What did Trump say to incite violence?

They like to pick a phrase out of a speech, combine it with a phrase someone else said at a different time plus yet a third phrase from yet a different person, then claim they amount to a coup attempt. They tried the same stupid stunt when Giffords was shot, claiming Sarah Palin's web page had a target symbol on it and was to blame for the shooting. The fact that the shooter had no knowledge of the page was irrelevant to them.

Pepperidge Farms remembers exactly what Donald Trump said to start the violence in this country. It's went like this:

"I, Donald John Trump, so solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States..."

That's when the violence started.

A Vacuous Bed Wetter said:
HE SAID "EXECUTE"!!!!! He was endorsing violence from the start!!!!

They really are that stupid.

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In a roundabout way, he told a mob to go down to the Capitol building and force them to count electoral college votes in his favor so he could remain, president. This despite knowing Bidon had won the electoral college majority.

Pathetic, not even close.
This lying shill ignores that antifa started the riots and trump supporters tried to prevent them from stopping them,there is a both eyewitness reports and video proof of all this.
I'm not a Trump supporter, but it's obvious to me why subversive corrupt powers within our own country would want to paint Republicans, conservatives, patriots etc as "domestic terrorists."

Obviously when you have subversive powers who want an entirely new system, they must destroy those who want to expose them. And one way of doing that is by painting patriots in the worst possible way... as "terrorists", lunatics, evil violent people, etc.

That strategy to discredit anyone who cares about protecting the bill of rights, freedom, individual liberties, etc has been going on for a very long time. Since at least back to the Clinton era.

What most people don't realize (because it sounds so "conspiracy theory"ish) is that these subversive people within our government have no scruples whatsoever, to them the ends justify the means, so anything goes for them. Which means false flags, using agent provocateurs, lying to and deceiving the public, namely naive people who still trust the media and government.

Everyone needs to wake up because what's happening is not what you're being told. Those of you who are going along with what the government and media are telling you seem to think that you'll be fine, that's where you're wrong. What's going to happen is going to affect everyone, no matter what "side" you're on.
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I'm not a Trump supporter, but it's obvious to me why subversive corrupt powers within our own country would want to paint Republicans, conservatives, patriots etc as "domestic terrorists."

Obviously when you have subversive powers who want an entirely new system, they must destroy those who want to expose them. And one way of doing that is by painting patriots in the worst possible way... as "terrorists", lunatics, evil violent people, etc.

That strategy to discredit anyone who cares about protecting the bill of rights, freedom, individual liberties, etc has been going on for a very long time. Since at least back to the Clinton era.

What most people don't realize (because it sounds so "conspiracy theory"ish) is that these subversive people within our government have no scruples whatsoever, to them the ends justify the means, so anything goes for them. Which means false flags, using agent provocateurs, lying to and deceiving the public, namely naive people who still trust the media and government.

Everyone needs to wake up because what's happening is not what you're being told. Those of you who are going along with what the government and media are telling you seem to think that you'll be fine, that's where you're wrong. What's going to happen is going to affect everyone, no matter what "side" you're on.

Unfortunately, cultivating 'mushrooms' for decades is working for them but not for freedom and liberty.
It's sad.
I'm not a Trump supporter, but it's obvious to me why subversive corrupt powers within our own country would want to paint Republicans, conservatives, patriots etc as "domestic terrorists."

Obviously when you have subversive powers who want an entirely new system, they must destroy those who want to expose them. And one way of doing that is by painting patriots in the worst possible way... as "terrorists", lunatics, evil violent people, etc.

That strategy to discredit anyone who cares about protecting the bill of rights, freedom, individual liberties, etc has been going on for a very long time. Since at least back to the Clinton era.

What most people don't realize (because it sounds so "conspiracy theory"ish) is that these subversive people within our government have no scruples whatsoever, to them the ends justify the means, so anything goes for them. Which means false flags, using agent provocateurs, lying to and deceiving the public, namely naive people who still trust the media and government.

Everyone needs to wake up because what's happening is not what you're being told. Those of you who are going along with what the government and media are telling you seem to think that you'll be fine, that's where you're wrong. What's going to happen is going to affect everyone, no matter what "side" you're on.

