What are you going to do about jews and blacks

But its not the same with America, there was a race of people living here before the White man came ; the country belonged to the Indians, the Jews did not take Israel from another race. The White man conned and killed the Indians and took this country; are you suggesting this is how to gain a country? And maintaining a majority is how to keep it?

How do you feel about me using this Indian history as an example?

Everyone in the world lives on land that was stolen from someone else, many times over, including and especially Israelis. When whites established a country in North America we did it on land that had been occupied by someone else, who were living on land they had taken from some else (only we didn't slaughter every man, woman, and child of the people we conquered). I don't mind you using Indian history, but you didn't even use Indian history. You used some hallucinated "Indian country" as an example. But even if your hallucination were accurate, only really stupid people would let Jews use that to coax us into committing suicide.

Interesting that you think America was once Indian country , is an hallucination. I think it is factual accurate history; explain to me who the Indians took America from? That will be interesting to see. Real history cannot be fabricated , it can be distorted by those who are ashamed of it, or manipulated by tghose
But its not the same with America, there was a race of people living here before the White man came ; the country belonged to the Indians, the Jews did not take Israel from another race. The White man conned and killed the Indians and took this country; are you suggesting this is how to gain a country? And maintaining a majority is how to keep it?

How do you feel about me using this Indian history as an example?

Everyone in the world lives on land that was stolen from someone else, many times over, including and especially Israelis. When whites established a country in North America we did it on land that had been occupied by someone else, who were living on land they had taken from some else (only we didn't slaughter every man, woman, and child of the people we conquered). I don't mind you using Indian history, but you didn't even use Indian history. You used some hallucinated "Indian country" as an example. But even if your hallucination were accurate, only really stupid people would let Jews use that to coax us into committing suicide.

Who did the Indians steal America from? And please explain why an "Indian Country" is an hallucination? Goodness , are you now trying to manipulate real factual history?
They stole it from whichever tribe was here before them. When Europeans arrived, North America was a vast continent peopled with innumerable bands of hunter-gatherers frequently at war with each other. They weren't a country. A country is an area with borders and a sovereign. Your problem is that you see Native Americans as one big "them". You see them as a kind of blurry mass of "other"--good mostly for their usefulness as a rhetorical device.
Rabid Arab Rabble

In other words, the Indians were just like Palestinians, which word is another rhetorical device, one bought by the Muslim Brotherhood. So why do you disrespect Jews?
Pointing out that had no Jew ever landed on these shores, the country would still be 90% white isn't disrespect. It's fact. If my facts are wrong, I'm all ears. Likewise, noting the dominance of Jews in the media and Hollywood is simply noting reality, the same reality, btw, Jews themselves frequently notice publicly. And if the behavior of the media in this last election was reprehensible, the blame lies with the media--no disrespect intended.
Anti-Semitism Always Leaves a Yellow Stain

You have some desperate psychological need to magnify the influence of Jews. There is no duty to provide therapy for those who deserve to live in bitter paranoia. Whom are you running away from by making a fetish of this long-time scapegoat?
Everyone in the world lives on land that was stolen from someone else, many times over, including and especially Israelis. When whites established a country in North America we did it on land that had been occupied by someone else, who were living on land they had taken from some else (only we didn't slaughter every man, woman, and child of the people we conquered). I don't mind you using Indian history, but you didn't even use Indian history. You used some hallucinated "Indian country" as an example. But even if your hallucination were accurate, only really stupid people would let Jews use that to coax us into committing suicide.

Interesting that you think America was once Indian country , is an hallucination. I think it is factual accurate history; explain to me who the Indians took America from? That will be interesting to see. Real history cannot be fabricated , it can be distorted by those who are ashamed of it, or manipulated by tghose
Everyone in the world lives on land that was stolen from someone else, many times over, including and especially Israelis. When whites established a country in North America we did it on land that had been occupied by someone else, who were living on land they had taken from some else (only we didn't slaughter every man, woman, and child of the people we conquered). I don't mind you using Indian history, but you didn't even use Indian history. You used some hallucinated "Indian country" as an example. But even if your hallucination were accurate, only really stupid people would let Jews use that to coax us into committing suicide.

