What country do you want to live in?

I want to live in America.....let's talk when.....Economically? 1950's-1970.... Socially? Now, I suppose.....although, I'm not crazy about the gangs and violence in our cities that is even creeping into our rural part of PA lately...so I'd like to have the disclaimer of Pre-war on Drugs on that particular issue.

Good enough?

If I have to choose a different country? Germany or France maybe...although.I'd have to work pretty hard with Rosetta Stone for a while.

You don't get to have it both ways.

Traditional American values built this land.

Look what your Big Gubmint dependency is bringing:


Obama's America: Student Reading SAT Scores Hit Record Lows

That isn't a failing of Obama. I go to school with some of your kids and grandkids, and boy are they stupid. Maybe you should read to them more instead of sending them upstairs to their Xbox's and Playstations. The SATs are also cumalative, comprised of information students learn throughout the entire educational process, not just the last four years. READING and WRITING should be fundamentally established much earlier than in high school. Nice try, dickface.

The point sails over your head.

That was the old value system. Your new Obamaland value system is that it is the gubmint's job to do everything for the kids, including feeding them.
Before there was an America which country would people rather live in? After we are gone, which country would people rather live in?
You don't get to have it both ways.

Traditional American values built this land.

Look what your Big Gubmint dependency is bringing:


Obama's America: Student Reading SAT Scores Hit Record Lows

That isn't a failing of Obama. I go to school with some of your kids and grandkids, and boy are they stupid. Maybe you should read to them more instead of sending them upstairs to their Xbox's and Playstations. The SATs are also cumalative, comprised of information students learn throughout the entire educational process, not just the last four years. READING and WRITING should be fundamentally established much earlier than in high school. Nice try, dickface.

The point sails over your head.

That was the old value system. Your new Obamaland value system is that it is the gubmint's job to do everything for the kids, including feeding them.

LOL nice rebuttle. A nonexistent point that you failed to make. Genius, based on what you just presented, these kids were slowly getting dumber before Obama's watch. Maybe in 4-8 years if you show me that statistic it will be relevant, but the fact still remains, if current high school seniors cannot read or write that isn't because of his policy. Education in this country should be blamed on both parties and has been steadily declining even though the US spends more per student than any other nation. We also have one of the shortest school years than any other competitive nation, as our children literally get dumber. Do not let your idiotic partisanship blind you from the real problems.

Also, I didn't vote for Obama so the "your Obamaland" comment is duly noted.
There is NOWHERE on earth that even comes close to America, and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, and before this country ever got to the point where I didn't want to live here anymore, I'd fight and die as my patriotic chore to see to it that it didn't. America is worth it.
Before there was an America which country would people rather live in? After we are gone, which country would people rather live in?

Don't feel obligated to repeat your 'America will dissolve' bullshit for the 100,000,000th time.
Before there was an America which country would people rather live in? After we are gone, which country would people rather live in?

Don't feel obligated to repeat your 'America will dissolve' bullshit for the 100,000,000th time.

Another invitation to engage in one of your mindless little exercises. An invitation that will be met with the utter contempt it deserves.
Before there was an America which country would people rather live in? After we are gone, which country would people rather live in?

Don't feel obligated to repeat your 'America will dissolve' bullshit for the 100,000,000th time.

Another invitation to engage in one of your mindless little exercises. An invitation that will be met with the utter contempt it deserves.

Does that mean you're going to keep it to yourself as you've been instructed? Good. Now go make an ashtray or some such shit.
There is NOWHERE on earth that even comes close to America, and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, and before this country ever got to the point where I didn't want to live here anymore, I'd fight and die as my patriotic chore to see to it that it didn't. America is worth it.

One of my clients in the long ago was a company that helped Americans relocate to Costa Rica. The only thing Russia has that's better than ours is it's leadership. That's why we need to change it.
One of my clients in the long ago was a company that helped Americans relocate to Costa Rica. The only thing Russia has that's better than ours is it's leadership. That's why we need to change it.

They do have some bomb ass Vodka and nice strippers, still not enough for me to move there though.
One of my clients in the long ago was a company that helped Americans relocate to Costa Rica. The only thing Russia has that's better than ours is it's leadership. That's why we need to change it.

How's that ashtray coming along?
I LOVED Ireland when I visited, but that is before the banksters destroyed its economy, so it may only be a good place to retire at this point. I would also like to live in New Zealand, or maybe Italy - if not just for the food alone. I also really liked Ecuador (Quito - meh - but the foothills of the Andes are stunning).
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