What Black Supremacists and Their Allies Really Mean When They Label Their Racism “Prejudice”

I rate nearly everything any Democrat says as "funny" because they are idiots who live in clown world. I only don't rate them "funny" if I can't verify how true statistics or statements they use are and don't care, or I agree with what they are saying and can verify it is true.

It is sad that my intellect is so above the standard kindergarten nonsense that low IQ dipshits like you and IM2 and gnat and dean and others mindlessly state that you think posting actual dictionary definitions to refute baseless opportunistic and sociopathic definitions coming from insular and crazy academia is considered "far out there".

You don't even understand why it is different for you to rate my posts in my thread and not make a single comment in that thread while I am being forced by the mods to comment in every thread in which I rate a post, you are literally that stupid. What you are doing isn't "turnabout" Cletus, its called being a low IQ coward abusing your privileges as a dumb black man to allow yourself to do things that smarter white posters can't do.

Any loon who would insist that Europe is being colonized in a way that is comparable to the invasions all over the world that Europeans inflicted on other continents is not worth wasting a word on Jethro. Your overinflated view of your own lackluster intelligence is not worth more than a laugh.

In your tiny little dysfunctional mind, the whole world is out to get you.....now you even believe that the undercover stormfronters here are as well.

Your idiocy has you reaping what you've sown.....so tough shit, Jed.

"Smarter white posters"? In all of the years that I've visited message boards, you are hands down, the dumbest freak that Ive ever seen.

Must suck to be you.
The loons are the ones who deny the colonization. Imprisoning people for having higher IQs and censoring the internet in the same way that China does doesn't mean that the deniers in Europe are right or smart. They are going to lose and then they are going to be gutted like the sick pigs that they are.

You are not even close to being smart enough to gauge intelligence.
I rate nearly everything any Democrat says as "funny" because they are idiots who live in clown world. I only don't rate them "funny" if I can't verify how true statistics or statements they use are and don't care, or I agree with what they are saying and can verify it is true.

It is sad that my intellect is so above the standard kindergarten nonsense that low IQ dipshits like you and IM2 and gnat and dean and others mindlessly state that you think posting actual dictionary definitions to refute baseless opportunistic and sociopathic definitions coming from insular and crazy academia is considered "far out there".

You don't even understand why it is different for you to rate my posts in my thread and not make a single comment in that thread while I am being forced by the mods to comment in every thread in which I rate a post, you are literally that stupid. What you are doing isn't "turnabout" Cletus, its called being a low IQ coward abusing your privileges as a dumb black man to allow yourself to do things that smarter white posters can't do.

Any loon who would insist that Europe is being colonized in a way that is comparable to the invasions all over the world that Europeans inflicted on other continents is not worth wasting a word on Jethro. Your overinflated view of your own lackluster intelligence is not worth more than a laugh.

In your tiny little dysfunctional mind, the whole world is out to get you.....now you even believe that the undercover stormfronters here are as well.

Your idiocy has you reaping what you've sown.....so tough shit, Jed.

"Smarter white posters"? In all of the years that I've visited message boards, you are hands down, the dumbest freak that Ive ever seen.

Must suck to be you.
The loons are the ones who deny the colonization. Imprisoning people for having higher IQs and censoring the internet in the same way that China does doesn't mean that the deniers in Europe are right or smart. They are going to lose and then they are going to be gutted like the sick pigs that they are.

You are not even close to being smart enough to gauge intelligence.

I've gauged your lack of intelligence perfectly. It was not difficult to do it at all. My teenaged grandchildren think in a more complex manner than you are remotely capable of.

Who are these "victims" in Europe that are currently imprisoned for "having higher IQ'S"?.....Name one.

As far as internet censorship, there is not even a SINGLE European country in the top 10 of countries that are most affected by internet censorship....look it up.
No dipshit. Article 10 and 13 will make Europe the most censored continent in the world.

That hasn’t taken effect yet, and countries like Germany and Britain were already heavily censored.

Your grandchildren don’t know anything if you actually think they are intelligent.

Whites are censoring themselves if and when these laws take effect.
None of the censoring would be happening without the mass immigration that Europeans are forced to endure.
I rate nearly everything any Democrat says as "funny" because they are idiots who live in clown world. I only don't rate them "funny" if I can't verify how true statistics or statements they use are and don't care, or I agree with what they are saying and can verify it is true.

It is sad that my intellect is so above the standard kindergarten nonsense that low IQ dipshits like you and IM2 and gnat and dean and others mindlessly state that you think posting actual dictionary definitions to refute baseless opportunistic and sociopathic definitions coming from insular and crazy academia is considered "far out there".

You don't even understand why it is different for you to rate my posts in my thread and not make a single comment in that thread while I am being forced by the mods to comment in every thread in which I rate a post, you are literally that stupid. What you are doing isn't "turnabout" Cletus, its called being a low IQ coward abusing your privileges as a dumb black man to allow yourself to do things that smarter white posters can't do.

Any loon who would insist that Europe is being colonized in a way that is comparable to the invasions all over the world that Europeans inflicted on other continents is not worth wasting a word on Jethro. Your overinflated view of your own lackluster intelligence is not worth more than a laugh.

In your tiny little dysfunctional mind, the whole world is out to get you.....now you even believe that the undercover stormfronters here are as well.

Your idiocy has you reaping what you've sown.....so tough shit, Jed.

"Smarter white posters"? In all of the years that I've visited message boards, you are hands down, the dumbest freak that Ive ever seen.

Must suck to be you.
The loons are the ones who deny the colonization. Imprisoning people for having higher IQs and censoring the internet in the same way that China does doesn't mean that the deniers in Europe are right or smart. They are going to lose and then they are going to be gutted like the sick pigs that they are.

You are not even close to being smart enough to gauge intelligence.
I rate nearly everything any Democrat says as "funny" because they are idiots who live in clown world. I only don't rate them "funny" if I can't verify how true statistics or statements they use are and don't care, or I agree with what they are saying and can verify it is true.

