What Blue Wave?

The media, in it's echo chamber, has tried to convince American that a blue wave is imminent. I saw cuck Scarborough declaring that the GOP was headed for the biggest loss in history and Republicans would be out of office for a generation. Then I found this fro 538:

On Tuesday, we’ll get a taste of whether Democrats’ electoral advantage on paper will hold up in practice, as California and Wisconsin hold special elections for two vacant congressional seats. The main event is in the California 25th Congressional District, a bellwether seat in the north Los Angeles suburbs, where both parties see a chance to add to their ranks in the House. But if Democrats are also competitive in the quickly reddening, rural Wisconsin 7th Congressional District, it could signal another blue wave in the fall.

Ah, so sorry.
Wisconsin GOP 57.2/Blue Wave 42.6
CA GOP 56 Blue Wave 44
Mail in votes still need to be counted in the CA special election.

"President Donald Trump is not popular in the district — one recent internal Democratic survey found his favorability ratings underwater by double digits — but he has still inserted himself into the race. He endorsed Garcia via Twitter and then waded into partisan bickering over the last-minute opening of an in-person voting station in a Democratic-leaning area of the district."

"Even if she loses the race, Smith will still face Garcia in a November rematch. Party strategists insist that will be an easier climb because Democratic voters will turn out for the presidential race."

Mail in vote = democrat Fraud
You are ignoring the vote harvesting that the DNC used to win those elections. Solidly republican districts don't suddenly change without help.

First of all, ballot harvesting is not illegal (I'm on the fence whether it should be) and the only proven fraud that occurred as a result of it was actually by the Republicans in North Carolina. That election was nullified by a judge and they had to hold a new one.

Second, Orange County is not solidly Republican anymore. It has been trending more Democratic over the years. Hillary won the county in 2016 and the Congressional districts are only marginally Republican leaning these days, if not dead even. In fact, Orange County now has more registered Democrats than Republicans for the first time ever.

It's illegal in almost every state but California.
Red Tsunami.

A republican just won in California of all places. California!!!

Yeah, a seat until 2019 they had for over 20 years already. While it is the first seat they have managed to win back after losing since the 90's it's still not THAT surprising. The entire state isn't full of far left wingers. There are pockets of conservatism, even in LA County.
The 25th District runs from Ventura to San Bernardino Counties and is mostly white (40% +) but the voters are not all conservative.
First of all, ballot harvesting is not illegal (I'm on the fence whether it should be) and the only proven fraud that occurred as a result of it was actually by the Republicans in North Carolina. That election was nullified by a judge and they had to hold a new one.
It's illegal in almost every state but California.

There are legitimate concerns with it.
Red Tsunami.

A republican just won in California of all places. California!!!

Yeah, a seat until 2019 they had for over 20 years already. While it is the first seat they have managed to win back after losing since the 90's it's still not THAT surprising. The entire state isn't full of far left wingers. There are pockets of conservatism, even in LA County.
The 25th District runs from Ventura to San Bernardino Counties and is mostly white (40% +) but the voters are not all conservative.

Most of the district lies in northern LA County (Santa Clarita, Lancaster, Palmdale). Only about 25% is in Ventura County, mainly in and around Simi Valley.
Red Tsunami.

A republican just won in California of all places. California!!!

Yeah, a seat until 2019 they had for over 20 years already. While it is the first seat they have managed to win back after losing since the 90's it's still not THAT surprising. The entire state isn't full of far left wingers. There are pockets of conservatism, even in LA County.
The 25th District runs from Ventura to San Bernardino Counties and is mostly white (40% +) but the voters are not all conservative.

Most of the district lies in northern LA County (Santa Clarita, Lancaster, Palmdale). Only about 25% is in Ventura County, mainly in and around Simi Valley.

I love this white = conservative, but race doesn't matter and is a social construct. According to some people that is...
Red Tsunami.

A republican just won in California of all places. California!!!

Yeah, a seat until 2019 they had for over 20 years already. While it is the first seat they have managed to win back after losing since the 90's it's still not THAT surprising. The entire state isn't full of far left wingers. There are pockets of conservatism, even in LA County.
The 25th District runs from Ventura to San Bernardino Counties and is mostly white (40% +) but the voters are not all conservative.

Most of the district lies in northern LA County (Santa Clarita, Lancaster, Palmdale). Only about 25% is in Ventura County, mainly in and around Simi Valley.
This special election really doesn't mean much. The November election will.

A special election to the United States House of Representatives for California's 25th congressional district was held following Katie Hill's resignation on November 3, 2019.[1] The primary was held on March 3, 2020, coinciding with Super Tuesday. Since no candidate received more than 50% of the primary vote, the top two finishers, Democrat Christy Smith and Republican Mike Garcia, advanced to a runoff election held on May 12, 2020. The winner of the special election will finish the remaining balance of Hill's term in the 116th Congress. A separate primary and general election on March 3, 2020 and on November 3, 2020 respectively will determine the representative for the 117th Congress.

