What corporation would consider an individual facing 91 felony indictments or a person in their 80's for their top leadership position?



81M voted for Biden
If Trump runs again it will be close to 100M for Biden and perhaps 45M for Trump.

Now I could be wrong. You could be including a few hundred million Putin loving Russians in your count as "Americans" which, given the MAGA loyalties, is not beyond question.

Fake ballots don't count. Dumbass.
Everyone charged with a crime, claims they are being screwed by the justice department. A jury of your peers will determine if you are guilty of a crime.
Trump will be able defend himself against the 91 accusations of a felony. The decision of whether the justice department was correct in their accusations against Trump will be determined by a jury of his peers, not the justice department.

Learn how our justice system works so you don't sound so clueless in defending your cult leader.
Dumbass, the "Justice" Dept has been caught red handed doing illegal things. Obama weaponized it and many

of the bureaus.

^Guess who was behind that? Jack Smith. :rolleyes-41:
What corporation, either for profit or nonprofit, would consider an individual facing 91 felony indictments or a person in their 80's for their top leadership position?
No corporation would consider either a person facing 91 felony indictments or an individual in their 80's for their top leadership position.
How could they justify either one to be the best person to lead the corporation.
No large corporation is a cult. If a CEO were caught breaking laws, especially felonies, they're out.

In a cult, all the cultists sprint to the blind devotional defense of their adored leader and blame everything on anyone holding him accountable.
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What corporation, either for profit or nonprofit, would consider an individual facing 91 felony indictments or a person in their 80's for their top leadership position?
No corporation would consider either a person facing 91 felony indictments or an individual in their 80's for their top leadership position.
How could they justify either one to be the best person to lead the corporation.
Since every single indictment is pure political grandstanding with no substance behind them, I would think most corporations would not want a lot of Donald Trumps on staff, but would be thrilled to have his insight, instincts, skill set, vision for as long as those were available to him.
Fake ballots don't count. Dumbass.
They didn't.
EVEN when Republicans submitted them.

And Republican voter fraud accounted for 100% of voter fraud in 2020.


Look at the dumbass can't even remember her own lies.

Right, just like the 5,000 other times you folks were going to take down Trump. Good luck with that.

Members of the Trump Cult truly are too stupid to be one person. Trump couldn't be indicted until after he left office, and Bill Barr ordered all investigations of the President, his companies or his family, shut down when he took over the DOJ.

Had Trump conceded the election and participated in a peaceful transition of power, turning over all of his Presidential records as required, and retired quietly to Florida, he wouldn't be under indictment right now.

I'm hearing that Trump's PAC is nearly broke and they're not paying the legal fees for ALL of the co-conspirators, many of whom are lawyers that Trump stiffed on his legal fees for aiding and abetting him on his attempt to overthrow the election. Now he's refusing to pay their legal fees as defendants in the Georgia case.

I predict there's going to be a line up of co-defendants outside Fani Willis' office door wanting to play "Let's Make A Deal"!!

Last but not least, there is a movement among senior Republicans to invoke the 14th Amendment to legally bar Donald Trump from running for President - EVER again. It's on solid Constitutional grounds too.

Trump is done like dinner.
Since every single indictment is pure political grandstanding with no substance behind them, I would think most corporations would not want a lot of Donald Trumps on staff, but would be thrilled to have his insight, instincts, skill set, vision for as long as those were available to him.

Every single indictment is on solid legal and constitutional grounds, with a mountain of evidence and witnesses to support the charges. Trump has gone on national television and admitted to committing these crimes, and then told you they're not crimes at all. He's lying.

No corporation wants Trump's instincts or skill set. He's been an abject failure as a businesssman all of his adult life. He has lost more money and bankrupted more companies than any other American in history. But he plays a successful billionaire on television. It's an act, by a game show host.

Trump has famously said that he never prepares for negotiating sessions or meetings, that he just reads the room when he sits down and trusts his instincts. The same instincts that lead to 7 business bankruptcies, and over $1 billion in business losses, just in the 1980's.

Every single indictment is on solid legal and constitutional grounds, with a mountain of evidence and witnesses to support the charges. Trump has gone on national television and admitted to committing these crimes, and then told you they're not crimes at all. He's lying.

No corporation wants Trump's instincts or skill set. He's been an abject failure as a businesssman all of his adult life. He has lost more money and bankrupted more companies than any other American in history. But he plays a successful billionaire on television. It's an act, by a game show host.

Trump has famously said that he never prepares for negotiating sessions or meetings, that he just reads the room when he sits down and trusts his instincts. The same instincts that lead to 7 business bankruptcies, and over $1 billion in business losses, just in the 1980's.

Nice recitation of what we honestly believe are assigned talking points. We'll just have to disagree. Do have a great day though.
Adam Schiff did deliver evidence. The only "pack of lies", was Bill Barr's Summary saying Bob Mueller's Report exonerated Donald Trump of any involvement with the Russians. Mueller wrote a public letter repudiating Barr's Summary as a lie.

Bullshit. All that fucking pedophile did was spew lies.

Like you.
What corporation, either for profit or nonprofit, would consider an individual facing 91 felony indictments or a person in their 80's for their top leadership position?
No corporation would consider either a person facing 91 felony indictments or an individual in their 80's for their top leadership position.
How could they justify either one to be the best person to lead the corporation.
/——-/ Stupid analogy. But, that’s par for the course for you.
Well, that let's out both Trump and Biden. Sounds like a plan.
DeSanits is in the wings and he has done a great job in Florida. One nice thing about DeSantis is that his ego has much smaller than Trump’s and he is far less obnoxious.

Of course I will vote for Trump again if he is the Republican candidate. Biden is not mentally sharp enough to hold what might be the toughest job in the world. Kamala Harris seems to be only good at giggling and if she was in charge of our nation for four years we would be the laughing stock of the world.

I do have a little interest in RFK Jr. I really don’t know enough about him at this time to say if he might make a good President. California Governor Gavin Newsom seems to be popular with Democrats but California is sliding downhill rapidly.
What corporation, either for profit or nonprofit, would consider an individual facing 91 felony indictments or a person in their 80's for their top leadership position?
No corporation would consider either a person facing 91 felony indictments or an individual in their 80's for their top leadership position.
How could they justify either one to be the best person to lead the corporation.
All the indictments are crap. If the guy got those on him for his love of America, by a bunch of American hating people like yourself. I would welcome him with open arms.
All the indictments are crap. If the guy got those on him for his love of America, by a bunch of American hating people like yourself. I would welcome him with open arms.
Here’s Trump preparing his defense.

You have to be kidding.
For the first 234 years of the nation’s history, no American president or former president had ever been indicted. That changed this year. Former President Donald Trump has been charged in four criminal cases over a four-and-a-half-month span. In New York, he faces 34 felony counts in connection with hush money payments to a porn star. In Florida, he faces 40 felony counts for hoarding classified documents and impeding efforts to retrieve them. In Washington, D.C., he faces four felony counts for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. And in Georgia, he faces 13 felony counts for his election interference in that state.

One has never had election obviously stolen from them either.
What corporation, either for profit or nonprofit, would consider an individual facing 91 felony indictments or a person in their 80's for their top leadership position?
No corporation would consider either a person facing 91 felony indictments or an individual in their 80's for their top leadership position.
How could they justify either one to be the best person to lead the corporation.

By that logic, you could just eliminate your competition every time by simply slapping them with a bunch of indictments.

Likewise, would Joe Biden look any better or more competent to you if he was 10 or 20 years younger?

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