It is sad that my intellect is so above the standard kindergarten nonsense that low IQ dipshits like you and IM2 and gnat and dean and others mindlessly state that you think posting actual dictionary definitions to refute baseless opportunistic and sociopathic definitions coming from insular and crazy academia is considered "far out there".

You don't even understand why it is different for you to rate my posts in my thread and not make a single comment in that thread while I am being forced by the mods to comment in every thread in which I rate a post, you are literally that stupid. What you are doing isn't "turnabout" Cletus, its called being a low IQ coward abusing your privileges as a dumb black man to allow yourself to do things that smarter white posters can't do.

Any loon who would insist that Europe is being colonized in a way that is comparable to the invasions all over the world that Europeans inflicted on other continents is not worth wasting a word on Jethro. Your overinflated view of your own lackluster intelligence is not worth more than a laugh.

In your tiny little dysfunctional mind, the whole world is out to get you.....now you even believe that the undercover stormfronters here are as well.

Your idiocy has you reaping what you've sown.....so tough shit, Jed.

"Smarter white posters"? In all of the years that I've visited message boards, you are hands down, the dumbest freak that Ive ever seen.

Must suck to be you.
The loons are the ones who deny the colonization. Imprisoning people for having higher IQs and censoring the internet in the same way that China does doesn't mean that the deniers in Europe are right or smart. They are going to lose and then they are going to be gutted like the sick pigs that they are.

You are not even close to being smart enough to gauge intelligence.

I've gauged your lack of intelligence perfectly. It was not difficult to do it at all. My teenaged grandchildren think in a more complex manner than you are remotely capable of.

Who are these "victims" in Europe that are currently imprisoned for "having higher IQ'S"?.....Name one.

As far as internet censorship, there is not even a SINGLE European country in the top 10 of countries that are most affected by internet censorship....look it up.
No dipshit. Article 10 and 13 will make Europe the most censored continent in the world.

That hasn’t taken effect yet, and countries like Germany and Britain were already heavily censored.

Your grandchildren don’t know anything if you actually think they are intelligent.

I already knew that it had not taken effect yet, you dunce. I've been to Europe several times, and going again this summer.

That was my point. You are attempting to make it appear that the oppresion and discrimination is happening this very moment.

It is not even a guaranteed fact that article 10 and 13 will not be ammended before it is implemented.

As far as my grandchildren go, they will surpass you in leaps and bounds.. by the time they are in their first year of college.

So, by name, WHO is IN PRISON, IN EUROPE this very moment "for having a higher IQ"?

Name just one person and the facts surrounding their sentencing.
The oppression and discrimination have been going on in Europe for decades. Hate speech laws only affect indigenous Europeans because “hate” is interpreted to mean “racism” and “racism” is considered to be a white thing(as is the point of this very thread that you are too stupid to grasp).

Only stupid people don’t understand how fucked up Europe is and the smarter people who do try to give the government the verbal retribution that they deserve are usually arrested. Institutionalized censorship protects stupid people, and the people who are hiding behind censorship are the idiots of the European left.
Any loon who would insist that Europe is being colonized in a way that is comparable to the invasions all over the world that Europeans inflicted on other continents is not worth wasting a word on Jethro. Your overinflated view of your own lackluster intelligence is not worth more than a laugh.

In your tiny little dysfunctional mind, the whole world is out to get you.....now you even believe that the undercover stormfronters here are as well.

Your idiocy has you reaping what you've sown.....so tough shit, Jed.

"Smarter white posters"? In all of the years that I've visited message boards, you are hands down, the dumbest freak that Ive ever seen.

Must suck to be you.
The loons are the ones who deny the colonization. Imprisoning people for having higher IQs and censoring the internet in the same way that China does doesn't mean that the deniers in Europe are right or smart. They are going to lose and then they are going to be gutted like the sick pigs that they are.

You are not even close to being smart enough to gauge intelligence.
Any loon who would insist that Europe is being colonized in a way that is comparable to the invasions all over the world that Europeans inflicted on other continents is not worth wasting a word on Jethro. Your overinflated view of your own lackluster intelligence is not worth more than a laugh.

In your tiny little dysfunctional mind, the whole world is out to get you.....now you even believe that the undercover stormfronters here are as well.

Your idiocy has you reaping what you've sown.....so tough shit, Jed.

"Smarter white posters"? In all of the years that I've visited message boards, you are hands down, the dumbest freak that Ive ever seen.

Must suck to be you.
The loons are the ones who deny the colonization. Imprisoning people for having higher IQs and censoring the internet in the same way that China does doesn't mean that the deniers in Europe are right or smart. They are going to lose and then they are going to be gutted like the sick pigs that they are.

You are not even close to being smart enough to gauge intelligence.

I've gauged your lack of intelligence perfectly. It was not difficult to do it at all. My teenaged grandchildren think in a more complex manner than you are remotely capable of.

Who are these "victims" in Europe that are currently imprisoned for "having higher IQ'S"?.....Name one.

As far as internet censorship, there is not even a SINGLE European country in the top 10 of countries that are most affected by internet censorship....look it up.
No dipshit. Article 10 and 13 will make Europe the most censored continent in the world.

That hasn’t taken effect yet, and countries like Germany and Britain were already heavily censored.

Your grandchildren don’t know anything if you actually think they are intelligent.

Whites are censoring themselves if and when these laws take effect.
None of the censoring would be happening without the mass immigration that Europeans are forced to endure.

Mass immigration did not "destroy America". So why would i
Any loon who would insist that Europe is being colonized in a way that is comparable to the invasions all over the world that Europeans inflicted on other continents is not worth wasting a word on Jethro. Your overinflated view of your own lackluster intelligence is not worth more than a laugh.

In your tiny little dysfunctional mind, the whole world is out to get you.....now you even believe that the undercover stormfronters here are as well.

Your idiocy has you reaping what you've sown.....so tough shit, Jed.

"Smarter white posters"? In all of the years that I've visited message boards, you are hands down, the dumbest freak that Ive ever seen.

Must suck to be you.
The loons are the ones who deny the colonization. Imprisoning people for having higher IQs and censoring the internet in the same way that China does doesn't mean that the deniers in Europe are right or smart. They are going to lose and then they are going to be gutted like the sick pigs that they are.

