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What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

  • I hate them all

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Homosexuals should be jailed or exiled

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • They should have no special protections

    Votes: 31 29.5%
  • They should be protected under Civil Rights laws

    Votes: 28 26.7%
  • They should be allowed to have Civil Unions only

    Votes: 16 15.2%
  • They should be allowed to marry

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • They should be protected from any discrimination

    Votes: 27 25.7%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 30 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I am bisexual, ambidextrous, and morally balanced because of choice and willpower... not because of genetics.

You are who you are because of your own free will? You are going to make the LGBT people mad..... But they will forgive you since you are bisexual.

She did not will herself to be sexually and emotionally attracted to both sexes...Could you do it, make yourself attracted to someone of the same sex just through sheer force of will?

No, noone could -but therapists sometimes can - It's called Ex-Gay Therapy - and it works - you should try it sometime. ANd if that fails there is allways PFL
Oh phsaw....False argument since I never told you how to think. I basically told you that your thinking is not going to force gays back in the closet. The number of out gays is only going to grow. You can continue to feel however you want to feel about it...what you try to legislate is the only thing that I give a shit about.

Well, what we're going to do is rally around and support every Christian business you target. We had so much fun with the Robertson family and Chik Filet making tons of money when you targeted them, and we're going to support the Christian bakers, florists, etc. Looking forward to it. The Robertson family and Chik Filet just got more business when you attacked them. Go for it.

That's great that you think that can be sustained as more and more people come out. Soon it will be YOUR family member that you have to look in the face and tell them you don't think they deserve the same rights as you have. That's why you want us "cowering in the shadows"...because the more people know us, the more they like us! :D

Poor misguided victim.
I ignore Del-Liar-O. What it says means nothing to me. It's proven to not even comprehend what People are saying to it.

Anyway, As I stated to Seawytch, I have decided to not take the stance that it is impossible for it to be genetic, that it may be possible...however there is NO CONCRETE EVIDENCE of any genetic or epigenetic cause for homosexual yet. They have some speculation & declared "promising" evidence, not 100% verifiable evidence.

It's too stupid to understand the difference. The most convincing evidence for a cause comes from the side looking at it as caused by enviromental & social causes outside of the people who are homosexuals control, in my opinion.

All I do is keep repeating myself because it, along with other liberals here seem to just not get it. They refuse they could be wrong & not understand what it is they're reading.

But that is EXACTLY what they're problem is. Too busy attacking, not doing enough thinking.
Once again for the Cult Of The Gay Gene:
Pay attention, Del-Liar-O, to the beginning and the bulletpoints that tells you that you're wrong, and I have been right. Idiot.


For decades, the root cause of homosexual and bisexual orientation has remained a mystery. Although many recent studies have given*strong indications*that the cause has a hereditary component, there remain some gaps in the scientific understanding of these two sexual orientations:

*No smoking gun* has been found so far. In spite of massive research efforts, no gene or group of genes has been definitively proven to cause homosexuality.

The Darwinian theory of natural selection is based on the survival of the "fittest" where fittest is defined as those members of a species that have the largest number of offspring. They are the individuals that most successfully pass their genes on to the next generation. Gays and lesbians, by definition, are not sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex and thus tend to have many fewer offspring. Bisexuals are attracted to the opposite sex to some degree, but are also attracted to the same sex. Thus both homosexuals and bisexuals tend to procreate less. If homosexuality is a trait with a purely genetic cause, one would expect that it would become very rare within a given population group in a few generations. Heterosexuals simply outbreed homosexuals and bisexuals. But every society on earth has a more or less a stable percentage of gays and lesbians. It would appear that a simple "gay gene" or set of "gay genes" may never be found because they may not exist.
Researchers at the Working Group on Intragenomic Conflict at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) have issued a report on epigenetics. They have produced a mathematical model that shows how epi-marks before birth might play a major role in determining a person's sexual orientation and perhaps even gender identity.

