What Did Trump Say At the Ellipse?

He repeated EVERY lie and conspiracy theory that has been put out there. He whipped that crowd up with fear of "re-education" and "steals" and claims of unconstitutionality told that crowd that THIS was the MOMENT... He claimed that things could actually be made to have a different out come if only the Republican legislators weren't weak and if "we" were strong. He talked of fighting over and over.
Here are some excerpts

In no state is there any question or effort made to verify the identity, citizenship, residency, or eligibility of the votes cast. The Republicans have to get tougher. You're not going to have a Republican Party if you don't get tougher. They want to play so straight. They want to play so, sir, yes, the United States.


01:02:24 - 01:02:45 (21 sec)

The Constitution doesn't allow me to send them back to the States. Well, I say, yes, it does because the Constitution says you have to protect our country and you have to protect our Constitution, and you can't vote on fraud. And fraud breaks up everything, doesn't it? When you catch somebody in a fraud, you're allowed to go by very different rules.

As we shall see he absolutely did incite that insurrection. Not that the crowd needed much. He had been priming them for weeks

This is not just a matter of domestic politics, this is a matter of national security.
Not to mention paying them for it.

The left steal the election from Trump and still they :206::206::206:
Yea well that's bullshit. 60 courts including the SCOTUS have said so...so you're relying on what

Kraken Lady?
Your own fevered imagination?
So I hope Mike has the courage to do what he has to do and I hope he doesn't listen to the RINOs and the stupid people that he's listening to.

We must stop this deal and then we must ensure that such outrageous election fraud never happens again, can never be allowed to happen again. But we're going for it. We'll take care of going forward. We've got to take care of going back. Don't let them talk. OK, well, we promised. I've had a lot of people.

And the Republicans have to get a lot tougher, and so should the Democrats. They should be regulated, investigated, and brought to justice under the fullest extent of the law. They're totally breaking the law. (Remember, he had just previously said that "you're allowed to go by different rules")
I posted a video of Rand Paul. He answers that total bullshit you just posted. It is in the Senate private citizen thread.
I posted a video of Rand Paul. He answers that total bullshit you just posted. It is in the Senate private citizen thread.
Good for Rand Paul. Has anyone mentioned to him that there is precedent for Impeaching a private citizen?
There was massive fraud. Period.
Yea well that's bullshit. 60 courts including the SCOTUS have said so...so you're relying on what

Kraken Lady?
Your own fevered imagination?
He repeated EVERY lie and conspiracy theory that has been put out there. He whipped that crowd up with fear of "re-education" and "steals" and claims of unconstitutionality told that crowd that THIS was the MOMENT... He claimed that things could actually be made to have a different out come if only the Republican legislators weren't weak and if "we" were strong. He talked of fighting over and over.
Here are some excerpts

In no state is there any question or effort made to verify the identity, citizenship, residency, or eligibility of the votes cast. The Republicans have to get tougher. You're not going to have a Republican Party if you don't get tougher. They want to play so straight. They want to play so, sir, yes, the United States.


01:02:24 - 01:02:45 (21 sec)

The Constitution doesn't allow me to send them back to the States. Well, I say, yes, it does because the Constitution says you have to protect our country and you have to protect our Constitution, and you can't vote on fraud. And fraud breaks up everything, doesn't it? When you catch somebody in a fraud, you're allowed to go by very different rules.

As we shall see he absolutely did incite that insurrection. Not that the crowd needed much. He had been priming them for weeks

This is not just a matter of domestic politics, this is a matter of national security.

The filthy Democrats stole the election using the scam of unverified mail in ballots counted in Democrat controlled districts.

America needs to be constantly reminded of what really happen because the Swamp doesn't give a shit that the Democrats have stolen our Democracy.
No comment tards?