You are not even close to being smart enough to gauge intelligence.
Any loon who would insist that Europe is being colonized in a way that is comparable to the invasions all over the world that Europeans inflicted on other continents is not worth wasting a word on Jethro. Your overinflated view of your own lackluster intelligence is not worth more than a laugh.

In your tiny little dysfunctional mind, the whole world is out to get you.....now you even believe that the undercover stormfronters here are as well.

Your idiocy has you reaping what you've sown.....so tough shit, Jed.

"Smarter white posters"? In all of the years that I've visited message boards, you are hands down, the dumbest freak that Ive ever seen.

Must suck to be you.
The loons are the ones who deny the colonization. Imprisoning people for having higher IQs and censoring the internet in the same way that China does doesn't mean that the deniers in Europe are right or smart. They are going to lose and then they are going to be gutted like the sick pigs that they are.

You are not even close to being smart enough to gauge intelligence.

I've gauged your lack of intelligence perfectly. It was not difficult to do it at all. My teenaged grandchildren think in a more complex manner than you are remotely capable of.

Who are these "victims" in Europe that are currently imprisoned for "having higher IQ'S"?.....Name one.

As far as internet censorship, there is not even a SINGLE European country in the top 10 of countries that are most affected by internet censorship....look it up.
No dipshit. Article 10 and 13 will make Europe the most censored continent in the world.

That hasn’t taken effect yet, and countries like Germany and Britain were already heavily censored.

Your grandchildren don’t know anything if you actually think they are intelligent.

I already knew that it had not taken effect yet, you dunce. I've been to Europe several times, and going again this summer.

That was my point. You are attempting to make it appear that the oppresion and discrimination is happening this very moment.

It is not even a guaranteed fact that article 10 and 13 will not be ammended before it is implemented.

As far as my grandchildren go, they will surpass you in leaps and bounds.. by the time they are in their first year of college.

So, by name, WHO is IN PRISON, IN EUROPE this very moment "for having a higher IQ"?

Name just one person and the facts surrounding their sentencing.
The oppression and discrimination have been going on in Europe for decades. Hate speech laws only affect indigenous Europeans because “hate” is interpreted to mean “racism” and “racism” is considered to be a white thing(as is the point of this very thread that you are too stupid to grasp).

Only stupid people don’t understand how fucked up Europe is and the smarter people who do try to give the government the verbal retribution that they deserve are usually arrested. Institutionalized censorship protects stupid people, and the people who are hiding behind censorship are the idiots of the European left.

You don't know WTF you're rambling about.
For the last time, name someone there who has been arrested for being "smarter" than the rest of the population as it relates to immigration,

You will not because you can't.
The loons are the ones who deny the colonization. Imprisoning people for having higher IQs and censoring the internet in the same way that China does doesn't mean that the deniers in Europe are right or smart. They are going to lose and then they are going to be gutted like the sick pigs that they are.

You are not even close to being smart enough to gauge intelligence.
The loons are the ones who deny the colonization. Imprisoning people for having higher IQs and censoring the internet in the same way that China does doesn't mean that the deniers in Europe are right or smart. They are going to lose and then they are going to be gutted like the sick pigs that they are.

You are not even close to being smart enough to gauge intelligence.

I've gauged your lack of intelligence perfectly. It was not difficult to do it at all. My teenaged grandchildren think in a more complex manner than you are remotely capable of.

Who are these "victims" in Europe that are currently imprisoned for "having higher IQ'S"?.....Name one.

As far as internet censorship, there is not even a SINGLE European country in the top 10 of countries that are most affected by internet censorship....look it up.
No dipshit. Article 10 and 13 will make Europe the most censored continent in the world.

That hasn’t taken effect yet, and countries like Germany and Britain were already heavily censored.

Your grandchildren don’t know anything if you actually think they are intelligent.

Whites are censoring themselves if and when these laws take effect.
None of the censoring would be happening without the mass immigration that Europeans are forced to endure.

Mass immigration did not "destroy America". So why would i
The loons are the ones who deny the colonization. Imprisoning people for having higher IQs and censoring the internet in the same way that China does doesn't mean that the deniers in Europe are right or smart. They are going to lose and then they are going to be gutted like the sick pigs that they are.

You are not even close to being smart enough to gauge intelligence.
The loons are the ones who deny the colonization. Imprisoning people for having higher IQs and censoring the internet in the same way that China does doesn't mean that the deniers in Europe are right or smart. They are going to lose and then they are going to be gutted like the sick pigs that they are.

You are not even close to being smart enough to gauge intelligence.

I've gauged your lack of intelligence perfectly. It was not difficult to do it at all. My teenaged grandchildren think in a more complex manner than you are remotely capable of.

Who are these "victims" in Europe that are currently imprisoned for "having higher IQ'S"?.....Name one.

As far as internet censorship, there is not even a SINGLE European country in the top 10 of countries that are most affected by internet censorship....look it up.
No dipshit. Article 10 and 13 will make Europe the most censored continent in the world.

That hasn’t taken effect yet, and countries like Germany and Britain were already heavily censored.

Your grandchildren don’t know anything if you actually think they are intelligent.

I already knew that it had not taken effect yet, you dunce. I've been to Europe several times, and going again this summer.

That was my point. You are attempting to make it appear that the oppresion and discrimination is happening this very moment.

It is not even a guaranteed fact that article 10 and 13 will not be ammended before it is implemented.

As far as my grandchildren go, they will surpass you in leaps and bounds.. by the time they are in their first year of college.

So, by name, WHO is IN PRISON, IN EUROPE this very moment "for having a higher IQ"?

Name just one person and the facts surrounding their sentencing.
The oppression and discrimination have been going on in Europe for decades. Hate speech laws only affect indigenous Europeans because “hate” is interpreted to mean “racism” and “racism” is considered to be a white thing(as is the point of this very thread that you are too stupid to grasp).

Only stupid people don’t understand how fucked up Europe is and the smarter people who do try to give the government the verbal retribution that they deserve are usually arrested. Institutionalized censorship protects stupid people, and the people who are hiding behind censorship are the idiots of the European left.