NIMBioS researcher Sergey Gavrilets explained:

"It’s not genetics. It’s not DNA. It’s not pieces of DNA. It’s epigenetics. The hypothesis we put forward is based on epigenetic marks." 1

According to a NIMBios article:

"Epi-marks constitute an extra layer of information attached to our genes' backbones that regulates ...[the genes'] expression. While genes hold the instructions, epi-marks direct how those instructions are carried out -- when, where and how much a gene is expressed during development." 2

These epi-marks are normally specific to the gender of the fetus. They are produced early in gestation, during the embryonic stage of development. The speculation is that some epi-marks "... affect the genitals, others sexual identity, and yet others ..." 2 affect the gender(s) to which the individual is sexually attracted later in life -- their sexual orientation. If this is true, then epi-marks may play a role in intersexuality, gender identity and sexual orientation.

Certain epi-marks become active later in pregnancy when they control the reaction of the fetus to normal fluctuations in testosterone levels. In the case of a female fetus, (XX) the epi-marks prevent her from becoming masculinized during intervals of high testosterone. For male fetuses, (XY) they prevent him from becoming feminized during intervals of low testosterone.

Normally, these epi-marks are eventually inactivated or "erased" during conception. They are not typically present to be transmitted from generation to generation. However, rarely, it is possible for these particular epi-marks to be transmitted at conception:

from the father to a girl embryo, thus allowing her to be masculinized later in gestation, or

from the mother to a male embryo, thus feminizing him later in gestation.
In both cases, the normal effects of the epi-marks would be inverted.


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I am bisexual, ambidextrous, and morally balanced because of choice and willpower... not because of genetics.

So if I am reading this correctly, you really feel you just chose to try out the same sex & you liked it so you became a practicing bisexual?

I only ask because a lot of people here will say one thing, and the next claim that's not what they meant and then elaborate on it more clearly...well mostly liberals do that here, but you get the point...
The wife of the Mayor of NYC used to be a lesbian. She now says she's heterosexual. Denies being bisexual. She obviously changed her preference when she met her husband. Check it out.
The wife of the Mayor of NYC used to be a lesbian. She now says she's heterosexual. Denies being bisexual. She obviously changed her preference when she met her husband. Check it out.
i read about that. Maybe it's a choice for some, others not so much. It's complicated and that is why people need to stop pretending they KNOW anything about this 100% other than the fact that homosexuality exists.

See how fair I am being? And watch the hysterics from the pro-gay normalization crowd, not a drop of intellectual honesty in any of them it seems.
Oh phsaw....False argument since I never told you how to think. I basically told you that your thinking is not going to force gays back in the closet. The number of out gays is only going to grow. You can continue to feel however you want to feel about it...what you try to legislate is the only thing that I give a shit about.

Well, what we're going to do is rally around and support every Christian business you target. We had so much fun with the Robertson family and Chik Filet making tons of money when you targeted them, and we're going to support the Christian bakers, florists, etc. Looking forward to it. The Robertson family and Chik Filet just got more business when you attacked them. Go for it.

That's great that you think that can be sustained as more and more people come out. Soon it will be YOUR family member that you have to look in the face and tell them you don't think they deserve the same rights as you have. That's why you want us "cowering in the shadows"...because the more people know us, the more they like us! :D

Witchy Poo- your being very dellusional if you really think anybody likes you. Kinder and more ignorant or indictrinated people tolerate you , free thinking people spit on the ground after you walk by, a handful will spit in your face -but NOBODY, and I mean Nobody truly likes queers, some are just more tolerant than others, presumably out of misguided acts of kindness and shear ignorance
The wife of the Mayor of NYC used to be a lesbian. She now says she's heterosexual. Denies being bisexual. She obviously changed her preference when she met her husband. Check it out.

Deblasio - The NYC Mayor is a closet Commie - I suspect, and only suspect that his marriage to an African American Woman is a ruse - but I might be wrong - it happens once in a while.

McCray’s interview with Essence magazine comes 34 years after she penned a 1979 essay for the publication about coming out as a gay woman. She said she fell in love with a man 'by putting aside the assumptions I had about the form and package my love would come in.'

