What corporation would consider an individual facing 91 felony indictments or a person in their 80's for their top leadership position?

What corporation, either for profit or nonprofit, would consider an individual facing 91 felony indictments or a person in their 80's for their top leadership position?
No corporation would consider either a person facing 91 felony indictments or an individual in their 80's for their top leadership position.
How could they justify either one to be the best person to lead the corporation.
Translation: You're scared shitless that Trump will win in 2024.
As Spock said....the needs of the of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one. Our taxes and costs for everything we do is massive in part due to the few pushed into the forefront in the name of false freedom spouts on equality.
So you're giving him a license to rape, because he was an unusually shitty POTUS?

WOW. HOW SAD AND PATHETIC that someone should go to such effort to make
an inflatable Trump doll they can dress up in, in order to parade in front of
their friends in the heat and no air just for getting approval
and notice from their buddies by carrying out
the stereotypes which they
invent for themselves
to feel better.

You don't see anyone on the right dressing up like Biden do you?
What a great scene that would be seeing him stumble,
walk in circles and fall down as he chased
after women and children eating
an ice cream cone.

Too bad someone didn't kick that chump hard and knock him on his face.

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