What are you eating right now!!!!!!!?????

archangel said:
boring I know...but I am lazy today...won't mention the brand names until they start paying royalties for the mention...LOL :tng:
"washing that pizza down," eh?
Shattered said:
That's a lot of beer for one person...

this from a Wisconsin "Cheese Head" don't y'all measure the intake of beer by the case? lotsa riots up there after ball games! :teeth:
archangel said:
this from a Wisconsin "Cheese Head" don't y'all measure the intake of beer by the case? lotsa riots up there after ball games! :teeth:
By the keg. Alchy is so cheap there.
archangel said:
this from a Wisconsin "Cheese Head" don't y'all measure the intake of beer by the case? lotsa riots up there after ball games! :teeth:

Only those that have no jobs and/or lives. Riots after ball games? Noo.. Do your homework before you make rash population generalizations.
Shattered said:
Only those that have no jobs and/or lives. Riots after ball games? Noo.. Do your homework before you make rash population generalizations.

and a sense of humor lacking among the elite.... as you pat yourself on the back...geez! :beer:
Contrary to your post, you'll find that I have quite the sense of humor. Where appropriate.

And "Milwaukee's Best" is hardly Milwaukee's "best".. But someone has to make something the sludge of the earth can afford, to feed their fix.
mom4 said:
"washing that pizza down," eh?

did not mean to dismiss your humor...shattered broke my neck...crushed my eggs and set my nest on fire...per Kathiannes joke....had to defend my humor! :crutch:
Shattered said:
Contrary to your post, you'll find that I have quite the sense of humor. Where appropriate.

And "Milwaukee's Best" is hardly Milwaukee's "best".. But someone has to make something the sludge of the earth can afford, to feed their fix.

words of wisdom from Ms.Shat'terd'...way too serious for a young lady! :cheers2:
Psst! If you have to continually "defend" it, or "explain" it, it's not humor. :)
archangel said:
did not mean to dismiss your humor...shattered broke my neck...crushed my eggs and set my nest on fire...per Kathiannes joke....had to defend my humor! :crutch:
So what kind of beer was it?
archangel said:
did not mean to dismiss your humor...shattered broke my neck...crushed my eggs and set my nest on fire...per Kathiannes joke....had to defend my humor! :crutch:
haha, marshal of dodge city and you lay eggs... this is getting better and better :rotflmao:
mom4 said:
So what kind of beer was it?

Bud Lite...do Coors lite also from time to time...but not in summer as Coors has only one plant and tends to be green in summer...Corona is good but over priced!and I enjoy beer with a meal...even though some prudes think this is "Barbaric"...lol :beer:
archangel said:
Bud Lite...do Coors lite also from time to time...but not in summer as Coors has only one plant and tends to be green in summer...Corona is good but over priced!and I enjoy beer with a meal...even though some prudes think this is "Barbaric"...lol :beer:
Corona is fantastic. Are you a lime, lemon, or no citrus man?
The ClayTaurus said:
haha, marshal of dodge city and you lay eggs... this is getting better and better :rotflmao:

may give yourself a hernia!
archangel said:
Bud Lite...do Coors lite also from time to time...but not in summer as Coors has only one plant and tends to be green in summer...Corona is good but over priced!and I enjoy beer with a meal...even though some prudes think this is "Barbaric"...lol :beer:
Well, there goes my "Corona theory!" :tng:

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