What Changes Could CNN Make To Get You To Watch?

Mad Scientist

Feels Good!
Sep 15, 2008
CNN fired it's President Jon Klein and will begin "restructuring" it's lineup in hopes of bring in (and bringing back) viewers.

What can CNN do to make you watch them again? What hosts could they bring in to get you to tune in? Who should they throw out? Lou Dobbs used to be CNNs' top ratings getter but he got canned (of course). My picks:

1. Lou Dobbs
2. Tammy Bruce
3. Michael Savage

Airwolf reruns.

CNN fired it's President Jon Klein and will begin "restructuring" it's lineup in hopes of bring in (and bringing back) viewers.

What can CNN do to make you watch them again? What hosts could they bring in to get you to tune in? Who should they throw out? Lou Dobbs used to be CNNs' top ratings getter but he got canned (of course). My picks:

1. Lou Dobbs
2. Tammy Bruce
3. Michael Savage


Work to lose the image many people hold of them as being nothing more than another left wing propaganda machine.
CNN fired it's President Jon Klein and will begin "restructuring" it's lineup in hopes of bring in (and bringing back) viewers.

What can CNN do to make you watch them again? What hosts could they bring in to get you to tune in? Who should they throw out? Lou Dobbs used to be CNNs' top ratings getter but he got canned (of course). My picks:

1. Lou Dobbs
2. Tammy Bruce
3. Michael Savage


They could start calling themselves fair and balanced while presenting an entirely biased platform with a token opposition viewpoint, while shamelessly donating big bucks the political movements just so they could make news about them. They could become Fox News.:lol:
Tell the truth. Fire all the screamers/talking heads. Stop wringing hands over their favorite "causes" and just cover the fucking news.
savage would not last 2 segments...

anyway, I don't watch news for personalities. The issue I see it with all of them is, they each cover and don't cover what their subjective political slants tell them to or not. Fox covers things CNN doesn't, and vice versa. And of course when they each cover the same issue well, theres dueling delivery slants.

strictly speaking for commentary etc. I like tammy bruce, lou dobss is okay, never watched him much, bernie goldberg is very good,....
CNN fired it's President Jon Klein and will begin "restructuring" it's lineup in hopes of bring in (and bringing back) viewers.

What can CNN do to make you watch them again? What hosts could they bring in to get you to tune in? Who should they throw out? Lou Dobbs used to be CNNs' top ratings getter but he got canned (of course). My picks:

1. Lou Dobbs
2. Tammy Bruce
3. Michael Savage


They could start calling themselves fair and balanced while presenting an entirely biased platform with a token opposition viewpoint, while shamelessly donating big bucks the political movements just so they could make news about them. They could become Fox News.:lol:

of course cnn doesn't do same...please. :rolleyes:
What Changes Could CNN Make To Get You To Watch?

show Scifi movies 24 hours a day.

with maybe some womens vollyball every now and again.
I think there's a market for a real news show (mebbe not a 24 channel, but they could do up historical pieces or investigative reports, etc.). I think people are fed up running from pillar to post to get "the whole story".

99% less fluff and bullshit and a whole lot more hard news.
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I don't care about Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, or any other so-called celebrity. There are all kinds of things happening all over the world that we NEVER hear about unless you really work hard to get international news. So many Americans are completely ignorant of the rest of the world, except a very limited and skewed glimpse provided in a 2 minute spot on the news now & then when there isn't enough salacious gossip to spew in the guise of "news". Perhaps if we had a better understanding of the world and our place in it, we could make form more educated and realistic opinions about public policy - foreign and domestic.

99% less fluff and bullshit and a whole lot more hard news.
I've come to realize CNN is the only News Channel that actually sometimes makes the effort to be "Fair".

That doesn't mean always, but I'd take CNN over Fox and MSNBC any day of the week.

I've always liked their Special Coverage in another country, for example when Anderson Cooper goes to the Amazon.
They would have to pay for my cable or satellite dish, so I can get their channel.
What Changes Could CNN Make To Get You To Watch?
Show more real news and less crap about the latest celbritard/pro athlete run-in with the law and/or trip to rehab.

Lose Larry King.

Hire some more attractive wimmins as news & weather anchors...I hear Molly Falconer and Hillary Andrews are free these days.
I've come to realize CNN is the only News Channel that actually sometimes makes the effort to be "Fair".

That doesn't mean always, but I'd take CNN over Fox and MSNBC any day of the week.

I've always liked their Special Coverage in another country, for example when Anderson Cooper goes to the Amazon.

How long have you been watching cnn?
I was over CNN when Anderson Cooper went to Haiti, decided I hadn't donated enough, and spent hour after hour telling me I was murdering kids. BTW, anyone noticed CNN has not has fuck-all to say about the flood victims in Pakistan? Has stopped covering the oil spill?
What could CNN do to get me to watch them again?

Get rid of that fucked up cotton topped gaywad ex CIA asshole Anderson Cooper and keep Kathy Griffith off of their New Year's broadcast.

Get rid of that asshole Rick Sanchez and send his stupid ass elsewhere (back to Mexico would be nice).

Kick Soledad O'Brien off the air as well and send her packing to Africa.

Tell that idiot preacher that shows up on their channel as an "expert" (Roland Martin) and replace him with someone who actually knows about religion rather than black ideology.

Find some actual news anchors who will report the facts and nothing more, and leave the fucking color out of their broadcasts.

But...........they won't do that, so I'm not going to ever watch them again until they do. I started to sour on CNN when they hired Beck and then saw Lou Dobbs go over the right wing fringe fence.

Face it...........CNN was good when they started, but now they've tried to go celebrity HollyWeird.

Fuck CNN.

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