You don't know WTF you're rambling about.
For the last time, name someone there who has been arrested for being "smarter" than the rest of the population as it relates to immigration,

You will not because you can't.
Mass immigration did destroy what was left of America, and America already had its identity thoroughly destroyed by the late 80s early 90s so the damage that immigration from the 3rd world did was so pronounced that even I could see it after materialism had taken its course before I was born.

European countries actually had healthy indigenous cultures as late as the mid 2000s and that is now being visibly destroyed and churches are being burned every other week, mass rapes are uncovered every year, mass shootings and bombings are happening more and more frequently by invaders and the censorship that was previously only limited to Germany has spread to the entire continent in an attempt to keep the smart people in Europe from organizing and taking power to get rid of all this shit. “Far right” is just another word for intelligent thinking white person. That is why Europe banned Jared Taylor. They can’t handle someone who went to Yale and is now using that prestige against them. None of the pushes for mass immigration or “diversity” in Europe have ever been legitimate, they have always been done by disgusting racist people who don’t have the slightest appreciation for European art and history and that is why they will no longer be able to exist once racism against white people and the demolishing of beautiful indigenous cultures in Europe is stigmatized.

On the contrary, YOU don’t know what the fuck you are talking about you pathetic media drone. You claim to go to Europe and you undoubtedly see the destruction but yet you dare to tell me that I am crazy and stupid for not believing the insidious lies that Europe tells about “no-go zones” not existing when that is just the tip of the iceberg. Don’t be surprised when your grandchildren turn against you and your cult of idiocy, denial and heartlessness either.
First of all I am sure everyone knows what the actual definition of the word “prejudice” means, but in case you don’t, here it is:
the definition of prejudice
an unfavorable opinion or feeling formedbeforehand or without knowledge,thought, or reason.

Notice how it has nothing to do with race specifically. And also notice how it doesn’t involve actual action merely thoughts and beliefs.

What these scum are really saying is that when they talk about “killing crackas” and then they go and kill a family member of yours because your family member met their racial criteria for being the murder victim, the perpetrator(in this case, them) is merely guilty of having “misguided thoughts” about nothing in particular. What you are really allowing these pieces of shit to do when they claim they can only be “prejudice” is allowing them to claim VICTIM status, even when they are a racist genocidal murderer. Could you ever imagine Dylann Roof ever being allowed to claim that he was “just prejudice” in any public facility?

I know baby boomers are too far gone to even think that they need to combat this stuff, but the Gen Xers, millennials and Gen Zers need to start learning how to fight these bastards before they claim all of the battlefield when our regiment hasn’t even been sent out yet.
What's a black supremacist? And why is the GOP a nearly all white party?....t.

Because vile people like you, have spent generations lying to blacks about the GOP.

You are tearing this nation apart.
None of the censoring would be happening without the mass immigration that Europeans are forced to endure.
OK. So what's your solution ?

Let's say your right. There is mass immigration into Europe

What should be done about it ?
Repatriation of recent immigrants and refugees and the jailing of left wing party leaders.

The Nuremberg trials in the modern day.

Entire history books dedicated to the attempted mass genocide of white people and Europe that white children are required to read every 4 years.
Repatriation of recent immigrants and refugees and the jailing of left wing party leaders.
How recent ? 10 years ? 20 years ? 30 years ?

In the last ten years - There is a massive recent polish community in the UK. In the last ten years there is a Spanish community in the UK. In the last 20 years there is a massive Turkish community in Germany. There is massive French community in Spain. Most immigrants are from neighbor states. So what recent immigrants are you talking about ?

And how is this repatriation done without mass violence ?
The Nuremberg trials in the modern day.
I don't understand what you mean. The N.Trials were held after WW2. So what do you mean "The Nuremberg trials in the modern day in the modern day"
Entire history books dedicated to the attempted mass genocide of white people and Europe that white children are required to read every 4 years.
Can you name me a country in Europe where the native white population is being run top to bottom by black people ?
Last edited:
I've gauged your lack of intelligence perfectly. It was not difficult to do it at all. My teenaged grandchildren think in a more complex manner than you are remotely capable of.

Who are these "victims" in Europe that are currently imprisoned for "having higher IQ'S"?.....Name one.

As far as internet censorship, there is not even a SINGLE European country in the top 10 of countries that are most affected by internet censorship....look it up.
No dipshit. Article 10 and 13 will make Europe the most censored continent in the world.

That hasn’t taken effect yet, and countries like Germany and Britain were already heavily censored.

Your grandchildren don’t know anything if you actually think they are intelligent.

Whites are censoring themselves if and when these laws take effect.
None of the censoring would be happening without the mass immigration that Europeans are forced to endure.

Mass immigration did not "destroy America". So why would i
I've gauged your lack of intelligence perfectly. It was not difficult to do it at all. My teenaged grandchildren think in a more complex manner than you are remotely capable of.

Who are these "victims" in Europe that are currently imprisoned for "having higher IQ'S"?.....Name one.

As far as internet censorship, there is not even a SINGLE European country in the top 10 of countries that are most affected by internet censorship....look it up.
No dipshit. Article 10 and 13 will make Europe the most censored continent in the world.

That hasn’t taken effect yet, and countries like Germany and Britain were already heavily censored.

Your grandchildren don’t know anything if you actually think they are intelligent.

I already knew that it had not taken effect yet, you dunce. I've been to Europe several times, and going again this summer.

That was my point. You are attempting to make it appear that the oppresion and discrimination is happening this very moment.

It is not even a guaranteed fact that article 10 and 13 will not be ammended before it is implemented.

As far as my grandchildren go, they will surpass you in leaps and bounds.. by the time they are in their first year of college.

So, by name, WHO is IN PRISON, IN EUROPE this very moment "for having a higher IQ"?

Name just one person and the facts surrounding their sentencing.
The oppression and discrimination have been going on in Europe for decades. Hate speech laws only affect indigenous Europeans because “hate” is interpreted to mean “racism” and “racism” is considered to be a white thing(as is the point of this very thread that you are too stupid to grasp).

