What are you listening to?

Love this song...just came across it :) Seminole Wind....

Really? You just discovered John Anderson?


Oh btw: :11_2_1043:

Here's the next song: :rock:

I'm always discovering stuff! That's the great thing about life :p

Not a thing wrong with that! :113:

You know I played that one a while back , but I'll listen again. He's from upstate NY.

I wish more songs were like that, tbh.

This ain't no Justin Bieber "Baby" heanh.
“Full of Grace” translates kecharitōmĕnē the perfect passive participle of charitŏō. It denotes one who has been and still is the object of divine benevolence, one who has been favored and continues to be favored by God, one who has been granted supernatural grace and remains in this state.[1] Verbs ending in ŏō, such as haimatŏō (turn into blood), thaumatŏō (fill with wonder), spodŏōmai (burn to ashes) frequently express the full intensity of the action. Kecharitomene denotes continuance of a completed action.[2]

Hence kecharitōmĕnē has been suitably translated as “full of grace”, by the Vulgate and the Peshitto (The principal Syriac version of the Bible). This rendering expresses the conviction of the Church that the divine favor was fully bestowed on Mary, in the sense that she was ever immune from the lease stain of sin and that she abounded in graces of the supernatural life and in all the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit which flow from that life.

“The Lord is with Thee” continued the angel, enunciating the fact that she enjoyed the effective divine assistance in all her endeavors for God’s glory, like Gideon, to whom a similar declaration was made and who crushed the foes of Israel as one man (Judges 6:12, 16). Gabriel concludes his address with “blessed art thou among women,” indicating that she occupied a unique position among the women of all nations and ages (Lk 1:28-29)

Loreena McKennitt- Kecharitomene


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