What created Kyle Rittenhouse

Kyle Rittenhouse said he was a BLM supporter on the Tucker Carlson show.

He also said he only shot white people.

What created Kyle Rittenhouse? A comedy of errors.
Im glad all you detractors have suddenly started believing Kyle. Good to know.
A good parent would not drive her 17 yr old kid to a riot.
Also, point #2: a good parent would not be at a riot, setting everything on fire, trying to destroy businesses, and chasing down a teen to try to murder him….but there they were.

Why do you only criticize Kyle’s parenting skills (and again, she didn’t drive him there - it’s a left wing media lie), and overlook what rotten parents the BLM savages are?
Will blacks and the left see the Rittenhouse murders as a reason to start arming themselves?

And will the casualties and dead be even higher this time?

Or maybe the right's firepower will intimidate others and they will choose to not fight back?

Do you understand that blm/antifa terrorists of the democrat party actually murdered about 40 Americans, wounded over 400 police officers and burned and looted to the damage of about 2 billion dollars?

Rittenhouse shot 3 criminals who attacked him....

Do you always have to be this stupid?
Also, point #2: a good parent would not be at a riot, setting everything on fire, trying to destroy businesses, and chasing down a teen to try to murder him….but there they were.

Why do you only criticize Kyle’s parenting skills (and again, she didn’t drive him there - it’s a left wing media lie), and overlook what rotten parents the BLM savages are?

The mother didn't drive him...that is another lie being pushed by leftist liars and their dupes.
Yep, I've brought these stats up before which the media and the left (one in the same) have conveniently ignored

And the vast majority of those killed and wounded by blm, antifa, democrat party terrorist groups? Blacks and other minorities.....and the majority of the burning and looting occurred in black neighborhoods.....

That is how the democrat party operates........they haven't sent blm and antifa into the suburbs yet because they know the suburbs have more guns.........and they don't control the police there so they can't order them to stand down.......
Do you understand that blm/antifa terrorists of the democrat party actually murdered about 40 Americans, wounded over 400 police officers and burned and looted to the damage of about 2 billion dollars?

Rittenhouse shot 3 criminals who attacked him....

Do you always have to be this stupid?
Posting more repllies to me won't get you noticed any faster. And in fact, posting the usual gun snark will only get you ignored.
And the vast majority of those killed and wounded by blm, antifa, democrat party terrorist groups? Blacks and other minorities.....and the majority of the burning and looting occurred in black neighborhoods.....

That is how the democrat party operates........they haven't sent blm and antifa into the suburbs yet because they know the suburbs have more guns.........and they don't control the police there so they can't order them to stand down.......
Truthfully people in the burbs are salivating. Please PLEASE send them here.

Left wing rioting is out of control in the US, and here the evidence

The George Floyd riots alone from May 30 to July 28 caused 748 casualties and 17 dead.

And when you start estimating the property damage along with it, with the media disinterested in any of it, other than supporting the rioters with democrat mayors across the nation telling police to stand down, you get a better idea of why things are the way they are

I honestly think there may be some Left leaning posters here that actually have no idea about this, simply because the press down plays it so. And if you watch the press, you would never know that Kyle was chased and assaulted and simpyl defending himself.
It is out of control but there's no interest in what has caused that sort of reaction by the right.
Would you react differently if your father or brother was gunned down by the police for being a white man?

The question isn't going away but it will at least get a reaction on this board that encourages more of the same.
The fact is it is still all the fault of the police and judicial system.

The War on Drugs, the military rules of engagement the police are trained with, the inherent racism of the US, etc. is the problem.
The police illegally kill thousands a year, and as many as half a million illegally incarcertated for violations that harm no one else, like the War on Drugs.
Such laws, arrests, shootings, and incarcerations are all entirely illegal.
Due to that, the riots should and must continue until these endemic abuses are finally ended.

Warrantless searches, no-knock-warrants, police aiming and firing weapons without due cause, etc. are all criminal acts by police constantly, and must end.
There is no greater political or legal problem in the US than police abuses.
Not a single drug charge is actually remotely legal.
Legislators are NOT the source of legal authority.
Only the defense of inherent individual rights can be the source of legal authority in a democratic republic, so any drug law is totally illegal.
The fact is it is still all the fault of the police and judicial system.