Read more: Mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio?s wife Chirlane McCray, a former lesbian, opens up about falling in love with a man - NY Daily News
Gotta disagree with you there Green Bean, people who hate everything natural & normal that aren't gay themselves like gays. People who want to see society turned on it's head like them....atleast until they've served their purpose.
Homosexuality is no different from beastality (to lie down sexually with animals) Sodomite perverseness is men and women desiring to perform the unlawfulness and unnaturalness of intercourse with men or women through invading the (rear) of their body, and or any oral or any sexual intercourse with of the same sex gender. This also created as a culture lifestyle for a people, Its all the same demons, possessing humans to go into sexual perverseness. The demons possess both males and females with this sin sickness. Sexual relations with demons, of the same sex, children, and of animals. Since satans transgression, he has worked towards getting men and women to go against the divine order of God. Whatever God has established and instituted, such as marriage and family, Satan and his demons are determined to destroy it, to change it, and to make it become a direct transgression against God. Marriage is not something we can customized after our carnal ,lustful desires. Marriage is only the union of one man(born male) and one woman(born female). Therefore by God it is NOT any other union, no same sex unions, such as two men or two women. Jesus said in Matt.19:4, that " God which made them at the beginning made them male and female, what therefore God hath joined together(a man and a woman), let not man put asunder(destory or torn apart)". Because man may declare his judgments against God's word of truth, does not make it so and acceptable with God. Any judgment that goes against God's judgments and counsel is sin and darkness and will receive recompense.Those that agrees with this foul spirit trieds to seduce your righteous judgment by saying "everyone should have the right to marry the person that they love",but this is carnal perverted love. Marriage is by God, he has said he will judge, in Heb.13:4 says, Marriage is honourable in all(saved&unsaved), and the bed undefiled(your sexual relations are clean): but whoremongers(all unlawful sex acts and partners) and adulterers(marriage defilers&divorcers) God will judge. (Gen.2: 18-25 /St.Matt.19:4-6/ I.Cor.11:2,3/ Titus2: 1-9)
Bravo ! Excellent article Derideo - well written and full of hope and wishful thinking. It deals with "Epi-Marks" . Epi-marks are eliminated and recreated with each suceeding generation, and were never considered to have been inherited

The study theorizes and suggests that what they term "sexually antagonistic" epi-marks can, at times, pass from generation to generation - if this is true it is extremely , I repeat extremely rare - although not impossible. The study is inconclusive allthough the theory is sound and plausible it is just that a THEORY - not proof positive .

Although I doapplaud your attempt - I believe youhave failed to debunk Lockejaws statement "there is Zero concrete evidence of genetic causes of homosexuality," allthough the study you cited is promising it is not concrete evidence - just a theory.

The mere existence of a highly plausible genetic theory completely debunks the erroneous allegation by LJ that there is "Zero concrete evidence of genetic causes of homosexuality". Obviously there is now plausible "evidence" regarding the genetic cause and it will take further research to confirm the findings. It is highly likely that the further research will turn up evidence of other genetic factors that are currently not known. That is how science works. They develop a hypothesis and then run a series of tests to determine whether it proves or disproves the theory. The results can often lead to further findings.

So the concrete evidence of epigenetic markers is irrefutable. How they behave in determining gender is irrefutable. The fact that genes don't always behave predictably is irrefutable. The mathematical modeling is irrefutable. The existence of the LBGT children born to straight parents is irrefutable. So it is a highly plausible theory to believe that an epigenetic marker could misbehave and the end result would be someone who is born as a member of the LBGT community. That evidence is way more than "zero" by any measure.

Derideo - I believe we've had this conversation before , allthough It may have been someone else - I'm not sure.

You do Understand the difference between Fact and Theory - do you not ?

In addition - the keyword in LJs statement is "Concrete" concrete evidence implies factual evidence - not - Theoretical or even hypothetical but FACTUAL. So although the study yopu cited does lend weight to your side of the debate - it most certainly does not debunk LJs statement.

The dispute is over the use of the term "ZERO". Zero means nothing whatsoever. Obviously that is false given all the factual evidence provided above that points to a plausible epigenetic cause.
I ignore Del-Liar-O. What it says means nothing to me. It's proven to not even comprehend what People are saying to it.

Anyway, As I stated to Seawytch, I have decided to not take the stance that it is impossible for it to be genetic, that it may be possible...however there is NO CONCRETE EVIDENCE of any genetic or epigenetic cause for homosexual yet. They have some speculation & declared "promising" evidence, not 100% verifiable evidence.

It's too stupid to understand the difference. The most convincing evidence for a cause comes from the side looking at it as caused by enviromental & social causes outside of the people who are homosexuals control, in my opinion.