There comes a point that one must decide whether the electorate is worth the sacrifice. Sometimes it may just be preferable to let people sleep in the beds they help make.
I'm not a Trump supporter, but it's obvious to me why subversive corrupt powers within our own country would want to paint Republicans, conservatives, patriots etc as "domestic terrorists."

Obviously when you have subversive powers who want an entirely new system, they must destroy those who want to expose them. And one way of doing that is by painting patriots in the worst possible way... as "terrorists", lunatics, evil violent people, etc.

That strategy to discredit anyone who cares about protecting the bill of rights, freedom, individual liberties, etc has been going on for a very long time. Since at least back to the Clinton era.

What most people don't realize (because it sounds so "conspiracy theory"ish) is that these subversive people within our government have no scruples whatsoever, to them the ends justify the means, so anything goes for them. Which means false flags, using agent provocateurs, lying to and deceiving the public, namely naive people who still trust the media and government.

Everyone needs to wake up because what's happening is not what you're being told. Those of you who are going along with what the government and media are telling you seem to think that you'll be fine, that's where you're wrong. What's going to happen is going to affect everyone, no matter what "side" you're on.

There comes a point that one must decide whether the electorate is worth the sacrifice. Sometimes it may just be preferable to let people sleep in the beds they help make.

I was just thinking that a little while ago! That exact same thing. I'm getting to the point where I'm losing sympathy for willfully blind fools who don't understand that what they're supporting now is going to come back to bite them in the @ss eventually. As you always say, people who participate in coercion understand very little of their role in it, and absolutely nothing of its consequence. Until it affects them.

I was just thinking maybe it's true that people get the government they deserve. :dunno:
I was just thinking that a little while ago! That exact same thing. I'm getting to the point where I'm losing sympathy for willfully blind fools who don't understand that what they're supporting now is going to come back to bite them in the @ss eventually. As you always say, people who participate in coercion understand very little of their role in it, and absolutely nothing of its consequence. Until it affects them.

I was just thinking maybe it's true that people get the government they deserve. :dunno:

I spent two hours today looking at Mexican real estate in Northern Baja.
You call me an idiot?

Because of Covid, Germans have been placing their towels on hospital beds very early in the morning.

We have what? ... No idea what you like to say with this words. We are in the moment in a more worse situation than the USA. We made the mistslae to try a so called "wave breaker" - a more soft way to fight Corona. This was wrong. But still everyone gets intensive medical care. Most problems we will solve in then next weeks. But one problem everyone should take care worldwide: If a virus becomes more deadly, beause of variations and mutations then everyone normally thinks this is the worst case - but the worst case is a "normal" deadly virus becomes more easy tranferable - as it is for example with the new English version of the Sars-CoV-2 virus.

They're the most hated country in the world.

We are nations and not a nation. What you call Germany is Prussia. Prussia is dead since a long time now. Unfortunatelly are also Bohemia, Silesia and others dead. You and your allies of world war 1+2 murdered them. I'm also not happy about that Siebenbürgen (Transsylvania) died and many Germans left Russia and Germans had to come home from many other countries all over the world. By the way: The USA wiped out their Germans in world war 1.

Donald Trump had shown meanwhile by the way that it is possible to win votes in the USA with hate against Germany, so more than 50% of the people of the USA - you call this "the world" - hates us. And I'm sure it is not only Germany what you hate - you hate all European nations. And all South-American nations. Not to forget England and the nations of the former British empire as well as Russia, China and Japan. And in the end seems only to be a dead Red Indian, Black, Maori or Latino to be a good US-American. And the question will be, whether you will murder the unamerican Catholic Joe Biden - as you had murdered JFK in your country, where no one is a real US-American and everyone is an enemy, so everyone has to carry weapons in public - and to use them in your schools and Capitol.
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To me, the only thing that can incite anything is the way that people decide to feel about whatever it is that they decide to feel about anything.

God bless you always!!!

In a roundabout way, he told a mob to go down to the Capitol building and force them to count electoral college votes in his favor so he could remain, president. This despite knowing Bidon had won the electoral college majority.

Pathetic, not even close.
This lying shill ignores that antifa started the riots and trump supporters tried to prevent them from stopping them,there is a both eyewitness reports and video proof of all this.
Yea whatever. -Try to stay off the crystal meth!
I recall Barry Hussein ranting something like "if they bring a knife to a fight we will bring a gun". I wonder what he meant.

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