What country do you want to help your side in elections?

We already know the Republicans have chosen Putin's and the Russian government's help, along with the UAE, and it's all A-OK according to every republican.... :rolleyes:

so, if it is A-OK to have foreign governments use their power to elect our president, then both sides should be able to do it, right?

Who would the Democratic Party choose?

Russia, China, North Korea, the UAE, Turkey, Israel, and Saudi Arabia will probably choose to fund the Republican candidate (again)....

So out of the Countries left, should democrats ask Canada's govt, or Great Britain's gvt, or Germany's or France's or the Australian gvt to help them? Or all of the above?
We already know the Republicans have chosen Putin's and the Russian government's help, along with the UAE, and it's all A-OK according to every republican.... :rolleyes:

so, if it is A-OK to have foreign governments use their power to elect our president, then both sides should be able to do it, right?

Who would the Democratic Party choose?

Russia, China, North Korea, the UAE, Turkey, Israel, and Saudi Arabia will probably choose to fund the Republican candidate (again)....

So out of the Countries left, should democrats ask Canada's govt, or Great Britain's gvt, or Germany's or France's or the Australian gvt to help them? Or all of the above?

Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary are making a valiant effort to save Europe from sinking into a stinking Muslim shit hole.

Their actions a generation ago lead to the eventual collapse of the Soviet evil empire.

We should learn from history.
We already know the Republicans have chosen Putin's and the Russian government's help, along with the UAE, and it's all A-OK according to every republican.... :rolleyes:

so, if it is A-OK to have foreign governments use their power to elect our president, then both sides should be able to do it, right?

Who would the Democratic Party choose?

Russia, China, North Korea, the UAE, Turkey, Israel, and Saudi Arabia will probably choose to fund the Republican candidate (again)....

So out of the Countries left, should democrats ask Canada's govt, or Great Britain's gvt, or Germany's or France's or the Australian gvt to help them? Or all of the above?

Why did you leave Mexico off the democrats list?
the Mexican gvt does not have the intelligence and psyop and oligarch money capabilities to compete with the Russian gvt......

it has to be a country much stronger, with the capability to hack in to the RNC and the Trump campaign and hack and steal their emails....and a back door connection to wikileaks... :rolleyes:

Too bad democrats hate Israel, because they might be able to help, but after TRUMP they will forever be on our side...
We already know the Republicans have chosen Putin's and the Russian government's help, along with the UAE, and it's all A-OK according to every republican.... :rolleyes:

so, if it is A-OK to have foreign governments use their power to elect our president, then both sides should be able to do it, right?

Who would the Democratic Party choose?

Russia, China, North Korea, the UAE, Turkey, Israel, and Saudi Arabia will probably choose to fund the Republican candidate (again)....

So out of the Countries left, should democrats ask Canada's govt, or Great Britain's gvt, or Germany's or France's or the Australian gvt to help them? Or all of the above?
You still haven't told me what Putin did to make you vote for Trump. Please tell.
he didn't try to make you vote for Trump, he tried to make Democrats and regular Republicans and Independents, not vote for Hillary or stay home! Especially Bernie supporters....

Do you know how ignorant that Bull Shit sounds?
We already know the Republicans have chosen Putin's and the Russian government's help, along with the UAE, and it's all A-OK according to every republican.... :rolleyes:

so, if it is A-OK to have foreign governments use their power to elect our president, then both sides should be able to do it, right?

Who would the Democratic Party choose?

Russia, China, North Korea, the UAE, Turkey, Israel, and Saudi Arabia will probably choose to fund the Republican candidate (again)....

So out of the Countries left, should democrats ask Canada's govt, or Great Britain's gvt, or Germany's or France's or the Australian gvt to help them? Or all of the above?
You still haven't told me what Putin did to make you vote for Trump. Please tell.
he didn't try to make you vote for Trump, he tried to make Democrats and regular Republicans and Independents, not vote for Hillary or stay home! Especially Bernie supporters....

Since Hillary got more votes (obviously at the wrong places) than Trump, Putin must be totally incompetent at fixing elections.
We already know the Republicans have chosen Putin's and the Russian government's help, along with the UAE, and it's all A-OK according to every republican.... :rolleyes:

so, if it is A-OK to have foreign governments use their power to elect our president, then both sides should be able to do it, right?

Who would the Democratic Party choose?

Russia, China, North Korea, the UAE, Turkey, Israel, and Saudi Arabia will probably choose to fund the Republican candidate (again)....

So out of the Countries left, should democrats ask Canada's govt, or Great Britain's gvt, or Germany's or France's or the Australian gvt to help them? Or all of the above?

