What are your chances...?

I don't listen to idiots it seems you do
I'm for a complete shut down of immigration until we get our shit together and then after we get our shit together we need to be a hell of a lot more selective who we let in. In fact we should be more like New Zealand and only allow people in who have specific skills we need or have the money to start a business

The fact that you think what less that 1% of the population (violent criminals and murderers) do and do mostly to each other is going to rot away our society tells me you are prone to hyperbole and histrionics. in reality we are not talking rust on a car it's more like a bug on a windshield

And quite frankly the only hell holes we have here are those ultra violent urban areas that are the seat of most of our crimes and murders
Did the fiasco in Ferguson or the weekend death toll in Chicago ever affect you and your life?

You don't listen to idiots? I'm sure you do, there are plenty of them, too many to ignore.

You get rid of immigration for a while, you'd understand how this would impact the US severely. What about all the Europeans who work in the US?

Letting people in who have the skills is fine, the other problem is the Japan problem. A country that doesn't like letting people stay, and recently kicked out a Thai boy (16 years old) who'd lived his whole life in Japan, and yet the birth rate in Japan is very low and most of the population is over 65, which causes a different set of problems.

I've been to a lot of countries. I've lived in quite a few too. Some you can go out at night in the city and feel relatively safe, in the US it's not so. In smaller towns yes, depending. However the problem is one of growing problems.

Problems just get worse and worse from generation to generation. How is that going to solve the problems?

Did Ferguson or Chicago affect my life? No, but I don't live there. What happens if things get out of control and it does affect me.

What affects people on a daily basis is the way govt doesn't bother to solve any of these problems in society, and it's getting worse. One person I have on Facebook who seems to be a bit of an activist, arrived home and the lights were on, only, no one was home who should have been. That affects her. People are concerned about the way their society is going, and they're right to be concerned.

The Iraq War impacted me a lot. It impacts a lot of people now. What happens does impact people.

it's not getting worse.
Crime overall is down, murder is down in all honesty the streets in the vast majority of the country are safe
Don't confuse media hype and the histrionics of the left or the right with facts

And the crime and murder rates have nothing to do with Iraq.

Crime is down in the US and everywhere else. But I don't just mean crime, partisanship is getting worse.

Crime and murder have nothing to do with Iraq? So, terrorists don't killed people because they were made extreme because of what happened in Iraq? Sure they do.

Yeah terrorism that kills sooooo many people every day in this country is that what you're really whining about here?

Funny how so many people get killed by terrorists so we have to ban Muslims coming in, but then so few people get killed by terrorists when it was the right who started the whole thing.

Every situation has two sides to it, right?

The problem is, if you go abroad, then this is where you find more problems that exist because of the Iraq War, which DO affect me because I do go abroad at lot. For example like flying through Brussels airport the last two times I've been to Europe (either side of the killings there), or Germany or wherever.

tell that to the people run over by the terrorist trucks in Nice and Berlin. Tell that to the people shot by terrorists in Orlando, San Bernardino, and Ft Hood.

There is a muslim terrorist danger in the USA. To ignore that is a death wish.
I don't listen to idiots it seems you do
I'm for a complete shut down of immigration until we get our shit together and then after we get our shit together we need to be a hell of a lot more selective who we let in. In fact we should be more like New Zealand and only allow people in who have specific skills we need or have the money to start a business

The fact that you think what less that 1% of the population (violent criminals and murderers) do and do mostly to each other is going to rot away our society tells me you are prone to hyperbole and histrionics. in reality we are not talking rust on a car it's more like a bug on a windshield

And quite frankly the only hell holes we have here are those ultra violent urban areas that are the seat of most of our crimes and murders
Did the fiasco in Ferguson or the weekend death toll in Chicago ever affect you and your life?

You don't listen to idiots? I'm sure you do, there are plenty of them, too many to ignore.

You get rid of immigration for a while, you'd understand how this would impact the US severely. What about all the Europeans who work in the US?

Letting people in who have the skills is fine, the other problem is the Japan problem. A country that doesn't like letting people stay, and recently kicked out a Thai boy (16 years old) who'd lived his whole life in Japan, and yet the birth rate in Japan is very low and most of the population is over 65, which causes a different set of problems.

