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What did GWB do to cause the great recession? DJIA crash? Financial meltdown?

Tell me how those entities were responsible for writing the subprimes that were above and beyond what the gov program required?

Tell me how those entities were responsible for rolling those very subprimes into securities that had never before contained such dogshit?

Now explain in detail what that SEC annoucment I provided you means.

You cant.

All you can do is post bullshit from someone elses brain.

You are a partisan hack because you have NO information yourself and merely buy into what someone else tells you without any idea what it really menas.

No information?
like you have any information that means anything?
I am going to say this again
Sub Prime loans where made legally
those loans being rolled up and being rated by the rating agencies was legal
the wheels coming off, came off because those legal loans were not so legal and some of the people who got those loans got them by lying

I swear your not going to get it
The SEC has nothing to do with the way a bank loans out monies nor does it have anything to do with people not being able to pay it back
its called root cause
I agree. On point, the reason Bush is blamed and should be blamed is shit hit the fan on his watch.
The near financial collapse, the attack on the WTC on Sept. 11, 2001 and too many days cutting brush in between these events explain why Bush, Jr. is to blame.

what did GWB do to cause these events?
Why should we blame him? why do we?
9-11 was 19 insanly motivated Saudis with legal tickets and box cutters. in 2001 I could carry my pocket knife on a plane

The financial collapse?
what did GWB do to cause that?

It's what he didn't do. Cole was attacked by Terrorists in October, 2000. President Bush knew or should have known it was only a matter of time until our shores would suffer an attack of some kind. While he may not have been able to put in motion a way to prevent the destruction of the Twin Towers, he surely should have had a contingency plan should an attack occur.

Knowing Clinton was tested within weeks of his first term (first WTC attack) and having knowledge of other terror attacks around the world (Cole, African Embassy's) and at home (Oklahoma City) one would presume defending our nation would have been job one.It seems job 1 for GWB was to cut taxes and cut brush, play some golf and fish; make sure everyone wore a coat and tie and was above all loyal to him.

As for the near collapse in 2008 Bush knew and spoke of his concerns as it was becoming clear shit was soon to fly; yet, he did not use the power of the office to reign in the absurd and dangerous trading practices of Wall Street. Had he sent out the troops to all the Sunday News Shows warning of building economic crisis - as he did in the build up to the Iraq invasion - maybe we would have been able to limit the damage when the shit flew in October 2008

Don't forget President Bushes vision for protecting America was Missile Defense. And he was pushing it hot and heavy before 9-11. They mostly ignored the warnings from the Clinton Administration about what the most pressing threat there was.
The SEC held up the protections in the GLB act for years folks.

It is cold hard fact PROVEN by the SEC release I provided you all.

If the protections had been implimented at the same time the rest of the law was implimented this mess COULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED!
what did GWB do to cause these events?
Why should we blame him? why do we?
9-11 was 19 insanly motivated Saudis with legal tickets and box cutters. in 2001 I could carry my pocket knife on a plane

The financial collapse?
what did GWB do to cause that?

It's what he didn't do. Cole was attacked by Terrorists in October, 2000. President Bush knew or should have known it was only a matter of time until our shores would suffer an attack of some kind. While he may not have been able to put in motion a way to prevent the destruction of the Twin Towers, he surely should have had a contingency plan should an attack occur.

Knowing Clinton was tested within weeks of his first term (first WTC attack) and having knowledge of other terror attacks around the world (Cole, African Embassy's) and at home (Oklahoma City) one would presume defending our nation would have been job one.It seems job 1 for GWB was to cut taxes and cut brush, play some golf and fish; make sure everyone wore a coat and tie and was above all loyal to him.

As for the near collapse in 2008 Bush knew and spoke of his concerns as it was becoming clear shit was soon to fly; yet, he did not use the power of the office to reign in the absurd and dangerous trading practices of Wall Street. Had he sent out the troops to all the Sunday News Shows warning of building economic crisis - as he did in the build up to the Iraq invasion - maybe we would have been able to limit the damage when the shit flew in October 2008

Don't forget President Bushes vision for protecting America was Missile Defense. And he was pushing it hot and heavy before 9-11. They mostly ignored the warnings from the Clinton Administration about what the most pressing threat there was.

Blind Boo you link me to one warning that stated that
19 insane Saudis
with legal tickets
legal pass ports
box cutters
where going to turn 4 passenger jets into scud missiles on the morning of 9-11-2001
The SEC held up the protections in the GLB act for years folks.

It is cold hard fact PROVEN by the SEC release I provided you all.

If the protections had been implimented at the same time the rest of the law was implimented this mess COULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED!

Dude your out there
I am sorry
I have no idea what your talking about
I am so sick of hearing the libs blaming all of this on W
OK Libs lets hear it
what did GWB do to cause any of it?

