What did our founders really mean when they said “general welfare”?

One thing they didn't mean was "individual welfare". Hence the wording.
General welfare, imho, is composed of things that facilitate a smoother running union, like a national postal service, a military, and a unified court system.
Doesn’t preclude individual welfare any more than welfare for farms or tax reductions for families with Children
Doesn’t preclude individual welfare any more than welfare for farms or tax reductions for families with Children
Any power not specifically granted to the Federal Gov't under the constitution is reserved to the states and individuals.

The primary purpose of our constitution is to constrain the federal gov't.
Everybody knows what "general welfare" means but you left out the most important word. What did the F.F. mean by the word "promote"? Today's lazy gen seems to have the phrase backwards. It's "provide for the common defense and promote the general welfare" not "provide for the general welfare and promote the common defense".
Any power not specifically granted to the Federal Gov't under the constitution is reserved to the states and individuals.

The primary purpose of our constitution is to constrain the federal gov't.

Where does it say that?
Show where in the Constitution

The primary purpose of the Constitution is to create a more perfect union for We the People

I can show you where it says that
An army is not a air force or space force
Again, split off from the Army in 1947 under which is was created. The SF combines space related defense previously handled by all three branches and again, split off of the AF.

"Armies" are not just ground forces and certainly not under the definitions used at the time, they were inclusive of all military forces of a nation.
Again, split off from the Army in 1947 under which is was created. The SF combines space related defense previously handled by all three branches and again, split off of the AF.

"Armies" are not just ground forces and certainly not under the definitions used at the time, they were inclusive of all military forces of a nation.
Well you love to interpret things your way

But you lost this one
Where does it say that?
Show where in the Constitution

The primary purpose of the Constitution is to create a more perfect union for We the People

I can show you where it says that
What plenary power is in the preamble exactly?

It wasn't adequately spelled out originally hence the 9th and 10th Amendments.
If the question is what is the role of government... it's to do for the people what the people can't do for themselves. Not to do for the people what the people can and should do for themselves. Any questions?

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