All I do is keep repeating myself because it, along with other liberals here seem to just not get it. They refuse they could be wrong & not understand what it is they're reading.

But that is EXACTLY what they're problem is. Too busy attacking, not doing enough thinking.

Oh the IRONY!

Listen you stupid hermaphrodite...You get what you ask for. Had you not misrepresented what I said regarding gay propaganda in schools, I wouldn't have you on ignore. You deliberately took what I said & made it into more than what it was. Until you admit to being the lying fucktard that you are, you remain on ignore.

I'll read what you've got to say when I feel like it. You can sit and wait patiently & if you say something worthy of a response...I'll respond.

You shouldn't have been such a distorting piece of shit.

Hopefully you'll learn your lesson, as I can tell you're craving my attention.

Back on ignore for you!
I ignore Del-Liar-O. What it says means nothing to me. It's proven to not even comprehend what People are saying to it.

Anyway, As I stated to Seawytch, I have decided to not take the stance that it is impossible for it to be genetic, that it may be possible...however there is NO CONCRETE EVIDENCE of any genetic or epigenetic cause for homosexual yet. They have some speculation & declared "promising" evidence, not 100% verifiable evidence.

It's too stupid to understand the difference. The most convincing evidence for a cause comes from the side looking at it as caused by enviromental & social causes outside of the people who are homosexuals control, in my opinion.

All I do is keep repeating myself because it, along with other liberals here seem to just not get it. They refuse they could be wrong & not understand what it is they're reading.

But that is EXACTLY what they're problem is. Too busy attacking, not doing enough thinking.

Oh the IRONY!

The wife of the Mayor of NYC used to be a lesbian. She now says she's heterosexual. Denies being bisexual. She obviously changed her preference when she met her husband. Check it out.
i read about that. Maybe it's a choice for some, others not so much. It's complicated and that is why people need to stop pretending they KNOW anything about this 100% other than the fact that homosexuality exists.

See how fair I am being? And watch the hysterics from the pro-gay normalization crowd, not a drop of intellectual honesty in any of them it seems.

Right. The agenda needs victims to protect.
Listen you stupid hermaphrodite...You get what you ask for. Had you not misrepresented what I said regarding gay propaganda in schools, I wouldn't have you on ignore. You deliberately took what I said & made it into more than what it was. Until you admit to being the lying fucktard that you are, you remain on ignore.

I'll read what you've got to say when I feel like it. You can sit and wait patiently & if you say something worthy of a response...I'll respond.

You shouldn't have been such a distorting piece of shit.

Hopefully you'll learn your lesson, as I can tell you're craving my attention.

Back on ignore for you!
I ignore Del-Liar-O. What it says means nothing to me. It's proven to not even comprehend what People are saying to it.

Anyway, As I stated to Seawytch, I have decided to not take the stance that it is impossible for it to be genetic, that it may be possible...however there is NO CONCRETE EVIDENCE of any genetic or epigenetic cause for homosexual yet. They have some speculation & declared "promising" evidence, not 100% verifiable evidence.

It's too stupid to understand the difference. The most convincing evidence for a cause comes from the side looking at it as caused by enviromental & social causes outside of the people who are homosexuals control, in my opinion.

All I do is keep repeating myself because it, along with other liberals here seem to just not get it. They refuse they could be wrong & not understand what it is they're reading.

But that is EXACTLY what they're problem is. Too busy attacking, not doing enough thinking.

Oh the IRONY!


Newsflash for LJ: Putting me on ignore does not prevent me from commenting on your posts. It is of no concern at all to me that you have me on ignore. It is of no concern that you deny your own posts and falsely accuse others of lying. It is immaterial to me whether or not I have the attention of a lackwitted bigot such as yourself.

You have already been warned and suffered the consequences of using vulgarities. You will continue to suffer the consequences if you are incapable of learning from your own mistakes. That is entirely on you. Have a nice day.
The wife of the Mayor of NYC used to be a lesbian. She now says she's heterosexual. Denies being bisexual. She obviously changed her preference when she met her husband. Check it out.
i read about that. Maybe it's a choice for some, others not so much. It's complicated and that is why people need to stop pretending they KNOW anything about this 100% other than the fact that homosexuality exists.

