What Caused This? Mankind?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Why not? I've read where some are blaming humans for the increase in volcanic eruptions. Anyhow, read more about this @ Mysterious Ash Covers Parts of Washington and Oregon
Interesting story. Do I believe they don't know where it is coming from? No. I believe they are delaying the rest of us from finding out where it is coming from.
It is no mystery as to where the ash came from, or at least to rule out any volcano. I am sure there is a bit of radiation with a specific half-like. Measure the half-life and compare with a sample from a Volcano.

I am sure this has been done. Most likely they could do a simpler test. The composition of even ash will be very specific, a simple analysis of a sample is all that is needed.

But, without a mystery there is no story. Some will think AGW, but not if there is no Mystery.
I appreciate your posting the story, Longknife. I had not heard about it. It is a very interesting report. Thank you for taking the time to post it.
Damn -- it's been decades since I've partied so hard that I woke up the next morning with some unidentified piece of ash.
This is highly important stuff, on account of neither Washington nor Oregon possesses Podunk labs with spectrographs worth a few grand that'd tell you exactly what this is. Down here in the desert we call it dust. They call it "The most horriblest, most terriblest warmie disaster whatever plagued the universe" in liberal pukeholes like Oregon and Washington.

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