What corporation would consider an individual facing 91 felony indictments or a person in their 80's for their top leadership position?

What corporation, either for profit or nonprofit, would consider an individual facing 91 felony indictments or a person in their 80's for their top leadership position?
No corporation would consider either a person facing 91 felony indictments or an individual in their 80's for their top leadership position.
How could they justify either one to be the best person to lead the corporation.
I think Biden’s mental acuity is a genuine concern but the man deserves re-election because of all his legislative accomplishments.
The Trump Foundation
Trump Holdings
and, of course
True but they are all LLCs or S corps so they do not have to answer to an independent board. The board is all family and yes people. The kind of people Trump surrounds himself with.
What corporation, either for profit or nonprofit, would consider an individual facing 91 felony indictments or a person in their 80's for their top leadership position?
No corporation would consider either a person facing 91 felony indictments or an individual in their 80's for their top leadership position.
How could they justify either one to be the best person to lead the corporation.

The Hells Angels.
Right, just like the 5,000 other times you folks were going to take down Trump. Good luck with that.
We are not going to give up until it happens. More people are joining the cause everyday. Many Republicans and independents.
You were talking about a corporation in your thread and not about government harassment of a presidential candidate. Stay on topic or I'll have your thread removed.
I was answering a post, to my original post, that brought up about government harrassment.

I will have you fired for mod harrassment.
We are not going to give up until it happens. More people are joining the cause everyday. Many Republicans and independents.
Exactly, it's about revenge, not justice or any other bogus platitude you folks may spew as a reason. At least someone finally admits it.
Aren't you one of the ones who was certain Hillary Clinton was guilty as hell, even though she has never been charged with a crime, much less convicted????? LOCK HER UP!!!! That's a nice double standard you've got going on there.

Do you think that Trump has a snowball's chance in hell of not being convicted, given what you've seen him do or heard him say. He's already confessed to his crimes on TV. His declarations that what he did isn't a crime, or that it isn't any different than what others have done, are also a lie. Nobody has done anything like the crimes Trump committed.
I absolutely was not one who said "lock her up". I did vote for Obama over Clinton.
Aren't you one of the ones who was certain Hillary Clinton was guilty as hell, even though she has never been charged with a crime, much less convicted????? LOCK HER UP!!!! That's a nice double standard you've got going on there.

Do you think that Trump has a snowball's chance in hell of not being convicted, given what you've seen him do or heard him say. He's already confessed to his crimes on TV. His declarations that what he did isn't a crime, or that it isn't any different than what others have done, are also a lie. Nobody has done anything like the crimes Trump committed.

The prosecutors have prepared very carefully. I think Trump will be convicted.. maybe on all counts.
Dumbass, the "Justice" Dept has been caught red handed doing illegal things. Obama weaponized it and many

of the bureaus.

^Guess who was behind that? Jack Smith. :rolleyes-41:
You are a hopeless Trump stooge. You cannot see the forest for the trees. You are talking about trees, not the forest above.
You are incapable of thinking for yourself. That is why you support Trump. Trump says don't think, I will do it for you. And idiots like you say"sure, that sounds good."
More votes can take back control to the people.
Voters need to do their research and not just vote for a name they recognize. That is happening too much.

Nope. It's not how many vote any longer. Like obama said, it's not who votes, it's who COUNTS the votes. The corrupt political class is in position to count the vote. So they alter the vote totals to suit their needs.

The Great Reset is indeed coming.
Since every single indictment is pure political grandstanding with no substance behind them, I would think most corporations would not want a lot of Donald Trumps on staff, but would be thrilled to have his insight, instincts, skill set, vision for as long as those were available to him.
The words of another Trump stooge.
You do not believe how ridiculous sounds to people that not part of the cult. It is scary someone could be brainwashed so thoroughly.
Get help. There are organizations that deprogram cultists.
Since every single indictment is pure political grandstanding with no substance behind them, I would think most corporations would not want a lot of Donald Trumps on staff, but would be thrilled to have his insight, instincts, skill set, vision for as long as those were available to him.
Since every single indictment is pure political grandstanding with no substance behind them
Have you even LOOKED at one?

Why are you people compelled to say manifestly stupid shit like this?
All the indictments are crap. If the guy got those on him for his love of America, by a bunch of American hating people like yourself. I would welcome him with open arms.
Well there you go. There is no need for a trial because jknownothing says Trump is innocent.
No one knows more than jknowingless.

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