What created Kyle Rittenhouse

Also, point #2: a good parent would not be at a riot, setting everything on fire, trying to destroy businesses, and chasing down a teen to try to murder him….but there they were.

Why do you only criticize Kyle’s parenting skills (and again, she didn’t drive him there - it’s a left wing media lie), and overlook what rotten parents the BLM savages are?
Because you are specifically praising it. What I said carries across all spectrums: a good parent does not take their kid to a riot. But you’re right, I stand corrected, the claim made about her driving him was wrong. In fact he appears to have been driving himself, without a license, to places and his mother, who worked long shifts had no idea where he was and what he was up to.

The people “chasing down a teen” were chasing someone who had just shot and an unarmed man and was thought to be an active shooter. They didn’t deserve to be killed either.

Why do you praise Kyle’s mother’s parenting when she had no idea what her son was up to but critique en masse, the parenting of “BLM savages”? Maybe like Kyle’s mother, they worked long hours and their children got up to things they weren’t aware of. Or is it because they are “BLM savages“ instead of “white vigilantes” that different standards are applied?
You might compare what you’ve written to debunked myth list. I’ve provided a left-leaning source.

1. I have never once made the Rittenhouse case about race. Most Democrats did not as well. Only when Kyle was lured in to his proud boy drinking bar, white power OK sign, photo op, did it come in to question. I'm sure the proud boys used him. Just like Tucker is using him, for political purpose.

That article of yours is a biased race baiting piece of garbage....holy crap! Did you actually read it and not see this...? I'm surprised you posted it Claire... You've been level headed in most that I've seen with you! (please note! I'm not trying to be mean or nasty to you)
Will blacks and the left see the Rittenhouse murders as a reason to start arming themselves?

And will the casualties and dead be even higher this time?

Or maybe the right's firepower will intimidate others and they will choose to not fight back?
I hope everybody is intimidated and they shit their pants.

We have guns, bitch. Canada is a shitty country headed the way of NO GUNS. But, fuck with us and we will kill you.

You may commence with the pants shitting.
The fact is it is still all the fault of the police and judicial system.
...who are controlled by the politicians.
The War on Drugs, the military rules of engagement the police are trained with, the inherent racism of the US, etc. is the problem.
The police illegally kill thousands a year, and as many as half a million illegally incarcertated for violations that harm no one else, like the War on Drugs.
Such laws, arrests, shootings, and incarcerations are all entirely illegal.
Due to that, the riots should and must continue until these endemic abuses are finally ended.
At whose expense?

You want rioting to continue but no one has the right to defend themselves and their property?

C'mon. That's intolerable.
Warrantless searches, no-knock-warrants, police aiming and firing weapons without due cause, etc. are all criminal acts by police constantly, and must end.
There is no greater political or legal problem in the US than police abuses.
Not a single drug charge is actually remotely legal.
Legislators are NOT the source of legal authority.
Only the defense of inherent individual rights can be the source of legal authority in a democratic republic, so any drug law is totally illegal.
You won't get much of an argument from me on ending the failed war on drugs, no-knock warrants, civil forfeiture, etc.
1. I have never once made the Rittenhouse case about race. Most Democrats did not as well. Only when Kyle was lured in to his proud boy drinking bar, white power OK sign, photo op, did it come in to question. I'm sure the proud boys used him. Just like Tucker is using him, for political purpose.

That article of yours is a biased race baiting piece of garbage....holy crap! Did you actually read it and not see this...? I'm surprised you posted it Claire... You've been level headed in most that I've seen with you! (please note! I'm not trying to be mean or nasty to you)
Bullshit. The democrat party itself has been linking this trial with race THE ENTIRE TIME.


"Kyle Rittenhouse is living proof that white tears can still forestall justice," the congressman wrote on Twitter minutes after the verdict was announced. "A murderer is once again walking free today — our system is terribly broken."

Says of course it is racial.

