What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

  • I hate them all

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Homosexuals should be jailed or exiled

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • They should have no special protections

    Votes: 31 29.5%
  • They should be protected under Civil Rights laws

    Votes: 28 26.7%
  • They should be allowed to have Civil Unions only

    Votes: 16 15.2%
  • They should be allowed to marry

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • They should be protected from any discrimination

    Votes: 27 25.7%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 30 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Joe thinks being an uncompromising moron wins debates.

Sorry bud, you won nothing. You flooded us with so much stupidity and exposed yourself for the bitch ass thug that you are. That's it.

All your fellow idiot friends can pat you on the back & tell you otherwise...but when any reasonable person comes to this thread....you blew it for your side of the argument.

You couldn't reason your way out of a paper bag. Your arguments are weak.

So, this is my last response to your asinine bullshit.

Go ahead and claim you won something.
You and everyone else here knows you did no such thing.

Guy, you misunderstand the concept of "compromise".

Comprimise means that you have something I want, and I meet you halfway to give you something you want.

There's no reason to comprimise with bigots and haters when they've already lost the argument.

The Homophobe has two basic arguments for his hate.

1) I think it's Icky.
2) My Magic Friend in the Sky says it's bad.

Those aren't arguments. I could care less what you and your imaginary friend think are "Icky".

Don't forget #'s 3 & 4

3) It's behavioral and thereby seeks to destroy majority rule with a cult's value system and

4) That value system holds as its premium mentor and messiah, a child sex predator who sodomized vulnerable minor runaway boys while officating as their "father figure".

Sometimes homophobia is a good thing. Especially where protecting our majority rule and children are involved.
Guy, I don't get wrapped around the axle like you do about gay adoption. Many gays are fine parents. and, yes, the word is important. It commands respect.

But I think you misunderstand why I want to crush you homophobic idiots into the dirt and have you worried someone is going to fire you for that "fag joke" if you say it in the office.

It's because you fuckheads helped Bush wreck the country.

And frankly, your penance is to allow gay marriage, gay adoptions and keep your homophobic shit to yourself.

So much there to agree with. Sad to see it all destroyed by crumbling into yet another liberal "Blame Boooossssshhhh" whine. Shoulda quit whilst ahead. Alas, defeat snatched from the jaws of victory. I pity. Sincerely, a pity.

Whatever, dude.

BUsh fucked up the country. and now you guys are going to have to live with the fact that you aren't ever going to be trusted in the driver's seat again.

OK, so all the talk about the good side of same sex marriage was just that. Talk. Just an excuse to bash Bush. You have made your point and there is no reason for you to continue to corrupt the discussion.
Joe thinks being an uncompromising moron wins debates.

Sorry bud, you won nothing. You flooded us with so much stupidity and exposed yourself for the bitch ass thug that you are. That's it.

All your fellow idiot friends can pat you on the back & tell you otherwise...but when any reasonable person comes to this thread....you blew it for your side of the argument.

You couldn't reason your way out of a paper bag. Your arguments are weak.

So, this is my last response to your asinine bullshit.

Go ahead and claim you won something.
You and everyone else here knows you did no such thing.

Guy, you misunderstand the concept of "compromise".

Comprimise means that you have something I want, and I meet you halfway to give you something you want.

There's no reason to comprimise with bigots and haters when they've already lost the argument.

The Homophobe has two basic arguments for his hate.

1) I think it's Icky.
2) My Magic Friend in the Sky says it's bad.

Those aren't arguments. I could care less what you and your imaginary friend think are "Icky".

Don't forget #'s 3 & 4

3) It's behavioral and thereby seeks to destroy majority rule with a cult's value system and

4) That value system holds as its premium mentor and messiah, a child sex predator who sodomized vulnerable minor runaway boys while officating as their "father figure".

Sometimes homophobia is a good thing. Especially where protecting our majority rule and children are involved.

Its AND it's, an important person, place, or thing must be the topic.
We both worship the same God, GISMYS. We just worship differently :) My fate in this life lies neither in Heaven nor Hell.

GISMYS isn't a bible thumper at all. He is an LGBT advocate role-playing a bible thumper to drum up sympathy for LGBTs. Most people at this board understand this about him. Time to climb aboard the sane-train.

Proof of the theory is of the dozens of times I've confronted him about it, he never turns on me in righteous indignation [remember the role he's playing]. Instead he acts as if I've said nothing at all. Which is not what a bible thumper would do. It's what a role-player would do though, hoping nobody noticed he was called-out. ie: he doesn't want to draw attention to his wobbly acting by rebuking me for "my false accusation".

Well, I think you are right.

Of course, it's hard to take the Fake Bible THumping HOmophobes and separate them from the Real Bible Thumping HOmophobes because honestly, you both sound just as crazy when left to your own devices.

ALMIGHTY GOD'S WORD SAYS===9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9
We both worship the same God, GISMYS. We just worship differently :) My fate in this life lies neither in Heaven nor Hell.

GISMYS isn't a bible thumper at all. He is an LGBT advocate role-playing a bible thumper to drum up sympathy for LGBTs. Most people at this board understand this about him. Time to climb aboard the sane-train.