Who did the Indians steal America from? And please explain why an "Indian Country" is an hallucination? Goodness , are you now trying to manipulate real factual history?
They stole it from whichever tribe was here before them. When Europeans arrived, North America was a vast continent peopled with innumerable bands of hunter-gatherers frequently at war with each other. They weren't a country. A country is an area with borders and a sovereign. Your problem is that you see Native Americans as one big "them". You see them as a kind of blurry mass of "other"--good mostly for their usefulness as a rhetorical device.
Rabid Arab Rabble

In other words, the Indians were just like Palestinians, which word is another rhetorical device, one bought by the Muslim Brotherhood. So why do you disrespect Jews?
Pointing out that had no Jew ever landed on these shores, the country would still be 90% white isn't disrespect. It's fact. If my facts are wrong, I'm all ears. Likewise, noting the dominance of Jews in the media and Hollywood is simply noting reality, the same reality, btw, Jews themselves frequently notice publicly. And if the behavior of the media in this last election was reprehensible, the blame lies with the media--no disrespect intended.
Anti-Semitism Always Leaves a Yellow Stain

You have some desperate psychological need to magnify the influence of Jews. There is no duty to provide therapy for those who deserve to live in bitter paranoia. Whom are you running away from by making a fetish of this long-time scapegoat?
Refute my argument, if you can. I'm indifferent to the name-calling and personal attacks.
White people, you can deport all the immigrants you want. Which will never happen, by the way.

But that still leaves you with the problem of the jews and blacks.

See, it's not so clear cut as it seems. You lost the country a long time ago, you can't get it back.
Blast them, the blacks that is. The Jews are perfect.
The White race could be such a difference maker , "If" , they were really in that mode, because of years of this and that in the world , they have been pushed back into a mode of beginning to look only after themselves; the fight for civil rights is weakening. Its been attacked for too long at all kinds of angles. Without the full strength of Whites and Blacks and all other minorities , were just going to go backwards, and that is unleashing a very ugly reality to come.
White people, you can deport all the immigrants you want. Which will never happen, by the way.

But that still leaves you with the problem of the jews and blacks.

See, it's not so clear cut as it seems. You lost the country a long time ago, you can't get it back.

We Jews can blend in pretty easily. We'll just write that we are Christian on government documents, just in case of a fourth reich and all....
Rabid Arab Rabble

In other words, the Indians were just like Palestinians, which word is another rhetorical device, one bought by the Muslim Brotherhood. So why do you disrespect Jews?

Well, let's look;

The Indians, a stone age people who had not invented the wheel

The Palestinians, a political fabrication that did not exist prior to 1964

The Indians, a stone age people who had not invented written language

The Palestinians, a political fabrication that did not exist prior to 1964

The Indians, hunter gatherers who in North American had not discovered the cultivation of crops

The Palestinians, a political fabrication that did not exist prior to 1964
You are a moron. There is no "left" and "right" god that's as ignorant as the NAZI! and SOCIALIST! garbage. So infantile.

I'll keep that in mind, Nazi boi.
Thinks everyone is a nazi or socialist-check
Can't spell-check
Believes in ideology founded and pushed by jews-check

Yep we got a real smart one here!

That you are an antisemitic moron who blames all ills in the universe on DA JOOOOOOZZZZZZZ doesn't make everyone a Nazi, just you, Nazi Boi.
You are a moron. There is no "left" and "right" god that's as ignorant as the NAZI! and SOCIALIST! garbage. So infantile.

I'll keep that in mind, Nazi boi.
Thinks everyone is a nazi or socialist-check
Can't spell-check
Believes in ideology founded and pushed by jews-check

Yep we got a real smart one here!