Well you'll be seeing montages like this in the Impeachment trial
Hey LUSH, where's that part about peacefully going and supporting the Senators? Oh yeah you ignore that. And you best watch your mouth. Pretty sure you're being monitored.
, where's that part about peacefully going and supporting the Senators?
He musta whispered it because the crowd sure didn't get that message.

As that speech was happening they were yelling about storming the Capitol and "REVOLUTION!"
The Rs are spineless and worthless. He didn't lie.

Just a few weeks ago democrats and the weak republicans were claiming Pence didn't have constitutional authority to hold up the counting of electors, and now we have democrats re-writing the rules on impeachment.
A. No one is rewriting anything


B. Pence..what? Did you think he HAD that authority? Ummm even HE knew he didn't have that power
I posted a video of Rand Paul. He answers that total bullshit you just posted. It is in the Senate private citizen thread.
Good for Rand Paul. Has anyone mentioned to him that there is precedent for Impeaching a private citizen?
There was massive fraud. Period.
Yea well that's bullshit. 60 courts including the SCOTUS have said so...so you're relying on what

Kraken Lady?
Your own fevered imagination?
I am relying on the evidence I watched presented at the state legislature hearings the MSM would not air or report on unless it was to smear someone. It was very convincing evidence and certainly enough to demand what should be a gimmie. Transparency.

So far it has been denied. Obvious guilt is obvious guilt.
But I said something's wrong here, something is really wrong, can have happened. And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore.

That goes both ways...
Taken by itself maybe..but with everything else?

Not so much

Was there any miss interpretaion of the wods of insurrection uttered by Schumer, Watters, Booker Democrats all?
Each called for their followers to react with physical force against Trump and conservatives...
All in all Antifa/BLM Marxist anarchist terrorists were also funded by the Left.....
But I said something's wrong here, something is really wrong, can have happened. And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore.

That goes both ways...
Taken by itself maybe..but with everything else?

Not so much

Was there any miss interpretaion of the wods of insurrection uttered by Schumer, Watters, Booker Democrats all?
Each called for their followers to react with physical force against Trump and conservatives...
All in all Antifa/BLM Marxist anarchist terrorists were also funded by the Left.....
He said go down to the Capitol where you can cheer for some and some not
The word “fight” which lib loons are trying to transpose as solely meaning “physical altercation” doez In Fact Far more Frequently mean to make a concerted effort. Language manipulation effort by libs to build up fake frothing is dangerous.

You must be made to understand the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie Newspeak...

He began manipulating the public on Day One with his fake news propaganda, ensuring that his supporters would no longer listen to the truth. It was the first step. Of course, back then, he also promised, "I will accept the results of the election...IF I WIN." And then went on to fuss about millions of illegals voting for Clinton, which lost him the popular vote. No evidence of this was ever found. He tried a voting commission to find fraud, which bombed because darn it, voters DO have some right to privacy, even from nosy Republicans who want to look over everyone's shoulder while they vote and then run records checks on them all...

So when the time came for him to put on an all out assault on democracy and the truth, he was ready. It was to do one thing and one thing only: to stay in power. But he lost. It's not how it works. No amount of truth telling could touch them because of four years of conditioning. QAnon was having a heyday. Rightwing news sites blossomed. Rhetoric became more and more inflamed and the AK Crowd on social media began threatening war. The President kept pushing harder, as he lost over 60 court cases in numerous states. Even the Krakken and the Dripping Rudy Show couldn't convince the courts and voting officials and state legislatures of fraud, not even Republican ones.

I'm not saying anything that hasn't been said a thousand times before. You all know what Trump did. He took a large group of our countrymen and convinced them of a lie and that he should still be President, even though he very clearly lost. That is called an authoritarian take over, an insurrection. He brought millions of people with him dishonestly and he invited all that could to come to DC on the day the Congress certified Joe Biden's win. He spent an hour telling the huge crowd how evil the Democrats were, how they had stolen the election from them, and that they needed to be strong and fight.

They did.

And he didn't lift a finger to stop them for hours.

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