Or maybe the entire left wing media:

A whole panel of democrats stating how this was simply expected because of white supremacy,

I could go on and on and on. How many democrat activist groups lamented the verdict and called Rittenhouse a racist? Well, lets try looking at the left wing activist groups that did not declare this a racist trial:


Hell, the fucking ACLU even lamented it as racist.
Despite Kyle Rittenhouse’s conscious decision to take the lives of two people protesting the shooting of Jacob Blake by police, he was not held responsible for his actions, something that is not surprising. But Kyle Rittenhouse isn’t the only one responsible for the deaths that night. The events in Kenosha stem from the deep roots of white supremacy in our society’s institutions. They underscore that the police do not protect communities of color in the same way they do white people.

So no, 'most democrats' did, indeed, jump on calling this a race issue.

BTW, the particular falsehood that you used in your response was already covered by #8 on that very list.
1. I have never once made the Rittenhouse case about race. Most Democrats did not as well. Only when Kyle was lured in to his proud boy drinking bar, white power OK sign, photo op, did it come in to question. I'm sure the proud boys used him. Just like Tucker is using him, for political purpose.

That article of yours is a biased race baiting piece of garbage....holy crap! Did you actually read it and not see this...? I'm surprised you posted it Claire... You've been level headed in most that I've seen with you! (please note! I'm not trying to be mean or nasty to you)
Care4All- I never meant to imply that you made this a racial issue nor did I mention anything about race. The source I linked, NYT- is rated by three different media bias ratings and all indicate they are left leaning and paraphrasing the rest: keep it relatively honest. I am not a personal fan of the New York Slimes but used it because the article lists the top 10 case myths.

You posted that K. Rittenhouse’s mom drove her son to the riot. Not true and you’re not the only poster on USMB to continue to post this falsehood. I know you’re not doing it intentionally.

The case is over, but this board still needs as much honesty as possible to be a good board. As I stated before, I find you to be an honest poster. We disagree on many topics, but have agreement at times as well:)

Please disregard the New York Slimes source I used and I can find another one if you’d like. It was the first one that popped up on my screen for “Rittenhouse trial myths debunked” and I didn’t look beyond it as I should have done. I only read the top 10 list and didn’t read the other comments of the article, so I assume that’s the race baiting part.

It is most telling that you’ve called out the New York slimes for printing a race baiting article! I can promise it’ll be the last time I ever risk using them as a source, and glad you brought this to my attention! In this particular case, NYS was right this time around. Certainly not an organization on anybody’s good list who is well-read.

These orgs do a much better job of keeping it honest:

News media to consider the most neutral sources:

  1. 🟢The Hill, 0.09
  2. 🟢Forbes, 0.2
  3. 🟢Christian Science Monitor, -0.21
  4. 🟢Business Insider, -0.38
  5. 🟢Fortune, 0.43
  6. 🟢Marketwatch, -0.54
  7. 🟢Financial Times, 0.62
  8. 🟢Bloomberg, -0.85
  9. 🟢Reuters, -0.95
  10. 🟢AP, -1.06
40 million individuals utterly did not participate. That would be like 1 in every 6 adults. Some real made up bullshit on the 40 million and only possible remote accuracy would be counting same people over and over and over and even then it’s not enough to support the false tally
I've researched it again. The 40 million was worldwide, including our 5 US Territories....up to 26 million in the USA is the estimate I found today.

That is almost 10% of our population participated. Which is not unreasonable, considering how we all felt about Chauvin killing Floyd.

There were 2000 protests in the Usa, in one month....in towns and cities throughout the country.

Care4All- I never meant to imply that you made this a racial issue nor did I mention anything about race. The source I linked, NYT- is rated by three different media bias ratings and all indicate they are left leaning and paraphrasing the rest: keep it relatively honest. I am not a personal fan of the New York Slimes but used it because the article lists the top 10 case myths.

You posted that K. Rittenhouse’s mom drove her son to the riot. Not true and you’re not the only poster on USMB to continue to post this falsehood. I know you’re not doing it intentionally.

