What Are Your Religious Beliefs?

..... I'm looking to go in the Bull Ring with someone regarding Christianity and their Religious beliefs.

So tell me, which of the following do you believe (and, if it's not listed, please specify)

1. Atheist
2. Agnostic
3. Believes in a Supreme Being, but not the God of the Bible
4. Believes in something, not necessarily a person, but a force
5. Believes there is no one thing or person that rules, but, more of a cosmic chain of events.

Again, there are many options, but, I'd like to hear what you believe, even if you aren't sure or don't care.


I'm an atheist. I hold no belief in a god whatsoever. Could there be one? Sure. But to me it's about as likely as a unicorn orbiting the sun inside Mercury.
I am an agnostic because of the limitations of what I can and cannot know.

I have never been one who believes in things just because others do.

To me, this is precisely the same thing as atheism. Agnosticism = Atheism.
..... I'm looking to go in the Bull Ring with someone regarding Christianity and their Religious beliefs.

So tell me, which of the following do you believe (and, if it's not listed, please specify)

1. Atheist
2. Agnostic
3. Believes in a Supreme Being, but not the God of the Bible
4. Believes in something, not necessarily a person, but a force
5. Believes there is no one thing or person that rules, but, more of a cosmic chain of events.

Again, there are many options, but, I'd like to hear what you believe, even if you aren't sure or don't care.


I'm an EX-Muslim. Farrakhan saying that Malcolm X's murder by the Nation of Islam is not all Black people's business (while Malcolm X was a servant of all Black people) turned me against him.

As for Orthodox Islam, the Qur'an (chapter 4, verse 34) saying that husbands may "beat" or "chastise" their wives has caused me to reject Orthodox Islam.

I'm not a Christian nor a Jewish convert but I believe in the God of the Bible. :) :)
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Atheist. I don't know how we all got here but I'm sure no one else knows either.

do you think it matters?
does it bother you that it's possible this all ultimately means nothing?
Atheist. I don't know how we all got here but I'm sure no one else knows either.

do you think it matters?
does it bother you that it's possible this all ultimately means nothing?
The universe owes me nothing, it does not have to conform to my wishes. If I'm bothered that there is no God who cares about me that is my problem due to my lack of understanding of reality. We have to accept reality before we can move forward.
Atheist. I don't know how we all got here but I'm sure no one else knows either.

do you think it matters?
does it bother you that it's possible this all ultimately means nothing?
The universe owes me nothing, it does not have to conform to my wishes. If I'm bothered that there is no God who cares about me that is my problem due to my lack of understanding of reality. We have to accept reality before we can move forward.

We may not even know what reality is.
So, in your opinion, we just enjoy the life we have and make the most of it.
Nothing else really matters?
Atheist. I don't know how we all got here but I'm sure no one else knows either.

do you think it matters?
does it bother you that it's possible this all ultimately means nothing?
The universe owes me nothing, it does not have to conform to my wishes. If I'm bothered that there is no God who cares about me that is my problem due to my lack of understanding of reality. We have to accept reality before we can move forward.

We may not even know what reality is.
So, in your opinion, we just enjoy the life we have and make the most of it.
Nothing else really matters?
It's even worse than you think since the reality is that we're just carriers of our genes, no more no less.
Not sure that is "worse" - I mean, wouldn't it be preferential to just live/die then worry about what happens to you in the afterlife?

That being said, all the made up "drama" of society is just something we do to try to contrive a sense of importance or purpose. But why?
Not sure that is "worse" - I mean, wouldn't it be preferential to just live/die then worry about what happens to you in the afterlife?

That being said, all the made up "drama" of society is just something we do to try to contrive a sense of importance or purpose. But why?
Yes, who are Gud when he never help me with belief.

Even Christians belief on him he never help me.

What's wrong with Gud ????

He is nazi and father I know.
Not sure that is "worse" - I mean, wouldn't it be preferential to just live/die then worry about what happens to you in the afterlife?

That being said, all the made up "drama" of society is just something we do to try to contrive a sense of importance or purpose. But why?

Where does ego come from? Just seems strange we would just happen to "pop" into existence with all these psychology issues etc.
Don't you think it would be human nature just to survive?

Although you seem to have similar beliefs, G.T. stated that his ego DOESN'T supercede his honesty.... meaning, so maybe you are saying the same thing, if you set aside your EGO, you can just accept things as they or (or as you PERCEIVE that they are).....

Yet ultimately, if left to our own devices aren't we driven bye 100% ego?

Where does compassion and love for others come into play?
1. Atheist
2. Agnostic
3. Believes in a Supreme Being, but not the God of the Bible
4. Believes in something, not necessarily a person, but a force
5. Believes there is no one thing or person that rules, but, more of a cosmic chain of events.

1. Land and religion to following.
2. Like things in own life.
3. Gud doesn't care about me.
4. Sex in life I will.
5. U.S. Election 2020.

My belief those.
well if there is a God, he cares.
if there is no God - we're just here doing our own thing
if there is a God that doesn't care about you, he's just another selfish being, like us.. but more powerful/knowledgeable...
Just because you don't understand something, that doesn't mean "gods" did it. This is the same thing that the ancient men did when they didn't understand the world around them. They would attribute things to "gods" and those theories have been proven wrong time and time again.

You may not understand what happens after you die, perhaps absolutely nothing happens. That doesn't mean there is a god or an afterlife. You might not understand how the earth and/or human beings came to be, but that doesn't mean any gods were responsible for it.

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