See how fair I am being? And watch the hysterics from the pro-gay normalization crowd, not a drop of intellectual honesty in any of them it seems.

The mere existence of a highly plausible genetic theory completely debunks the erroneous allegation by LJ that there is "Zero concrete evidence of genetic causes of homosexuality". Obviously there is now plausible "evidence" regarding the genetic cause and it will take further research to confirm the findings. It is highly likely that the further research will turn up evidence of other genetic factors that are currently not known. That is how science works. They develop a hypothesis and then run a series of tests to determine whether it proves or disproves the theory. The results can often lead to further findings.

So the concrete evidence of epigenetic markers is irrefutable. How they behave in determining gender is irrefutable. The fact that genes don't always behave predictably is irrefutable. The mathematical modeling is irrefutable. The existence of the LBGT children born to straight parents is irrefutable. So it is a highly plausible theory to believe that an epigenetic marker could misbehave and the end result would be someone who is born as a member of the LBGT community. That evidence is way more than "zero" by any measure.

Derideo - I believe we've had this conversation before , allthough It may have been someone else - I'm not sure.

You do Understand the difference between Fact and Theory - do you not ?

In addition - the keyword in LJs statement is "Concrete" concrete evidence implies factual evidence - not - Theoretical or even hypothetical but FACTUAL. So although the study yopu cited does lend weight to your side of the debate - it most certainly does not debunk LJs statement.

The dispute is over the use of the term "ZERO". Zero means nothing whatsoever. Obviously that is false given all the factual evidence provided above that points to a plausible epigenetic cause.

Oh that's so cute - poor frustrated little fella :lol:

The dispute is over the use of the term "ZERO". Zero means nothing whatsoever.

That would be true, if all he said was
. But in the context you are using it - you're simply quoting him out of context The word zero was used as an adjective to describe the word CONCRETE. The word CONCRETE was used as an adjective to describe evidence - to quote in context tou need all three words - failure to do so is altering the intent of someones statement , and I know you're a bigger person than that .

Obviously that is false given all the factual evidence provided above that points to a plausible epigenetic cause

You still don't understand the difference between Fact and Theory ?

I think I need to re-evaluate my opinion of your caliber , you just went down a few notches there my friend. Although I will credit you with recognizing that "Plausible" only means it could conceivably, possibly maybe be factual if and when the theory ever proves out .

Perhaps it's a matter of intelligence ? Is English yourfirst Language ?

tu capti ? .... Certe pessimus omnium hominum es, an necesse sit !
Holding an opinion different than mine is fine...speaking it out loud makes it available for public censure.

I see, so those who fail to conform to your beliefs must remain silent.

I don't think you understand the meaning of the word bigot. Yes, I am intolerant of intolerance. I am intolerant of racism, misogyny, anti gay bigotry, religious bigotry and a few others I'm sure.

You are intolerant of views contrary to your own, and use defamation as a means of coercing others to bow to your views.

You define "bigot."

Discrimination is discrimination.

Stupidity is stupidity.

Ignorant bigots spouting political correctness define stupidity. Failure to discriminate between dog shit and nutritious food doesn't make you "tolerant," it makes you a fucking moron.

You make discriminatory statements or contribute to discriminatory campaigns, you are subject to public disapproval. I'm glad you can't be openly racist anymore just like I'm glad you can't be openly anti gay anymore.

You toss about "discrimination" as an epithet, highlighting your own stupidity. I find your openly anti-Christian bigotry more of a problem than I do anti-gay bigotry.

Look at that, I discerned between two things, I discriminated between factors..

Personally, I don't give a fuck what you do. You want to eat dog turds? Have at. But you demand that I celebrate your behavior, to which I tell you to fuck off.
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Lol @ Deliaro! "The font of all knowledge" my ass! It's little unearned ego is all battered and bruised because it was proven wrong & a liar as usual, so it resorts to pretending to be totally oblivious to the difference between "promising theory" & "proven fact" & "strong indication" & "concrete evidence".

If it were smart, it would abandon this thread...but it's not.

It doesn't matter if you can respond to my comments, you ignorant lying twat. I don't see them unless I click on them...that's the point. You don't control the conversation, I do.

Deliaro is 100% fail.

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