What did the confidential information leaked show about how the Biden administration lies?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Most news only covers the Pentagon leak attacking the person leaking the information, but never cover what information was leaked and how it makes the Joe Biden administration look bad.

All we hear is that some 20 year old kid leaked the information and that he is a racist gun lover. Those are the only things the media cares about these days, and it would not surprise me in the least if that is a fabrication.

That's it, that is the extent of journalism for the Joe Biden controlled media

But some out there are covering what was leaked and how it proves Joe Biden is a pathological liar.

For starters, he has lied about the Ukraine, in terms of the outlook of the war, in terms of US troops being on the ground, and other lies such as saying it was unknown if the China balloons were really spying on the US. Guess what, they were.

But Americans are accustomed to being lied to before being taken to war by democrats such as LBJ

Here is what LBJ said to get elected.

President Lyndon B. Johnson lied about the threat posed by the North Vietnamese to preserve his political power. In 1964 Johnson told an Akron, Ohio election campaign crowd, "We are not about to send American boys nine or 10 thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves."

Then after being elected, LBJ sent U.S. combat troops to the jungles of Vietnam, lying to the American people about the attack on US forces in the Gulf of Tonkin, eventually deploying half a million personnel until our withdrawal in 1975 with our tail tucked and at the cost of more than 58,000 American lives.

So as you are burying your sons and daughters after the next Democrat war, remember you voted for it American

You had to ask why didn't someone tell the world about top secret documents and what they would reveal. Man you are one dumb person to ask.
How many more times will we allow presidents in the thrall of the Military-Industrial-Security Complex lie us into a war before we just say, "If you're gonna get us in yet another war your sponsors can get rich off of, we can't stop you. So no need to go through the intelligence insulting charade anymore."

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