The Libs Favorite Response to this is the Bush Tax Cuts, and 2 wars. They claim the cost of those combined is the cause of the Problem. Which is in part true, but then it is hard to take those fools seriously when they tell us that and then tell us the answer is to spend 3 Times as much, twice as fast as Bush did.
I really though we could get a dialog going
with Obama my issues are with policy

allot of his stimulus was for unions
thats a fact
» Stimulus Pays Off With Obama Teachers Union Endorsement - Big Government
allot of tarp he stole, I mean used was for the UAW

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Now They Tell Us: CBO Double Counted Medicare Savings
He has lied about how we are going to pay for OBAMA CARE
After allowing Democrats for weeks to argue that their Medicare cuts would both help finance the new health care legislation and extend the solvency of Medicare, the Congressional Budget Office explained today that the bill could do one or the other, but not both at the same time.
The new memo, released after Democrats have already secured 60 votes, reads:
The key point is that the savings to the HI (Medicare Hospital Insurance) trust fund under the PPACA (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) would be received by the government only once, so they cannot be set aside to pay for future Medicare spending and, at the same time, pay for current spending on other parts of the legislation or on other programs. Trust fund accounting shows the magnitude of the savings within the trust fund, and those savings indeed improve the solvency of that fund; however, that accounting ignores the burden that would be faced by the rest of the government later in redeeming the bonds held by the trust fund. Unified budget accounting shows that the majority of the HI trust fund savings would be used to pay for other spending under the PPACA and would not enhance the ability of the government to redeem the bonds credited to the trust fund to pay for future Medicare benefits. To describe the full amount of HI trust fund savings as both improving the government’s ability to pay future Medicare benefits and financing new spending outside of Medicare would essentially double-count a large share of those savings and thus overstate the improvement in the government’s fiscal position.
Via Say Anything.
Sen. Jeff Sessions, after conversing with CBO director Doug Elmendorf, said that without the revenue from the Medicare cuts, the bill would actually increase deficts by nearly $300 billion, FoxNews reports.
"Either you've weakened the Medicare substantially or you're going to have no money to spend on the new program that's being created," Sessions said. "You cannot spend this money twice."

These are real issues
not made up ones like the "warning of 9-11"
and the "surplus"
on and on and on

Not one liberal out there can come up with why GWB was such a bad president
Tell me how those entities were responsible for writing the subprimes that were above and beyond what the gov program required?

Tell me how those entities were responsible for rolling those very subprimes into securities that had never before contained such dogshit?

Now explain in detail what that SEC annoucment I provided you means.

You cant.

All you can do is post bullshit from someone elses brain.

You are a partisan hack because you have NO information yourself and merely buy into what someone else tells you without any idea what it really menas.

No information?
like you have any information that means anything?
I am going to say this again
Sub Prime loans where made legally
those loans being rolled up and being rated by the rating agencies was legal
the wheels coming off, came off because those legal loans were not so legal and some of the people who got those loans got them by lying

I swear your not going to get it
The SEC has nothing to do with the way a bank loans out monies nor does it have anything to do with people not being able to pay it back
its called root cause

What is it you think the securitues and exchange commision does?

You cant really be that stupid can you?
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The SEC was established by the United States Congress in 1933 as an independent, quasi-judicial regulatory agency during the Great Depression that followed the Crash of 1929. The main reason for the creation of the SEC was to regulate the stock market and prevent corporate abuses relating to the offering and sale of securities and corporate reporting. The SEC was given the power to license and regulate stock exchanges, the companies whose securities traded on them, and the brokers and dealers who conducted the trading.

Currently, the SEC is responsible for administering seven major laws that govern the securities industry. They are: the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and most recently, the Credit Rating Agency Reform Act of 2006.
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I am so sick of hearing the libs blaming all of this on W
OK Libs lets hear it
what did GWB do to cause any of it?

The Libs Favorite Response to this is the Bush Tax Cuts, and 2 wars. They claim the cost of those combined is the cause of the Problem. Which is in part true, but then it is hard to take those fools seriously when they tell us that and then tell us the answer is to spend 3 Times as much, twice as fast as Bush did.

The deficit in 2007 was 162 billion
I am not sure the 2 wars could have been helped
we can argue about Iraq until we are blue in the face
Bottom line is we did not start that mess
So now that your OP has been trashed completely by the facts you are going to seek to change the subject instead admitting how wrong you were?
Sure he was. The final meltdown in 2008 was not the first of his administration. He had plenty of reason to reverse years of deregulation..and the mandate to do it.

He chose not to.

So GWB not regulating the de regulation that Bill Clinton put in place is GWB fault?
FYI I do not blame Clinton for people being greedy and stupid
but it damn sure is not GWB fault

that was no little de regulation
you cannot legislate morality

Republicans on the SEC appointed by Bush voted to suspend capital requirements for the Big Five Wall Street firms. They then proceeded to blow themselves up. Also he appointed various officials throughout the agencies who either eased rules on mortgage lending or who refused to enforce those that existed.