Since you came up with these list, I'm curious if you are starting to understand the importance of TRUMP policy on trade?
We already know the Republicans have chosen Putin's and the Russian government's help, along with the UAE, and it's all A-OK according to every republican.... :rolleyes:

so, if it is A-OK to have foreign governments use their power to elect our president, then both sides should be able to do it, right?

Who would the Democratic Party choose?

Russia, China, North Korea, the UAE, Turkey, Israel, and Saudi Arabia will probably choose to fund the Republican candidate (again)....

So out of the Countries left, should democrats ask Canada's govt, or Great Britain's gvt, or Germany's or France's or the Australian gvt to help them? Or all of the above?

What evidence do you have Trump bought the RNC nomination like Hillary did with the DNC?
Although Bernie did quite well, Hillary beat him by a long yard...millions of people in the primary, chose her over Bernie.... even if the Democratic party did not have those stupid super delegates, Hillary beat Bernie....

Bullhockey. Sanders was denied early momentum in states he actually recieved more votes but lost due to "the fix was in". DEM voters had no problem letting big money pick DEM candidate. Like mindless cattle they simply follow along.

Keep seeing your shrink.
We already know the Republicans have chosen Putin's and the Russian government's help, along with the UAE, and it's all A-OK according to every republican.... :rolleyes:

so, if it is A-OK to have foreign governments use their power to elect our president, then both sides should be able to do it, right?

Who would the Democratic Party choose?

Russia, China, North Korea, the UAE, Turkey, Israel, and Saudi Arabia will probably choose to fund the Republican candidate (again)....

So out of the Countries left, should democrats ask Canada's govt, or Great Britain's gvt, or Germany's or France's or the Australian gvt to help them? Or all of the above?

What evidence do you have Trump bought the RNC nomination like Hillary did with the DNC?
Although Bernie did quite well, Hillary beat him by a long yard...millions of people in the primary, chose her over Bernie.... even if the Democratic party did not have those stupid super delegates, Hillary beat Bernie....

You are so full of SHIT...

We know you don't have a clue since

you watch cnn and msnbullshit …

hillary cheated Crazy Bernie....
see, like I said....Republicans believe it is all A-OK if it happened....so, what foreign government should the Democratic party choose that can give Russia, a run for their money, in electing our president?
The only countries remaining that Democrats admire are Cuba, Venezuela, and N Korea.

And it looks like Pres. Trump has neutered N Korea.

So that only leaves two commie countries to help the Democrats win future elections. ... :cool:

They are seeking allies from the radical Islamist countries now.
the UAE, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia (9/11) already chose Trump/Republicans.... so they are taken! :)

Cares4OnlyHerFatAss, they are temporarily conquering Europe now, but once that's done they will quickly take up the offer of the leftists to conquer USA as well.

I am sure you have your Hijab ready. It wasn't designed for fat people, but stonings constitute a calorie heavy activity. You will fit in no time.
and exactly WHAT does your post have to do with these countries helping Trump win the election??? :dunno:
It was all comey and you know it I could post political memes all day long and and it wouldn't matter
We already know the Republicans have chosen Putin's and the Russian government's help, along with the UAE, and it's all A-OK according to every republican.... :rolleyes:

so, if it is A-OK to have foreign governments use their power to elect our president, then both sides should be able to do it, right?

Who would the Democratic Party choose?

Russia, China, North Korea, the UAE, Turkey, Israel, and Saudi Arabia will probably choose to fund the Republican candidate (again)....

So out of the Countries left, should democrats ask Canada's govt, or Great Britain's gvt, or Germany's or France's or the Australian gvt to help them? Or all of the above?

Your own party fixed the election against bernie. Lol.
We already know the Republicans have chosen Putin's and the Russian government's help, along with the UAE, and it's all A-OK according to every republican.... :rolleyes:

so, if it is A-OK to have foreign governments use their power to elect our president, then both sides should be able to do it, right?

Who would the Democratic Party choose?

Russia, China, North Korea, the UAE, Turkey, Israel, and Saudi Arabia will probably choose to fund the Republican candidate (again)....

So out of the Countries left, should democrats ask Canada's govt, or Great Britain's gvt, or Germany's or France's or the Australian gvt to help them? Or all of the above?
You still haven't told me what Putin did to make you vote for Trump. Please tell.
he didn't try to make you vote for Trump, he tried to make Democrats and regular Republicans and Independents, not vote for Hillary or stay home! Especially Bernie supporters....

So you are saying that all the potential

hillary voters were all that STUPID….

