What created Kyle Rittenhouse

No, I haven't. The jury was there hearing all the evidence, I wasn't.... I accept their decision, though I had a different view of it, than them and than you and different from my liberal friends, probably...?

I think Kyle suffered from the bullying abuse he received in school.... it is the sole reason he dropped out of high school, is what I've read. That's some pretty serious bullying, to make him want to drop out, and ruin his future career opportunities. I think his somewhat unhealthy attraction to guns and cops, came from feeling the need for safety, after all the bullying he experienced in school. And also, why as a 17 year old, his fear of being hurt by others was so strong, strong enough to kill two to three human beings so easily.... I don't think a mentally healthy and stable 17 year old, would be at the riot, let alone bring a long arm to a riot, or use it, to kill, other humans....killing another human is usually one of the hardest things humans can do....

I also believe he was going through family issues, with his parent's divorce.

And, I think his mom, made the wrong and bad decision to allow and drive him in to the city to attend this riot, when there was a curfew of 7pm, due to the danger the cops believed would take place. That is BAD PARENTING, that put her 17yr old son in this position, that he never should have been in at all....

So, I am all over the place on this...! Trying to make excuses for Kyle's actions.... While at the same time, I don't think he should have gotten off, Scott free.... He and mom and friend made some very poor decisions that were the catalyst, in him killing two people and hurting another.....

If he were not there, had not broken the curfew, and had not brought a loaded riffle, there would have been ZERO killings that night, at that riot. People are dead, because he was in a place, where he was way over his head.

Just because the people he killed were not saints, does not mean they should be killed.... that's up to a court of law, in our Nation of Laws, not of Men!

Yes, 40 million people attended BLM protests last summer.

It's horrible anyone had to die or be murdered.... I think half or so of those killed were rioters...??

But, if that 17 murdered or killed during the Black lives matter riots and protests is correct, it truly indicates that all that increase in killings/murders last year in 2020, were taking place, elsewhere in the USA, and the black lives matter and George Floyd protests, were not a smidgen of the murder increase that took place last year.... The rioting lawlessness, was primarily destruction of property crimes, looting, burning etc.
I don't know where you got the story about him being a drop out because he was bullied, but it makes no difference. There is so much that has been widely published, posted on this forum and broadcast in the news that you clearly don't know that it's worth very little of my time to rehash it with you, because you obviously just WANT TO HATE THIS KID, for stepping in 2 1/2 piles of wormy dogshit.

First of all, he wasn't "dropped off at a riot with a rifle" by his mother. Second of all he's already accepted and enrolled in a college, so he got his GED pretty fuckin quick if he did drop out.

The case is about self defense, and if you have a right to be somewhere, and are attacked without provocation, which there is no doubt he was, then lethal force when someone tries to over power you and take your weapon is not only justified, it's the only responsible action an adult can take.

For instance, if the first bald pedophile piece of shit Kyle stepped in had managed to disarm Kyle, he likely would have killed Kyle with it and how much do you want to bet that he would have used it for nefarious purposes after that? Do you believe that piece of shit would have taken the weapon to the police, or used it to at least injure others, or sell it to some other thugs?

Please don't tell me about "killing another human is usually one of the hardest things humans can do....". Leftists murder babies in the womb with chilling regularity and cling to the practice as it's it's some sort of fucking communal sacrament of a sick religious cult. It would be easier to get devout muslims to eat pork, pussy, do beer bongs with some jews at a gay wedding than it would be to get leftists too accept the fact that it's utterly barbaric to kill a baby in the womb.

I support the rule of law so your claim that authoritarians are just crazy anarchists indicates you’re misinformed.

If I said that authoritarians are just crazy anarchists, I might be misinformed, but I didn't say that and so you're a cud chewing bovine.
I don't know where you got the story about him being a drop out because he was bullied, but it makes no difference. There is so much that has been widely published, posted on this forum and broadcast in the news that you clearly don't know that it's worth very little of my time to rehash it with you, because you obviously just WANT TO HATE THIS KID, for stepping in 2 1/2 piles of wormy dogshit.

First of all, he wasn't "dropped off at a riot with a rifle" by his mother. Second of all he's already accepted and enrolled in a college, so he got his GED pretty fuckin quick if he did drop out.

The case is about self defense, and if you have a right to be somewhere, and are attacked without provocation, which there is no doubt he was, then lethal force when someone tries to over power you and take your weapon is not only justified, it's the only responsible action an adult can take.

For instance, if the first bald pedophile piece of shit Kyle stepped in had managed to disarm Kyle, he likely would have killed Kyle with it and how much do you want to bet that he would have used it for nefarious purposes after that? Do you believe that piece of shit would have taken the weapon to the police, or used it to at least injure others, or sell it to some other thugs?

Please don't tell me about "killing another human is usually one of the hardest things humans can do....". Leftists murder babies in the womb with chilling regularity and cling to the practice as it's it's some sort of fucking communal sacrament of a sick religious cult. It would be easier to get devout muslims to eat pork, pussy, do beer bongs with some jews at a gay wedding than it would be to get leftists too accept the fact that it's utterly barbaric to kill a baby in the womb.

