
Less Christian presence
Increased LGBT footprint
Increased illegal alien population
Increased welfare for illegal trespassers
Higher income taxes/penalties for our best citizens
A redesign of the Flag...something more fitting for “New America”?
I’m sure there are a number of things I’m missing...what else can we maybe look forward to?
You are really in panic mode?
Less American past / history taught discussed and seen? No, at least not less than taught in the last 20 years.
Increased suppression of Caucasian heritage? I am Caucasian and have no fear of more minorities, you should have less. Hey, with the abortion changes, please do not start raping little white girls to get the Caucasian birthrate up. I do not feel particularly repressed. Do not give in to paranoia.
Deprivation of the 1st and 2nd Amendments? Has the government kept you from saying something? Anybody come to get your guns, cowboy? Would like to see long guns in the homes instead of the streets and more intelligent permit regulation, as currently required for concealed carry. Have nothing against rifles of any type and certainly not giving up mine.
Less Christian presence? Been going that way for a long time. You cannot legislate religion and it will not be, thank goodness or thank The Lord, depending on your point of view.
Increased LGBT footprint? Never understood this. Don't care who people sleep with as long as not on my lawn. You would think they would breed (or not breed, actually) themselves out of existence sooner or later.
Increased illegal alien population? Illegal aspect will remain the same. I figure it will go back to the numbers coming across and being sent back of Obama and Bush. Some path to citizenship may be instituted for those that we brought here as small children.
Increased welfare for illegal trespassers? I hope not. Do not actually know how much they get now, but do not think they rate any federal or state funding benefits from illegal crossing.
Higher income taxes/penalties for our best citizens? Depends on your definition of "best".
A redesign of the Flag...something more fitting for “New America”? No.

Probably see a clear turn toward rightful distrust of Russian ambitions across Europe and the world.
Probably see a marked renewed denouncing of dictators, and autocrats world wide as is only right.
Probably see major fence mending with our European allies.
Hope to see complete pull out of troops from Saudi, as they can afford to hire their own mercenaries instead of getting us to supply to protect their oil.
Expect to see far less vocal political attacks against the party out of power and wild maniacal statements from the new president.
With out a doubt, will see greater emphasis on fighting Coronavirus, more inline with the rest of the world that has proven more effective in places, instead of defeatism of the current administration.
What are we headed for under total democrat rule?

This assumes Biden wins, the democrats take the Senate, and keep the House. If that happens then they will very quickly try to abolish the filibuster in the Senate, and that right there is perhaps the most important outcome of the election. Because if Biden wins but the GOP controls the Senate then he and the democrats will not be able to pass their agenda of Far Left policies. But if the Dems do win the Senate then it all starts with the filibuster, killing that means our gov't descends into basically mob rule like the House is today. You can easily see how Nancy Pelosi runs the House with an iron fist; the House repubs have absolutely no power at all, and the democrats basically do whatever they want to. If the Senate turns into the same thing then we essentially become a one-party gov't, the party in the majority will have no checks and balance on whatever they want to do, assuming the president belongs to the same party. And that will continue no matter who the ruling party is, repubs will do exactly the same thing when they get voted in. Subject to the courts that is, which is why the dems are livid that RBG's seat went to ACB and Gorsuch and Kavanaugh got in before her.

I think that if the Senate flips to the Dems that their majority will be quite slim, like 50-50 or 51-49. So, while they might kill the filibuster, packing the court and admitting DC and PR as states might be more problematical. All it takes is one or two bold democrat senators to say no, and those things won't happen. And it may be that even if the democrats pass a bunch of socialist policies that the SCOTUS may shoot some of them down as unconstitutional. Depends on what they try to do and what their basis in law is to take such steps.
I’ll bet you anything we won’t have enough votes to pass anything then republicans will take back the senate in the midterms.

But we won’t have trump passing bad legislation that Mitch will sign.
Making long term assumptions and extrapolations in a world that is constantly changing only leads to paranoia and poor decision-making habits.

So calm down a bit, maybe.
Why is ground mail taking two weeks at a time like now? Calm down as you steal an election?

Meanwhile you’re sending guys with Ak47s to watch the polls.
Uh, me?
Judging by what we’ve already seen. Is this what we could expect to be levied on American society?
Less American past / history taught discussed and seen
Increased suppression of Caucasian heritage
Deprivation of the 1st and 2nd Amendments
Less Christian presence
Increased LGBT footprint
Increased illegal alien population
Increased welfare for illegal trespassers
Higher income taxes/penalties for our best citizens
A redesign of the Flag...something more fitting for “New America”?
I’m sure there are a number of things I’m missing...what else can we maybe look forward to?
This fails as a strawman fallacy; more ridiculous demagoguery from the right.
You are an idiot. What would a stock broker care about a small business? What small business trades on th market?

I buy Walmart stock dummy.

Your stock broker thinks massive unemployment is actually GOOD for the economy as all those running their own business fail, and so an entire sector of the economy disappears?

