What are you reading?

Just finished Unmasked BY Andy No. I recommend it. It is well documented evidence of Antifa there root beginnings up until modern times. The book came in the mail in good conditions but the pages were stuck together I had to take time to separate them. Other then that it was eye opening read and all American citizens should read it and be prepared and involved to oppose these people and there supporters in government.
Now reading - The Swamp The Everglades ,Florida, and the Politics of Paradise by Michael Grunwald. Also Westmorland by Samuel Zaffiri . Its a biography of General William C. Westmorland.
I just started Six Amendments: How and why we should change the constitution by John Paul Stevens.
Finished last December The House at Sugar Beach, by Helene Cooper.

She is a descendant of the Black Americans who sailed back to Africa in the 1800's and founded their own country Liberia. She escaped to the USA in 1980 when revolutionaries took over. Her class of people (descendants of Americans) were hunted down, tortured, killed, raped etc. The created their own caste like system in Liberia and generally looked different than the native tribes as many had some Euro blood.


Fate, so it seemed, handed Helene Cooper a “one-in-a-million lottery ticket” when she was born into “what passed for the landed gentry upper class of Africa’s first independent country.” Both sides of Cooper’s family traced their roots to Liberia’s founding fathers — freed slaves from the United States who fought disease and the recalcitrant local population to forge a new nation. Their bravery and ingenuity were legendary, and their descendants soon formed Liberia’s upper caste.

Amazon product ASIN B0017SYNF2
Westmorland by Samuel Zaffiri . Its a biography of General William C. Westmorland. I recommend this book. Information in is well documented and it is a good read. I remember all the negative news about him as I was growing up back in the 1960s and 70s. I didn't know he sued CBS news for Libel. The Vietnam sections is really good.
I'm reading Dan Simmons books. Really good. Scifi with deep story lines.

Hyperion and the Fall of Hyperion are two books which tell one story. I'm reading Endymion which is set 250 years later.....
Farnham's Freehold, by Robert A. Heinlein. OK Sci-Fi adventure, details a family and friend surviving a nuclear war in bomb shelter built by Hugh Farnham, the patriarch of the family. They somehow are transported a couple thousand years into the future because of the nuclear blast.
Farnham's Freehold, by Robert A. Heinlein. OK Sci-Fi adventure, details a family and friend surviving a nuclear war in bomb shelter built by Hugh Farnham, the patriarch of the family. They somehow are transported a couple thousand years into the future because of the nuclear blast.
Is that a novel or short story?
Farnham's Freehold, by Robert A. Heinlein. OK Sci-Fi adventure, details a family and friend surviving a nuclear war in bomb shelter built by Hugh Farnham, the patriarch of the family. They somehow are transported a couple thousand years into the future because of the nuclear blast.
Is that a novel or short story?
It's a novel.
I am re-reading the story of the final days of Nicolas II and family ...the Romanovs.

It's so horribly sad the way they were murdered by the Bolsheviks ... I read it over and over ,and try to understand how can human beings be so evil.... it's just beyond me such demonic behavior.
Farnham's Freehold, by Robert A. Heinlein. OK Sci-Fi adventure, details a family and friend surviving a nuclear war in bomb shelter built by Hugh Farnham, the patriarch of the family. They somehow are transported a couple thousand years into the future because of the nuclear blast.
Is that a novel or short story?
It's a novel.
is it where in the future black men have white slaves?
I'm only about half way into the book, it APPEARS that's where things are headed.
Farnham's Freehold, by Robert A. Heinlein. OK Sci-Fi adventure, details a family and friend surviving a nuclear war in bomb shelter built by Hugh Farnham, the patriarch of the family. They somehow are transported a couple thousand years into the future because of the nuclear blast.
Is that a novel or short story?
It's a novel.
is it where in the future black men have white slaves?
I'm only about half way into the book, it APPEARS that's where things are headed.
ok so I have read it it seems

Love sci fi
I'm currently reading two books.

1. James Baldwin's Notes of A Native Son, a collection of ten essays. As much as this is about the race question in America, it is also about what it means to write grief (one's own and another's--the latter being the more dubious and challenging). The central questions also put into perspective the emotional density of Baldwin's first novel - Go Tell It On the Mountain. Very outspoken collection; I don't think many would dare to write this way in our age of excessive political correctness.

2. Lois Lowry's The Giver - I'm reading this with my nephew, who said he'd read it if I read it with him. Didn't know much about the book till I picked it up. Sort of vaguely reminds me of Orwell's Animal Farm and 1984.
TRYING to finish Clan Of The Cave Bear series but it's too boring now.

I read that one when I was in my teens.
It started out okay but it got boring as hell towards the end.
I'm one of those who cant stop reading a book even if it starts to suck.
If I catch the suck early on I can stop reading a book though,it's usually due to poor writing.
I am re-reading the story of the final days of Nicolas II and family ...the Romanovs.

It's so horribly sad the way they were murdered by the Bolsheviks ... I read it over and over ,and try to understand how can human beings be so evil.... it's just beyond me such demonic behavior.

You’d have thought the British Royal Family, who were relatives of Tzar Nicholas, could have given them sanctuary.

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