What created Kyle Rittenhouse

I don't know what your credentials are to determine that, but when I served in the army, I was not only a weapons expert, but an armorer, and qualified as an expert shot...

Kyle not only displayed outstanding fire control, but while knocked to the ground, (the most defensless position under close combat) he was able to not only recognize immediate threats and eliminate them, but also recognize others that threw their hands up and NOT shoot them....In that kind of stress, it points to a person that was NOT lucky, but rationally considered, and controlled....
I don't know what your credentials are to determine that, but when I served in the army, I was not only a weapons expert, but an armorer, and qualified as an expert shot...

Kyle not only displayed outstanding fire control, but while knocked to the ground, (the most defensless position under close combat) he was able to not only recognize immediate threats and eliminate them, but also recognize others that threw their hands up and NOT shoot them....In that kind of stress, it points to a person that was NOT lucky, but rationally considered, and controlled....
Tactically speaking, if they were less than 7 yards away he should have planted them in that circumstance. He acted with extreme restraint, but yeah, as someone who likely chewed the same dirt, we have a command presence and can control a crowd.

Those who just don't know what it's like are better off not knowing.

A good parent would not drive her 17 yr old kid to a riot.

Yet another piece of utter bullshit that you leaped on "knowing" as soon as someone told you to, and have never bothered to learn the truth about. Even Politifact is more in touch with reality than you are, which is something to be ashamed of if you were capable of shame.


Did you see his "med kit"? It was the size of a small fanny pack. Tell me what kind of medical aid did he plan on giving?

He stood there alone with no cover. How much training in security did he have?

He asked a cop for water. He wasn't even smart enough to realize on a hot summer night that he might need food and water if he was going to "protect" buildings all night long?
That is close to the size of my combat med kit I took with me in the AOR. It was more than capable of saving the life of someone that had a limb blown off and a bullet though the chest.

It size is immaterial and shows that you are grasping.

What created Kyle Rittenhouse?​

An ovum met a spermatozoa after his parents engaged in certain recreational activity.
I don't know what your credentials are to determine that, but when I served in the army, I was not only a weapons expert, but an armorer, and qualified as an expert shot...

Kyle not only displayed outstanding fire control, but while knocked to the ground, (the most defensless position under close combat) he was able to not only recognize immediate threats and eliminate them, but also recognize others that threw their hands up and NOT shoot them....In that kind of stress, it points to a person that was NOT lucky, but rationally considered, and controlled....
Anyone that has ever been in a situation even remotely close to that would be well aware of how much restraint and control he showed. Things are a LOT different in the situation from viewing it in the comfort and safety of your own home.
Anyone that has ever been in a situation even remotely close to that would be well aware of how much restraint and control he showed. Things are a LOT different in the situation from viewing it in the comfort and safety of your own home.
I thought he was amazing, made even more remarkable by the fact he was only a 17-year-old kid. He tried to avoid having to fire by running from the BLM felon who had earlier threatened to kill him, and fired only at the last minute. In the face of this, another BLM savage smacked him in the head with a skateboard, and yet another BLM savage drop-kicked him to the ground, and Kyle was still able to quickly and accurately access who was a threat, leave alone those who had their hands in the air, and dispatch the one with a gun pointed at him.

And just think….if a KID could do this, think how easily a few well-armed cops could have put a stop to the BLM barbarism that plagued the entire country for months on end. The Democrat Mindset that permitted the destruction - fought against containing it - is the same Democrat Mindset that put a violent criminal scumbag back on the streets to mow down innocent people.
Stick to my words without mincing words. I’m not mincing yours but could easily do so.

I’ve learned a lot about this topic
after taking 3 to 4 different online political tests and my results all indicating I align with libertarians, as a constitutionalist, and right leaning in many issues with support for a couple of left-leaning platforms. I strongly oppose authoritarian maneuvers by the US government. I support the rule of law so your claim that libertarians are just crazy anarchists indicates you’re misinformed. You also incorrectly wrote that libertarians don’t lean right or left. Most left-leaning libertarians do not support the rule of law while most right leaning do. The chart I posted earlier depicts the differences between right/left libertarians and there are oppositional stances in almost every major political issue among libertarians.

IOW- your attempt to change my words of my post was unsuccessful, yet again. Feel free to keep trying if this is something you find important to do… to intentionally rewrite other posters’ posts. Good luck finding new people who will engage with you. It doesn’t take long to figure out your motivations on here.
He is one of the more tedious trolls. He is an inbred Pakistani who is only interested in anything that destroys western civilization.

Anybody who continues to call this young man a "murderer" is contemptibly dishonest, and only interested in subverting the discussion.
Liberals always defend the wrong side.

I really like your posts and am very glad you joined, but I sure wish you and everybody else would stop calling these nasty creatures liberal. They aren't. They neither understand liberal principles nor apply them as they practice their knee-jerk primitive tribalism, and do so in the most authoritarian manner possible.

An actual liberal would seek to protect the victims in all of this, so would seek to defend the innocent shop owners against these coordinated terrorist attacks organized by those being financed by, among others, the Chinese Communist state.