The War on Drugs, the military rules of engagement the police are trained with, the inherent racism of the US, etc. is the problem.
The police illegally kill thousands a year, and as many as half a million illegally incarcertated for violations that harm no one else, like the War on Drugs.
Such laws, arrests, shootings, and incarcerations are all entirely illegal.
Due to that, the riots should and must continue until these endemic abuses are finally ended.

Warrantless searches, no-knock-warrants, police aiming and firing weapons without due cause, etc. are all criminal acts by police constantly, and must end.
There is no greater political or legal problem in the US than police abuses.
Not a single drug charge is actually remotely legal.
Legislators are NOT the source of legal authority.
Only the defense of inherent individual rights can be the source of legal authority in a democratic republic, so any drug law is totally illegal.
And now the libertarian nonsense is introduced to confuse issues further!

Solutions in a positive direction aren't solutions, but they do help to open the can of worms. Anarchy for all in the name of libertar.................
Do you understand that blm/antifa terrorists of the democrat party actually murdered about 40 Americans, wounded over 400 police officers and burned and looted to the damage of about 2 billion dollars?

Rittenhouse shot 3 criminals who attacked him....

Do you always have to be this stupid?

You don't run around in a riot with a rifle, trying to stop the riot, and not expect to get attacked by the rioters, who have a valid right of self defense to end the threat the rifle poses.
Rioting is a well enshrined legal right, when the government is guilty of being abusive.
We can argue about how abusive the government is, but that does not alter the right of the people to riot in their expression of extreme displeasure.
The use of a rifle by someone who does not agree with the riot, is clearly illegal, extremely dangerous, and highly provocative.
You don't run around in a riot with a rifle, trying to stop the riot, and not expect to get attacked by the rioters, who have a valid right of self defense to end the threat the rifle poses.
Rioting is a well enshrined legal right, when the government is guilty of being abusive.
We can argue about how abusive the government is, but that does not alter the right of the people to riot in their expression of extreme displeasure.
The use of a rifle by someone who does not agree with the riot, is clearly illegal, extremely dangerous, and highly provocative.

Yeah....you can't destroy another persons property to protest the government you dumb ass........

I have to think at this point you have children, and one of your children knows your password to U.S.messageboard and is posting this really dumb stuff in your name....
No, I haven't. The jury was there hearing all the evidence, I wasn't.... I accept their decision, though I had a different view of it, than them and than you and different from my liberal friends, probably...?

I think Kyle suffered from the bullying abuse he received in school.... it is the sole reason he dropped out of high school, is what I've read. That's some pretty serious bullying, to make him want to drop out, and ruin his future career opportunities. I think his somewhat unhealthy attraction to guns and cops, came from feeling the need for safety, after all the bullying he experienced in school. And also, why as a 17 year old, his fear of being hurt by others was so strong, strong enough to kill two to three human beings so easily.... I don't think a mentally healthy and stable 17 year old, would be at the riot, let alone bring a long arm to a riot, or use it, to kill, other humans....killing another human is usually one of the hardest things humans can do....

I also believe he was going through family issues, with his parent's divorce.

And, I think his mom, made the wrong and bad decision to allow and drive him in to the city to attend this riot, when there was a curfew of 7pm, due to the danger the cops believed would take place. That is BAD PARENTING, that put her 17yr old son in this position, that he never should have been in at all....

So, I am all over the place on this...! Trying to make excuses for Kyle's actions.... While at the same time, I don't think he should have gotten off, Scott free.... He and mom and friend made some very poor decisions that were the catalyst, in him killing two people and hurting another.....

If he were not there, had not broken the curfew, and had not brought a loaded riffle, there would have been ZERO killings that night, at that riot. People are dead, because he was in a place, where he was way over his head.

Just because the people he killed were not saints, does not mean they should be killed.... that's up to a court of law, in our Nation of Laws, not of Men!

Yes, 40 million people attended BLM protests last summer.

