What did our founders really mean when they said “general welfare”?

A looooot of Chinese folks making a looooooot of $$$ and getting it over here as quick as they can. Not the same as it was 30 years ago.

And none of them own anything. But they feel "happy".
Xi isn't stupid. He let's capitalism work it's magic, while maintaining an iron fisted grip.
"Ownership" in China does not mean the same thing as it does in America.
And none of them own anything. But they feel "happy"...
They own their money. They feel nervous because they know it can be taken by a corrupt, totalitarian government. That's why they get what they OWN out of the country as soon as they can. Often this takes the form of real estate purchases in the US, which converts $$$ to concrete assets and greases the wheels of immigration status for their children.
Our preamble was written in 1787 and free-shit / welfare wasn’t introduced until the 1930’s….If “promote the general welfare” meant free-shit for degenerate lowlife bottom feeders then why do you suppose we waited 140+ years to start handing out free-shit?

In 1787 - up to the start of world war 1 - nearly everyone was able to survive in Europe and the USA with hard work by becoming a farmer. Today you are also in the USA lost if you do not have money to buy food, isn't it?

And I heard "capitalism" as an ideology started indeed in England as an anti-Christian movement. They closed the poorhouses. I guess the result had been that many people had just simple died who needed help. And the next cruel step had been the English industrialization. The weavers tried to weave against machines and lost everything. Many died on hunger. And then grew the use of drugs and alcohol of the working slaves of the rich - many died. And so on. I guess this is the step where your way to think is now.

But the people a hundred and more years ago did do something else then to try to justify what no one is able to justify. They thought into their future - what is now our life - and fought against all this terrible and deadly situations and invented social welfare and tried to develope out of the natural human rights (the god given human rights) binding standards, unalienable and enforceable human rights.

And now I am interested what you will answer because I bet I know how you will answer.
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... The Founding Fathers probably never envisioned a Congress full of foreign paid traitors and sociopaths. ...

Hmm ... ¿paid traitors?, ¿sociopaths? ... A question: Do you get your money from mum, dad, friends or from a foreigner? ...

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Provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare.
Words have meanings, and "provide" is not a synonym of "promote".
Also, "general" is not a synonym of "individual".
Hmm ... ¿paid traitors?, ¿sociopaths? ... A question: Do you get your money from mum, dad, friends or from a foreigner? ...

Money is earned from selling labor for a skill that a business needs…Do you really not know how this works at a basic level?
Money is earned from selling labor for a skill that a business needs…Do you really not know how this works at a basic level?

Sorry - but you seem not to know that money is only an illusion at a basic level. Nothing in the reality of our universe needs money to exist. "Money" is only a game human beings are playing since some thousands years. I guess the game started when a boy gave a girl a very nice seaschell and she loved it. What are the rules of this game today and what to do with rule breakers today is only our own decision as human beings and not the decision of anyone else. It exists nothing what is comparable with god given laws in spirituality or natural laws in science in this context. Economy is only a very special form of "theology" = "moneyology" for the most mighty self-created god "money".
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You "laughed" before I finished my last answer. Tell me please what you "laugh" about or what you really think about when you "laugh" in such a context. Example: If you have a ton full of money then you feel save - do you also feel save when you have 10 tons of chewing gum which "represent" this money?
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