At least TORO responded to the facts instead of pretending they did not exist
So GWB not regulating the de regulation that Bill Clinton put in place is GWB fault?
FYI I do not blame Clinton for people being greedy and stupid
but it damn sure is not GWB fault

that was no little de regulation
you cannot legislate morality

Republicans on the SEC appointed by Bush voted to suspend capital requirements for the Big Five Wall Street firms. They then proceeded to blow themselves up. Also he appointed various officials throughout the agencies who either eased rules on mortgage lending or who refused to enforce those that existed.

At least TORO responded to the facts instead of pretending they did not exist

My friend what do you think I should say?
That the SEC should have prevented those loaning institutions to make those bad loans?
Thats what caused this partially
The bottom fell out price wise, so even if the loan was secure, many of them where up side down
whats the SEC have to do with any of that?
I think you should admitt what this SEC document says.

It clearly says that they had finnaly implemented (years later) the protections that wwere supposed to go in place the day GLBact was implimented.

Look at the dates.

GLB passed in 1999 and was implimented shortly afterwards but these protections were not implimented until like 2008
This is my point
we did some of this to our selves
9-11 hurt us
GWB saves this country from an abomination with Tarp

My opinion the Medicare reform bill should have a better understanding as to how we were going to pay for it
and no child left behind, same
Revenues were down until 04, and tax cuts had little to do with that
But those are the things i had trouble with W over
why are you again trying to change the subject and refusing to comment on the facts given you ?
It's what he didn't do. Cole was attacked by Terrorists in October, 2000. President Bush knew or should have known it was only a matter of time until our shores would suffer an attack of some kind. While he may not have been able to put in motion a way to prevent the destruction of the Twin Towers, he surely should have had a contingency plan should an attack occur.

Knowing Clinton was tested within weeks of his first term (first WTC attack) and having knowledge of other terror attacks around the world (Cole, African Embassy's) and at home (Oklahoma City) one would presume defending our nation would have been job one.It seems job 1 for GWB was to cut taxes and cut brush, play some golf and fish; make sure everyone wore a coat and tie and was above all loyal to him.

As for the near collapse in 2008 Bush knew and spoke of his concerns as it was becoming clear shit was soon to fly; yet, he did not use the power of the office to reign in the absurd and dangerous trading practices of Wall Street. Had he sent out the troops to all the Sunday News Shows warning of building economic crisis - as he did in the build up to the Iraq invasion - maybe we would have been able to limit the damage when the shit flew in October 2008

Don't forget President Bushes vision for protecting America was Missile Defense. And he was pushing it hot and heavy before 9-11. They mostly ignored the warnings from the Clinton Administration about what the most pressing threat there was.

Blind Boo you link me to one warning that stated that
19 insane Saudis
with legal tickets
legal pass ports
box cutters
where going to turn 4 passenger jets into scud missiles on the morning of 9-11-2001

There were plenty of indications something big was coming:

1993 World Trade Center bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pan Am Flight 103 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Khobar Towers bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
USS Cole bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
EgyptAir Flight 990 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIpEwGmSsmM]YouTube - ‪Condoleezza Rice asserts 'Bin Laden Determined To Attack' wasn't a warning. thumpandwhip.com‬‏[/ame]
It's what he didn't do. Cole was attacked by Terrorists in October, 2000. President Bush knew or should have known it was only a matter of time until our shores would suffer an attack of some kind. While he may not have been able to put in motion a way to prevent the destruction of the Twin Towers, he surely should have had a contingency plan should an attack occur.

Knowing Clinton was tested within weeks of his first term (first WTC attack) and having knowledge of other terror attacks around the world (Cole, African Embassy's) and at home (Oklahoma City) one would presume defending our nation would have been job one.It seems job 1 for GWB was to cut taxes and cut brush, play some golf and fish; make sure everyone wore a coat and tie and was above all loyal to him.

As for the near collapse in 2008 Bush knew and spoke of his concerns as it was becoming clear shit was soon to fly; yet, he did not use the power of the office to reign in the absurd and dangerous trading practices of Wall Street. Had he sent out the troops to all the Sunday News Shows warning of building economic crisis - as he did in the build up to the Iraq invasion - maybe we would have been able to limit the damage when the shit flew in October 2008

Don't forget President Bushes vision for protecting America was Missile Defense. And he was pushing it hot and heavy before 9-11. They mostly ignored the warnings from the Clinton Administration about what the most pressing threat there was.

Blind Boo you link me to one warning that stated that
19 insane Saudis
with legal tickets
legal pass ports
box cutters
where going to turn 4 passenger jets into scud missiles on the morning of 9-11-2001

How much time did the Bush Admin spend on ME terrorist?

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