Red Tsunami.

A republican just won in California of all places. California!!!

Yeah, a seat until 2019 they had for over 20 years already. While it is the first seat they have managed to win back after losing since the 90's it's still not THAT surprising. The entire state isn't full of far left wingers. There are pockets of conservatism, even in LA County.
The 25th District runs from Ventura to San Bernardino Counties and is mostly white (40% +) but the voters are not all conservative.

No, but they are the majority.
Mail in votes still need to be counted in the CA special election.

It's highly unlikely she will make up an 18k vote deficit. There isn't even enough alleged fraud ( I don't buy into that, but that's what the Trump Tards like to claim) to alter that result. Garcia will be the victor.
Look at the asshat with leftist talking points.
Voter fraud has been an issue for decades. How long has Trump been president?

Fucking idiot
Mail in votes still need to be counted in the CA special election.

It's highly unlikely she will make up an 18k vote deficit. There isn't even enough alleged fraud ( I don't buy into that, but that's what the Trump Tards like to claim) to alter that result. Garcia will be the victor.
Look at the asshat with leftist talking points.
Voter fraud has been an issue for decades. How long has Trump been president?

Fucking idiot
Trump bitched about fraud in an election he knows nothing about. FOS is his name.
Mail in votes still need to be counted in the CA special election.

It's highly unlikely she will make up an 18k vote deficit. There isn't even enough alleged fraud ( I don't buy into that, but that's what the Trump Tards like to claim) to alter that result. Garcia will be the victor.
Look at the asshat with leftist talking points.
Voter fraud has been an issue for decades. How long has Trump been president?

Fucking idiot
Trump bitched about fraud in an election he knows nothing about. FOS is his name.
The moron was talking about THIS BOARDS MEMBERS.
Like you, his tds has control of his brain.
Mail in votes still need to be counted in the CA special election.

It's highly unlikely she will make up an 18k vote deficit. There isn't even enough alleged fraud ( I don't buy into that, but that's what the Trump Tards like to claim) to alter that result. Garcia will be the victor.
Look at the asshat with leftist talking points.
Voter fraud has been an issue for decades. How long has Trump been president?

Fucking idiot
Trump bitched about fraud in an election he knows nothing about. FOS is his name.
The moron was talking about THIS BOARDS MEMBERS.
Like you, his tds has control of his brain.
OK, whatever. I was talking to you.
Mail in votes still need to be counted in the CA special election.

It's highly unlikely she will make up an 18k vote deficit. There isn't even enough alleged fraud ( I don't buy into that, but that's what the Trump Tards like to claim) to alter that result. Garcia will be the victor.
Look at the asshat with leftist talking points.
Voter fraud has been an issue for decades. How long has Trump been president?

Fucking idiot
Trump bitched about fraud in an election he knows nothing about. FOS is his name.
The moron was talking about THIS BOARDS MEMBERS.
Like you, his tds has control of his brain.
OK, whatever. I was talking to you.
You jumped into a convo and disregarded the point of it to?
Voter fraud has been an issue for decades. How long has Trump been president?

Very little voter fraud goes on. The rampant occurrence of it is a conservative conspiracy theory.
Voter fraud exists. And it is huge and much of it in poorer areas and/or areas controlled by Prog zealots. What part of the 95% of everything politically as hate towards non progs done by Progs in medical/teachers/professors/etc/etc/etc/etc. do you not see? That is just the start.
Idiot we saw what happened in 2018 mdterms so we know what's coming.

You did not see Republicans winning back Democratic held seats leading up to the 2018 midterms. In fact, you saw the opposite. You saw Democrats winning Republican held seats (Pennsylvania) or coming within razor thin margins of winning fairly reliable Republican seats (Ohio, Georgia).

Special elections have traditionally been good indicators of how the general will go. Leading up to the 2006 blue wave the Republicans began losing special elections in deep red districts in the south (Louisiana, Mississippi) as well as state legislative seats. In 2010, the opposite happened where they started winning Democratic seats (Massachusetts) and Republicans gained 62 House seats that year.

Whether or not the result of yesterday's elections mean anything remains to be seen, but it's certainly not bad news for Trump. I assure you, had the Democrats held CA-25 this would be branded as an ominous sign for the Trump campaign by the media and it would be a much bigger story. I wonder how much Newsom's shut down order may have played a role in this, if any. I know Garcia made that an issue in his campaign. There are a lot of Hispanic small business owners who are getting screwed right now.
So a seat previously held by a Republican went to a Republican?

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