His interview with Tucker showed him to be an intelligent, articulate young man - miles away from the idiot white supremacist the left painted him to be.
If I said that authoritarians are just crazy anarchists, I might be misinformed, but I didn't say that and so you're a cud chewing bovine.
I would say that was a Freudian slip but since I oppose that type of government that would be inaccurate. I put that in there intentionally to see if you read my post;)
A good parent would not drive her 17 yr old kid to a riot.


That's free advice.
Leftists do not have frontal lobes. They're parrots at the most intellectual level, if not completely vacuous drones in most circumstances. They're deliberately ignorant. They can watch video of a kid being assaulted with a fucking skateboard, then have some turd nearly shoot him in the head and regurgitate some inane shit they heard a jabbering retard on CNN say.

Or, as Thomas Sowell puts it…

“It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.”
He learned pretty quick that real life ain't X box.

Where else would he learn that one moron with a rifle can control a crowd of hundreds of rioters?
First, he is far from a moron. He is and was a well-intentioned but naive teen who didn’t understand the danger of placing himself among BLM barbarians.

Second, and where I agree with you, is that he did show how ONE person with a rifle can control of crowd of hundreds of rioters - and in doing so, showed how easily police could have controlled the BLM barbarians during the mayhem and destruction they caused. That Democrat officials are so determined to let criminals destroy, even at the expense of law-abiding citizens, tells me that some very evil people are behind the Hard Left.

Left wing rioting is out of control in the US, and here the evidence

The George Floyd riots alone from May 30 to July 28 caused 748 casualties and 17 dead.

And when you start estimating the property damage along with it, with the media disinterested in any of it, other than supporting the rioters with democrat mayors across the nation telling police to stand down, you get a better idea of why things are the way they are

I honestly think there may be some Left leaning posters here that actually have no idea about this, simply because the press down plays it so. And if you watch the press, you would never know that Kyle was chased and assaulted and simpyl defending himself.
Frankly, I think that trump's open support of right wing terror groups resulted in all kinds of problems with imbecilic people acting out.
I agree with you on the Floyd thing--totally. To turn a criminal into a martyr and name a street after him does not set a good example for our youth. Some right wing posters also had no idea about the
property damage.
He learned pretty quick that real life ain't X box.

Where else would he learn that one moron with a rifle can control a crowd of hundreds of rioters?
Again, that is an asinine assertion. Making more asinine assertions does not back up your first one.

It is not as though this assertion has not been studied for the last 30 years.
First, he is far from a moron. He is and was a well-intentioned but naive teen who didn’t understand the danger of placing himself among BLM barbarians.

Second, and where I agree with you, is that he did show how ONE person with a rifle can control of crowd of hundreds of rioters - and in doing so, showed how easily police could have controlled the BLM barbarians during the mayhem and destruction they caused. That Democrat officials are so determined to let criminals destroy, even at the expense of law-abiding citizens, tells me that some very evil people are behind the Hard Left.
He's an idiot.

What intelligent person decided to stand all alone in the middle of a riot with a gun thinking he can "protect " anything from a mob?
What intelligent person thinks it's a good idea to think he can provide "medical" assistance to people with little or no training and a "med Kit" the size of a fanny pack?

And no he didn't really control the crowd he was running for his life and got off a lucky shot.
I've researched it again. The 40 million was worldwide, including our 5 US Territories....up to 26 million in the USA is the estimate I found today.

That is almost 10% of our population participated. Which is not unreasonable, considering how we all felt about Chauvin killing Floyd.

There were 2000 protests in the Usa, in one month....in towns and cities throughout the country.

I find it hard to believe there were 26 million marching in the streets. 10% of the population participating in the protests/riots does seem like an unreasonable estimate to me. Could 26 million be the sum of the estimates for all the nights/protests/riots? In other words, the same people are counted multiple times.
He's an idiot.

What intelligent person decided to stand all alone in the middle of a riot with a gun thinking he can "protect " anything from a mob?
What intelligent person thinks it's a good idea to think he can provide "medical" assistance to people with little or no training and a "med Kit" the size of a fanny pack?

And no he didn't really control the crowd he was running for his life and got off a lucky shot.
He’s tons better than the BLM barbarians (with violent criminal records) setting fire to the place, yet for some reason you are more enraged by a foolish but well-intentioned teen trying to quell some of thr damage the barbarians were causing.
He’s tons better than the BLM barbarians (with violent criminal records) setting fire to the place, yet for some reason you are more enraged by a foolish but well-intentioned teen trying to quell some of thr damage the barbarians were causing.
Better doesn't mean smarter.

IMO he was there because he was hoping to shoot someone.

And I'm not "enraged" about anything. I just refuse to call a stupid boy who made a litany of stupid choices a "hero"
He learned pretty quick that real life ain't X box.

Where else would he learn that one moron with a rifle can control a crowd of hundreds of rioters?

It just tore you up that the thug criminals didn't get the upper hand and kill Kyle Rittenhouse didn't it?
Better doesn't mean smarter.

IMO he was there because he was hoping to shoot someone.

And I'm not "enraged" about anything. I just refuse to call a stupid boy who made a litany of stupid choices a "hero"

"We find the defendant Kyle H. Rittenhouse, - Not guilty!"
It just tore you up that the thug criminals didn't get the upper hand and kill Kyle Rittenhouse didn't it?
No I really don't care about criminals.

And Dough boy is proof that there 's no cure for stupid.

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