What are YOU doing to help stop terror?

Playing word games as usual. You can not argue points so instead play semantics. But then thats standard fair for liberals.

Semantics? Hi, you claimed something I DID NOT SAY. When I say "no, you are wrong, I never said that", you claim semantics? No, actually, you either misinterpreted me or lied. It seems since you are unwilling to retract your obviously false claim, you lied.
Semantics? Hi, you claimed something I DID NOT SAY. When I say "no, you are wrong, I never said that", you claim semantics? No, actually, you either misinterpreted me or lied. It seems since you are unwilling to retract your obviously false claim, you lied.

The quote from you is at the top of the page, so you can not claim I have changed it. I suggest you clean out the drug induced shit from your eyes and re read it, then HIGHLIGHT for us all where I said anything about ANY army/military other than the US.

But on that point, desertion by anyone that VOLUNTEERED is not taking the moral high ground. Since our ENTIRE military is VOLUNTEER ONLY, no one in OUR military that deserts gets any respect from me. IF they want moral high ground they refuse orders IN UNIFORM and accept the consequences and state their reasons from that position.

Go ahead you lying sack of crap, twist this too.
I didn't say all. My statement is clearly intended to apply to the US military. But then you like to pretend your lies are somehow true, do continue.


You said:
I have no respect for anyone that deserts.]/quote]

Anyone generally refers to...well anyone. Not just US Soldiers. IF you had only been referring to them, then you should have stated that when I said my comment about Nazis...not made some asinine claim about how I was comparing the US army to Nazis, which I obviously wasn't.

But on that point, desertion by anyone that VOLUNTEERED is not taking the moral high ground. Since our ENTIRE military is VOLUNTEER ONLY, no one in OUR military that deserts gets any respect from me. IF they want moral high ground they refuse orders IN UNIFORM and accept the consequences and state their reasons from that position.

See, you should have said it like this in the first place.

Go ahead you lying sack of crap, twist this too.

Go take your meds or something man. You seem wayyyy too uptight over this.
No I do not. But isn't it telling how you have just equated the US Military with Nazi Germany. Ohh and by the way the majority of that Army was German not Nazi, or are you not one of those liberals that likes to remind everyone that all Germans were not Nazis and were just misguided?

We is repeating what elected Dems have said about the US military. Our troops have been compared to Nazis and Pol Pot - and libs have been silent about the slur
Of course, Dems have come up with a plan to fight the war on terror


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You said:
I have no respect for anyone that deserts.]/quote]

Anyone generally refers to...well anyone. Not just US Soldiers. IF you had only been referring to them, then you should have stated that when I said my comment about Nazis...not made some asinine claim about how I was comparing the US army to Nazis, which I obviously wasn't.

See, you should have said it like this in the first place.

Go take your meds or something man. You seem wayyyy too uptight over this.

Your the one that needs meds. The sentence does not stand alone, no matter how much you wish it did. Pathetic, but standard for the left.

Once again for the idiotic, stupid, slow and retarded.... Anyone that VOLUNTEERS and then deserts has no moral high ground. Now THAT sentence applies to ANY MILITARY, so go ahead and use it anyway you want MORON.

When taken in context your response is a clear attack on the US Military and the Government. The one that should have been more clear is you. But then it is par for the left to insult, belittle and attack the military and then claim it was "Just a misunderstood" " insert excuse here".

You said:

Your the one that needs meds. The sentence does not stand alone, no matter how much you wish it did. Pathetic, but standard for the left.

Once again for the idiotic, stupid, slow and retarded.... Anyone that VOLUNTEERS and then deserts has no moral high ground. Now THAT sentence applies to ANY MILITARY, so go ahead and use it anyway you want MORON.

When taken in context your response is a clear attack on the US Military and the Government. The one that should have been more clear is you. But then it is par for the left to insult, belittle and attack the military and then claim it was "Just a misunderstood" " insert excuse here".

What do you expect RGS?

Kerry did say the troops are uneducated - they probably did not understand what they were doing when they enlisted

You said:

Your the one that needs meds. The sentence does not stand alone, no matter how much you wish it did. Pathetic, but standard for the left.

Once again for the idiotic, stupid, slow and retarded.... Anyone that VOLUNTEERS and then deserts has no moral high ground. Now THAT sentence applies to ANY MILITARY, so go ahead and use it anyway you want MORON.

When taken in context your response is a clear attack on the US Military and the Government. The one that should have been more clear is you. But then it is par for the left to insult, belittle and attack the military and then claim it was "Just a misunderstood" " insert excuse here".



I don't know why psuedo Christian trailer trash like you can't take your gutter language to the Taunting Room! :eusa_snooty: :eusa_snooty:
Edward, ohh wait, he isn't a right wing nutjob. Maineman, ohh wait he is a liberal. Care4all, ohh wait, another liberal....the list goes on and on, but the names are all left not right of center.

Then look in the mirror.

Most enlistees would probably want a one-party government telling them what to do anyway. It's just the kind of lifestyle that attracts them.
Dems have had a long history of smearing and insulting the US military


I posted the links to Iraq Vets Against the War last night before going to bed and look where the thread has gone.