The case is over, but this board still needs as much honesty as possible to be a good board. As I stated before, I find you to be an honest poster. We disagree on many topics, but have agreement at times as well:)

Please disregard the New York Slimes source I used and I can find another one if you’d like. It was the first one that popped up on my screen for “Rittenhouse trial myths debunked” and I didn’t look beyond it as I should have done. I only read the top 10 list and didn’t read the other comments of the article, so I assume that’s the race baiting part.

It is most telling that you’ve called out the New York slimes for printing a race baiting article! I can promise it’ll be the last time I ever risk using them as a source, and glad you brought this to my attention! In this particular case, NYS was right this time around. Certainly not an organization on anybody’s good list who is well-read.

These orgs do a much better job of keeping it honest:

News media to consider the most neutral sources:

  1. 🟢The Hill, 0.09
  2. 🟢Forbes, 0.2
  3. 🟢Christian Science Monitor, -0.21
  4. 🟢Business Insider, -0.38
  5. 🟢Fortune, 0.43
  6. 🟢Marketwatch, -0.54
  7. 🟢Financial Times, 0.62
  8. 🟢Bloomberg, -0.85
  9. 🟢Reuters, -0.95
  10. 🟢AP, -1.06
Still haven't read your whole reply yet but as an FYI the link was from the NY POST, not the NY Times!

The NY POST took the National Enquirer spot with pure garbage, when the Enquirer was forced to shutter. The New York Times is usually reliable, with sourced facts....but even they have messed up time to time.
Because you are specifically praising it. What I said carries across all spectrums: a good parent does not take their kid to a riot. But you’re right, I stand corrected, the claim made about her driving him was wrong. In fact he appears to have been driving himself, without a license, to places and his mother, who worked long shifts had no idea where he was and what he was up to.

The people “chasing down a teen” were chasing someone who had just shot and an unarmed man and was thought to be an active shooter. They didn’t deserve to be killed either.

Why do you praise Kyle’s mother’s parenting when she had no idea what her son was up to but critique en masse, the parenting of “BLM savages”? Maybe like Kyle’s mother, they worked long hours and their children got up to things they weren’t aware of. Or is it because they are “BLM savages“ instead of “white vigilantes” that different standards are applied?
1) I never praised Kyle’s mother. All I did was correct the liberal media lie that she drove him to the riot.

2) The criminals, led first by the child rapist, threatened to kill Kyle when Kyle put out a fire the BLM savages set. Angered by a kid trying to curtail the damage the savages were doing, the felon specifically said that he would kill him if he has the chance. He chased the teen down, and Kyle was trying to get away from him. When he couldn’t, and the child rapist was a few feet away and going for his gun, he fired. The others he shot at were all threatening his life, which is why he was acquitted: it was self-defense.

3) It is interesting that when I criticized the parenting on the BLM side, you assumed I was criticizing the parents of the violent Kenosha riotres. I was criticizing the Kenosha savages THEMSELVES! These weren’t kids - they were grown, out-of-control violent men, committing arson because reasons. I was criticizing THEM. What type of father goes to destroy property and set a neighborhood on fire when he should be home with his kids?

So, you are criticizing Kyle’s parent, a working class mom holding down an evening shift for not knowing what her 17-year-old was doing, and I am criticizing the parents who went to a riot with the specific objective of causing as much mayhem and destruction as possible.

That you have more venom for a naive teen who tried to protect the community from the BLM rioters than you have for the rioters themselves - grown men, most with criminal records, whose intent is to create as much damage as possible - is troubling.

Liberals always defend the wrong side.
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Still haven't read your whole reply yet but as an FYI the link was from the NY POST, not the NY Times!

The NY POST took the National Enquirer spot with pure garbage, when the Enquirer was forced to shutter. The New York Times is usually reliable, with sourced facts....but even they have messed up time to time.
Ohhhh! I didn’t even catch the difference thanks again for the heads up! Yes anything related to the National Inquirer would be bottom of the gutter.
I've researched it again. The 40 million was worldwide, including our 5 US Territories....up to 26 million in the USA is the estimate I found today.