That you are an antisemitic moron who blames all ills in the universe on DA JOOOOOOZZZZZZZ doesn't make everyone a Nazi, just you, Nazi Boi.
I don't hate Arabs so not Anti Semite just Anti Jew you incompetent fool. Continue showing your ignorance both of facts and of history...its doing you a TON of good. I see why people as so easily fooled they either REFUSE to do their own investigation or just DON'T CARE about the truth in general and accept whatever they are told 100%. You are only showing your ignorance which is fine by me...I don't care about trying to inform people anymore...I spent my 20's doing that...its a waste of time. People are willfully ignorant.
Rabid Arab Rabble

In other words, the Indians were just like Palestinians, which word is another rhetorical device, one bought by the Muslim Brotherhood. So why do you disrespect Jews?

Well, let's look;

The Indians, a stone age people who had not invented the wheel

The Palestinians, a political fabrication that did not exist prior to 1964

The Indians, a stone age people who had not invented written language

The Palestinians, a political fabrication that did not exist prior to 1964

The Indians, hunter gatherers who in North American had not discovered the cultivation of crops

The Palestinians, a political fabrication that did not exist prior to 1964
Now I see....you are nothing but a shill....you would think someone who PRETENDS to be outside the political mainstream would be more of a free thinker but then I remember the 2 mainstream clowns the libertarian party just ran for president and see that the libertarians have been taken over....I can remember VERY WELL on the Ron Paul Forums that 99% of the people either didn't want anything to do with the entire Palestinian/Jew conflict OR were disgusted with Israels genocide and war crimes....you are nothing but a shill and a liar.

The OP is another racist lefty who wants to pretend the right is motivated by the same type of hatred he is.
Typical right wing strategy. Accuse the other side when you are the guilty one.
It must be very few of us here who realize this "left/right" thing is just bullshit. I am a 3rd position kind of person. I don't believe in capitalism but do believe in traditional values, I guess when its too hard for most people to figure it out they just resort to their silly NAZI! or SOCIALIST! crap...its funny but its actually sad too know people are that ignorant to not realize MOST Americans ARE NOT 100% "right" or "left"
Odi, I think you'll find that the vast majority of whites aren't concerned with color. It doesn't matter. A good person can be any color. Together, we can't be beaten. It's time.
Who, together? "Good" people? Together paving the road to hell, maybe.
Rabid Arab Rabble

In other words, the Indians were just like Palestinians, which word is another rhetorical device, one bought by the Muslim Brotherhood. So why do you disrespect Jews?

Well, let's look;

The Indians, a stone age people who had not invented the wheel

The Palestinians, a political fabrication that did not exist prior to 1964

The Indians, a stone age people who had not invented written language

The Palestinians, a political fabrication that did not exist prior to 1964

The Indians, hunter gatherers who in North American had not discovered the cultivation of crops

The Palestinians, a political fabrication that did not exist prior to 1964
...I can remember VERY WELL on the Ron Paul Forums that 99% of the people either didn't want anything to do with the entire Palestinian/Jew conflict OR were disgusted with Israel's genocide and war crimes....
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Some genos need to be cided. Don't believe in the established academic anthropology; obviously, the human race is not all of the same species. Evolutionary survival of the fittest is still happening; Neanderthal-type races are still obstructing the way forward. Unproductive destroyer-wolfpacks still terrorize humanity.

The wolf is at the door, its fangs dripping with blood and oil. Don't expect it to wag its tail.
You are a moron. There is no "left" and "right" god that's as ignorant as the NAZI! and SOCIALIST! garbage. So infantile.

I'll keep that in mind, Nazi boi.
Thinks everyone is a nazi or socialist-check
Can't spell-check
Believes in ideology founded and pushed by jews-check

Yep we got a real smart one here!

