What Democrats winning the Senate means

Now, Biden will be able to undo some of the damage Trump did to the judiciary by appointing young, liberal judges
READ: Young progressive judges, lenient on crime, woke and a building continuance of demonizing law enforcement and therefore higher violent crime on innocent citizens.
READ: Young progressive judges, lenient on crime, woke and a building continuance of demonizing law enforcement and therefore higher violent crime on innocent citizens.
Agree. The Dems want crime as bad as possible. It’s part of the plan to destroy America.
As I said, you are working with an inflation-protected job and can afford the “pain.” Others cannot.

Don’t be like the Dems who are OK with pain - as long as it falls on other people.

Because my salary is so high? No.
If Warnock wins for 51 the Senate will be adding 4 seats to the Supreme Court. It will pass by 50-50 with Manchin as the holdout and Your Favorite VP as the tie breaker. CANT WAIT.
We would do quite well by limiting all the government freebies - starting with instituting a work requirement for welfare. Right now, people who don’t work at all get the “Earned Income Tax Credit.”

If we required the entitled people who refuse to work to get a job to continue getting food stamps and child tax credits and Medicaid and TANF, we would go a long way to solving the labor shortage - and that alone would bring down inflation.

I agree, but we would certainly not be able to do that with a slim majority in the House. The only thing that will accomplish is allowing Dems to blame everything on us. And the sheeple WILL fall for that.

Better to give the people what they voted for. Short term pain--long term gain. Otherwise, we just continue being their fall guy.

PS I would rather have avoided all of this of course with bigger majorities in the House and Senate, where we could send good bills to Biden, forcing him to veto. But that didn't happen. So the pain is inevitable. The only question is: who will be blamed for it? Who DESERVES the blame?
If Warnock wins for 51 the Senate will be adding 4 seats to the Supreme Court. It will pass by 50-50 with Manchin as the holdout and Your Favorite VP as the tie breaker. CANT WAIT.

Do it.

Go for all of it.

Crash it all.

*I* can't wait.
If Warnock wins for 51 the Senate will be adding 4 seats to the Supreme Court. It will pass by 50-50 with Manchin as the holdout and Your Favorite VP as the tie breaker. CANT WAIT.
Progs are the consolation prize. Why? Because the arrogant who screwed with people and are not Prog voters or more to the fact, prog believers because they collect wages, benefits and pensions are not doing a thing to stop it.
If Warnock wins for 51 the Senate will be adding 4 seats to the Supreme Court. It will pass by 50-50 with Manchin as the holdout and Your Favorite VP as the tie breaker. CANT WAIT.

On second thought you really think that these cheaters out west: Mark Kelly and the Nevada woman, would vote for 4 new Justices--to pack the Court?

It’s all legal. There is nothing you can do about it. Just like there was nothing to stop republicans from denying Obama an appointment for two years and rushing in Trumps in 2 months. The die was cast.

Sure, maybe they will vote that you can abort your children up to age two.

Who needs 'em anyway? Right? How much does your party love to kill their babies?
On second thought you really think that these cheaters out west: Mark Kelly and the Nevada woman, would vote for 4 new Justices--to pack the Court?

You don’t even know her name so how would you know how she will vote?. It’s a real possibility. Dems have an even shot to hold on to senate in 2024. And even if they don’t and Pubs add even more.. no worse off. Why wouldn’t the democrats do it?
On second thought you really think that these cheaters out west: Mark Kelly and the Nevada woman, would vote for 4 new Justices--to pack the Court?

so you think a SC that is politically biased would be good for the country? Maybe you should move to North Korea. they have the system that you libs say you want. When freedom is taken, it will include YOUR freedom.
With Republicans winning the House, serious legislation is impossible

But Mitch McConnell never cared about legislation
He would have used the next two years to block Biden from filling vacant court seats to stockpile them for a Republican President in 2024

Now, Biden will be able to undo some of the damage Trump did to the judiciary by appointing young, liberal judges
Translation: the democrats don't know how to compromise, your fucking way only.

You don’t even know her name so how would you know how she will vote?. It’s a real possibility. Dems have an even shot to hold on to senate in 2024. And even if they don’t and Pubs add even more.. no worse off. Why wouldn’t the democrats do it?

Well maybe because Mark Kelly spent his entire campaign saying he was a moderate, he doesn't follow the Biden agenda?

But whatever. Crash the nation.
You don’t even know her name so how would you know how she will vote?. It’s a real possibility. Dems have an even shot to hold on to senate in 2024. And even if they don’t and Pubs add even more.. no worse off. Why wouldn’t the democrats do it?
If what you say is true, the USA as a free democratic republic is over. What I find amazing is that you on the left seem to want that. Why do you want to give up YOUR freedoms?
so you think a SC that is politically biased would be good for the country? Maybe you should move to North Korea. they have the system that you libs say you want. When freedom is taken, it will include YOUR freedom.

I think it would be terrible for the nation. A packed SC like that might be hard to undo. But a complete Dem House and Senate is better than a Dem Senate and a House with a slim majority, as I have been saying. A slim House majority only allows the Republicans to be a fall guy.
If what you say is true, the USA as a free democratic republic is over. What I find amazing is that you on the left seem to want that. Why do you want to give up YOUR freedoms?

People like citygator don't care.

Covid taught me that. They don't value freedom at all; only compliance and bootlicking power.

That's it.

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