It's horrible anyone had to die or be murdered.... I think half or so of those killed were rioters...??

But, if that 17 murdered or killed during the Black lives matter riots and protests is correct, it truly indicates that all that increase in killings/murders last year in 2020, were taking place, elsewhere in the USA, and the black lives matter and George Floyd protests, were not a smidgen of the murder increase that took place last year.... The rioting lawlessness, was primarily destruction of property crimes, looting, burning etc.
You might compare what you’ve written to debunked myth list. I’ve provided a left-leaning source.

And now the libertarian nonsense is introduced to confuse issues further!

You clearly do not know much about politics.
First of all, libertarians are far right wing, bordering on Laissez faire capitalism.
Obviously I am far left of even the Socialists, more like natural Anarchism.

And the point is to focus on the cause that started it all.
The inherent and systemic police state that is responsible for all the abuses.
I am simply stating what particulars have to be addressed, such as how the War on Drugs, no-knock-warrants, warrantless searches, police rules of engagement, etc., are all entirely illegal.
The police legally have no more authority to shoot someone than any individual has, because we as individuals are the only source of legal authority that the police can borrow delegated authority from.

You need to do more research and learn more about the legal system of a true democratic republic, and then start contrasting it with what we have allowed to be done to us.
There were 40 million people who participated in the Blm/George Floyd protests throughout the country.

There were over 20,000 murders in the USA in 2020.

17 of those murders in 2020 were connected to the black lives matter/ Floyd protests.

That is an astronomically low percentage number of the Total murders committed in 2020.

I would have expected it to be a much higher percentage and higher number of the 20,000 or so murders in 2020?
40 million individuals utterly did not participate. That would be like 1 in every 6 adults. Some real made up bullshit on the 40 million and only possible remote accuracy would be counting same people over and over and over and even then it’s not enough to support the false tally
Yeah....you can't destroy another persons property to protest the government you dumb ass........

I have to think at this point you have children, and one of your children knows your password to U.S.messageboard and is posting this really dumb stuff in your name....

Sure you can, (destroy private property), because it is always the wealthy elite who are responsible for the corruption.
That is totally obvious from the Boston Tea Party.
Do you think that the police, legislators, judges, prosecutors, etc., are all just corrupt and evil as individuals, and just happen to all work in concert?
Of course not.
They are not the ones who want things to be so evil and corrupt, and they are not the ones paying out the money to bribe people to be so evil and corrupt.
When there are systemic problems with the system, it is always due to the wealthy elite, just like in 1930 Germany or Italy, or 1776 Americas.
And the solution is always the same, to show the wealthy elite they are not going to get away with it, and it will cost them the very profit they seek.

Take any example, such as the half million people currently incarcerated on the War on Drugs.
Try to explain how the War on Drugs can possibly be legal?
It can't be and isn't.
So then the entirely nation is guilty of illegal imprisoning those half million people.
That invalidates any and all so called "legal authority" of those claiming to be any aspect at all of law enforcement.

If you don't get why the War on Drugs is so totally illegal, I will explain.
The only legal basis for laws in a democratic republic is defense of individual rights.
Drugs, if legal, harm no one else, so then there is no basis for criminalizing them.
Drugs may be stupid, but it is not legal to criminalize stupidity.
And from a practical standpoint, criminalizing drugs greatly increase the problem, profits, and violence, just like with Prohibition.
So the abuse then is intentional and counter productive.
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40 million individuals utterly did not participate. That would be like 1 in every 6 adults. Some real made up bullshit on the 40 million and only possible remote accuracy would be counting same people over and over and over and even then it’s not enough to support the false tally

The number who participated does not matter.
Clearly the standard operating procedures of the police not only are totally illegal, but always have been so and it is deliberate.
That totally and completely invalidated government, and means all those who believe in a democratic republic should be in full armed rebellion, long ago.
The only reason we are not, is we are also corrupt, lazy, racist, etc.
But that does not change the facts.
Which are that a systemic abuse of the rights of even a single person, totally invalidates any legitimacy of the entirely legal and governmental bureacracy.

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