What did Obama do to advance science outside of "green" renewable energy?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
What did Obama do to advance science outside of "green" renewable energy?

What has he done to keep our lead within it???
What has he done to advance cures for Cancer, heart disease, etc?

What did he do to advance Fusion energy?
What did he do to advance space?
What did he do to keep our leadership position on this planet?
Great questions! But what about these?

What has Obama done to help the Cubs win a World Series?
What has Obama done to shorten the duration of the acne outbreaks on Matthew's ass?
Don't you know? Obama is the RW anointed Messiah. According to them, he should be able cure cancer, perfect fusion energy, and make the Cubs world champions.....just with a wave of his hand.

I've never seen such a bunch of bawl babies like these people. Why do they not realize that green, renewable energy is our future? Why do they want to piss it away? Why do they feel that passing the R&D costs, and by default the control of this technology onto China is a smart move?

This technology works.....is it ready for prime time? Not yet....but it will be. Someone's going to figure out a way to make it cost effective and the whole world will want it....I'd prefer it was us. That means investment, and yes....some folks will try and fail. But you don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
You have got to be joking!
Science is explicitly excluded from the GOP education manifesto and you have the cheek to ask if Obama is pro-science?!
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Don't you know? Obama is the RW anointed Messiah. According to them, he should be able cure cancer, perfect fusion energy, and make the Cubs world champions.....just with a wave of his hand.

I've never seen such a bunch of bawl babies like these people. Why do they not realize that green, renewable energy is our future? Why do they want to piss it away? Why do they feel that passing the R&D costs, and by default the control of this technology onto China is a smart move?

This technology works.....is it ready for prime time? Not yet....but it will be. Someone's going to figure out a way to make it cost effective and the whole world will want it....I'd prefer it was us. That means investment, and yes....some folks will try and fail. But you don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

But...I want it now!!!!!!!!!!
Carter and Clinton killed a lot of good science.

Obama has shorted our space program making us rely on the Russians.

I'd rather this money was spent on a cure for cancer than global warming. Honestly. Enough of my family has went that way. :(
Carter and Clinton killed a lot of good science.

Obama has shorted our space program making us rely on the Russians.

I'd rather this money was spent on a cure for cancer than global warming. Honestly. Enough of my family has went that way. :(

I thought Bush stopped the space program...and doesn't that leave more money for cancer research...and doesn't a cure for cancer qualify as science...?
Carter and Clinton killed a lot of good science.

Obama has shorted our space program making us rely on the Russians.

I'd rather this money was spent on a cure for cancer than global warming. Honestly. Enough of my family has went that way. :(

I thought Bush stopped the space program...and doesn't that leave more money for cancer research...and doesn't a cure for cancer qualify as science...?

We should pull out of the middle east and close the bases down. A strong space program(99.9% of the known universe) has its importance with the cures for diseases. A nation that strives for our own knowledge and betterment is necessary.
State grants for adult job training $500,000,000
State grants for youth job training and summer employment opportunities $1,200,000,000
Dislocated worker job training $1,250,000,000
YouthBuild program for high school dropouts who re-enroll in other schools $50,000,000
Job training in emerging industries $250,000,000
Job training in the renewable energy field $500,000,000
Head Start programs $1,000,000,000
Early Head Start program expansion $1,100,000,000
Education for the disadvantaged - elementary and secondary education 10,000,000,000
Education for the disadvantaged - school improvement grants $3,000,000,000
Education impact aid $100,000,000
School improvement programs $650,000,000
Innovation and improvement of elementary and secondary schools $200,000,000
Special education funding under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act $12,200,000,000
Pell grants for higher education $15,840,000,000
Institute of Education data systems $245,000,000
Institute of Education state data coordinators $5,000,000
Dislocated worker assistance national reserve $200,000,000
School improvement grants awarded based on the number of homeless students identified in a state $70,000,000
Student aid administrative costs $60,000,000

Farm Service Agency salaries and expenses to maintain and modernize the information technology system $50,000,000
Distance learning, telemedicine and broadband program $2,500,000,000
National Telecommunications and Information Administration - broadband technology opportunities program $4,690,000,000
National Institute of Standards and Technology scientific and technical research and services $220,000,000
National Institute of Standards and Technology construction of research facilities $360,000,000
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration operations, research and facilities $230,000,000
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration procurement, acquisition and construction $600,000,000
NASA science $400,000,000
NASA aeronautics $150,000,000
NASA exploration $400,000,000
NASA cross agency support $50,000,000
National Science Foundation research and related activities $2,500,000,000
National Science Foundation education and human resources $100,000,000
National Science Foundation major research equipment and facilities construction $400,000,000
National Science Foundation - Office of Inspector General $2,000,000
Veterans Affairs for hiring and training of claims processors $150,000,000
Veterans Affairs information technology systems $50,000,000
State Department technology security upgrades $252,000,000
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) technology $38,000,000

The Stimulus Plan: A Detailed List of Spending - ProPublica

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