That is almost 10% of our population participated. Which is not unreasonable, considering how we all felt about Chauvin killing Floyd.

There were 2000 protests in the Usa, in one month....in towns and cities throughout the country.

One out of every 10 people in USA did not participate. 1 out of 100 maybe
You admitted your earlier error when you researched further and thank you for that noble admittance and research efforts

Left wing rioting is out of control in the US, and here the evidence

The George Floyd riots alone from May 30 to July 28 caused 748 casualties and 17 dead.

And when you start estimating the property damage along with it, with the media disinterested in any of it, other than supporting the rioters with democrat mayors across the nation telling police to stand down, you get a better idea of why things are the way they are

I honestly think there may be some Left leaning posters here that actually have no idea about this, simply because the press down plays it so. And if you watch the press, you would never know that Kyle was chased and assaulted and simpyl defending himself.

The deaths and the damage are still LESS than those caused by police killing suspects.
You clearly do not know much about politics.
First of all, libertarians are far right wing, bordering on Laissez faire capitalism.
Obviously I am far left of even the Socialists, more like natural Anarchism.

And the point is to focus on the cause that started it all.
The inherent and systemic police state that is responsible for all the abuses.
I am simply stating what particulars have to be addressed, such as how the War on Drugs, no-knock-warrants, warrantless searches, police rules of engagement, etc., are all entirely illegal.
The police legally have no more authority to shoot someone than any individual has, because we as individuals are the only source of legal authority that the police can borrow delegated authority from.

You need to do more research and learn more about the legal system of a true democratic republic, and then start contrasting it with what we have allowed to be done to us.
Libertarians own the biggest part of anarchism. Those crazy fkrs think they can go out and live in the wilderness where there's no government. They wouldn't last a week.

Libertarianism is neither left or right, it's crazy shit. Americans have very little understanding of what is left. The 'communism' crap is stuffed down their throats from early childhood on.
Libertarians own the biggest part of anarchism. Those crazy fkrs think they can go out and live in the wilderness where there's no government. They wouldn't last a week.

Libertarianism is neither left or right, it's crazy shit. Americans have very little understanding of what is left. The 'communism' crap is stuffed down their throats from early childhood on.
If all libertarians are the same how would you explain this aspect of polar opposite differences within the blanket label? Labels are always inexact regarding specifiers regardless of political party.


Numerous sources point out that you can either have a right or left leaning as a libertarian with additional nuances further identifying self-labeled libertarians having many differing viewpoints.

If all libertarians are the same how would you explain this aspect of polar opposite differences within the blanket label? Labels are always inexact regarding specifiers regardless of political party.
Could it be that you are so ignorant of the topic that you would argue in favour of my point, yet think you are disagreeing?
Could it be that you are so ignorant of the topic that you would argue in favour of my point, yet think you are disagreeing?
Stick to my words without mincing words. I’m not mincing yours but could easily do so.

I’ve learned a lot about this topic
after taking 3 to 4 different online political tests and my results all indicating I align with libertarians, as a constitutionalist, and right leaning in many issues with support for a couple of left-leaning platforms. I strongly oppose authoritarian maneuvers by the US government. I support the rule of law so your claim that libertarians are just crazy anarchists indicates you’re misinformed. You also incorrectly wrote that libertarians don’t lean right or left. Most left-leaning libertarians do not support the rule of law while most right leaning do. The chart I posted earlier depicts the differences between right/left libertarians and there are oppositional stances in almost every major political issue among libertarians.

IOW- your attempt to change my words of my post was unsuccessful, yet again. Feel free to keep trying if this is something you find important to do… to intentionally rewrite other posters’ posts. Good luck finding new people who will engage with you. It doesn’t take long to figure out your motivations on here.
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