I've been to a lot of countries. I've lived in quite a few too. Some you can go out at night in the city and feel relatively safe, in the US it's not so. In smaller towns yes, depending. However the problem is one of growing problems.

Problems just get worse and worse from generation to generation. How is that going to solve the problems?

Did Ferguson or Chicago affect my life? No, but I don't live there. What happens if things get out of control and it does affect me.

What affects people on a daily basis is the way govt doesn't bother to solve any of these problems in society, and it's getting worse. One person I have on Facebook who seems to be a bit of an activist, arrived home and the lights were on, only, no one was home who should have been. That affects her. People are concerned about the way their society is going, and they're right to be concerned.

The Iraq War impacted me a lot. It impacts a lot of people now. What happens does impact people.

it's not getting worse.
Crime overall is down, murder is down in all honesty the streets in the vast majority of the country are safe
Don't confuse media hype and the histrionics of the left or the right with facts

And the crime and murder rates have nothing to do with Iraq.

Crime is down in the US and everywhere else. But I don't just mean crime, partisanship is getting worse.

Crime and murder have nothing to do with Iraq? So, terrorists don't killed people because they were made extreme because of what happened in Iraq? Sure they do.

Yeah terrorism that kills sooooo many people every day in this country is that what you're really whining about here?

Funny how so many people get killed by terrorists so we have to ban Muslims coming in, but then so few people get killed by terrorists when it was the right who started the whole thing.

Every situation has two sides to it, right?

The problem is, if you go abroad, then this is where you find more problems that exist because of the Iraq War, which DO affect me because I do go abroad at lot. For example like flying through Brussels airport the last two times I've been to Europe (either side of the killings there), or Germany or wherever.
We're banning Muslims?

Since when?

And really your travel issues are not the concern of the entire country
Get the fuck over yourself
It is worth the price to the right that 11,700+ people are killed by guns yearly.

Boy I tell ya, if one of my guns somehow got out of my safe, loaded itself, pulled its own trigger and killed some poor bastard, I would most definitely destroy that so called inanimate object!

We have self driving cars, I just didn't know we had self shooting guns.

Thanks my man, I will be on the look out for renegade firearms!
You don't listen to idiots? I'm sure you do, there are plenty of them, too many to ignore.

You get rid of immigration for a while, you'd understand how this would impact the US severely. What about all the Europeans who work in the US?

Letting people in who have the skills is fine, the other problem is the Japan problem. A country that doesn't like letting people stay, and recently kicked out a Thai boy (16 years old) who'd lived his whole life in Japan, and yet the birth rate in Japan is very low and most of the population is over 65, which causes a different set of problems.

I've been to a lot of countries. I've lived in quite a few too. Some you can go out at night in the city and feel relatively safe, in the US it's not so. In smaller towns yes, depending. However the problem is one of growing problems.

Problems just get worse and worse from generation to generation. How is that going to solve the problems?

Did Ferguson or Chicago affect my life? No, but I don't live there. What happens if things get out of control and it does affect me.

What affects people on a daily basis is the way govt doesn't bother to solve any of these problems in society, and it's getting worse. One person I have on Facebook who seems to be a bit of an activist, arrived home and the lights were on, only, no one was home who should have been. That affects her. People are concerned about the way their society is going, and they're right to be concerned.

The Iraq War impacted me a lot. It impacts a lot of people now. What happens does impact people.

it's not getting worse.
Crime overall is down, murder is down in all honesty the streets in the vast majority of the country are safe
Don't confuse media hype and the histrionics of the left or the right with facts

And the crime and murder rates have nothing to do with Iraq.

Crime is down in the US and everywhere else. But I don't just mean crime, partisanship is getting worse.

Crime and murder have nothing to do with Iraq? So, terrorists don't killed people because they were made extreme because of what happened in Iraq? Sure they do.

Yeah terrorism that kills sooooo many people every day in this country is that what you're really whining about here?

Funny how so many people get killed by terrorists so we have to ban Muslims coming in, but then so few people get killed by terrorists when it was the right who started the whole thing.

Every situation has two sides to it, right?