That you are an antisemitic moron who blames all ills in the universe on DA JOOOOOOZZZZZZZ doesn't make everyone a Nazi, just you, Nazi Boi.
I don't hate Arabs so not Anti Semite just Anti Jew you incompetent fool. Continue showing your ignorance both of facts and of history...its doing you a TON of good. I see why people as so easily fooled they either REFUSE to do their own investigation or just DON'T CARE about the truth in general and accept whatever they are told 100%. You are only showing your ignorance which is fine by me...I don't care about trying to inform people anymore...I spent my 20's doing that...its a waste of time. People are willfully ignorant.

Why is it that you Muzzie Beasts are ALWAYS named some form of Muhammad?

In real life you are Mohmed, Momed, Momett, Ahmed, Hamid, Achmed, or some other odd derivation of your silly little god's name. We KNOW you will never criticize any Muslim for anything, you are a follower of the pedophile profit and his little djin Allah. What you offer has nothing in common with "truth." You are a Muslim supremacist promoting a global Caliphate to honor your god Muhammad and his little dog Allah.

I know, you just want to enslave the world under a brutal, 7th century theocratic dictatorship, why should anyone object?

The OP is another racist lefty who wants to pretend the right is motivated by the same type of hatred he is.
Typical right wing strategy. Accuse the other side when you are the guilty one.

I see a LOT of ugly hatred out there, coming from LEFTISTS and your close allies in ISIS, like Odium.

White people, you can deport all the immigrants you want. Which will never happen, by the way.

But that still leaves you with the problem of the jews and blacks.

See, it's not so clear cut as it seems. You lost the country a long time ago, you can't get it back.

Stupid thread.
Now I see....you are nothing but a shill....you would think someone who PRETENDS to be outside the political mainstream would be more of a free thinker but then I remember the 2 mainstream clowns the libertarian party just ran for president and see that the libertarians have been taken over....I can remember VERY WELL on the Ron Paul Forums that 99% of the people either didn't want anything to do with the entire Palestinian/Jew conflict OR were disgusted with Israels genocide and war crimes....you are nothing but a shill and a liar.

Free thinker like you? You who has every last thought defined by your Imam?

BTW, the Libertarian party was founded by Murray Rothbard. Rothbard was a great man, an exceptional thinker. He was born a Jew, a practicing agnostic, married to a Christian, and raised his children Christian.

Libertarians's are not Jew haters But then you're just a Muzzie Beast. You are just another internet Jihadists spewing shit on behalf of your god Muhammad and his little dog Allah.
You are a moron. There is no "left" and "right" god that's as ignorant as the NAZI! and SOCIALIST! garbage. So infantile.

I'll keep that in mind, Nazi boi.
Thinks everyone is a nazi or socialist-check
Can't spell-check
Believes in ideology founded and pushed by jews-check

Yep we got a real smart one here!

That you are an antisemitic moron who blames all ills in the universe on DA JOOOOOOZZZZZZZ doesn't make everyone a Nazi, just you, Nazi Boi.
I don't hate Arabs so not Anti Semite just Anti Jew you incompetent fool. Continue showing your ignorance both of facts and of history...its doing you a TON of good. I see why people as so easily fooled they either REFUSE to do their own investigation or just DON'T CARE about the truth in general and accept whatever they are told 100%. You are only showing your ignorance which is fine by me...I don't care about trying to inform people anymore...I spent my 20's doing that...its a waste of time. People are willfully ignorant.

Why is it that you Muzzie Beasts are ALWAYS named some form of Muhammad?

In real life you are Mohmed, Momed, Momett, Ahmed, Hamid, Achmed, or some other odd derivation of your silly little god's name. We KNOW you will never criticize any Muslim for anything, you are a follower of the pedophile profit and his little djin Allah. What you offer has nothing in common with "truth." You are a Muslim supremacist promoting a global Caliphate to honor your god Muhammad and his little dog Allah.

I know, you just want to enslave the world under a brutal, 7th century theocratic dictatorship, why should anyone object?

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