Proof of the theory is of the dozens of times I've confronted him about it, he never turns on me in righteous indignation [remember the role he's playing]. Instead he acts as if I've said nothing at all. Which is not what a bible thumper would do. It's what a role-player would do though, hoping nobody noticed he was called-out. ie: he doesn't want to draw attention to his wobbly acting by rebuking me for "my false accusation".

Well, I think you are right.

Of course, it's hard to take the Fake Bible THumping HOmophobes and separate them from the Real Bible Thumping HOmophobes because honestly, you both sound just as crazy when left to your own devices.

The cut & paste Bible verses do seem too....automatic.
BEWARE!!! DO NOT TRY TO DENY THE TRUTH OF GOD'S WORD!!====ALMIGHTY GOD'S WORD SAYS===9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9
Joe thinks being an uncompromising moron wins debates.

Sorry bud, you won nothing. You flooded us with so much stupidity and exposed yourself for the bitch ass thug that you are. That's it.

All your fellow idiot friends can pat you on the back & tell you otherwise...but when any reasonable person comes to this thread....you blew it for your side of the argument.

You couldn't reason your way out of a paper bag. Your arguments are weak.

So, this is my last response to your asinine bullshit.

Go ahead and claim you won something.
You and everyone else here knows you did no such thing.

Guy, you misunderstand the concept of "compromise".

Comprimise means that you have something I want, and I meet you halfway to give you something you want.

There's no reason to comprimise with bigots and haters when they've already lost the argument.

The Homophobe has two basic arguments for his hate.

1) I think it's Icky.
2) My Magic Friend in the Sky says it's bad.

Those aren't arguments. I could care less what you and your imaginary friend think are "Icky".

Don't forget #'s 3 & 4

3) It's behavioral and thereby seeks to destroy majority rule with a cult's value system and

4) That value system holds as its premium mentor and messiah, a child sex predator who sodomized vulnerable minor runaway boys while officating as their "father figure".

Sometimes homophobia is a good thing. Especially where protecting our majority rule and children are involved.

SCOTUS will rule in favor of marriage equality, and you may want to consider therapy. You sound more like Lockejaw every day.
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That isn't what he did. Gismys IS a pretend bible thumper. He does nothing but site scripture in a political forum, he must be a gay trying to gain sympathy for lgbt's...I've never seen anyone so incapable of arguing his point from more than one perspective. He is trying to make Christians look bad....he isn't even good at debating the bible. He just keeps on with redundancy on the same scripture quote.
I doubt anybody has the patience to keep up such an idiotic act for that long.

Nope, he is just a bible-thumping idiot.

Why defame all believers with "Bible-Thumping"?:D

Why don't you put him on ignore and stop responding to his diatribes, that's what I did.

Don't forget #'s 3 & 4

3) It's behavioral and thereby seeks to destroy majority rule with a cult's value system and

4) That value system holds as its premium mentor and messiah, a child sex predator who sodomized vulnerable minor runaway boys while officating as their "father figure".

Sometimes homophobia is a good thing. Especially where protecting our majority rule and children are involved.

3) - Um, you only care about majority rule because you have a few places left where the inbreds are the majority. Rule of the Majority should ALWAYS be tempered with the rights of the minority.

4) Hey, Sean Penn Called. He wants you to stop drunk-dialing him.

Okay, seriously, a teenage prostitute is hardly "innocent". THey are referred to "Hustlers" for a reason.
That is Jake's problem...He doesn't recognize we are talking about defending society from the negative impact normalizing homosexuality would have on it.

He is either too stupid to understand that there could be negative impact from normalizing it or he is all for turning society upside down.

I think he is for turning our society upside down.

Like most pro-gay normalization folks, he's a bonafide sociopath.

I'm sorry, other than making you homophobes whine like little bitches, I'm just not seeing the big societal change you all are talking about.

Which is understandable given the fact there is no big societal change.

Gay Americans have been marrying for ten years, with no adverse effects in the jurisdictions where they’re marrying, with no adverse effects to married opposite-sex couples, and with no adverse effects to children.

What we’re seeing from most on the right is the fear of change and disdain for diversity and expressions of individual liberty typical among reactionaries, where those fears are unfounded and are nothing more than partisan contrivance and demagoguery.
Joe thinks being an uncompromising moron wins debates.

Sorry bud, you won nothing. You flooded us with so much stupidity and exposed yourself for the bitch ass thug that you are. That's it.

All your fellow idiot friends can pat you on the back & tell you otherwise...but when any reasonable person comes to this thread....you blew it for your side of the argument.

You couldn't reason your way out of a paper bag. Your arguments are weak.

So, this is my last response to your asinine bullshit.

Go ahead and claim you won something.
You and everyone else here knows you did no such thing.

Guy, you misunderstand the concept of "compromise".

Comprimise means that you have something I want, and I meet you halfway to give you something you want.

There's no reason to comprimise with bigots and haters when they've already lost the argument.

The Homophobe has two basic arguments for his hate.

1) I think it's Icky.
2) My Magic Friend in the Sky says it's bad.

Those aren't arguments. I could care less what you and your imaginary friend think are "Icky".