I thought he was amazing, made even more remarkable by the fact he was only a 17-year-old kid. He tried to avoid having to fire by running from the BLM felon who had earlier threatened to kill him, and fired only at the last minute. In the face of this, another BLM savage smacked him in the head with a skateboard, and yet another BLM savage drop-kicked him to the ground, and Kyle was still able to quickly and accurately access who was a threat, leave alone those who had their hands in the air, and dispatch the one with a gun pointed at him.

And just think….if a KID could do this, think how easily a few well-armed cops could have put a stop to the BLM barbarism that plagued the entire country for months on end. The Democrat Mindset that permitted the destruction - fought against containing it - is the same Democrat Mindset that put a violent criminal scumbag back on the streets to mow down innocent people.
Having been mobbed by a crowd of civilians once when I had a M16 at the ready I can tell that I doubt very much I would have comported myself as well and I have over a decade of training.

Left wing rioting is out of control in the US, and here the evidence

The George Floyd riots alone from May 30 to July 28 caused 748 casualties and 17 dead.

And when you start estimating the property damage along with it, with the media disinterested in any of it, other than supporting the rioters with democrat mayors across the nation telling police to stand down, you get a better idea of why things are the way they are

I honestly think there may be some Left leaning posters here that actually have no idea about this, simply because the press down plays it so. And if you watch the press, you would never know that Kyle was chased and assaulted and simpyl defending himself.
Well, that's certainly what your masters told you to "know".

Unlike Republicans, I don't have "masters" to tell me what to think. Those on the left aren't required to conform our beliefs to those of party leader or be excommunicated from the cause. But thanks for once again proving just how gullible and stupid you really are.

American taxpayers are shelling out a quarter of billion per year in "excessive force" payouts. Joe Arpaio wasn't voted out of office because the people of Maricopa Country like illegal immigation. He was voted out of office and faced multiple federal charges for violating the civil rights of citizens because the County paid out $100 million in damages to citizens for violating their Constitutional rights and it was making their taxes go up substantially.

Who do you think is paying $20 million to the family of George Floyd? Or the millions paid to the family of Breanna Taylor? Insurance companies will not cover these settlements for police brutality, or negligence for much longer. They can't afford to. Insurance companies will force police to reform their practices, or they'll stop covering these losses. This will truly "defund the police".

If fools like you refuse to believe that black lives really do matter, once you have to start seeing your taxes rise to cover these payouts, you might think differently.
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Left wing rioting is out of control in the US, and here the evidence

The George Floyd riots alone from May 30 to July 28 caused 748 casualties and 17 dead.

And when you start estimating the property damage along with it, with the media disinterested in any of it, other than supporting the rioters with democrat mayors across the nation telling police to stand down, you get a better idea of why things are the way they are

I honestly think there may be some Left leaning posters here that actually have no idea about this, simply because the press down plays it so. And if you watch the press, you would never know that Kyle was chased and assaulted and simpyl defending himself.

"louderwithcrowder.com" is not a legitimate source of anything. Furthermore, his numbers are bullshit.

During the entire term of the demonstrations, there were something under 30 deaths total, and none of them were attributable to protestors or members of Black Lives matter. Virtually all of the arrests for violence, looting, and arson, were of right wing thugs, anarchists, and for profit looters.

The Kyle Rittenhouses of the nation, created this mayhem, and you clowns continue to blame the protests.
I really like your posts and am very glad you joined, but I sure wish you and everybody else would stop calling these nasty creatures liberal. They aren't. They neither understand liberal principles nor apply them as they practice their knee-jerk primitive tribalism, and do so in the most authoritarian manner possible.

An actual liberal would seek to protect the victims in all of this, so would seek to defend the innocent shop owners against these coordinated terrorist attacks organized by those being financed by, among others, the Chinese Communist state.

Point taken. What should I call them? I try to remember to call them leftists, but maybe that isn’t enough. Perhaps Hard Leftists? I refuse to call them “progressives” as that implies they are doing something positive when in fact that are destroying the very fabric of our nation. How about “destroyers”? Or Marxists?
Or, as Thomas Sowell puts it…

“It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.”
Not so much ignorance but rather an incredible belief that feelings take precedent over facts and even render facts invalid. That in turn creates and unleashes not Rittenhouse but rather the cretins he was dealing with.
"louderwithcrowder.com" is not a legitimate source of anything. Furthermore, his numbers are bullshit.

During the entire term of the demonstrations, there were something under 30 deaths total, and none of them were attributable to protestors or members of Black Lives matter. Virtually all of the arrests for violence, looting, and arson, were of right wing thugs, anarchists, and for profit looters.

The Kyle Rittenhouses of the nation, created this mayhem, and you clowns continue to blame the protests.

Everyone one of our side that loots murders and otherwise does mayhem is not actually on our side. Everyone on your side that does such things are symbolic of the everyone on your side.

A tired old line.
Point taken. What should I call them? I try to remember to call them leftists, but maybe that isn’t enough. Perhaps Hard Leftists? I refuse to call them “progressives” as that implies they are doing something positive when in fact that are destroying the very fabric of our nation. How about “destroyers”? Or Marxists?

That the term liberal has been stolen by the left may be annoying BUT we, individually, do not get to determine what words mean. They are defined as they are generally used and the modern meaning of liberal is already set.

If anything, we should ensure that we are not calling things in the past liberal which do not comport with the meaning of the word today. For instance, calling the founders liberal is a meaningless endeavor. You will not communicate the proper information by doing so.

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