What Asian guys got each night Vs What western males got each night


VIP Member
Sep 8, 2014
Source & more stuff from : Awesome Asian What Asian guys got each night Vs What western...


Asian guys have fun each night while western males have nightmares, the western girl look like trap and that is because she is attempting to imitate Anime characters which are very feminine while western girls are the most masculine girls in the world so western girls tend to look like trap, shemales, etc when they Cosplay as Anime girls. No wonder western males are very jealoys of Asian guys.
Source & more stuff from : Awesome Asian What Asian guys got each night Vs What western...


Asian guys have fun each night while western males have nightmares, the western girl look like trap and that is because she is attempting to imitate Anime characters which are very feminine while western girls are the most masculine girls in the world so western girls tend to look like trap, shemales, etc when they Cosplay as Anime girls. No wonder western males are very jealoys of Asian guys.
I was married to an Asian woman and ALL the women in her family LOVED American men. Asian men have tiny little .......
I was tempted to post a photo of a bowl of rice.
And quote Eddie Murphy about Asian men having "little rice d*cks."

But that would be promoting a racist sexist stereotype.

Instead I should post something more politically correct:

Like pointing out, if Asian men value Asian women so much,
why are millions of Asian females being aborted, where there aren't
going to be enough partners for the surplus of 12-30 million Chinese males?

Isn't that whole crisis caused by valuing males more than females?

How is it helping anything to objectify women as anime fantasy characters.
Still seems too much like projecting onto women as "objects" if you see women as "symbols"
to "judge a man by" according to "what he possesses."

If you don't like my political correct response,
you can look up Eddie Murphy's comedy segment on
the difference between Black, White and Asian men,
and which group REALLY has it going on. Maybe you'd like that better!
He's tries so hard to make a relevant topic about something no one really cares about other than nerds,pervs and asians.
Source & more stuff from : Awesome Asian What Asian guys got each night Vs What western...


Asian guys have fun each night while western males have nightmares, the western girl look like trap and that is because she is attempting to imitate Anime characters which are very feminine while western girls are the most masculine girls in the world so western girls tend to look like trap, shemales, etc when they Cosplay as Anime girls. No wonder western males are very jealoys of Asian guys.

If either of those women look like what you are dating you need professional help.
Source & more stuff from : Awesome Asian What Asian guys got each night Vs What western...


Asian guys have fun each night while western males have nightmares, the western girl look like trap and that is because she is attempting to imitate Anime characters which are very feminine while western girls are the most masculine girls in the world so western girls tend to look like trap, shemales, etc when they Cosplay as Anime girls. No wonder western males are very jealoys of Asian guys.
No jealousy here. I've seen enough Asian guys in locker rooms.

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