The problem is, if you go abroad, then this is where you find more problems that exist because of the Iraq War, which DO affect me because I do go abroad at lot. For example like flying through Brussels airport the last two times I've been to Europe (either side of the killings there), or Germany or wherever.
We're banning Muslims?

Since when?

And really your travel issues are not the concern of the entire country
Get the fuck over yourself

Not yet, at least. If the muppets who were strong Trump supporters got their way thought, they'd ban Muslims, it's one of the things they've been talking about. Do keep uo.

No, my travel issues aren't the concern of the entire country. In fact your life isn't the concern of the entire country either, is it? So, if you die, who gives a fuck?

Get the fuck over yourself.

(Oh, and you did ask how this affects me, then I tell you, then you basically tell me that I should get over myself. Sure, you can't ever win, there's always some way you can try and attack me)
it's not getting worse.
Crime overall is down, murder is down in all honesty the streets in the vast majority of the country are safe
Don't confuse media hype and the histrionics of the left or the right with facts

And the crime and murder rates have nothing to do with Iraq.

Crime is down in the US and everywhere else. But I don't just mean crime, partisanship is getting worse.

Crime and murder have nothing to do with Iraq? So, terrorists don't killed people because they were made extreme because of what happened in Iraq? Sure they do.

Yeah terrorism that kills sooooo many people every day in this country is that what you're really whining about here?

Funny how so many people get killed by terrorists so we have to ban Muslims coming in, but then so few people get killed by terrorists when it was the right who started the whole thing.

Every situation has two sides to it, right?

The problem is, if you go abroad, then this is where you find more problems that exist because of the Iraq War, which DO affect me because I do go abroad at lot. For example like flying through Brussels airport the last two times I've been to Europe (either side of the killings there), or Germany or wherever.
We're banning Muslims?

Since when?

And really your travel issues are not the concern of the entire country
Get the fuck over yourself

Not yet, at least. If the muppets who were strong Trump supporters got their way thought, they'd ban Muslims, it's one of the things they've been talking about. Do keep uo.

No, my travel issues aren't the concern of the entire country. In fact your life isn't the concern of the entire country either, is it? So, if you die, who gives a fuck?

Get the fuck over yourself.

(Oh, and you did ask how this affects me, then I tell you, then you basically tell me that I should get over myself. Sure, you can't ever win, there's always some way you can try and attack me)

So you're worried about something that will most likely never happen and so what if it did? We are not obligated to let anyone into this country if we don't want to. We used to deny communists entry back in the day.

SO tell me have you built your bomb shelter yet because the talk is that Trump is going ti start a nuclear war as soon as he gets the codes

And I never said any of my problems mean anything to anyone but me.
it's not getting worse.
Crime overall is down, murder is down in all honesty the streets in the vast majority of the country are safe
Don't confuse media hype and the histrionics of the left or the right with facts

And the crime and murder rates have nothing to do with Iraq.

Crime is down in the US and everywhere else. But I don't just mean crime, partisanship is getting worse.

Crime and murder have nothing to do with Iraq? So, terrorists don't killed people because they were made extreme because of what happened in Iraq? Sure they do.

Yeah terrorism that kills sooooo many people every day in this country is that what you're really whining about here?

Funny how so many people get killed by terrorists so we have to ban Muslims coming in, but then so few people get killed by terrorists when it was the right who started the whole thing.

Every situation has two sides to it, right?

The problem is, if you go abroad, then this is where you find more problems that exist because of the Iraq War, which DO affect me because I do go abroad at lot. For example like flying through Brussels airport the last two times I've been to Europe (either side of the killings there), or Germany or wherever.
We're banning Muslims?

Since when?

And really your travel issues are not the concern of the entire country
Get the fuck over yourself

Not yet, at least. If the muppets who were strong Trump supporters got their way thought, they'd ban Muslims, it's one of the things they've been talking about. Do keep uo.

No, my travel issues aren't the concern of the entire country. In fact your life isn't the concern of the entire country either, is it? So, if you die, who gives a fuck?

Get the fuck over yourself.

(Oh, and you did ask how this affects me, then I tell you, then you basically tell me that I should get over myself. Sure, you can't ever win, there's always some way you can try and attack me)

extreme vetting is not banning. As usual, you have no idea what you are spouting.

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