Only stupid people don’t understand how fucked up Europe is and the smarter people who do try to give the government the verbal retribution that they deserve are usually arrested. Institutionalized censorship protects stupid people, and the people who are hiding behind censorship are the idiots of the European left.

You don't know WTF you're rambling about.
For the last time, name someone there who has been arrested for being "smarter" than the rest of the population as it relates to immigration,

You will not because you can't.
Mass immigration did destroy what was left of America, and America already had its identity thoroughly destroyed by the late 80s early 90s so the damage that immigration from the 3rd world did was so pronounced that even I could see it after materialism had taken its course before I was born.

European countries actually had healthy indigenous cultures as late as the mid 2000s and that is now being visibly destroyed and churches are being burned every other week, mass rapes are uncovered every year, mass shootings and bombings are happening more and more frequently by invaders and the censorship that was previously only limited to Germany has spread to the entire continent in an attempt to keep the smart people in Europe from organizing and taking power to get rid of all this shit. “Far right” is just another word for intelligent thinking white person. That is why Europe banned Jared Taylor. They can’t handle someone who went to Yale and is now using that prestige against them. None of the pushes for mass immigration or “diversity” in Europe have ever been legitimate, they have always been done by disgusting racist people who don’t have the slightest appreciation for European art and history and that is why they will no longer be able to exist once racism against white people and the demolishing of beautiful indigenous cultures in Europe is stigmatized.

On the contrary, YOU don’t know what the fuck you are talking about you pathetic media drone. You claim to go to Europe and you undoubtedly see the destruction but yet you dare to tell me that I am crazy and stupid for not believing the insidious lies that Europe tells about “no-go zones” not existing when that is just the tip of the iceberg. Don’t be surprised when your grandchildren turn against you and your cult of idiocy, denial and heartlessness either.

You are not crazy or stupid. You are clinically insane. You descend from people who mass immigrated to this country. The true identity of this country has been long destroyed. Those like you are being rejected and you will continue to be rejected. In the end, you face eternal rejection.
None of the censoring would be happening without the mass immigration that Europeans are forced to endure.
OK. So what's your solution ?

Let's say your right. There is mass immigration into Europe

What should be done about it ?
Repatriation of recent immigrants and refugees and the jailing of left wing party leaders.

The Nuremberg trials in the modern day.

Entire history books dedicated to the attempted mass genocide of white people and Europe that white children are required to read every 4 years.

There are no such history books.
Repatriation of recent immigrants and refugees and the jailing of left wing party leaders.
How recent ? 10 years ? 20 years ? 30 years ?

In the last ten years - There is a massive recent polish community in the UK. In the last ten years there is a Spanish community in the UK. In the last 20 years there is a massive Turkish community in Germany. There is massive French community in Spain. Most immigrants are from neighbor states. So what recent immigrants are you talking about ?

And how is this repatriation done without mass violence ?
The Nuremberg trials in the modern day.
I don't understand what you mean. The N.Trials were held after WW2. So what do you mean "in the modern day"
Entire history books dedicated to the attempted mass genocide of white people and Europe that white children are required to read every 4 years.
Can you name me a country in Europe where the native white population is being run top to bottom by non white people ?
I am talking about non-EU immigrants. The EU would have to be abolished to be able to kick out Spaniards, French and Polish immigrants etc from other EU member states and that would take some time to do given the damage that the EU has done to the national identity of these countries. Also there has been a French community in Spain for a very long time since they created the country of Andorra. You obviously don’t know what you are talking about. Mass immigration of any kind in Europe is only about 30 to 35 years old. Before then Sweden was basically 100% white, Britain was 96%+ white with London being 70% native British and nearly 90% white and all the other countries except France had very similar numbers. It was a totally different continent that wasn’t ashamed of its identity apart from Germany.
The violence of repatriation would be the equivalent of the “non-violence” that mass immigration caused and was implemented by. You don’t get to tell Europeans that you are going to flood their countries with violent, backward 3rd world people, punish them in brutal inhumane ways when they speak up about it, destroy their monuments and symbols to appease these people and then think you can dictate that the repairing of Europe after all that is going to be completely free from bloodshed. Left wing leaders are going to be tortured and killed for what they have done, and that includes immigrants who have now moved up the leadership ladder, thugs who are raping and killing indigenous Europeans with no repercussions are going to be exterminated like the rats that they are, and belligerence by anyone will no longer be tolerated. This will scare all but the best and most assimilated immigrants away just by itself and eventually they will either die out as the immigrant communities get smaller and smaller or they will be mixed out of Europe.
Any loon who would insist that Europe is being colonized in a way that is comparable to the invasions all over the world that Europeans inflicted on other continents is not worth wasting a word on Jethro. Your overinflated view of your own lackluster intelligence is not worth more than a laugh.

In your tiny little dysfunctional mind, the whole world is out to get you.....now you even believe that the undercover stormfronters here are as well.

Your idiocy has you reaping what you've sown.....so tough shit, Jed.

"Smarter white posters"? In all of the years that I've visited message boards, you are hands down, the dumbest freak that Ive ever seen.

Must suck to be you.
The loons are the ones who deny the colonization. Imprisoning people for having higher IQs and censoring the internet in the same way that China does doesn't mean that the deniers in Europe are right or smart. They are going to lose and then they are going to be gutted like the sick pigs that they are.

You are not even close to being smart enough to gauge intelligence.
Any loon who would insist that Europe is being colonized in a way that is comparable to the invasions all over the world that Europeans inflicted on other continents is not worth wasting a word on Jethro. Your overinflated view of your own lackluster intelligence is not worth more than a laugh.

In your tiny little dysfunctional mind, the whole world is out to get you.....now you even believe that the undercover stormfronters here are as well.

Your idiocy has you reaping what you've sown.....so tough shit, Jed.

"Smarter white posters"? In all of the years that I've visited message boards, you are hands down, the dumbest freak that Ive ever seen.

Must suck to be you.
The loons are the ones who deny the colonization. Imprisoning people for having higher IQs and censoring the internet in the same way that China does doesn't mean that the deniers in Europe are right or smart. They are going to lose and then they are going to be gutted like the sick pigs that they are.