Nazi Germany?

My post was strictly in response to RetGunny's claim that Americans should "listen to the soldiers."

Which soldiers Ret.Gunny? All of them or only the ones who are willing to schill for the failed Republican strategy in Iraq?

When you join the military you enter into a contract. That contract is binding both ways. There is the implied agreement that your Commander in Chief will make responsible, informed decisions and not be reckless with your life in sending you into harm's way.

Bush has failed our soldiers and so have you with your unyielding support of his backward policies. The "contract" has been broken, not by the soldiers who are now against this war, but by their commander.

Quit deluding yourself with talking points Ret.Gunny. You know our soldiers didn't "sign up" for this, back to back tours with little or no R&R in between. No clear objectives for their mission, shortages of equipment and cuts in their benefits ect.

Our military is stretched to the breaking point. No responsible Commander in Chief would have let that happen.

BTW the Army fell way short of it's recruiting goal for June. June usually brings a surge in recruitment. Do you think there could be a cause and effect thing going on here as far as an all "volunteer" military goes?

If we're going to truly "listen to the soldiers" I'd say that's the loudest and clearest statement we could ask for.



Yesterday, on the first in a series of Iraq amendments to the annual defense policy bill, seven GOP senators voted with Democrats to break a Republican filibuster of a proposal from Sen. James Webb (D-Va.) to require longer troop rest periods between combat deployments. Six of the seven Republicans are vulnerable 2008 incumbents. The effort still failed 56 to 41, with 60 votes needed for passage. But the seven Republican votes were surprising, considering that a similar measure in the House last spring was roundly denounced by Republicans as a "slow bleed strategy."
How about these troops?

“Every day, the enemy changes…only now, the enemy is becoming something new. The enemy is transitioning from the Muslim extremists to Americans. The enemy is becoming the very people whom we defend with our lives. And they do not realize it. But in denouncing our actions, denouncing our leaders, denouncing the war we live and fight, they are isolating the military from society…and they are becoming our enemy. Terrorists cut the heads off of American citizens on the Internet…and there is no outrage but an American soldier kills an Iraqi in the midst of battle, and there are investigations, and sometimes soldiers are even jailed…for doing their job…It is absolutely sickening to me to think our country has come to this.” —Sergeant Eddie Jeffers, U.S. Army

“Some of the American public have no idea how much freedom costs and who the people are that pay that awful price. I think sometimes people just see us as nameless and faceless and not really as humans…A good portion of us are actually scared that when we come home, for those of us who make it back, that there will be protesters waiting for us and that is scary.”—-Specialist Jason Gilson, U.S. Army

“What angers and hurts me as a soldier is that they parade their anti-war views in the face of my brothers and sisters who are recovering from the same battlefield that I fought on and am still fighting on as I type this e-mail. Is there no honor or dignity left in the antiwar movement? Do they have no shame? Do they have no integrity? Do they have no heart? Do they have no soul? I can answer that with a simple no! How can they say they support the troops but protest where they try to recover from war? You interviewed one gentleman, and I use that term loosely, who stated ‘If I was injured I would want someone to speak for me like this.’ Well let me tell him something, we do not want you to speak for us and we do not need you to speak for us!” —Sergeant Mark Leach, U.S. Army

“Compared to the shock of the instant, violent death of a squad-mate standing right next to me or the excitement of a child looking at my uniform, the constant barrage of partisan politics, runaway brides and the activities of Paris Hilton seem utterly devoid of importance. I have marines slowly recuperating at hospitals in San Francisco, Washington, Bethesda and San Diego. Who is telling their stories?” —Captain Rory Quinn, U.S. Marines

“We daily see the gross distortions. We can’t recognize the caricatures they [the media] scratch out, neither in our fellow soldiers, nor on the battleground. I know they claim to be objective but really they’re nothing more than accomplices in the face of this evil.” —First Sergeant Jeff Nuding, U.S. Army

“The troops’ number-one frustration has consistently been the media reporting. The way the press mishandled Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo had a tremendous negative effect on us. It inflamed the Iraqis at a time when we were making great progress in their support and willingness to help.”——Major Eric Egland, U.S. Air Force

“We are at war, Representative Murtha, and your actions and conduct give aid and comfort to our enemies…You have dishonored all of those who have fought and died up to the day you stood on the floor of the House of Representatives and demanded that we withdraw immediately. Representative Murtha, you have given aid and comfort to our enemies in a time of war. You have given them hope, which they have fast been losing, due to all of the victories and sacrifice by our sons and daughters on the field of battle in Iraq and Afghanistan. You have been honored by our enemies on the front page of Al Jazeera. . . ” —Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Stark, U.S. Army
You have stated and implied that Liberals and the democrats should rule this country and that republicans are fools or worse, I never claimed you said republicans wanted a one party government, I said YOU want a one party Government, or one that is so one sided that only YOUR beliefs and allies are in power.

so..let me get this straight: when republicans work hard and achieve majorities in both houses of congress and they put up a candidate who wins the presidency, that is NOT wanting "a one party government or one that is so one sided that only THEIR beliefs and allies are in power"? Do you recall republicans wanting to GIVE UP a few seats in congress so that their hold on government was less one-sided?