You may have a point…

But please explain further just how

did the Russians pull this off…

We all know you can’t because you

Are Full of SHIT and it’s the only thing

You can come up with to explain Trump

STOMPING your ASS in the ground.
The only countries remaining that Democrats admire are Cuba, Venezuela, and N Korea.

And it looks like Pres. Trump has neutered N Korea.

So that only leaves two commie countries to help the Democrats win future elections. ... :cool:
north korea already chose his new pal, Trumpty Dumpty! :D

You're losing it, party over country..
Isn't THAT the Republican new motto?

If that was the case Jeb or Scott or Rick would be president

I should have said Trump-publican party....it is party over country, every minute and day of the week! ;)

Trump and the TEA PARTY

have taken over the worthless republican party…

The liberals and RINOS asses are grass now,

and WE are the LAWNMOWER.

RUSH has always been RIGHT

If you get my drift….
We already know the Republicans have chosen Putin's and the Russian government's help, along with the UAE, and it's all A-OK according to every republican.... :rolleyes:

so, if it is A-OK to have foreign governments use their power to elect our president, then both sides should be able to do it, right?

Who would the Democratic Party choose?

Russia, China, North Korea, the UAE, Turkey, Israel, and Saudi Arabia will probably choose to fund the Republican candidate (again)....

So out of the Countries left, should democrats ask Canada's govt, or Great Britain's gvt, or Germany's or France's or the Australian gvt to help them? Or all of the above?

There is one part of the plan you're missing.

Get Russia to help win the election ... then run against Hillary.

Hint, it wasn't the first part that gave Trump the election ...
sure it was.... he would not have won, without the Russian interference....period.

the DNC and Podesta stolen emails released on wikileaks, were used by Trump 167 times at his rallies or in tweets in just the month of October 2016.... Trump's a marketing man, knows his stuff....he alone, (let alone all of his campaign worker's regurgitation), would have never used them 167 times personally, if he did not know in his marketing gut, that they would help him win....

then there is all of the Russian propaganda, he and his team, and followers spread and respread on social media....why bother doing it, if it was not going to help?

Trump knew EXACTLY what he was doing....

So you are against the TRUTH being exposed to the American People...
  • Thanks
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The "Putin gave Clinton money" lies will have a reckoning in time the liars will truly regret.
So how did Putin and the Russians get people to vote for Trump? Do you think maybe just maybe Trump won because he ran a better campigan than Hillary? I know that's a really radical concept but still you might consider it.
So how did Putin and the Russians get people to vote for Trump? Do you think maybe just maybe Trump won because he ran a better campigan than Hillary? I know that's a really radical concept but still you might consider it.
The outcome is not the question, brotherhawk.

The crime was the conspiracy to affect the outcome.
We already know the Republicans have chosen Putin's and the Russian government's help, along with the UAE, and it's all A-OK according to every republican.... :rolleyes:

so, if it is A-OK to have foreign governments use their power to elect our president, then both sides should be able to do it, right?

Who would the Democratic Party choose?

Russia, China, North Korea, the UAE, Turkey, Israel, and Saudi Arabia will probably choose to fund the Republican candidate (again)....

So out of the Countries left, should democrats ask Canada's govt, or Great Britain's gvt, or Germany's or France's or the Australian gvt to help them? Or all of the above?

What evidence do you have Trump bought the RNC nomination like Hillary did with the DNC?
Although Bernie did quite well, Hillary beat him by a long yard...millions of people in the primary, chose her over Bernie.... even if the Democratic party did not have those stupid super delegates, Hillary beat Bernie....

hilary took over the DNC and rigged the primary process to keep bernie out......

Yup she doesn't want to admit it.
Hillary, the only democratic candidate in the race, rightfully influenced the DNC, after all, it is the Democratic National Commitee, not the Independent or Socialist National Committee.

President Trump controls the RNC now too, as their strongest RNC Candidate in the R party........
We already know the Republicans have chosen Putin's and the Russian government's help, along with the UAE, and it's all A-OK according to every republican.... :rolleyes:

so, if it is A-OK to have foreign governments use their power to elect our president, then both sides should be able to do it, right?

Who would the Democratic Party choose?

Russia, China, North Korea, the UAE, Turkey, Israel, and Saudi Arabia will probably choose to fund the Republican candidate (again)....

So out of the Countries left, should democrats ask Canada's govt, or Great Britain's gvt, or Germany's or France's or the Australian gvt to help them? Or all of the above?

Or democrats could just us the FBI, DOJ again.
And put some spy’s in Republicans campaign

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