You are not even close to being smart enough to gauge intelligence.

I've gauged your lack of intelligence perfectly. It was not difficult to do it at all. My teenaged grandchildren think in a more complex manner than you are remotely capable of.

Who are these "victims" in Europe that are currently imprisoned for "having higher IQ'S"?.....Name one.

As far as internet censorship, there is not even a SINGLE European country in the top 10 of countries that are most affected by internet censorship....look it up.
No dipshit. Article 10 and 13 will make Europe the most censored continent in the world.

That hasn’t taken effect yet, and countries like Germany and Britain were already heavily censored.

Your grandchildren don’t know anything if you actually think they are intelligent.

I already knew that it had not taken effect yet, you dunce. I've been to Europe several times, and going again this summer.

That was my point. You are attempting to make it appear that the oppresion and discrimination is happening this very moment.

It is not even a guaranteed fact that article 10 and 13 will not be ammended before it is implemented.

As far as my grandchildren go, they will surpass you in leaps and bounds.. by the time they are in their first year of college.

So, by name, WHO is IN PRISON, IN EUROPE this very moment "for having a higher IQ"?

Name just one person and the facts surrounding their sentencing.
The oppression and discrimination have been going on in Europe for decades. Hate speech laws only affect indigenous Europeans because “hate” is interpreted to mean “racism” and “racism” is considered to be a white thing(as is the point of this very thread that you are too stupid to grasp).

Only stupid people don’t understand how fucked up Europe is and the smarter people who do try to give the government the verbal retribution that they deserve are usually arrested. Institutionalized censorship protects stupid people, and the people who are hiding behind censorship are the idiots of the European left.

Only stupid people believe as you do.
No dipshit. Article 10 and 13 will make Europe the most censored continent in the world.

That hasn’t taken effect yet, and countries like Germany and Britain were already heavily censored.

Your grandchildren don’t know anything if you actually think they are intelligent.

Whites are censoring themselves if and when these laws take effect.
None of the censoring would be happening without the mass immigration that Europeans are forced to endure.

Mass immigration did not "destroy America". So why would i
No dipshit. Article 10 and 13 will make Europe the most censored continent in the world.

That hasn’t taken effect yet, and countries like Germany and Britain were already heavily censored.

Your grandchildren don’t know anything if you actually think they are intelligent.

I already knew that it had not taken effect yet, you dunce. I've been to Europe several times, and going again this summer.

That was my point. You are attempting to make it appear that the oppresion and discrimination is happening this very moment.

It is not even a guaranteed fact that article 10 and 13 will not be ammended before it is implemented.

As far as my grandchildren go, they will surpass you in leaps and bounds.. by the time they are in their first year of college.

So, by name, WHO is IN PRISON, IN EUROPE this very moment "for having a higher IQ"?

Name just one person and the facts surrounding their sentencing.
The oppression and discrimination have been going on in Europe for decades. Hate speech laws only affect indigenous Europeans because “hate” is interpreted to mean “racism” and “racism” is considered to be a white thing(as is the point of this very thread that you are too stupid to grasp).

Only stupid people don’t understand how fucked up Europe is and the smarter people who do try to give the government the verbal retribution that they deserve are usually arrested. Institutionalized censorship protects stupid people, and the people who are hiding behind censorship are the idiots of the European left.

You don't know WTF you're rambling about.
For the last time, name someone there who has been arrested for being "smarter" than the rest of the population as it relates to immigration,

You will not because you can't.
Mass immigration did destroy what was left of America, and America already had its identity thoroughly destroyed by the late 80s early 90s so the damage that immigration from the 3rd world did was so pronounced that even I could see it after materialism had taken its course before I was born.

European countries actually had healthy indigenous cultures as late as the mid 2000s and that is now being visibly destroyed and churches are being burned every other week, mass rapes are uncovered every year, mass shootings and bombings are happening more and more frequently by invaders and the censorship that was previously only limited to Germany has spread to the entire continent in an attempt to keep the smart people in Europe from organizing and taking power to get rid of all this shit. “Far right” is just another word for intelligent thinking white person. That is why Europe banned Jared Taylor. They can’t handle someone who went to Yale and is now using that prestige against them. None of the pushes for mass immigration or “diversity” in Europe have ever been legitimate, they have always been done by disgusting racist people who don’t have the slightest appreciation for European art and history and that is why they will no longer be able to exist once racism against white people and the demolishing of beautiful indigenous cultures in Europe is stigmatized.

On the contrary, YOU don’t know what the fuck you are talking about you pathetic media drone. You claim to go to Europe and you undoubtedly see the destruction but yet you dare to tell me that I am crazy and stupid for not believing the insidious lies that Europe tells about “no-go zones” not existing when that is just the tip of the iceberg. Don’t be surprised when your grandchildren turn against you and your cult of idiocy, denial and heartlessness either.

You are not crazy or stupid. You are clinically insane. You descend from people who mass immigrated to this country. The true identity of this country has been long destroyed. Those like you are being rejected and you will continue to be rejected. In the end, you face eternal rejection.

Funny, that rejects the concepts of diversity and multiculturalism.
None of the censoring would be happening without the mass immigration that Europeans are forced to endure.
OK. So what's your solution ?

Let's say your right. There is mass immigration into Europe

What should be done about it ?
Repatriation of recent immigrants and refugees and the jailing of left wing party leaders.

The Nuremberg trials in the modern day.

Entire history books dedicated to the attempted mass genocide of white people and Europe that white children are required to read every 4 years.

There are no such history books.
There will be, idiot.

All of this “diversity” and “tolerance” will be exposed for the evil it was and is.
Repatriation of recent immigrants and refugees and the jailing of left wing party leaders.
How recent ? 10 years ? 20 years ? 30 years ?

In the last ten years - There is a massive recent polish community in the UK. In the last ten years there is a Spanish community in the UK. In the last 20 years there is a massive Turkish community in Germany. There is massive French community in Spain. Most immigrants are from neighbor states. So what recent immigrants are you talking about ?