He sounds even less intelligent than you.
Judging by what we’ve already seen. Is this what we could expect to be levied on American society?
Less American past / history taught discussed and seen
Increased suppression of Caucasian heritage
Deprivation of the 1st and 2nd Amendments
Less Christian presence
Increased LGBT footprint
Increased illegal alien population
Increased welfare for illegal trespassers
Higher income taxes/penalties for our best citizens
A redesign of the Flag...something more fitting for “New America”?
I’m sure there are a number of things I’m missing...what else can we maybe look forward to?
You are really in panic mode?
Less American past / history taught discussed and seen? No, at least not less than taught in the last 20 years.
Increased suppression of Caucasian heritage? I am Caucasian and have no fear of more minorities, you should have less. Hey, with the abortion changes, please do not start raping little white girls to get the Caucasian birthrate up. I do not feel particularly repressed. Do not give in to paranoia.
Deprivation of the 1st and 2nd Amendments? Has the government kept you from saying something? Anybody come to get your guns, cowboy? Would like to see long guns in the homes instead of the streets and more intelligent permit regulation, as currently required for concealed carry. Have nothing against rifles of any type and certainly not giving up mine.
Less Christian presence? Been going that way for a long time. You cannot legislate religion and it will not be, thank goodness or thank The Lord, depending on your point of view.
Increased LGBT footprint? Never understood this. Don't care who people sleep with as long as not on my lawn. You would think they would breed (or not breed, actually) themselves out of existence sooner or later.
Increased illegal alien population? Illegal aspect will remain the same. I figure it will go back to the numbers coming across and being sent back of Obama and Bush. Some path to citizenship may be instituted for those that we brought here as small children.
Increased welfare for illegal trespassers? I hope not. Do not actually know how much they get now, but do not think they rate any federal or state funding benefits from illegal crossing.
Higher income taxes/penalties for our best citizens? Depends on your definition of "best".
A redesign of the Flag...something more fitting for “New America”? No.

Probably see a clear turn toward rightful distrust of Russian ambitions across Europe and the world.
Probably see a marked renewed denouncing of dictators, and autocrats world wide as is only right.
Probably see major fence mending with our European allies.
Hope to see complete pull out of troops from Saudi, as they can afford to hire their own mercenaries instead of getting us to supply to protect their oil.
Expect to see far less vocal political attacks against the party out of power and wild maniacal statements from the new president.
With out a doubt, will see greater emphasis on fighting Coronavirus, more inline with the rest of the world that has proven more effective in places, instead of defeatism of the current administration.
Trump said take the guns first then due process next.

Dave Chappell said every black should go buy a gun and register to carry it. That’s the only way they’ll change the laws. Lol
What are we headed for under total Democrat rule?

You will be rounded up and sent off to abandoned Walmarts converted into gulags and reeducation camps. Your children will be converted to homosexuals and transgenders. Farting will be a felony as it pollutes the environment and your family will be given daily tofu rations as eating innocent animals is evil. Kitchen knives and forks will be banned as they are dangerous weapons. Nothing but sporks for you.

That idiot Biden is trying to alienate even more Americans the day before the election. Dat boy don't got no brains!

Joe Biden


It’s long past time we take action to end the scourge of gun violence in America. As president, I’ll ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, implement universal background checks, and enact other common-sense reforms to end our gun violence epidemic.

2:00 PM · Nov 1, 2020·TweetDeck
Judging by what we’ve already seen. Is this what we could expect to be levied on American society?
Less American past / history taught discussed and seen
Increased suppression of Caucasian heritage
Deprivation of the 1st and 2nd Amendments
Less Christian presence
Increased LGBT footprint
Increased illegal alien population
Increased welfare for illegal trespassers
Higher income taxes/penalties for our best citizens
A redesign of the Flag...something more fitting for “New America”?
I’m sure there are a number of things I’m missing...what else can we maybe look forward to?
You are really in panic mode?
Less American past / history taught discussed and seen? No, at least not less than taught in the last 20 years.
Increased suppression of Caucasian heritage? I am Caucasian and have no fear of more minorities, you should have less. Hey, with the abortion changes, please do not start raping little white girls to get the Caucasian birthrate up. I do not feel particularly repressed. Do not give in to paranoia.
Deprivation of the 1st and 2nd Amendments? Has the government kept you from saying something? Anybody come to get your guns, cowboy? Would like to see long guns in the homes instead of the streets and more intelligent permit regulation, as currently required for concealed carry. Have nothing against rifles of any type and certainly not giving up mine.
Less Christian presence? Been going that way for a long time. You cannot legislate religion and it will not be, thank goodness or thank The Lord, depending on your point of view.
Increased LGBT footprint? Never understood this. Don't care who people sleep with as long as not on my lawn. You would think they would breed (or not breed, actually) themselves out of existence sooner or later.
Increased illegal alien population? Illegal aspect will remain the same. I figure it will go back to the numbers coming across and being sent back of Obama and Bush. Some path to citizenship may be instituted for those that we brought here as small children.
Increased welfare for illegal trespassers? I hope not. Do not actually know how much they get now, but do not think they rate any federal or state funding benefits from illegal crossing.
Higher income taxes/penalties for our best citizens? Depends on your definition of "best".
A redesign of the Flag...something more fitting for “New America”? No.

Probably see a clear turn toward rightful distrust of Russian ambitions across Europe and the world.
Probably see a marked renewed denouncing of dictators, and autocrats world wide as is only right.
Probably see major fence mending with our European allies.
Hope to see complete pull out of troops from Saudi, as they can afford to hire their own mercenaries instead of getting us to supply to protect their oil.
Expect to see far less vocal political attacks against the party out of power and wild maniacal statements from the new president.
With out a doubt, will see greater emphasis on fighting Coronavirus, more inline with the rest of the world that has proven more effective in places, instead of defeatism of the current administration.
Trump said take the guns first then due process next.

Dave Chappell said every black should go buy a gun and register to carry it. That’s the only way they’ll change the laws. Lol
I don't care who own guns. I recommend everyone over 18 should seek training and qualification. I just think they should be out of sight unless hunting or going to the range to maintain proficiency. Guarantee, you will not see mine until it is too late. I think everybody that carries should meet the same standards I meet. Street walking gun bunnies are just trying to intimidate or are paranoid. I am against intimidation and also think more public money should be spent on mental health and mental health education.

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