When republicans work hard to achieve dominance on the national political scene it is somehow patriotic and all things good and wonderful, but when democrats want the same thing, they are craven political nutjobs?????

Have I got that right?

Yeah....that really makes a shitload of sense.

Face it...you're a hack, and a not very bright one, at that.

You said:
Your the one that needs meds. The sentence does not stand alone, no matter how much you wish it did. Pathetic, but standard for the left.

It is irrelevant whether it stands alone or not. You said anyone, that means anyone. This is obvious stuff here, boyo. You wrote it out extremely poorly and before I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, that it was just poor wording. But given how defensive you are acting, I suspect you didn't realize what you were saying and were just continuing on your usual fare of diahrea of the mouth.

Once again for the idiotic, stupid, slow and retarded.... Anyone that VOLUNTEERS and then deserts has no moral high ground. Now THAT sentence applies to ANY MILITARY, so go ahead and use it anyway you want MORON.

This is an incredibly stupid statement. So someone who volunteered for the German army and then deserted when they realized that mass numbers of Jews, Gypsies, gays, and others were being massacred, has no moral high ground? Complete and utter bullshit. Those who have the moral high ground are those who continue to massacre innocents? Nice philosophy you have there in supporting genocide and all.

When taken in context your response is a clear attack on the US Military and the Government. The one that should have been more clear is you. But then it is par for the left to insult, belittle and attack the military and then claim it was "Just a misunderstood" " insert excuse here".

You are a fucking idiot. There was no comparison between the Nazi army and US army. That is completely obvious from what I said. I didn't say that "I was just misunderstood", I don't think you misunderstood me. Rather I think you wilfully twisted my claims so you could make an incorrect ad hominem attack on me.

originally posted by rsr
“Every day, the enemy changes…only now, the enemy is becoming something new. The enemy is transitioning from the Muslim extremists to Americans. The enemy is becoming the very people whom we defend with our lives. And they do not realize it. But in denouncing our actions, denouncing our leaders, denouncing the war we live and fight, they are isolating the military from society…and they are becoming our enemy. Terrorists cut the heads off of American citizens on the Internet…and there is no outrage but an American soldier kills an Iraqi in the midst of battle, and there are investigations, and sometimes soldiers are even jailed…for doing their job…It is absolutely sickening to me to think our country has come to this.” —Sergeant Eddie Jeffers, U.S. Army

So you are supporting someone who is comparing terrorists who are willfully and purposefully murdering US soldiers and Iraqi civilians to American civilians who are engaging in their Constitutional right to freedom of speech?

Alrighty then.
One of the things that disgusts me the most about the "war" on terror concept is that nearly everyone, regardless of whether they're on the far right or the far left, seems to think that dealing with terrorism is someone else's problem.

Time to wake up.

Traveling halfway around the world to guard some billionaire's oil well isn't deterring terrorism. Slapping a silly looped ribbon sticker on the back of your SUV isn't deterring terrorism. Peace marches don't deter terrorism.

At the end of the day, terrorists operate only on an individual or cell level. Which means that the civilized world has to fight them on the same level. Remember those "neighborhood watch" programs? If you haven't already done so, stop watching Idol and get to know your neighbors, dang it! Get to know the people who work in your favorite supermarket, and the people you commute with. (Maybe even read my signature, while you're at it.)

America was built by doers, not by partisan cheerleaders. What are you doing?

Great post, man.

If you have a problem with anything in this country, go out and do something about it. Stop pretending to be an all-knowing political pundit on message boards.

Congress works for US, not for the president, not for corporations, and not for lobbyists. NEVER forget that.
so..let me get this straight: when republicans work hard and achieve majorities in both houses of congress and they put up a candidate who wins the presidency, that is NOT wanting "a one party government or one that is so one sided that only THEIR beliefs and allies are in power"? Do you recall republicans wanting to GIVE UP a few seats in congress so that their hold on government was less one-sided?

When republicans work hard to achieve dominance on the national political scene it is somehow patriotic and all things good and wonderful, but when democrats want the same thing, they are craven political nutjobs?????

Have I got that right?

Yeah....that really makes a shitload of sense.

Face it...you're a hack, and a not very bright one, at that.

The idiot here is you, as usual. Winning a majority is one thing, it will always happen, especially in a basicly 2 party system. Wanting, supporting and calling for a one party rule is NOT that, BUT you either know that and are blowing smoke up our ass, OR your to stupid to have a discussion on this issue. I know your not a retard so I know which one you are.
The idiot here is you, as usual. Winning a majority is one thing, it will always happen, especially in a basicly 2 party system. Wanting, supporting and calling for a one party rule is NOT that, BUT you either know that and are blowing smoke up our ass, OR your to stupid to have a discussion on this issue. I know your not a retard so I know which one you are.

OK...now if you could go find a quote from me that says that I want support of call for "one party rule", that would be real nice. If not, we know who is blowing smoke.

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