And how is this repatriation done without mass violence ?
The Nuremberg trials in the modern day.
I don't understand what you mean. The N.Trials were held after WW2. So what do you mean "in the modern day"
Entire history books dedicated to the attempted mass genocide of white people and Europe that white children are required to read every 4 years.
Can you name me a country in Europe where the native white population is being run top to bottom by non white people ?
I am talking about non-EU immigrants. The EU would have to be abolished to be able to kick out Spaniards, French and Polish immigrants etc from other EU member states and that would take some time to do given the damage that the EU has done to the national identity of these countries. Also there has been a French community in Spain for a very long time since they created the country of Andorra. You obviously don’t know what you are talking about. Mass immigration of any kind in Europe is only about 30 to 35 years old. Before then Sweden was basically 100% white, Britain was 96%+ white with London being 70% native British and nearly 90% white and all the other countries except France had very similar numbers. It was a totally different continent that wasn’t ashamed of its identity apart from Germany.
The violence of repatriation would be the equivalent of the “non-violence” that mass immigration caused and was implemented by. You don’t get to tell Europeans that you are going to flood their countries with violent, backward 3rd world people, punish them in brutal inhumane ways when they speak up about it, destroy their monuments and symbols to appease these people and then think you can dictate that the repairing of Europe after all that is going to be completely free from bloodshed. Left wing leaders are going to be tortured and killed for what they have done, and that includes immigrants who have now moved up the leadership ladder, thugs who are raping and killing indigenous Europeans with no repercussions are going to be exterminated like the rats that they are, and belligerence by anyone will no longer be tolerated. This will scare all but the best and most assimilated immigrants away just by itself and eventually they will either die out as the immigrant communities get smaller and smaller or they will be mixed out of Europe.

The Spaniards, Polish and French are "indigenous Europeans" idiot.
No dipshit. Article 10 and 13 will make Europe the most censored continent in the world.

That hasn’t taken effect yet, and countries like Germany and Britain were already heavily censored.

Your grandchildren don’t know anything if you actually think they are intelligent.

Whites are censoring themselves if and when these laws take effect.
None of the censoring would be happening without the mass immigration that Europeans are forced to endure.

Mass immigration did not "destroy America". So why would i
No dipshit. Article 10 and 13 will make Europe the most censored continent in the world.

That hasn’t taken effect yet, and countries like Germany and Britain were already heavily censored.

Your grandchildren don’t know anything if you actually think they are intelligent.

I already knew that it had not taken effect yet, you dunce. I've been to Europe several times, and going again this summer.

That was my point. You are attempting to make it appear that the oppresion and discrimination is happening this very moment.

It is not even a guaranteed fact that article 10 and 13 will not be ammended before it is implemented.

As far as my grandchildren go, they will surpass you in leaps and bounds.. by the time they are in their first year of college.

So, by name, WHO is IN PRISON, IN EUROPE this very moment "for having a higher IQ"?

Name just one person and the facts surrounding their sentencing.
The oppression and discrimination have been going on in Europe for decades. Hate speech laws only affect indigenous Europeans because “hate” is interpreted to mean “racism” and “racism” is considered to be a white thing(as is the point of this very thread that you are too stupid to grasp).

Only stupid people don’t understand how fucked up Europe is and the smarter people who do try to give the government the verbal retribution that they deserve are usually arrested. Institutionalized censorship protects stupid people, and the people who are hiding behind censorship are the idiots of the European left.

You don't know WTF you're rambling about.
For the last time, name someone there who has been arrested for being "smarter" than the rest of the population as it relates to immigration,

You will not because you can't.
Mass immigration did destroy what was left of America, and America already had its identity thoroughly destroyed by the late 80s early 90s so the damage that immigration from the 3rd world did was so pronounced that even I could see it after materialism had taken its course before I was born.

European countries actually had healthy indigenous cultures as late as the mid 2000s and that is now being visibly destroyed and churches are being burned every other week, mass rapes are uncovered every year, mass shootings and bombings are happening more and more frequently by invaders and the censorship that was previously only limited to Germany has spread to the entire continent in an attempt to keep the smart people in Europe from organizing and taking power to get rid of all this shit. “Far right” is just another word for intelligent thinking white person. That is why Europe banned Jared Taylor. They can’t handle someone who went to Yale and is now using that prestige against them. None of the pushes for mass immigration or “diversity” in Europe have ever been legitimate, they have always been done by disgusting racist people who don’t have the slightest appreciation for European art and history and that is why they will no longer be able to exist once racism against white people and the demolishing of beautiful indigenous cultures in Europe is stigmatized.

On the contrary, YOU don’t know what the fuck you are talking about you pathetic media drone. You claim to go to Europe and you undoubtedly see the destruction but yet you dare to tell me that I am crazy and stupid for not believing the insidious lies that Europe tells about “no-go zones” not existing when that is just the tip of the iceberg. Don’t be surprised when your grandchildren turn against you and your cult of idiocy, denial and heartlessness either.

You are not crazy or stupid. You are clinically insane. You descend from people who mass immigrated to this country. The true identity of this country has been long destroyed. Those like you are being rejected and you will continue to be rejected. In the end, you face eternal rejection.
People like me are actually being more and more RESPECTED, not rejected.

Especially in my generation.
None of the censoring would be happening without the mass immigration that Europeans are forced to endure.
OK. So what's your solution ?

Let's say your right. There is mass immigration into Europe

What should be done about it ?
Repatriation of recent immigrants and refugees and the jailing of left wing party leaders.

The Nuremberg trials in the modern day.

Entire history books dedicated to the attempted mass genocide of white people and Europe that white children are required to read every 4 years.

There are no such history books.
There will be, idiot.

All of this “diversity” and “tolerance” will be exposed for the evil it was and is.

No, that's not going to happen. You would be wise to change your tune boy as whites are soon to become a minority in America. Worldwide you already are. So it might be wise for you to shut this white revolution shit up.
Repatriation of recent immigrants and refugees and the jailing of left wing party leaders.
How recent ? 10 years ? 20 years ? 30 years ?