Don't forget #'s 3 & 4

3) It's behavioral and thereby seeks to destroy majority rule with a cult's value system and

4) That value system holds as its premium mentor and messiah, a child sex predator who sodomized vulnerable minor runaway boys while officating as their "father figure".

Sometimes homophobia is a good thing. Especially where protecting our majority rule and children are involved.
I know you. Why are you so obsessed with a guy I've never heard of until you started obsessing over him? He's a nobody. Nobody around here has heard of the guy. What a stupid name "Milk" his momma must be a moron.
That is Jake's problem...He doesn't recognize we are talking about defending society from the negative impact normalizing homosexuality would have on it.

He is either too stupid to understand that there could be negative impact from normalizing it or he is all for turning society upside down.

I think he is for turning our society upside down.

Like most pro-gay normalization folks, he's a bonafide sociopath.

I'm sorry, other than making you homophobes whine like little bitches, I'm just not seeing the big societal change you all are talking about.

Which is understandable given the fact there is no big societal change.

Gay Americans have been marrying for ten years, with no adverse effects in the jurisdictions where they’re marrying, with no adverse effects to married opposite-sex couples, and with no adverse effects to children.

What we’re seeing from most on the right is the fear of change and disdain for diversity and expressions of individual liberty typical among reactionaries, where those fears are unfounded and are nothing more than partisan contrivance and demagoguery.

Well if it isn't Jabba the Hutt.

Why you gotta say "God bless you always" if all you're doing is talking shit about people?
All that I do is read what you people choose to write about yourself, so it being good or crap is your decision and only yours.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


Looking at your photo, I gotta ask. How can you allow yourself to look that way? Haven't you ever heard of a gym? Or a doctor? Or eating healthy?
I doubt anybody has the patience to keep up such an idiotic act for that long.

Nope, he is just a bible-thumping idiot.

Why defame all believers with "Bible-Thumping"?:D

People who take every word in the Bible as fact and still believe God is merciful and kind are idiots. If they do that and then quote every word of it as fact to win any argument, they are then a Bible-thumper. Sadly, many people here follow these.

1) Not one fact given.

2) Not one reason given.

3) Only insulting any people who take the Bible as a moral standard.

4) Therefore, we are dealing with a libtard in full throat.
Looking at your photo, I gotta ask. How can you allow yourself to look that way? Haven't you ever heard of a gym? Or a doctor? Or eating healthy?
I thought that I would be nice and give people more of me to love or hate, their choice. :D :D :D

God bless you and them always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. How can you tell what my bottom half looks like in them shots of me when you can't even see it? Oh and for the record, they were both taken on January 31, 2011. :) :) :)
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Well if it isn't Jabba the Hutt.

Why you gotta say "God bless you always" if all you're doing is talking shit about people?
All that I do is read what you people choose to write about yourself, so it being good or crap is your decision and only yours.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


Looking at your photo, I gotta ask. How can you allow yourself to look that way? Haven't you ever heard of a gym? Or a doctor? Or eating healthy?

You have got to be kidding?

Joe thinks being an uncompromising moron wins debates.

Sorry bud, you won nothing. You flooded us with so much stupidity and exposed yourself for the bitch ass thug that you are. That's it.

All your fellow idiot friends can pat you on the back & tell you otherwise...but when any reasonable person comes to this thread....you blew it for your side of the argument.

You couldn't reason your way out of a paper bag. Your arguments are weak.

So, this is my last response to your asinine bullshit.

Go ahead and claim you won something.
You and everyone else here knows you did no such thing.

Guy, you misunderstand the concept of "compromise".

Comprimise means that you have something I want, and I meet you halfway to give you something you want.

There's no reason to comprimise with bigots and haters when they've already lost the argument.

The Homophobe has two basic arguments for his hate.

1) I think it's Icky.
2) My Magic Friend in the Sky says it's bad.

Those aren't arguments. I could care less what you and your imaginary friend think are "Icky".

Don't forget #'s 3 & 4

3) It's behavioral and thereby seeks to destroy majority rule with a cult's value system and

4) That value system holds as its premium mentor and messiah, a child sex predator who sodomized vulnerable minor runaway boys while officating as their "father figure".

Sometimes homophobia is a good thing. Especially where protecting our majority rule and children are involved.

Forget three and four, they’re ignorant idiocy.

And homophobia is never a good thing, it’s unwarranted hatred and fear, particularly given the fact there is nothing to ‘protect’ children from, and where the rule of law trumps ‘majority rule’ when the majority acts in a manner offensive to the Constitution, such as denying same-sex couples access to marriage law in which they’re eligible to participate.
Well if it isn't Jabba the Hutt.

Why you gotta say "God bless you always" if all you're doing is talking shit about people?
All that I do is read what you people choose to write about yourself, so it being good or crap is your decision and only yours.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


Looking at your photo, I gotta ask. How can you allow yourself to look that way? Haven't you ever heard of a gym? Or a doctor? Or eating healthy?
Just looking at your photo it looks like you've caught genital warts so many times, the warts turned into horns.

Have you ever stopped to think you should stop shoving your head up faggot's asses? Just a thought..

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