In the last ten years - There is a massive recent polish community in the UK. In the last ten years there is a Spanish community in the UK. In the last 20 years there is a massive Turkish community in Germany. There is massive French community in Spain. Most immigrants are from neighbor states. So what recent immigrants are you talking about ?

And how is this repatriation done without mass violence ?
The Nuremberg trials in the modern day.
I don't understand what you mean. The N.Trials were held after WW2. So what do you mean "in the modern day"
Entire history books dedicated to the attempted mass genocide of white people and Europe that white children are required to read every 4 years.
Can you name me a country in Europe where the native white population is being run top to bottom by non white people ?
I am talking about non-EU immigrants. The EU would have to be abolished to be able to kick out Spaniards, French and Polish immigrants etc from other EU member states and that would take some time to do given the damage that the EU has done to the national identity of these countries. Also there has been a French community in Spain for a very long time since they created the country of Andorra. You obviously don’t know what you are talking about. Mass immigration of any kind in Europe is only about 30 to 35 years old. Before then Sweden was basically 100% white, Britain was 96%+ white with London being 70% native British and nearly 90% white and all the other countries except France had very similar numbers. It was a totally different continent that wasn’t ashamed of its identity apart from Germany.
The violence of repatriation would be the equivalent of the “non-violence” that mass immigration caused and was implemented by. You don’t get to tell Europeans that you are going to flood their countries with violent, backward 3rd world people, punish them in brutal inhumane ways when they speak up about it, destroy their monuments and symbols to appease these people and then think you can dictate that the repairing of Europe after all that is going to be completely free from bloodshed. Left wing leaders are going to be tortured and killed for what they have done, and that includes immigrants who have now moved up the leadership ladder, thugs who are raping and killing indigenous Europeans with no repercussions are going to be exterminated like the rats that they are, and belligerence by anyone will no longer be tolerated. This will scare all but the best and most assimilated immigrants away just by itself and eventually they will either die out as the immigrant communities get smaller and smaller or they will be mixed out of Europe.

The Spaniards, Polish and French are "indigenous Europeans" idiot.

The Spaniards, Polish and French aren’t the ones generally raping and killing Swedes, Germans, British Austrians etc, but the few that do will be destroyed as well.
None of the censoring would be happening without the mass immigration that Europeans are forced to endure.
OK. So what's your solution ?

Let's say your right. There is mass immigration into Europe

What should be done about it ?
Repatriation of recent immigrants and refugees and the jailing of left wing party leaders.

The Nuremberg trials in the modern day.

Entire history books dedicated to the attempted mass genocide of white people and Europe that white children are required to read every 4 years.

There are no such history books.
There will be, idiot.

All of this “diversity” and “tolerance” will be exposed for the evil it was and is.

No, that's not going to happen. You would be wise to change your tune boy as whites are soon to become a minority in America. Worldwide you already are. So it might be wise for you to shut this white revolution shit up.

Why? You going to be nice to whites if he does?
Whites are censoring themselves if and when these laws take effect.
None of the censoring would be happening without the mass immigration that Europeans are forced to endure.

Mass immigration did not "destroy America". So why would i
I already knew that it had not taken effect yet, you dunce. I've been to Europe several times, and going again this summer.

That was my point. You are attempting to make it appear that the oppresion and discrimination is happening this very moment.

It is not even a guaranteed fact that article 10 and 13 will not be ammended before it is implemented.

As far as my grandchildren go, they will surpass you in leaps and bounds.. by the time they are in their first year of college.

So, by name, WHO is IN PRISON, IN EUROPE this very moment "for having a higher IQ"?

Name just one person and the facts surrounding their sentencing.
The oppression and discrimination have been going on in Europe for decades. Hate speech laws only affect indigenous Europeans because “hate” is interpreted to mean “racism” and “racism” is considered to be a white thing(as is the point of this very thread that you are too stupid to grasp).

Only stupid people don’t understand how fucked up Europe is and the smarter people who do try to give the government the verbal retribution that they deserve are usually arrested. Institutionalized censorship protects stupid people, and the people who are hiding behind censorship are the idiots of the European left.

You don't know WTF you're rambling about.
For the last time, name someone there who has been arrested for being "smarter" than the rest of the population as it relates to immigration,

You will not because you can't.
Mass immigration did destroy what was left of America, and America already had its identity thoroughly destroyed by the late 80s early 90s so the damage that immigration from the 3rd world did was so pronounced that even I could see it after materialism had taken its course before I was born.

European countries actually had healthy indigenous cultures as late as the mid 2000s and that is now being visibly destroyed and churches are being burned every other week, mass rapes are uncovered every year, mass shootings and bombings are happening more and more frequently by invaders and the censorship that was previously only limited to Germany has spread to the entire continent in an attempt to keep the smart people in Europe from organizing and taking power to get rid of all this shit. “Far right” is just another word for intelligent thinking white person. That is why Europe banned Jared Taylor. They can’t handle someone who went to Yale and is now using that prestige against them. None of the pushes for mass immigration or “diversity” in Europe have ever been legitimate, they have always been done by disgusting racist people who don’t have the slightest appreciation for European art and history and that is why they will no longer be able to exist once racism against white people and the demolishing of beautiful indigenous cultures in Europe is stigmatized.

On the contrary, YOU don’t know what the fuck you are talking about you pathetic media drone. You claim to go to Europe and you undoubtedly see the destruction but yet you dare to tell me that I am crazy and stupid for not believing the insidious lies that Europe tells about “no-go zones” not existing when that is just the tip of the iceberg. Don’t be surprised when your grandchildren turn against you and your cult of idiocy, denial and heartlessness either.

You are not crazy or stupid. You are clinically insane. You descend from people who mass immigrated to this country. The true identity of this country has been long destroyed. Those like you are being rejected and you will continue to be rejected. In the end, you face eternal rejection.
People like me are actually being more and more RESPECTED, not rejected.

Especially in my generation.

No you aren't. Boy, I'm living in todays world just like you are. Those like you are rejected. And your racism is so severely opposed by other whites that pussies like you are crying about anti white racism.

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